Dispatchdcu's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: The Comicbook Dispatch, Weird Science Marvel Comics, Monkeys Fighting Robots Reviews: 1223
8.3Avg. Review Rating

The Amazing Spider-Man #6 (Legacy #900) is an amazing anniversary issue. The stories within are well written and paired with art teams perfectly. The $9.99 price tag is a little steep but at roughly 90 pages, its a good deal and definitely worth picking up.

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Tom Taylor and Daniele Di Nicuolo have created a story that definitely requires repeat immersion. Seven Secrets #12 is definitely the best book I've read this week. This is the book that I'm currently reading last each week it comes out to make sure that I finish on a high note.

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And as for how I began the review of Gotham City: Year One #3, please understand that I truly do respect King as a writer, and I know he puts forth a ton of effort into all he does. Lately, his items just havent been hitting nor do I think he delivers on his characters well. But this issue is entirely different. Again, this is not only the best issue of the week BUT the best issue Ive read by anyone at any company for quite some time. I just warn you to be prepared to truly feel the supercharged, raw emotions that will literally leap off the page this week as you read it. What an outstanding job by everyone involved. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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A.X.E. JUDGMENT DAY #1 is intense, action-packed, well defined, easy to follow, and filled with energy thanks to Schiti and this art team. Other than not completely understanding how Sinister, Ajak and the AVENGERS fit into the picture quite yet, I'd say this issue is a must-buy to any and all current MARVEL COMIC readers and fans.

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If youre a fan of either mainstay character, youll adore this double feature at the Drive-In. I had to wait until after work to grab this one. However, you shouldnt! Get it as soon as you can! I have a feeling it may sell out before you can get your hands on it. Pick it up ASAP, add this series to your pull list, and let me know what you think. Have a great week and God Bless!

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BATMAN: THREE JOKERS #2 is real. Its gritty. Its nasty. And, its scary.

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Jason Aaron not only magnifies Conan the Barbarians characteristics wonderfully but he also builds an overly entertaining story that this reader has never seen before in a Conan narrative. The issue is fast-paced, enjoyable, and actually helps make the overarching story feel more complete.

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Hats off to the entire creative team! Fans of Daredevil, Marvel Comics, or superheroes in general, need to pick this issue up. It will definitely make you think and feel things you may never have before.

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Readers won't be disappointed with this issue. Plus, we get two incredible cliffhangers.

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Gunslinger Spawn #17 rends asunder the veil separating contemporary events from supernatural struggles. Jaw-dropping art rides a revelatory story for a rock-and-roll thrill ride that will leave you breathless, reeling, and gasping for more.

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Did HELLIONS ever fit into the overall plan of Hickman's vision? Probably not. But it never needed to. Like the characters, the series beat to its own drum and made me care for characters I should have never cared about. That alone should tell you how amazing this series was with a culminating issue that left the story in a great place. Id tell you to pick this issue up, but its too late you need the trade by this point. Dont wait, get it today! Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God bless!

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Whether you are a fan of the Hulk, Ewing, great art, comics, monster tales, or simply great stories, this comic is for you. This series is what Fresh Start is all about. Pick this issue up.

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JUSTICE LEAGUE has already been ten times better since Scott Snyder began. However, Tynion's issue is by far the best one yet. He has a knack for writing villains, especially Luthor and Grodd.

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Like the first issue in the series, NEW FANTASTIC FOUR #2 is the kind of comic best saved for the bottom of the reading pilethe perfect dessert after a long main course.

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Hickman proves once again what great planning, organizing, and calculated detail can create. He answers every question and wraps up both relaunch series masterfully while establishing an ambitious theme as the story evolves forward for years to come.

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FINAL THOUGHTSIf you enjoy Esad Ribics art, insanely crazy battles between characters you thought youd never see, as well as some of the most ingenious ideas for character development, this comic was entirely for you. If youre totally ok with waiting for an extra issue for the narrative to wrap up while Ribic basically puts on a clinic for any and all artists, this comic is for you. At this point, this reviewer has said it dozens of times; buy this series. Buy this trade. Buy this issue. What on Earth are you waiting for already?

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DARTH VADER is the best STAR WARS related book on the shelves. If you are a fan of this mythos, you'll love Soule's extended, in-depth, background into the Psyche of the most savage and merciless villain in the galaxy.

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Stegman and Cates are the new Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo. Cates is diving so deep into the mythos of Venom, just like Snyder did with Batman while Stegman's art captures the dark and fantastical of the character beautifully, just like Capullo did with the Dark Knight. Cates and Stegman are two of the best creative storytellers, and artistic geniuses in all of comics right now just like Snyder and Capullo were during DC's "Fresh Start" with the New 52.

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THE DISPATCHIs Ms. Marvel a mutant? Is she Inhuman? What exactly is she? Well, youll find out in this year's X-Men: Hellfire Gala 2023 #1. And trust me when I tell you, its no surprise to any longtime comic book fan. However, to any new recruit, since the MCU took hold and pumped out these streaming shows, this issue may be more of a shock to them. Nevertheless, if youre expecting that to be a big-time shock, youll be sorely mistaken. Because as you know, every year since the Hellfire Gala has been introduced, some type of new mutant innovation is always revealed to the world. And X-Men: Hellfire Gala 2023 #1 is no different. However, I wont be the one to spoil that tidbit. Youll have to get the issue yourself to find out!!!

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Batman #141 is outstanding. It's action-packed and ultimately brings this entire Zdarsky run together (minus a few key components that should get ironed out next issue).

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Duggan took a character that looked unfixable and repaired it. He took a practically untouchable character and repurposed it. However, the cherry on top is that Duggan arguably made the uninteresting CABLE one of the best X-MEN series to come out of HOXPOX.

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If you love the Hulk, buy this issue and add it to your pull list. If you love stories that make you really think about something mysterious, powerful, and heavy than this issue is for you. If you have Biblical interests, this issue is for you. If you love action-packed fights laid out gorgeously by this dynamic art team led by Joe Bennett, you need to buy this issue. Basically, I dont know who wouldnt like this issue! Everyone needs to read this series. Buy the trades to catch up and start now with issue 20 if you want to read something truly next level! Ewing has something for everyone in every issue. Give issue 20 a try and tell me what you think.

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With such a surprise ending for both overarching plots of Ewings narrative, readers will leave this issue welcomingly disturbed with uncertainty and eagerly awaiting the next issue for more clues and fiercely vibrant action sequences that may keep fans up at night.

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If youre looking for a single issue to explain the true character of Thor, this is that issue. If youve been following Jason Aarons run for years now, you simply have to get this issue. Its gripping, well written, nostalgic, and wildly entertaining. Aaron immediately captures your attention and holds you tight until the very last page.

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There is no doubt that only after 2 issues, this series could very well be the best ongoing in comics now. If you havent checked it out, go to your shop, get issue 1 as well as this issue. Read them back to back and somehow t

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Hickman once again proves that he is one of the best storytellers in any game right now. His ability to take the characters we love while telling a spellbinding narrative that will eventually reboot the Marvel Universe is unprecedented.

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She gives me a Paris Hilton in the early 2000s vibe with the appearance of being the stereotypical dumb influencer. Yet, she's very smart and calculated, which shows during this interview scene. Furthermore, I love seeing antagonists like Saya Ishi. Its a nice welcome compared to the big tough bad guy (theres nothing wrong with them, but its just different). I am excited to read the next issue to see how her character develops with the story.

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If you're interested in a Batman story that's jumpin' right from page one, Batman #128 is it! From its special guests to its emotional moments, this high-octane rollercoaster doesn't stop until the end. Additionally, the action is top-notch and the play-by-play narration from Batman, while Superman is taking on Failsafe, was some incredibly impressive writing. Combine all of the above with some wildly powerful illustrations from this creative crew and fans will find one of the most entertaining issues in the past 128.

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As I stated in my last review of BATMAN/ SUPERMAN, Reis provides so much detail into the minutiae of film strips. From burnt pages to the thousands of small film panels surrounding the Auteur.10, the detail is immense. Furthermore, the colors, along with the inks, are so rich and vibrant providing depth and definition to the characters and their surroundings. Occasionally, I found a few of the pages a bit too cluttered with word balloons. Yet, if they were ignored, Id be missing key elements of the story. Sometimes, its hard to fit in everything and hit the page count.

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Overall, Batman/Superman: World's Finest #24 is a must-read for fans of both characters as well as the Kingdom Come story. With its expertly crafted storyline, stunning artwork, and dynamic characterizations, Waid has delivered a crossover event that is sure to satisfy fans old and new alike. Whether you're a longtime fan of Batman and Superman or just dipping your toes into the world of superhero comics, this issue is guaranteed to leave you wanting to check out Kingdom Come or at least re-read it again. This culminating issue was super powerful and will certainly be the highlight of everyones comic reading week.

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Aaron lays out a masterful issue once again and shows a side of Conan that this reviewer has never seen before. The intricate detail and family dynamic sets this issue apart from the rest of his run. Conan fans, or fans interested in dipping their toe into the Cimmerians icy cold water, could read this issue as a stand-alone and get a taste of what both the Barbarian and Aaron have to offer.

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DAREDEVIL #606 is a perfect starting point for new and old fans to jump on. Soule gets readers caught up immediately with what's essential and doesn't waste any time digging into his story. Soule, Soto, and Cowles are the three amigos that make this comic exciting, engaging, easy to follow, and great to look at!

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Even if you haven't been following along with this comic, it's still total genius watching Soule connect a made-up identity and morphing it into a real character in the Marvel Universe who could be around forever. However, I recommend buying DAREDEVIL #606 with it to get the full effect. Excellent job to everyone involved in this issue.

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Hill has created the best Bat Book out now, and possibly since REBIRTH. Heck, he even gives readers Commissioner Gordon.

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FINAL THOUGHTSBy the bolts of Balthakk, readers need to pick this one up and add it to your collection. Its a fantastic narrative to pull out years from now that youll love and need no context before or after the issue to read it. This reviewer highly recommends DOCTOR STRANGE #18 and everyone should be adding the remaining issues in the series to their pull list. Awesome job Waid and Saiz!

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The art was fabulous and timeless with its rendering. Plus, the writing was humorous and witty. Furthermore, the story is engaging and wildly entertaining. Its the FLASH series Ive wanted for years AND it looks like its going to fix some mistakes in the process. What more could you ask for in a comic? This issue is a perfect example of a creative team hitting on all cylinders. Pick this up, add the FLASH to your pull list, and let me know what you think. Adams and his team are on fire!

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FLASHPOINT BEYOND #0 has that special spark along with the action, suspense, and clever twists that are sure to excite the longtime fan. There is literally something for everyone. From Pre FLASHPOINT, NEW 52, DC REBIRTH, DOOMSDAY CLOCK, and BEYOND, Johns is doing his best to weave this tapestry back together. And who could think of a better writer for the job?

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Now, as for our SUPERMAN story, Im going to begin by informing the readers that Phillip Kennedy Johnson is the perfect man for the job as the next SUPERMAN writer. The passion he has for the character leaps of the page and punches you in the gut. This issue was percolating with emotion and sentiment for the MAN OF STEEL. Johnson answers who SUPERMAN is and what he means to the people that read him. Johnson gets the hope he brings forth in comics as well as our daily lives. Frankly, I havent seen this side of SUPERMAN in years. And, if this is any hint as to Johnsons direction for ACTION COMICS and SUPERMAN moving forward, all I can say is take my money now!

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This is the issue that puts all the pieces together for the reader and truly showcases all the core elements of a great crime noir. Readers get all the evil motivations mixed with an incredibly dark setting.

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Hickman will blow your mind this weeks HOUSE OF X #2. Pick this immensely clever issue up, add both series to your pull list if you havent already, and get pumped for next weeks POWERS OF X #2. If you werent on board, this reviewer hopes you are now! All aboard!!!

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This is a MUST buy and a MUST read if you care about these characters and the franchise moving forward. Dont wait until the weekend to pick this up. Go today and make it a priority.

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FINAL THOUGHTSThis reviewer has never felt so proud of these magnificent mutants as he did after this each. However, this fan has also never felt so heartbroken either. This is a MUST buy and a MUST read if you care about these characters and the franchise moving forward. Dont wait until the weekend to pick this up. Go today and make it a priority. Its a truly amazing read for different reasons than the other issues, yet just as dynamic and exciting as the rest. Readers will be so proud of Hickmans portrayal, love, and care of these characters. Excellent job Mr. Hickman!

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Al Ewing is pulling off one shots that are interesting, thought provoking, insightful, and truly depict the HULK in as realistic a way as he could be. The art team is also drawing out of this world and taking this book up to another level.

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Since Ewing, Bennett, Jose have been doing IMMORTAL HULK,the story has been excellent and the art has been so impressive. They haven't had a single down issue yet.

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If you aren't reading IMMORTAL HULK, you're missing out. Pick it up and put it on your pull list immediately. You won't be disappointed.

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For an issue with little to no action, fans will be fully content with background answers and story beats that finally become prosperous. Hickman uses INFERNO as a means to provide explanations for gaps and questions that many fans have wondered since HOXPOX. And frankly, no single issue has truly been this good since HOXPOX ended.

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This is the best the Justice League has been in years. YEARS! Be warned: the issue is dense with material and can be heavy to read at times. But, that's not a bad thing. It means Snyder is being thorough, creative, and changing the landscape of the DC Comic Universe.

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Four issues into the run and we have excellent pacing, fantastic art, amazing layouts, reasons that can be explained, action, adventure, a task for almost every member of the Justice League, and it's just a fun read. Yes! If you haven't added it yet, you're just late to the party now.

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Mortal Terror #3 does an excellent job living up to the previous two issues with another brilliant chapter in this haunting world. From the brilliantly designed and paneled action scenes to the thought-provoking ideas, this issue truly pushes the characters in new and interesting directions. If you are looking for a series that has morally gray characters, fantastic fight scenes, and romance to share, this is it, and it cant get any better than this.

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The series continues to be creative, exciting, and well-paced while the intensity continues to increase from one issue to the next making the series incredibly valued and important. If youre a Hickman fan, this is right in your wheelhouse. If youre an X-Men fan, youll get some crazy-cool team-ups, never before seen moments, and out of this world action that you never thought youd ever see in an X-Men comic. This reviewer highly recommends this issue, as well as both the HOUSE OF X and POWERS OF X series. If you havent bought in yet, youre late to the party.

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Hickman shows fans the truth about Year 100 but leaves readers wondering about HOUSE OF X, as well as many of the other Lifes of Moira MacTaggert. Is Year One or Year Ten also in Life Nine or are they in Life Ten? Maybe Year 1000 takes place in Life 11, which isnt even listed yet? As the Imagine Dragons once said, the path to heaven runs through miles of crowded hell. Readers new to Hickman need to be open to a couple of confusing issues before some big reveals. Trust that he has a plan and has done extensive research before diving into a story. Either way you slice it, Hickman is finally putting the pieces together and providing a well-needed direction for the fans reading that feel utterly confused. Again, this reviewer hopes fans can hang in there and keep a list of all their questions until the end because there is no doubt Hickman will answer them all as the story continues to unfold.

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Conan may appear to be on a treasure hunt, escaping sorcerers, or simply fighting for his life, but Duggan shows the Cimmerians loyalty and character every step of the way. The issue was nonstop action and excitement while leaving readers hearts racing by the end. Fans will leave this issue being extremely entertained and wanting more. And the best part is; each issue has been such a fast read, including this one!

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Jonathan Hickman does it again but this time without the nonstop action and epic Battle Royale. He uses suspense, imagination, originality, and innovation to seduce readers deeper into the narrative. The issue is extremely well-paced and packed full of comparisons to Christianity, Judaism, and Creation/ Garden imagery. Esad Ribics realistic tone to every character was beautiful, including characters like Dragon Man, while his Galactus was drawn with such fiery radiance that this reviewer could stare at those pages for hours. If youre interested in an epic event that will keep you guessing, ensnare your attention, and elevate your level of excitement for the characters you love, this issue is for you. Pick this up if you can, otherwise grab the trade as soon as possible.

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People die and big players are reintroduced to the anecdote to inflict some crazy conflict.

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The overall idea of the story has been done before BUT not with Darth Vader. However, Soule's creativity shines through in "how" Tarkin deploys his tactics and what he does in his attempt to kill one of the greatest villains of all time. If that doesn't sell you, then pick the issue up for its fantastic artistic display of Vader in action. If you love Star Wars, you will love this issue.

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Soule made this issue quick and clean. There was very little dialogue, which made the comic easy to read and fun, while the art team literally draws readers into the issue wonderfully. Soule set up the first issue well and left readers with great questions moving forward.

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Bold. Intrepid. Revolutionary. These words best describe what Stargirl: The Lost Children #4 is attempting to do with Johns at the helm. Furthermore, Im a strong believer that the perfect judge of a comic is whether or not you leave the issue speculating and contemplating whats next. Its the water cooler talk after a great episode on TV. If discussion arises, its upper echelon material. And readers, Stargirl: The Lost Children #4 is just that! Sure, some of these newer elements were still a bit confusing. The how and why behind Childminder are examples of that. Nevertheless, the explanation of those details could be taking a backseat for the moment to focus on other areas I mentioned above. It doesnt mean those answers will never arrive. Readers, Stargirl: The Lost Children #4 is a must-buy for the sheer boldness and discussion alone. Heck, the entire series is a must-buy. And if youre sleeping on this series because its focus is on Stargirl, youre really missing out! Get in on it now!

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This issue may cause nightmares. The artistic detail and imagination lead by Donny Cates and Ryan Stegman is truly unmatched right now. Pick up this issue and ask your Local Comic Shop to order you issue 1 & 2 while you're at it.

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Cates and Stegman genuinely compliment each other and continue to be one of the best teams in comics right now.

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Spurrier will make you think. WAY OF X isn't for the comic fans who want a smash and grab action comic. It's more of a discussion book. WAY OF X is a water cooler series. Spurrier has created a series centered around the heavy topics of faith, religion, spirituality, and resurrection.

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I love character development, dialogue, and history when used effectively, especially when a writer can manage all of the above serenaded by bits of action. Percy weaves in an issue thats an info dump… but it doesnt feel that way when youre finished. Readers, this is top-notch, master fiction at its finest this week. New WOLVERINE fans learn a ton while old fans get to peel back extra layers of the onion to truly see that special bond between Maverick and Logan that words cant describe… except Percy finds a way. Im super pumped to see where this is going and I hope Maverick isnt going anywhere any time soon. This issue is deep, suspenseful, powerful, and captivating. Let me know what you think and remember, today is a victory over yourself of yesterday. Have a great week and God bless!

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In the first few pages, the use of the vibrant pop of the golden sky against the dark monochrome figures creates an interesting way to show a flashback, as opposed to the typical black and white or blurry images. The explosions of color carry throughout the issue, with a focus on nature being the most saturated. For example, on the plane, Yara pulls out an intense pink and yellow bag decorated with flowers, against the muted colors of the plane. 

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Gillen has not only made me feel prepared for A.X.E. JUDGMENT DAY, but he has also made me curious enough to want to go back and read ETERNALS rather than feeling that I have to go back and read ETERNALS.

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The Amazing Spider-Man #1 by Zeb Wells is an amazing issue. New readers will find this to be a great issue to jump onboard as Wells' story doesn't require any prior knowledge to get up to speed. With a lot of questions being asked, some readers may want something more substantial to hold onto. The return of John Romita Jr. has excited fans since the announcement and the art does not disappoint. Overall, The Amazing Spider-Man #1 is a near-perfect issue to start off a fresh storyline.

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Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo #4 was the best issue in the run to date. Silvestri put all the pieces together and readers can tell we've finally made it to what we've signed up for.

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Batman #133 continues Zdarskys wildly creative story with a Batman more familiar to the diehard fans of yore. Vengeance is back baby! The Bat of Gotham is ready to strike fear in the hearts of everyone as he single-handedly drains this evil, corrupted Gotham Swamp. Moreover, the action is relentless from start to finish. From excavating dead bodies to fighting venomized villains, Batman takes fans down memory lane as to why we all love this character so much. Readers, I havent had this much fun in this title in years. Sure, Failsafe was a good arc and it changed the trajectory of the series well. But Batman #133 finally provides this title with the excitement its been missing for quite some time. I know its in the middle of the arc, but Batman fans should be back on this title. Get the back issues and trades of Zdarskys run and hop on board while you still can.

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Overall, Batman/ Spawn #1 is a MUST-BUY to any Capullo fan, Snyder Batman fan, Spawn fan, and anyone looking for a dark, violent tale. Don't wait to pick this up.

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Batman/ Superman: Worlds Finest #22 very well may be the best issue in this entire run to date. It puts the puzzle pieces together well, offers a perfect balance of action and suspense, and couples those elements with outstanding illustrations that make this installment feel like a movie. Moreover, fans are given a plan for Gog that makes sense while also fitting with the original Kingdom Come and stands true to the character. Plus, we get to see the fruition of Magog as well as the potential of whats to come from this series and the ramifications it could have throughout the DC Universe. Now, I know its Christmas this week but while youre out, I think you need to go grab this issue on Tuesday. Dont wait. Go out over lunch if you have to and make it happen. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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I was really impressed with Batman: Beyond the White Knight #1 overall, and definitely want to read more. Some things were discussed such as a falling out between Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon, which I hope is explored further in future issues. Plus, I'm also intrigued about what will happen with Harley's daughter, more of the confrontation at the end of the issue, and what will happen when Terry and Bruce finally meet. Overall, I highly recommend picking up Batman: Beyond the White Knight #1.

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Additionally, Duggans take on the relationship between Dick and Bruce was outstanding. This Dick is fun-loving, smart, a wicked fighter who could stand toe-to-toe with a Bat Villain single-handedly, and provides Bruce with a grounding spark that adds so much more depth to who Batman is as a character. I mentioned it above and Ill say it again, Duggan needs to get on a Batman title that has Dick Grayson as a young Robin witnessing their adventures right in the thick of their ongoings. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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BATMAN is intelligent, hardworking, and expresses an unwavering moral compass. Hes fearless, courageous, and relies on his wit and aging physicality to overcome some of the darkest obstacles Gotham has to offer. However, with the death of Alfred, he's lost and searching for a purpose. Taylor makes this story new user-friendly while reintroducing some semi-obscure Bat characters in the process. Anyone can hop onboard without prior knowledge and learn something new in the process. Plus, older and more avid fans will love how real and natural BATMAN is portrayed. Taylor creatively drops readers deep into the story almost immediately and makes new fans feel welcome with some of the many clever twists within the narrative.

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BATMAN: THE KNIGHT #3 by Zdarsky not only depicts the early machinations of BATMAN, but it gives fans the tools to genuinely see what it takes to be BATMAN. How did Bruce learn how to sneak into buildings without being seen? How did he become the world's greatest detective? And, who taught him all of this? Zdarsky lays out the details and ramps up the emotion this week. Bruce may be immature and angry but fans get to see that inner drive that just never quits.

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Blood Hunt #1 is a promising start, successfully setting the stakes and delivering a healthy dose of action and horror revealing the mastermind by the time we reach the cliffhanger. While the focus is on spectacle, MacKay manages to plant seeds for interesting character development making Blood Hunt #1 a wildly exciting Summer event.

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Tom Taylor delivers another Elseworld tale that could very well have the same potential and staying power as DCEASED or even INJUSTICE had prior. DARK KNIGHTS OF STEEL has a unique blend of comic lore interwoven with some creative charm, fast-paced action, and a steady narrative flow that gives fans just enough information to hold their attention while sprinkling in just enough questions to ponder for the next issue.

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Its super fun to have these characters take verbal jabs at each other now that the characters are more established. The zingers they throw at each other are excellent. The wry humor of Decorum is of course secondary to the world building, but its entertaining none the less. Moving forward I expect to see Neha struggle to cope with structure and authority in her new academic environment and I suppose were due for an update on Celestial Mothers and the egg.

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Decorum continues to take me by surprise. Im never able to guess whats going to happen next. Its refreshing. Neha is either fully or almost fully trained now. She and Imogen likely have Lucas henchman, Jev pursuing them. The Mothers egg is ostensibly completely developed. I cant wait to see how these arcs resolve. I thoroughly enjoyed issue #5 of Decorum and look forward to issue #6.

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Issue #6 of Decorum makes big moves. The Church of the Singularity enlisting the Sisterhood of Man in the hunt for the Celestial Mothers and their egg seems like a critical point in the story from which many more narrative developments will flow. The same can be said of the parting of Imogen and Neha. Im thoroughly invested in these characters and wonder what will happen to them now that they have parted ways. How will Neha handle Jev alone? Decorum is the most satisfying read Ive had in a long time. Issue #6 was great. I cant wait to get my hands on issue #7.

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As this reviewer's first introduction to Hickman, this issue sold me immediately into this story and opened up a galaxy of possibilities in the comic realm. FANTASTIC FOUR #570 does a perfect job of introducing the current standing of Marvels First Family with a classic feel, hits the characteristics of each main character perfectly, dangles some extremely clever plot threads that are so imaginative, and saturates the issue with outstanding artistic designs that are truly some next-level stuff! Youll leave this issue wanting more immediately and wont be able to put Hickmans run down.

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This issue perfectly depicts Tom Taylors run to date and only magnifies the need to give Taylor an ongoing Spider-Man series. This issue hits all the bells and whistles and reminds readers what were all going to be missing as this series ends. This weeks issue of FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD SPIDER-MAN was easy to follow, emotionally charged, well-paced, and will grab readers' attention from the opening page.

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Overall, the story itself is what you'd expect. However, Jones does throw in a curveball at the end to keep fans on their toes, which I loved. More or less, this FUTURE STATE series was simply a canvas to showcase what's been missing from our current WONDER WOMAN. Sure, theyre both strong, courageous warriors. Yet, they both exude their heroism in a different light. Jolle was the perfect writer and artist to tell this tale and I highly recommend every DC COMICS fan take a look. Yaras bold, foolhardy, and absurdly reckless style will hit readers in the face, take their lunch money, make them smile, and all while providing a fresh new take on a classic concept. Pick this issue up, grab the trade, and keep your fingers crossed that we get more Yara Flor from Jolle Jones in the future. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God bless!

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Yet as exciting as Green Lantern #1 was to see Hal back on Earth and regaining his footing, Xermnico, Romulo Fajardo Jr., and Dave Sharpe provide a sensational pop to this story that makes it incredibly easy on the eyes. Altogether, Green Lantern #1 is a home run out of the gate that everyone needs to take notice of right now. Just snag the issue, add it to your pull list, and thank me later. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Long-time colorist Tom Luth may have retired, but Carrie Strachan does an admirable job in this issue. Her extensive color palette breathes life into all the people and animals. The tones are soft and pleasing to the eye, and nothing ever looks muddy or unclear. There's not much light sourcing aside from the dungeon scenes. Perhaps more shadowing would increase each scene's overall depth and better convey the reality, but her light touch fits the art's cartoony appearance.

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Now, even though Arcade and Sinister took center stage this issue, Wells manages to drop in some sentiment towards a variety of HELLION team members. He uses this issue as a scope inside each member and showcases the driving emotional force behind the band of misfits. Everyone assumes that many of these HELLIONS were just always $&@$. But in all reality, they had backstories, dreams, and lives before they went down that rabbit hole. So, Wells uses this opportunity to introduce readers to the cast of characters in a more personal way. John Greycrow and Psylocke are specially opened up for readers to take a deeper dive.

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Aaron throws readers deep into the heart of the story with little clues as to what's going on. Yet, he dangles so many intriguing elements into the story that just demand your attention. It's an in continuity Elseworld story that provides all readers with the same footing.

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IMMORTAL HULK: THE THRESHING PLACE #1 is the perfect symbol of what the Hulk truly is for mankind and the balance he brings to fallen humanity. I strongly recommend the read and purchase. My hope is that many take notice of this issue so that maybe the baton can be passed to Lemire and Del Mundo after IMMORTAL HULK ends following issue 50.

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Sadly, its issues like INFERNO #2 that make me wish this era wasnt coming to an end. Furthermore, it also makes me wonder where these stories were gradual as this X-MEN era was unfolding. Yet, Ill choose to be happy for what were getting now and excited for whats on the horizon. INFERNO is a must-buy series and issue 2 only helps bolster that statement even more. Dont wait head out over your lunch break and pick this bad boy up! Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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We may not have received every answer nor was each issue of each series revolutionary, action-packed, or cluttered with edge of your seat excitement. But overall, INFERNO #4 closes Hickman's chapter in one of the most astonishing, climatic, and dynamic stories since HOXPOX kicked his saga off!

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Williamson provides an excellent balance of the old with the new in an easy-to-understand package. I can't recommend this issue enough and hope anyone whose been on the fence with DC COMICS as of late decides to jump back on board. I think you'll leave INFINITE FRONTIER #1 excited for the future of the company and I havent felt that way for a long time. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Readers will leave this story feeling the tension of the prior battle while caring more about the past story than the present. If you enjoy action, intrigue, and fast-paced excitement, JUSTICE LEAGUE: LAST RIDE is totally for you. Plus, this series just feels important. Excellent job Chip and Miguel. I cant wait for the next issue. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Justice Society of America #1 is a strong open providing an outstanding place for fans to jump in. I know this may sound silly to say with this being number one BUT it is a great place to jump in. You dont need a ton of background knowledge to understand whats going on. Nevertheless, it would be helpful if you read a bit of Flashpoint Beyond to understand who the character is at the end, as well as some of Kings Batman run to get a few more wrinkles involving Helena Wayne. That said, its not necessary to reasonably understand the issue and enjoy the heck out of it. Readers, I cant recommend Justice Society of America #1 enough. Its got Johns and Jann in it for Petes Peppers. Call up your shop and add it to your list. Otherwise, click on my links in the article to grab it post haste. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Readers, this has all the makings of a spectacular story arriving at the perfect time of year when most comic stories seem stale and trivial. Waid drops Lazarus Planet on our laps and its $&@& good! So good in fact, that I think you need to head out immediately, ask your LCS for Batman vs. Robin, read up, and snag this issue. If you dont believe me, just look at the last two pages of the issue and I have no doubt youll be hooked. If you have any questions on the review or are ever interested in tackling a comic review of your own, feel free to email me directly at dispatchdcu@gmail.com. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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If youve been all-in on MAESTRO since hes been back, youll absolutely love this issue. Its what youve been waiting for. If youre new to the series but are interested in what its all about, then this is the perfect time to give it a try. New readers may be a bit confused as to the overall story. Still, theyll see the MAESTRO in all his glory, as well as this creative team. Dont wait. Pick this issue up, let me know what you think, and God bless!

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Can Duggan and Percy work together more? After these past two weeks of MARAUDERS, these two proved how much they get the cast of Krakoan characters while adding so many layers to the new Arakii mutants that I hope they become a staple in X-MEN comics for years to come.

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This coming-of-age story covering the trials of inner-city foster children reminds us of the need to let go of injuries and rejection to embrace the possibilities life offers. Through a multi-layered storytelling approach, Monarch #1 transforms a familiar premise into a beautiful and unique reminder about the fulfilling and freeing power of acceptance and love.

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The new characters who are introduced are all original and stand out without needing to resort to captions to understand who everyone is.  One final note, the lettering that Clayton Cowles is doing is just superb, adding to the narrative through the use of different fonts to indicate divinity vs humanity.

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THE PUNISHER #3 opens the door to Frank's past, twists some foundational aspects of the character, and may cause some fans to be irate over these alterations. However, I absolutely loved the changes and loved the explanations showcasing the murderous drive that Frank Castle had always amassed. Aaron takes THE PUNISHER from anti-hero to mentally ill psycho killer in just one issue. Some may argue he's always been that way, which is a valid argument.

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SECRET WARS # 9 is an incredibly remarkable story that hits on so many levels while fully encompassing the true potential of a company-wide, universe-shattering event.

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SHE-HULK #5 is another somewhat lighthearted issue in the way all of them have been. Yes, the situation with Jack is serious and this issue adds to the sense that Rowell could reverse things and deliver a bittersweet ending. But for now, I'm enjoying spending time with the two characters.

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The cream of the X-Men crop has been within the pages of Immortal X-Men. And hopefully, the individuals who have been distant from the X-Men decide to return after seeing Sins of Sinister #1 on the market. Its the perfect place to dive back into the Krakoan era of X-Men with an outstanding recap page, clever reveals, and story beats that will really get the reader thinking. I havent been this impressed by an X-Men book for quite some time. The layers are certainly meta, the story is masterfully crafted, and speculation and fan theories are almost never-ending. I highly recommend picking up Sins of Sinister #1 and hope you take a deep dive back into Immortal X-Menfor all the exact background details leading up to this event.

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This issue will test everything you thought you knew about Star Wars. No bad acting, unbelievable special effects, or humorous Roger rogers will distract you from Vaders persuasive arguments or the intense battle sequences. Atmospheric and detailed art visualize this gripping battle of wills that could change the future of the Star Wars universe. Star Wars: Darth Vader #31 reminds us of the allure of leaders who promise to end unfairness and create a better, more equitable world.

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The way the story opens at the end suggests the infinite possibilities this series could deliver. Star Wars: Sana Starros #1 is a beautiful, heartwarming comic that celebrates diversity and the mythic storytelling of the beloved Star Wars franchise. Don't miss it!

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Truly, SUPERMAN '78 #1 is a must-buy to anyone who has that special place in their heart for a movie that truly made them think a man could fly!

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There is no doubt that SUPERMAN 78 #5 is a must-read making this series and eventual trade a must-buy for any SUPERMAN fans collection. Classic enthusiasts will certainly get the feels, Donnerverse buffs will find the renderings uncanny, current SUPERMAN fans can see some foundation takes, and new readers can still find one heck of an outstanding story. This series should be on every SUPERMAN reader's pull list. Pick this up, let me know what you think, God Bless, and have a Happy New Year!

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However, its not his abilities that make him the hero everyone loves and admires. Its his character and heart that make him SUPERMAN. This issue with all its wonderful stories and writers hammers that point home masterfully. Mark my words: awards are in the future for a few of these stories steeped with so much passion and creativity for the character. I truly cant wait for the next issue and sincerely hope everyone gives this a solid look. Let me know what you think, have a super week, and God Bless!

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Remender's talent shines in his ability to seamlessly blend exposition into the narrative. The worldbuilding remains exceptional, leaving readers yearning to explore more of this intriguing universe. The addition of a musical sequence adds a unique touch, enhancing the emotional impact of the story. Max Fiumara and David McCaig's breathtaking artwork elevates the series to new heights, making it a visual treat. The Sacrificers #3 is another thrilling chapter in this compelling saga.

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The Ward #1 is brilliant. Cavan Scott and Andres Ponce have built something special out of their Supernatural Medical Drama. An engaging story and excellent art provide an outstanding issue that is well worth picking up at your local comic shop.

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The art of Twig gives it the feeling of a Saturday morning cartoon and it fits so well into the story.  Strahms art has a dynamic feel that will keep readers moving forward and feeling as though they are on the journey with Twig and Splat.  All in all, the style and colors fit the light tone of the story and amplify the fantastical within this new world.

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My point is, Spurrier drives home perfect ideals as to human nature, life itself, and why resurrection for all would be doomed from the beginning. Readers, WAY OF X is the perfect series to read and discuss over a cup of coffee. I highly recommend giving WAY OF X #5 a chance. Nevertheless, its probably not the best issue to hop on board. Therefore, you need to grab the back issues or wait to get the trade. WAY OF X #5 is an example of invention and imagination at its finest. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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THE DISPATCHOh boy readers, this one is good! This is the first issue that truly felt like HOXPOX in quite some time. This issue of X DEATHS OF WOLVERINE had all the feels of POWERS OF X mixed with some elements of TERMINATOR and beyond. Plus, the gray areas are so dang gray. Is Moira now the villain or are the mutants the truly devious ones? And after this issue of X DEATHS OF WOLVERINE, I half wonder if Moira is responsible for the Future we witnessed in POWERS OF X.

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Additionally, hes taken the time to clarify how and why everything jives together while making sure to indirectly explain almost every plot thread. I cant help but applaud him for this story and leave excited for the final two installments. Readers will get answers and action wrapped up in a science fiction blender with some outstanding artistry as the frozen yogurt to sweeten this delicious smoothie. There is no doubt its the best issue to date which should leave fans super excited for whats to come. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Duggan continues to prove that he's cut out to lead the charge with the head X-MEN title. At first, many were concerned that Hickman's absence would derail and sideline what's been rebuild and redesigned. However, since stepping in, Duggan's X-MEN has been well crafted, lively, thrilling, and rather eventful. X-MEN #3 is the perfect snapshot of what's in store for this X-roster as well as the narrative potential in which should excite comic fans moving forward.

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Dont skip out on X-Men #16. The story itself is a bit trivial with some low-key moments that will provide enough substance to engineer a reasonable score, especially the push and focus on Forge. However, its the imagination that Duggan infuses into X-Men #16 that propels this issue to new heights. I havent felt this jazzed for an X-Men title in quite some time. And after including the last issue, this entire arc so far is dripping with potential. X-Men #16 is a must-buy for any X-Men whos been around the block since the Hickman era began. The story is exciting, the possibility is widespread, and the impact of this inventive tale will be felt throughout the entire Marvel Landscape at some point. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Its that history and foundation that relieves the pressure off the reader, puts it squarely on his shoulders to tell, and properly explodes it off the page to the reader. The best way to describe Waid, as well as Batman/ Superman: Worlds Finest #17 and this series, is that its the perfect getaway adventure for any comic fan. DC Comics, if youre reading this, I highly recommend making this story an animated movie! But, let Waid guide the entire thing and I promise it will be a hit.

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To anyone who hasn't been reading Batman/ Superman: World's Finest, you're 21 issues too late. Get the trades this holiday season, and find the back issues ASAP. It's truly one of the best ongoings at DC right now.

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Additionally, his technique is outstanding. From flashbacks that blur into the present to graphic gunshot wounds, Kubert strategically places his illustrations in such a way that ushers the reader through the story with ease. Before you know it, the issue is done due to his style that feels almost like a movie causing your eyes to blaze through the narrative. I recommend a thorough reread to catch all the extra details hidden in the background of the panel or scene.

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This was an excellent series that could be picked up and read from start to finish by any fan with little foreknowledge of recent DC events and leaving them craving more! It's the comic book to hook new readers and Batman fans alike.

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This creative team certainly outdid itself this week and will leave fans excited for the next FLASHPOINT BEYOND issue as well as the future stories to come. If you get the chance prior to this issue, reread FLASHPOINT as well as the closely related event comics. Youll be happy you did. Pick this up, let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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I've been a strong believer that a great story makes the reader truly think. If a story can drum up some solid water cooler talk, forum discussions, imaginative theories, speculative discussions, inquisitive responses, and unending questions then it deserves some outstanding praise. Flashpoint Beyond #5 does that and then some! Readers will leave with all of the above and excited for what's to come.

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Tom Taylor brilliantly hits fans right where it counts while still managing to make this issue fun, exciting, and full of life. Taylor lets loose and throws every possible rogue in Spideys path while finding a way to warm readers hearts by the end. In addition, the art team captures the mood of the story so well by drawing readers in with their crisp, vivid colors that light up the page and complement Taylors writing so well. If youre a Spider-Man fan, comic book fan, or even just a parent, this issue is for you. Just be warned that you may shed a tear before its over. Excellent job to all involved!

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Bernardin delivers an unexpected impactful issue that will really hit home. This issue of THE AMAZING SHUTTERBUG isnt what youd expect but it can be read as a standalone What if issue without any prior knowledge to HEROES REBORN. I highly recommend reading this one-shot even if youre not interested in HEROES REBORN. Its a powerful, thought-provoking story all on its own. Pick this up, let me know what you think, and God Bless!

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HULK #1 is nothing like you'd expect, especially from the solicits. I thought I knew what we were getting" and then I read the issue and was completely blown away by the sheer invention from the entire creative team.

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It is so difficult to make reader care for the villain of the story but Zdarsky and his creative team find a way to do just that.

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It has masterful dialogue, fantastically crisp and detailed art, and thorough story development from Thompson and her team. If you're looking for a fast-paced mystery with cameos from a few Marvel heroes, this is a perfect issue for you. If you're looking for an entertainingly authentic series with a female lead that commands the page, this series will also be for you. All I can say is; don't be stubborn or even blind to this series.

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JUSTICE LEAGUE INFINITY #1 commences with a very encouraging opening act that ends with a rather inspiring cliffhanger. The tone and atmosphere surrounding this inaugural installment will make readers ecstatic for JUSTICE LEAGUE UNLIMITED'S continuation and the rejuvenation of the television show in comic form. Additionally, the character dialogue was spot on and the illustrations were so familiar and fun that it took me back over 15 years to a time where it felt like DC COMICS was hitting on all cylinders.

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If you're a MARVEL COMICS fan, you need to read this. There is something for everyone in this story. If you're a VENOM fan, it would be pure lunacy to not read KING IN BLACK #1. Cates has rewritten the mythos surrounding the Symbiotes and has anchored them deep within the entire Marvel Universe. The impact of this event will be felt throughout a variety of comics across all of Marvel, which is ultimately why this isn't just a VENOM event.

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If you love Thor, this issue and series are for you. If youve been ingrain in Jason Aarons run since day one, this issue is unequivocally for you. The passion and commitment that Aaron has for Thor simply pour off of every page.

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Readers will breeze through this penultimate issue and leave wanting more. David creates a sharp, robust tale that dives deep into the cunning maturations of the Hulk. Sure, this Hulk may not be the strongest there is, but, with his evil, almost sinister cleverness mixed with his immense strength, who can stand in his way? Something snapped in our favorite Purple Jeaned Giant and I hope we can plunge deeper into those cerebral dilemmas as future MAESTRO series continue. Hulk fans, this series is a MUST READ.

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A significant positive of Gaydoss coloring during the fight between Mr. Miike and PEARL is that it makes the fight more interesting and does somewhat counter my criticism about its inclusion in the issue.

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I couldnt help but leave The Punisher #7 wildly impressed. This was by far the best issue of the run so far. Punisher #7 was emotionally charged, incredibly heavy, hard to digest, intricate, and completely alter the Punisher and his family and I loved every minute of it.

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If you appreciate Pabst Blue Ribbon, youll love this issue. If you enjoy nonstop action, youll enjoy the heck out of this. If you enjoy sly humor stuck in at the most perfect times, youll laugh out loud during this one! If you cant get enough of creative storytelling, gifted artistic genius, and a team-up that comic readers could have never dreamed up, this issue AND series are for you! I said it before and Ill say it again, I dont know how long this ride will last but if anyone can make his road trip continue, its Duggan and Deodato! This issue is exciting, off the wall, and extremely riveting. Head to your LCS, pick this up, and add it to your pull list! You'll be glad you did.

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If you've been craving high octane action and suspense from some of the craziest fiends in the Marvel Universe, this issue is exclusively for you. Hickman relentlessly stacks on some of the most intense action readers have seen to date keeping comic enthusiasts on the edge of their seat. This issue is overstuffed and brimming to the top with phenomenal art by Ribic, Svorcina, and Eliopoulos.

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THE SETUPWhat truly makes this issue shine is the fact that its DC BLACK LABEL. Not only does that provide fans with more graphic overtones, as well as heavier adult dialogue, but it also provides the wiggle room of being outside continuity. Therefore, Azzarello and Maleev have full access to tell the story they want without any constraints. And readers, thats exactly what they do in this opening issue.

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Swamp Thing: Green Hell #3 is nonstop, relentless action that's fierce and extremely intense from start to finish.

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If youve been on the fence about THOR since Jason Aarons run ended or were merely interested in finally trying out the character, this may be the perfect issue to get you hooked.

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Is it murder if youre able to be resurrected? Do you really have a soul? Mutants are not only creating their own nation but theyre also playing God. And at why cost? WAY OF X is merely taking a peek right now. However, as this issue comes to a close, the doors get blown off the hinges. This is definitely a must-read for X-MEN fans and I highly recommend jumping in now before its too late. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Percy drops fans into the narrative quickly and makes them feel apart of a story that feels important and plausible. What more could an X-Men or X-Force fan ask for? Moreover, if there was an X-book to put on your list and you had to choose just one, this needs to be that book. It is definitely one of, if not thee, best X-book released to date. Add this to your pull list immediately!

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The story was exhilarating, captivating, carried weight, and plays with so many toys in the toy box. The potential is ripe for the picking and I haven't been this excited for an X-book since HOXPOX began.

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Sure, Hickmans biggest criticism is focusing on the big ideas and forgetting about specific character beats. Well, this installment of X-MEN brilliantly finds a way to do both. Sure, this issue concentrates mainly on Charles, Erik, Mystique, and the Orchis Forge. Yet, the insight into the characters, the love and devotion they have, the parallel ideals which mimic one another, and the big narrative concepts are truly astounding. X-MEN fans, this is a MUST-READ! Go out over lunch and pick this one up immediately. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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I said it earlier in the review and Ill say it again, the best single word to describe X-Men #17 is brilliant! All around the board, from creativity to story beats, top to bottom Duggan and Cassara have this series humming since this story arc began. HOPOX fans, as well as any X-Men fans that followed along with Synch and Laura, will love X-Men #17. Plus, fans that could care less about those two will still be captivated by the spectacular world developed by this creative team as well as innovative storytelling from top to bottom. Grab X-Men #17 over your lunch break. Dont wait! Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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I hope that this piece doesnt get brushed under the rug. I want to know how the world recovers. I want to see the ramifications of the big reveal on the last page. And whats going to happen to Tony, Sinister, and the rogue Eternals? They need to be held accountable. The point is: that Gillen has made an event thats hitting on all cylinders. From deep thoughts about life, religion, and origin to where the Marvel Universe will be heading after this event, Gillen continues to tie so much into one amazing story. You have to pick up A.X.E.: Judgment Day #5 and grab the back issues ASAP! Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo #5 takes creepy to an all-new level providing fans with some next-level Batman villainy. This story by Silvestri has escalated from a regular, run-of-the-mill, Batman/ Joker Team-Up comic to a sinister, almost demonic display overnight.

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Readers, the action, suspense, and reasoning you've wanted since the beginning finally get answered this week making this week's story worth every penny. I couldn't recommend Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo more to anyone clamoring for a strong and creative Batman story.

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BATMAN #118 is refreshing, entertaining, refocused, and feels like it's already easier to digest than most Batman-related stories in the past five years.

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BATMAN #119 is a well-written, balanced, fortified story with just enough action and suspense to keep the reader on their toes. Plus, Williamson provides a few answers to keep fans invested but supplies new questions and intrigue to keep you locked in on this run.

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Overall, Zdarsky hits a home run in this week's Batman #136 by setting the stage for Zur as a possible villain. However, what makes Zur a unique villain is that its Bruce fighting himself literally. Not an alternate version of himself or some clone. Its Batman literally fighting himself. Its almost as if we get the dueling personalities that the Hulk deals with without the internal connections. Moreover, the bigger question remains as to how Batman can fight himself. Wouldnt he know every move his alter ego would try to anticipate in order to counter? Readers, this is going to get intense fast and I cant wait to see where this leads. So far, Zdarsky has proven his worth since hes taken over Batman. I cant recommend this title enough and find myself looking forward to Batman each month just like I use too many years ago. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Overall, there is very little to be disappointed about within this issue AND its only the second installment in the arc. This puppy could go in any direction at any time and I have no doubt readers will be pleased. Id pick this bad boy up ASAP and snag the Batman: The Knight trade while youre at it especially with it being Christmas and all! You can thank me later! Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Batman/ Superman: Worlds Finest #23 felt like an event. Titans: Beast World meh. This entire arc feels more like an event than anything DC Comics has pumped out recently. And who could beat Kingdom Come Superman tag teaming Gog with none other than Superman? Come on guys, this story is solid gold. From the excitement to the incredible storytelling and stellar twists, Batman/ Superman: Worlds Finest #23 hits all the bells and whistles. If youre just hearing about this series now, youre not too late. Just snag the back issues and trades. It will be so worth the money and your time. If youve been following along to this point, go out at lunch and grab it right away! You can thank me later.

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Plus, this new villain is straight-up scary. Its like a low-key Trigon meets the Superman villain Doomsday. Readers, the story is creative, filled with action, and leaves so many dangling plot threads and intriguing questions that will keep fans excited for whats to come. Furthermore, it appears to be a different type of Batman story that now looks a bit different than what was anticipated. I highly recommend giving Batman vs. Robin #1 a shot. Its got action, suspense, and mystery with Batman at the epicenter. What more could you ask for? Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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BATMAN: THE KNIGHT #4 continues to summarize the early years between Bruce's parents' death and his first year as BATMAN in a masterful way. This depiction of the character is logical and does a fantastic job of weaving together so many of these early stories and narrative nuggets heard throughout the years into one creative gem.

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BATMAN: THE KNIGHT #7 was a clever way to tie in Bruce's journey with magic while also taking the time to take a look under the hood of Bruce's mission for Justice. Readers will see his core motifs as well as the engine that runs this classic 1939 BMW 335. However, Zdarsky uses BATMAN: THE KNIGHT #7 to focus on the fuel of that engine as well as how close he is to using that very same dark drive to unravel and completely fall off the rails.

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Well, Ace the Bat-Hound takes center stage as BATMAN: URBAN LEGEND #11 comes to a close in dynamic fashion. If you happen to be a dog lover whos also a comic book fan, this story is right up your alley. Russell gives a new (possibly never developed) backstory for Ace and divulges someone unique bonding between BATMAN and the Bat-Hound. Sure, BATMANS voice is a bit off. However, I didnt mind it too much. I actually enjoyed this version of BATMAN the most throughout the entire issue of BATMAN: URBAN LEGEND #11.

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Don't get me wrong, there was humor throughout this issue. However, this inaugural tale packed one hell of a punch in the gut and hopefully may wake some people up. It really isn't what I expected from a Russell issue that normally is lighthearted with his choice of humor sprinkled in. But, this was a good and eye-opening issue that may seem extreme at first until you really let it sink in.

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If youre looking for an escape the way old 80s and 90s action movies used to do, Blade #1 is just for you. Its short, sweet, and powerful. The premise is easy to follow and ANYONE can dive right in with almost no background. Hill provides an entry-level comic for any comic fan to enjoy while delivering a safe place to get lost from the real world without any underlying themes or melodramatic undertones hidden within the pages. There are no politics or worldviews. Just hard-nosed action and extremely graphic illustrations. If youre looking for something new to sink your teeth into, Blade #1 is exactly what youre looking for. You need to check it out! Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Duggan's ending may hit many pretty hard this week, especially long time X-fans. By far, this is the best issue of the week and a must-read to anyone reading X OF SWORDS.

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I strongly recommend picking this issue up and adding the series to your pull list. Readers will not be disappointed. And hopefully, editors are reading this review and will STOP DRUGGING CONAN!

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If youve been dying for action, Magiks aggression, and the Golden Girls of botany, this issue is right up your alley. Readers will love this issue and I highly recommend picking this series up. Its a must-read for any X-fan and frankly, is the best issue of EMPYRE Ive read so far AND its a tie-in!

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Adams creates another clever story that continues to not only impress but gets fans to forget about the Wally West from the past 5-7 years. FLASH #770 permeates Golden Age vibes with subtle humor that's sure to keep you invested until the 70s' throwback ending. It's a fun, quick read with dynamic illustrations that don't disappoint. I strongly recommend fans jumping into this heart-pounding adventure.

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The next steps for Adams if he follows the blueprint that I think he is, we will see some other familiar faces (like the cliffhanger) that we havent seen in quite some time while he possibly creates some new villains of his own along the way. And what would a Flash run be with Hunter Zolomon or Eobard Thawne? I think if you're reading the tea leaves correctly, youll see that Adams is in for the long haul. And he deserves it. Mark Waid got about 100 issues to tell his story. Geoff Johns also got to manage around 100 issues sprinkled throughout Infinite Crisis, Final Crisis, Blackest Night, and into Flashpoint. With how well Adams has done getting Wally back to his old self, I highly recommend DC Comics just let Adams do his thing as Waid and Johns did long before him. Again, I highly recommend Flash fans hop on board now if they havent already. You can thank me later. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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My point is, I have tons of great questions and could discuss the impact of this story and the future possible stories to come for hours, which is ultimately why Flashpoint Beyond #6 (even though it didnt end how I may have wanted) still demands the attention and respect as an outstanding issue and foundational series moving forward. I dont think readers truly understood how important Flashpoint Beyond was going to be nor did they grasp its importance to the DC Universe moving forward when it first began. Actually, its what I love the most about the series. It was a sneaky event book. It was almost like DC Comics secretly created an event before our eyes and didnt tell anyone it was going to be an event, which is quite hilarious. And for that reason, everyone needs to buy this trade. People will look back five to ten years from now and say how Flashpoint Beyond was the story that launched the new DC Universe. Im calling it right now. So, why not trust me and grab those back issues and

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Readers will leave this issue of FUTURE STATE: BATMAN/ SUPERMAN with the best of both worlds. Theyll get their classic heroes while also feeling apart of the FUTURE STATE landscape. The story moves quickly, has perfectly placed pockets of action, nails the character dynamic between the leads masterfully, and provides a clear and decisive anecdote for hardcore DC COMIC fans who may be perturbed that this pause even needs to occur since the ending of DARK NIGHTS: DEATH METAL.

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Wells and Segovia create a sharp opening tale packed with humor, spice, action, and pure insanity. The story simply makes sense while showcasing Segovias fantastic artistic chops and makes this reader genuinely fall in love with Mister Sinister… Yup, I just said it. Wells makes Sinister this hilarious character we want to despise but simply cant. If you're on the fence with this one, I highly recommend grabbing this and adding it to your pull list. Don't forget to drop me a line and let me know what you think!

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Its new and its unique to anything Marvel is putting out right now while providing that extra spark to add some spirit to the X-books. Its an excellent addition to the X-MEN titles and Zeb Wells feels like a great fit. HELLIONS is a comic I truly didnt know I wanted or needed but I simply cant wait until next month's issue to wet my whistle.

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Simply put, this is a very impressive series that everyone needs to be reading. HELLIONS #3 is creepy in all the right places with all the wrong characters. Wells uses the mutant land of misfit toys to bring forth one of the best titles currently running at Marvel Comics right now. Match Zeb Wells writing with Steven Segovia's brilliant illustrations and detailed artistic license and you have a book that's 100 times more memorable than the Goblin Queen herself.

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Pick this issue up and add this series to your pull list to get the answers youve been craving since you started reading Marvel Comics in the first place. Additionally, watch as this art team gets to let loose on every imaginable moment with wonderfully beautiful depictions of truly marvelous events. Readers will leave feeling that this issue was well worth the price and excited for the next one. Guys, don't we all want to know where we came from and why? Well, Waid gets to tell us the Marvel version and he does so with impeccable taste.

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If youre a Hulk fan, you simply need this milestone issue regardless of what Im telling you. Its 750 issues of the HULK!! However, youll be ecstatic to find out that its a truly outstanding issue as well. If youve been religiously reading Ewings run, then youll be pleased to get the normal gnarly nature thats driven you to this series with all the answers youve been looking for as a nice bonus. And lastly, if youre searching for an opportunity to jump on board IMMORTAL HULK, this would be a fantastic issue to showcase what Ewing and Bennett have been dishing out since issue one. Everyone needs to take a look at number 750. This is a must buy. Whenever you can, go grab the floppy. Feel free to shoot me a message and let me know what you think!

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This issue was gripping, mysterious, and so well written. Readers interested in the Big Green Goliath will be piqued from start to finish while Ewings ingenuity to incorporate the Gamma Flight characters as well as the Hulk Shadow Base team were incredibly fluid and well balanced. Readers can truly see Ewings story beginning to unfold and to those, like myself, who've come along for the ride since it's inception, they finally get to see this story take shape. The planning and time that Ewing and Bennett put forth in each issue to mold this fantastic tale together are truly incredible.

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This book must be read; simply put. Plus, everyone will find something to appreciate in this issue. Taylor builds an extremely creative tale that this reviewer couldnt put down while the eloquent charm, character growth, and intriguing plot threads will not only captivate new and old readers alike BUT will leave fans of the IMMORTAL HULK and SPIDER-MAN wanting Tom Taylor to continue this story. I highly recommend IMMORTAL HULK: GREAT POWER #1 without reservation and feel that comic fans will thoroughly appreciate this wildly entertaining story. Add this floppy to your pull list ASAP and let me know what you think!

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Thompson and Iulis continue to gel so well together. The tone of the issue is perfect and the mystery is still intriguing after three issues.

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Readers, MAESTRO #1 is an amazing place to start after an almost 30-year layoff from the original narrative. David creates a vivid, realistic story while sprinkling in a few wrinkles that left this reviewer wanting more. As cliche as it might be to say, I not only didn't want the narrative to end but I left this inaugural issue overly excited for what's to come. This comic simply felt like it's been missing from the current comic landscape and I have no doubt Hulk fans will be thrilled with David's first issue.

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This story is extremely well written, nostalgic, wildly intriguing, original, and gets the reader involved from the beginning. Peraltas art fits the tone of the story perfectly and adds an extra layer to the story that draws readers deeper into the story.

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MAESTRO has been a true smash hit. Each issue has been nonstop action surrounded by clever plot threads that add so many creative layers and foundations to FUTURE IMPERFECT. David made the series new user-friendly, clear, precise, explosive, and inventive.

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David is establishing something incredibly special here. He's made HULK the villain. However, he's found a way for me to love him and hate him at the same time. I find myself rooting for him yet also wanting him to fail even though I already know the outcome from FUTURE IMPERFECT.

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Peter David instantly starts off with so many moving pieces providing so many different angles the narrative could go. And the best part is, we know MAESTRO survives. He has to or FUTURE IMPERFECT won't happen. Yet, even though we know the end result, David still manages to keep readers on the edge of their seats wanting more.

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MAESTRO: WORLD WAR M #2 is exactly like its predecessors and packed to the gills with hardcore action. From the moment MAESTRO lands in Pacifica, his cocky veneer explodes off the page with each wallop and power-hungry smash thanks to this creative team. MAESTRO: WORLD WAR M #2 shows fans just how dominant this HULK is without reservation. Plus, readers get an amazingly eclectic group of heroes/villains to take one last attempt to stop MAESTRO in his tracks. If you're a HULK fan, you need to buy this issue, grab the MAESTRO back issues and trades, and add this series to your pull list right now.

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Hickman fires on all cylinders once again.

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PUNISHER fans, I'm all in on this series and find it sneaky good. I highly recommend new and old PUNISHER fans alike grab this issue and put this series on their pull list.

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The pacing is perfect and mixed beautifully with the monologuing over the relentless action cluttering each page of this issue. I almost recommend reading Punisher #9 separately from looking at the art first, then just looking at the art alone, and concluding by re-reading it all together. It may make for a better understanding and a more powerful issue. Lastly, dont overlook the intricate detail with the art as well as the vibrant colors that place this story in such a great package. I truly couldnt recommend Punisher #9 more or this entire series. It may appear too late to join in now. However, if you can get the Punisher trade for the first 6 issues and ask your LCS for the last three, youll be in business. If you have any questions on the review or are ever interested in tackling a comic review of your own, feel free to email me directly at dispatchdcu@gmail.com. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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THE DISPATCHJeff Lemire offers fans a unique look at a young Dick Grayson searching to find his place after the tragedy that was bestowed upon his parents. Imagine your range of emotions following the murder of your parents, then being adopted by a Billionaire only to discover hes THEE vigilante that safeguards the streets of Gotham a night. Instantly, you join his ranks realizing youre being molded as his eventual replacement. Well, thats where Lemire continues this tale.

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Hickman takes a pit stop in his narrative to catch fans up on some huge details to the very foundation of the story while pointing readers into a brand new direction to wrap up the series. His creativity, inventiveness, and ingenuity shine throughout the issue and merely show comic fans that Jonathan Hickman is on an entirely different level than anyone else in the game right now. Grab this trade and add it to your collection. This is a story you can pull out to read time and again without being disappointed. Well, what are you waiting for? Start reading!

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If you're looking for something new, inviting, and cute, SHE-HULK #1 is definitely for you. I was genuinely shocked as to how much I liked this opening installment. Readers will leave SHE-HULK #1 feeling almost endeared towards Jennifer Walters. And to those that have followed Rowell, she does a masterful job writing smart and sensitive characters which is exactly what SHE-HULK needs right now.

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SUPERMAN AND THE AUTHORITY #1 delivers a fresh new take on a classic character with a nostalgic spin. Furthermore, Morrison's style isn't as polarizing or unconventional as many would expect with an average level of intensity and concept. That said, if you dig that Morrison-style approach, please don't be deterred. The story is clever, unique, and dangles some intriguing questions to be uncovered as the series progresses.

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SUPERMAN: SON OF KAL-EL #3 is another example of what's working at DC COMICS right now. It's almost as if Taylor fuses the past, present, and future masterfully while still keep the core of what makes SUPERMAN the true heart and soul of DC COMICS. Moreover, Timms helps ground SUPERMAN: SON OF KAL-EL giving it the classic feel that's strong, confident, and pure to the character's concepts and roots.

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If you are a THOR fan, a Jason Aaron fan, a WAR OF THE REALMS fan, or simply love good stories, this issue is totally in your wheelhouse. Pick this up and sit with it for a bit. This issue may even help put some things going on in your own life into perspective. Excellent job Jason Aaron!

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Readers, THOR #9 was a blast! The potential thats simply scratching at the surface of this weeks installment explodes as the story concludes. Cates and Klein take a classic, familiar idea and morph it into their own vibrantly intense and dynamic story that has teeth. Before the issue is done, readers will sympathize with Donald Blake, partially understand where hes coming from, and possibly look at the God of Thunder as the villain of this tale. Cates and Klein blur the lines masterfully. My sincere hope is that Cates delivers a true ending with meaning, explanation, and purpose thats not rushed and lacks closure. This arc has legs and I think readers are in for a wild ride. Pick this up and let me know what you think!

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Ultimately, a simple task by Loki was deemed enough to end this turmoil, which I feel like could have happened at anytime much sooner. Granted, one would argue a battle-torn Blake made the switch-a-roo a bit more manageable. Yet, the switch never really happens. Its presented as a big deal that THOR and Blake cant occupy the same space at the same time. Nonetheless, the issue concludes as if its now somehow possible.

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Ultimate Universe #1 is definitely worth the buy. I'd jump in now while you still can. This is going to be a slow unraveling that will take months. But soon enough, it will be humming.

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X LIVES OF WOLVERINE #4 showcases the story finally hitting its groove with a detailed onslaught of action and in-depth story beats that make this issue significant, captivating, intricate, and fascinating. Even though the composition was a bit off in some of the smaller panels, this creative team still contributed with some dynamic, and almost passionate scenes.

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X-FORCE #16 was totally unexpected and wildly entertaining. Percy delivers nonstop action, cool new toys, special guest stars, character development, and stunning plot twists that will deeply captivate X-MEN fans while flirting with new questions and ideas that could be staples for the future of the series.

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THE DISPATCHThink of this series as a blend of X-MEN: THE ANIMATED SERIES meets the beginning of the HOUSE OF X/ DAWN OF X era. Steve Foxe strategically blends the two ideas together with minor little twists and turns that fit both contexts so well. Foxe makes X-MEN 92: HOUSE OF XCII #1 feel identical to the Hickman era but with some character replacements in a few key areas that simply jive better with the ANIMATED SERIES.

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Jonathan Hickman finally recreates the magic, excitement, and allure that originally elevated this series to new heights back in the summer and brought the X-Men back to the forefront of the Marvel Universe.

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If youve been wanting something extra from your X-MEN, this issue is for you. Dare I say its your Destiny. Furthermore, this issue shows the true care and creativity Hickman has for his stories to gradually weave the pieces together in such a thorough way. He is certainly a strategist, an organizer, a planner, and a one in a million writer. No one can deny the intricate detail and inventive nature of a Hickman story, and this issue was no different. Dont wait until the weekend. Grab this issue on your way home Wednesday! I think youll love the ramifications for the future of the series just as much as the explanation of the past.

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If you're an X-Men fan, Duggan hits right at the heart of one of the best stories to come out of this developed Hickman Era.

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If you were reading X-MEN in the 90s or even loved the animated series, X-MEN LEGENDS #1 is for you. If youre an avid fan thats wanted Fabian Niciezas Adam-X storyline ironed out, look no further than this series. And lastly, if your new to X-MEN and want that semi-nostalgic, 90s comic feel, you cant do any better than Nicieza and Booth. X-MEN LEGENDS #1 is sharp, familiar, action-packed, and is wisely pulling a Peter David by resurrecting a past idea, story, or character and building on that premise. Davids MAESTRO was smashingly fantastic.

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Questions are answered. Art is fantastic. And, Aaron is on fire guiding new and old readers back into Marvel again. This issue wasn't filled with a ton of action, but it gave readers a ton of explanation that was drastically needed. Pick this issue up and get the answers you need moving forward.

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Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo #3 is a detective story giving fans time to calculate their own theories but eventually logically lays out the correct path without any fake sleight of hand. Its dark, contains consequences, and will leave readers on the edge of their seats. I highly recommend Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo #3 as well as the series and predict this tale to be one of those classics we look back at years from now.

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Batman #129 continues to take the Dark Knight to all new places with intensity and fast-paced action that is sure to keep new and old readers thoroughly engaged. Zdarskys take does offer some interesting monologuing at times from Batman but the almost lack of confidence, questioning every step or action, coupled with his inconsistent demeanor makes Zdarskys Batman appear more human. Readers, I havent been this excited about the Batman series since Tom King began back in 2016. Its time to hop back on board. And, feel free to use this issue as the motivation. Moreover, Zdarsky does a fantastic job summarizing events to this point. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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The series continues to be action-packed and full of suspense as well as thrills and clever twists that keep readers excited and on their toes. BATMAN: THE KNIGHT continues to be a must-read for any and all BATMAN fans and I highly recommend picking this issue up as well as the series. Nevertheless, this isnt the issue to hop on board. There is tons of background information that Zdarsky assumes youve been privy to, which isnt a bad thing. Readers should just pick up back issues and trades before diving into this issue of BATMAN: THE KNIGHT. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Even though Aaron can be heavy on the dialogue at times, it's still very informative and helps the Cimmerian mature and evolve into something more than this brute that I assumed he always was before now. Asrar's art is detailed, stimulating, lively, and draws readers into the story while Wilson and Lanham guide fans throughout the issue with ease.

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If youve been hanging on for hope that more of the overarching story would get flushed out, then this is definitely the issue for you! Readers will leave this weeks tale with better insight for the overall story, more connective tissue to the plot of the narrative, a better direction moving forward, and a deep anticipation for next month's issue.

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DARK KNIGHTS OF STEEL #5 is probably one of, if not the most, powerful issue to date. Putri and Prianto provide the emotion and action while Taylor counters their renderings with unique story beats and plot twists that keep readers hungry and geared up for what's to come.

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I think we have enough background on Cates to know how amazing his stories can be. Now's your chance to hop on the train as it leaves the station. It really was a great action-packed start to the series.

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This series continues to be great, creative, and shocking storytelling by Cates with beautiful page turning art by Olivetti.

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Nevertheless, DEVILS REIGN #2 is so much more. This is a legit event that encompasses AVENGERS, DEFENDERS, SPIDER-MAN, and even the FF in which Zdarsky gives almost all of them their fair shake. Moreover, the how and why has already been addressed after only two issues into six which is so unlike current event books. Therefore with four issues still to go, who the heck knows what else is on the horizon. And lastly, Checchetto is incredible. His illustrations are sharp, clear, and striking while providing a fantastic blend of action, panel progression, tension, and discussion that will certainly captivate the reader until the very end. After being only two issues through DEVILS REIGN, Im all in right now and cant wait to dig into some of the tie-ins as well. Let me know what you think, God Bless, and Happy New Year!

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It was fun. It had humor. It had action. It had an Infinity Stone. It had a Super Skrull. And the art was freakin' amazing. Of course, you should get this issue!

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Hill's opening tale was exhilarating, engaging, and filled with amazingly detailed art by Kudranski and D'Armata.

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THE FLASH #783 showcases all the key elements that have made Adams' FLASH one of the best monthly books at DC COMICS over the past year. No, THE FLASH #783 isn't really a DARK CRISIS tie-in. So, don't read it for that at all. However, I couldn't recommend this issue or series enough.

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I highly recommend giving this issue a look, especially if you are interested in FUTURE STATE. Readers get a ton of characters and dynamic plot threads that should quickly evolve into some big things down the road.

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Wells reveals the light-hearted and comedic banter between characters as well as the unusual abilities of the team members involved. From Sinister's condescending remarks to his high-brow fashion sense, Wells shows X-MEN fans that this series is a MUST READ in any pull list. If you aren't reading HELLIONS, it's not too late. Pick this up and truly see how much fun HELLIONS can be while continuing X OF SWORDS in the process.

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HELLIONS provided just enough action to keep readers intrigued in the story while developing deeper relationships with the characters, fortifying extensive growth between members of the team, and providing readers with some philosophical ideas to ponder for the future. Wells gives fans an easy read that makes sense while ultimately proving this team is for real. Each week, HELLIONS is sliding higher and higher up on my stack and easily one of the top 5 X-MEN titles on the market. If youre interested in more HELLIONS praise, click HERE to read my BEST OF 2020 article and let me know what you think. Thanks for the read and God Bless!

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Wells doesnt skimp on handing out answers this week peeps. Fans will also get a taste as to whats so different with Orphan-Maker, Nanny, and Wild Child. Heck, look no further than the middle of this issue of HELLIONS as these three mutants become favorites among X-MEN comic fans. Rog Antnio and Rain Beredo lead the charge in showcasing some extremely vivid action sequences that will fill readers with a sense of excitement that this title hasnt seen in a couple of months.

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HEROES REBORN #2 doesn't disappoint. It's mysterious, imaginative, and incredibly easy to read. It's gripping and oftentimes made me feel a part of the narrative. The illustrations are dramatic and vibrant and help provide a solid balance to the story. Plus, there really is something for everyone in this series.

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Is there a comic writer currently that takes more time to cultivate a more thorough blueprint to a series than Jonathan Hickman? His reveals are remarkable, wildly unique, resourceful, and cause fans to question the very foundation of the heroes they've grown to admire and adore since childhood. Readers will leave this issue with so many answers to some of the questions theyve wondered since the first week. However, Hickman opens the door to future confrontations and dilemmas while bringing this shift in narrative to a close. With three issues left, this reviewer is becoming more and more excited for the direction ahead and feels like the possibilities are endless with Hickmans guidance.

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Banner battles a possessed Sasquatch in this week's Immortal Hulk #5 as Al Ewing shocks readers with a surprise fans will never see coming.

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This issue wasn't too deep or thought-provoking. It was straightforward, action-packed, crammed with energy, fast-paced, and even filled in some gaps. Sure, it may have been a bit of a filler/ transition issue. However, after recent events, I think it was needed and should be well-received.

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Once readers place the exact sequential timing of the issue, the premise becomes clear. Readers will be able to tell the extensive effort Shalvey puts into creating a starting point for our IMMORTAL HULK. The story probes deeper into the relationship between Banner and his alters and shows that through death and Banners flatlines, these personas come together towards a common purpose and journey towards the Green Door united. If youre an IMMORTAL HULK fan, this is a must buy. If youre new to IMMORTAL HULK, it may be too difficult to see its true intent. I loved the IMMORTAL HULK: FLATLINE #1 and highly recommend fans of the ongoing to pick this up ASAP. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God bless!

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Even though parts of the issue were heavy in dialogue, Tynion makes new readers in this realm feel comfortable moving forward while igniting an interest that has had fans clamoring since REBIRTH.

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Jason Aaron, Esad Ribi, and Ive Svorcina are at their best throughout this entire issue, as well as this series to date. This issue checks all the boxes and leaves fans excited for the next issue.

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If youre looking for something charming, witty, and entertaining that actually develops the characters within the team in a fun way not seen throughout Marvel Comics today, this is your comic. Hickman and Reis blend together masterfully making this comic uniquely full of life. Sure, the action within the opening two-issue has been lacking however, the cliffhanger leaves a bit of room for something interesting to arise as early as the next issue.

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THE DISPATCHRegardless of how you see the world, most people would acknowledge a balance. For every wonderful place or good deed, there appears to be a counterweight pulling life in the other direction. Justice and Lawlessness. Love and Hate. And in the most renowned case: Heaven and Hell. Well, in this weeks SABRETOOTH #1 by Victor LaValle, readers will not only get to see what Krakoan Hell looks like BUT theyll also get to see who the King is and it might surprise you!

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When this baby hits 88mph, youre going to see some serious $&@$! And let me tell you, this sucker is nuclear! Dugan has already laid the foundation for a huge throw down that includes three of the most ruthlessly, violent characters in the Marvel Comic Universe. This comic fan knows it wont stop there. Dugans dialogue is smart and funny while incorporating these gruesomely, abrasive scenes that make this fan thirsty for more. Why would you want to miss this? I cant wait for the next issue. If you havent read this yet, go pick it up. You wont regret it!

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Furthermore, the ingenuity of the issue doesnt stop there. Readers get a somewhat comical issue filled with reasonable action, clever twists, and a true unveiling of Wallers motives that become clear as SUICIDE SQUAD #8 comes to a close.

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Readers will experience straightforward, graphic action that will no doubt captivate fans while leaving these new SUICIDE SQUAD recruits as new fan favorites. Yet even with the enticing, outermost superhero layer being so inviting, it's the sly, under-the-surface narrative plot beats that provide that extra wrinkle making this issue a must-buy. I highly recommend giving SUICIDE SQUAD: BLAZE #1 a good shot. Itll be well worth your time and money. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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For Swamp Thing fans, this is a no-brainer. Swamp Thing: Green Hell #2 should be on your pull list especially considering its basically the only Swamp Thing comic out now and its written by Lemire. The bigger question is whether or not the in-between fan/ indifferent Swamp Thing fan should check it out. And I would say ABSOLUTELY! There is a ton in this issue for almost everyone. The symbolic tragic hero figure. The Horror Comic aficionado. The post-apocalyptic society. And of course the fan interested in taking that first dive into a Swamp Thing Comic. Sure, its a bit heavy for a first Swamp Thing Comic. However, its a spectacular issue for anyone interested in dipping their toe into exactly how the character should be written with outstanding art to justify the purchase.

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Bat-Man: First Knight #1 is certainly a must-buy for the original Batman fan. You know; the one whos read every issue and wants an updated look with a classic feel. For the hard-boiled detective fan who loves the classic monster flick, this issue is right up your alley. Plus, you get a Batman thats new, on the scene, and navigating Gotham in a more realistic manner than what we see today. However, its the cliffhanger that has me juiced for the next installment. I couldnt be more excited for this fresh, new take on the character that places Batman in his original light with better artistry and plot design. I highly recommend adding Bat-Man: First Knight #1 to your pull list. Its worth the price and you can thank me later.

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There is a lot to digest in this week's THE JOKER #11 that Tynion has been setting up well for quite some time. And quietly, this series has remained consistent, interesting, and clever while creating an element of fear that's simply unsettling. THE JOKER may not take center stage but this series by Tynion is so much more and needs to be on everyone's pull list.

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:The Sacrificers #1 excels in presenting a brutal and violent world that paradoxically holds an underlying layer of beauty. Remender's adeptness at transporting readers into such captivating and ruthless landscapes is evident once again. This issue lays a strong foundation for what promises to be an enthralling series with much more to discover and ponder in the tumultuous land of Tomorrow.

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THE TERRIFICS is a must read each month. Shaner and Lemire are a true team. Just look at how they present themselves as storytellers on the cover. These two have figured out a way to give this brand new book a classic feel.

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Lemire and Bennett take a bunch of C and D list heroes and make them feel like they've always been together. This character team works! This creative team works!

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THE DISPATCHAfter the last issue of THOR where we saw the re-formation of the PET AVENGERS, Donny Cates jumps fans right back to a more serious ton with vigor and vengeance. Readers learn a quick, mild history of Mjolnir and get a taste/ name of the future wielder. Ultimately, THOR fans learn that last month's installment was merely to provoke some lighthearted feels while THOR #19 comes carrying the weight and devastation this so-called God of Hammers warrants.

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MacKay crafts a well-organized tale that will keep readers at the edge of their seats. Timeless #1 infuses some high-octane action, dangles a few carrots that will gradually be revealed as 2023 unravels, and promotes an extremely well-balanced story that should provide some much-needed hope for Marvel Comics in 2023.

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Percy draws readers into this oversized issue with two remarkable stories filled with mystery, imagination, and violence immediately out of the gate.

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Percy and Kubert create a comic that's wildly dynamic and beautifully paced with haunting qualities that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Sure, this issue definitely feels familiar. However, the plot still feels substantial and ultimately drew me into the story.

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Percy and Cassara provide a much-needed kick in the $&$ to this new X-MEN era of comics. INFERNO closed the Jonathan Hickman chapter of X-MEN while X LIVES OF WOLVERINE begins the next official phase. And just like HOXPOX offered a fresh start, my hope is X LIVES OF WOLVERINE can do the same. Why? X-MEN comics as a whole throughout the Hickman era were certainly above average but lacked direction and began diverging farther and farther from one another. Writers began telling their own stories and they lost their conductivity. My hope is writers like Percy and Duggan (who were by far the best writers of the Hickman X-MEN era) can bring this all back together as one large tapestry, which is what we all thought it was going to be when HOXPOX began.

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Overall, Percy delivers another rock star performance, weaves his titles together, and continues to create well-written and entertaining stories that make this book a must-read to any Marvel Comic fan.

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X-FORCE #23 was a fascinating and remarkable story this week that brings fans back to the strong writing of Percy and the vibrant art team that's helped make this book a staple within the X-MEN continuity.

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Overall, Hickman creates a wordy issue that reveals some new wrinkles and ignites some creative discussions for readers. This issue isnt fast-paced and at times became extremely heavy. But, this narrative is important and filled with substance, which ultimately every reader wants at the end of the day.

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X-MEN #13 was informative, clever, unique, and shared some well-needed background information to the core of the event.

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BATMAN #126 has energy, action, and story beats that mean something to the hardcore fan. This issue of BATMAN is a super easy read that will go by fast but leave fans with the perfect balance of exuberance coupled with the story. Mirror the exceptional writing with Jimenezs explosive designs and dynamic renderings and readers get a BATMAN story that will certainly help fans forget all about the past six years of what the heck is going on?! in your BATMAN series. If youve left BATMAN in recent years, I strongly recommend jumping back on board with BATMAN #126. Just start with issue 125 to get the full story which should still be easy to find. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Strong writing and narrative clues sprinkled throughout show the experience of this creative team and just how much of a class act Mark Waid, Mahmud Asrar, and company truly are. Batman Vs. Robin #3 explains plot threads, motivates the antagonists, drops in some psychological beats for readers to think about with Batman, and all with just enough of a healthy dose of action to keep readers entertained. Balance the story with Mahmud Asrars incredibly detailed illustrations and fans get a thorough, well-developed story thats turning into an extremely fun mini-event. I highly recommend Batman Vs. Robin, especially with Lazarus Planet waiting in the wings, and think it needs to be on everyones pull list. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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And keep in mind, Im not talking about BATMAN here. I'm talking about Bruce Wayne. Kuberts Wayne is almost hulking in size and stature. Plus, I absolutely love this DARK KNIGHT RETURNS look for BATMAN. Even his boots are huge $&@$ kickers made for a purpose. Kuberts BATMAN is formidable, intimidating, and massive. This depicts Taylors version of BATMAN as not only intelligent from his Flashback introductions with Ducard but also powerful and alarmingly dangerous to deal with. This version of BATMAN would instill fear without a doubt.

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As much as the title may be all over the place with little overall direction and purpose towards the main blueprint of the narrative, Duggan uses this issue to help redirect Kid Cable and rebuild a seemingly lost character that was once such a valued component to the X-MEN franchise. He uses an unusual cast of characters, humor, absurd adventures, and versatility that this reviewer never expected in a CABLE comic.

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If I was to guess, I think Duggan has found a clever way to keep both versions, which is spectacular. Why? Because throughout this series Duggan has done the impossible – taken what many X-MEN fans deemed as a disappointment and turned it into solid gold. I sincerely hope Im right and readers get both versions. It would be awesome to have both versions on two different ongoing teams. Now, will that happen? I can only theorize. However, seeing Old Man CABLE with the Light of Galador brings me that hope.

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After going in cold with very little knowledge of the ETERNALS, Gillen strategically guides readers with only the information required to survive this immediate issue. Diehard fans will already know all they need but newer fans, like myself, may have to dig a bit deeper to gain more knowledge on the characters involved. However, thats not a bad thing. Plus, Im assuming this is part of Gillens intent to attract more mystery and intrigue into the narrative. And readers, it works masterfully.

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EVENT HANGOVERSAfter any large event, I always have the same questions. Whats the status quo? How was the world affected? Not just our heroes but the entire population. Who died? What impact did this so-called devastating threat have on the world at large? Its actually quite exhausting. I think youve heard the story: big bad wrecks havoc on the world. Our heroes cant stop the big bad. However, they find a way to overcome and defeat the world's cataclysmic threat. Yet afterward, everyone pretends like it never happened.

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Moreover, I would be remiss if I didnt also reference the subtle panels involving Dick and Babs, as well as Lobo and Goldstar (speaking of Goldstar where has she been?!?). On top of the insane story and crazy action on display, these throwaway panels were also priceless adding that extra layer to the fun and excitement of The Flash #787. Readers, very little prior knowledge is required to understand this issue. Its the perfect time to get on board with The Flash and add this series to your pull list. Check out The Flash #787 now and give Adams style a test drive to see what you think. I do not doubt that youll love it along with this issue. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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FLASHPOINT BEYOND #3 uncovers the true potential for the "beyond FLASHPOINT universe. This isn't going to stop here folks. It can't. After reading FLASHPOINT BEYOND #3, you can't help but see a door open to a universe of possibilities with Thomas Wayne at the center of it all.

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GAMBIT #1 is a mostly strong entry point to a story that takes place in a time we havent seen explored in detail before. Even though it takes place in the past, theres a sense right from the start that it deserves the attention that comes with a dedicated mini-series as opposed to being lightweight fluff. In addition to it obviously being attractive to GAMBIT fans, readers who enjoy this era of Claremonts UNCANNY X-MEN run are also likely to find it appealing.

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Readers, I went from not being overly excited to even reading the issue this week to being exceptionally impressed by how much I loved it. Sure, I wanted to know what happened to Star-Lord. But, this issue was just fun, fast, and loose while also exuding its own unique rhythm and charm.

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Zeb Wells and HELLIONS continue to be the perfect mix. He gets the characters and understands the team's purpose. Furthermore, Wells never overused Sinister and portrays his nature beautifully. Somehow, the mutants comprised of the broken and rejected, band together in unique ways that draw fans into the story in such a compelling way. This remains to be one of my favorite X-MEN titles, even through the X OF SWORDS event, and needs to be on everyone's pull list. At first, the purpose of the issue makes no sense. However, as you read on, the pieces come together quickly making fans wonder if the true hidden crux of this entire event was merely to mask Jonathan Hickmans real agenda i.e. Sinisters agenda. Right now, HELLIONS is all that makes sense. Isnt that crazy to say?!

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HELLIONS #15 is one heck of a wild ride. And, this ride has a handful of twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat once this issue gets cookin'! It's fast-paced and well-balanced with the perfect amount of action to keep fans involved. The art was a bit too dark and graphic for my specific taste yet that didn't make it necessarily bad by any stretch.

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Ewing and his team continue to push this story forward by throwing out the most insane, monstrous battles with some of the most vicious and repulsive creatures in the Marvel Universe.

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This issue is a must-buy for all Hulk fans. It's an exemplar recap of Sam Sterns' life and how it intertwines within the context of Bruce Banners like an intricate green tapestry. So, even if you haven't been reading this series, it's incredibly informative, personable, and opens the door on one of Hulk's greatest foes.

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Whether its Johns, the art, the story, the topic, or all of the above, Justice Society of America feels important. It feels like an event. And Justice Society of America #2 continues to push the series in that direction. Sometimes, a comic just gives off the vibe of importance. Many times, Event Comics feel that way. Now, I understand that Justice Society of America isnt technically an event BUT it definitely should be. The pacing, the questions, the intricate plot threads, and the time manipulation make for amazing speculations and fan theories that should spark your interest for the next few weeks. I highly recommend giving Justice Society of America #2, as well as picking up issue one while you are at it.

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Duggan takes the Marauders and does the total opposite of what fans' expectations were of the title before it began. Duggan creates a team that feels like a family and throws the reader into the household forming a bond within two issues! The narrative is overly amusing, fun, and showcases Captain Pryde like never before. If your looking for a good time (sounds like an escort service advertisement), this X-Men series is for you. Fans better hop aboard now before the series pulls too far out to sea.

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PUNISHER #1 by Aaron gives fans some diabolical action, vividly graphic illustrations, and intriguing flare that should exhilarate fans that have been decoupled from the character for quite some time. Aaron provides a spin that's a match made in Hell with a driving force that easily puts the pieces together in a bloody brilliant fashion.

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It will make you think, make you pump your fists, and at times make you recoil at the brutality the human race can sometimes inflict on ourselves. The language, violence, gore and subject matter aren't dialed up just for the sake of it. The beats are emotional and visceral.

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If you love epic events that feel important, this series is for you. There was certainly nothing more important happening in comics while SECRET WARS was happening. If youre interested in so many of the main players from Thanos, to Black Swan, as well as the Illuminati, this issue is for you. Hickman continues this smart and intriguing tale that will keep fans on the edge of their seats and passionate for whats to come. Pick this issue up as well as the trade! Marvel Comic fans will not be disappointed.

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SUPERMAN 78 #6 REVIEW In the thrilling finale of the Superman 78 series based on the classic Christopher Reeve Superman movies, Superman has the final climactic confrontation with Brainiac.  Overall, I really liked the way Brainiac was incorporated into the Donnerverse.

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Like Dr. Donald Blake, THOR #11 is wicked down to its core. Readers, the cliffhanger cameos were awesome and put a huge smile on this reviewer's face. Meanwhile, Cates has finally sold this critic on Blakes newfound evil features and vial characteristics. At first, it was a hard sell for this THOR fan to get behind. However, Im all in on this arc and cant wait to see whats next. Someones on a hunt. But, whos next? Youll have to read this weeks issue to find out, which I highly recommend. Additionally, if youre interested in more THOR praise, click HERE to read my BEST OF 2020 article and let me know what you think. Thanks for the read and God Bless!

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THE DISPATCHBenjamin Percy delivers a quick, fast-paced, action-packed, showdown in this weeks WOLVERINE #18 thats loads of fun and bellowing over with excitement. From being on the run to car chases, this weeks issue had all the makings of an action movie, and then some. Explosions, cascading array of bullets, backstabbing, and even some one-liners not only gave readers the perfect late 80s/ early 90s action movie feel but it was also what made WOLVERINE #18 so dang enjoyable. Sometimes, you just want to read a comic to get away while pushing your troubles aside for a couple of minutes… and thats exactly what Percy does this week.

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As for X LIVES OF WOLVERINE #5 specifically, the issue was exceptionally vivid, graphic, and extraordinarily intense. The pacing was fast, the transitions were clean, and the insight was rather thought-provoking. Like any good Ogre, this issue had some layers. Yet even though the issue had some crazy layers, it also was relentless and so $&@ exciting to read.

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This week's X-FORCE #10 came with all the fixings: intensity, action, tension, conspiracy, speculation, graphically violent illustrations, and thoroughly detailed art from Joshua Cassara. Together with Percy and the rest of his team, X-FORCE #10 continues to be one of the best X-books, if not one of the top books at Marvel Comics right now.

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X-FORCE #28 gets fierce this week as Kid Omega steps a bit off the reservation and Cerebro unleashes an onslaught that could not only destroy Krakoa but eventually the world. This week's X-FORCE is fast-paced, action-packed, and filled with intensity. To those fans searching for the X-FORCE of yore, the one reminiscent of the foundation during Hickman's HOXPOX, this week's issue brings it right back and piles on the intensity.

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:A Righteous Thirst for Vengeance #1 is a great first issue.  It guides the reader from beginning to end, leaving a feeling of worry with a final bloody footprint.  With several of Rick Remenders books either just finished or in the process of wrapping up, it is great to see him launching a new series with Andr Lima Arajo.  I can't wait to see where the duo takes us in the next issues.

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Above Snakes #1 by Shawn Lewis is a dark and humorous take on the wild west. It delivers on everything a first issue should: interesting characters, a good story, and just enough of the overarching story to make readers want to pick up the next issue.

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If you're fresh to comics, new to Spider-Man, or are interested in coming back to the character, this is a fantastic issue to give Peter Parker another try. If youve been down on AMAZING SPIDER-MAN lately, this is a fun and refreshing adventure that will rejuvenate and rekindle your love for the series and character again. This was a hilariously fun adventure for our wonderful wall-crawler that showcased some of the best talents Marvel has to offer today. Comic fans would be foolish to leave this on the rack. Pick it up, give it a try, and let me know what you think. It truly was a fantastic read.

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THE HOOK:Arkham City: The Order of the World #1 is what happens after the Jokers attack on Arkham Asylum (Infinite Frontier #0).  Writer Dan Watters picks up the pieces from the attack and spins a tale focusing on the single remaining psychologist from Arkham Asylum, Dr. Jacosta Joy.  Dr. Joy has made it her goal to track down the patients who escaped from Arkham and get them the help they need.

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Aaron truly captures the voice of the Phoenix throughout the issue. This is a skill set that very few writers are able to master. The Phoenix is an entity of light and darkness. She is a balance, creating life and burning away what does not work. Aaron understands this and paints a truly illustrative series of events with a fresh take of the Phoenix Force.

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Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo is graphic, action-packed, bold, and incorporates an overarching concept that all fans should flock toward a partnership between Batman and the Joker. However, readers will quickly discover that everything isnt quite as it appears which should change that hand-holding into some investigative reporting before Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo #1 wraps. Sure, in a market where we arent starved for Batman comics, one might question whether or not to buy THIS ONE. Well, the simplest, easiest answer is yes! Fantastic art, powerful designs, a unique story, and solid character voices promote a stellar beginning all fans can hop on board with and enjoy. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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What a fantastic start for Zdarsky's run! The dialogue between characters, as well as the monologuing, was spot on BATMAN. The characters chosen to be a part of BATMAN #125 were a perfect fit, the tie-ins to the current BATMAN landscape were well balanced, and the suspense drove the tone of the issue masterfully.

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Batman #132 takes fans on a multiversal tour showcasing the villains we once knew but in a different light. Its a pretty quick read filled with tons of story beats that will leave Batman fans loads to talk about. Heck, the speculation is endless. Is this how we get Alfred back? Will he come back to Earth Prime along with Panic Attack? Moreover, will Bruce be stuck here for an extended period of time where he gets to fix this Gotham for good or will it be a quick stint where he helps them get back on track? And is the Red Mask actually Halliday? Again, fantastic questions that will keep any reader wildly interested in this surprising new direction after the Failsafe arc. I highly recommend this series and think this issue speaks volumes about where the comic was with its prior creative teams. Hop on board this while you still can!

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Zdarksy simply gets storytelling. He has the delivery down, he executes his plot threads well, provides strong cliffhangers, thorough details, and all while connecting the classics that make Batman so dynamic. The Multiversal angle and parallel characters continue to add a vibrant spice that should continue to spark any Batman fans' interest. This wasnt the story I saw coming after Failsafe but its still a $&@ good story that I highly recommend. Batman needed new stories and flavor and Batman #134 is the perfect example of just that. Zdarsky has certainly delivered and continues to keep fans on their toes.

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Overall, Zdarsky did an outstanding job for a 900th issue. Batman fans get a glimpse of multiple artistic renderings of the vigilante from multiple universe while tying together multiple Jokers in the process. So, from an artistic standpoint as well as a way to pay homage to the character, Zdarksy does a phenomenal job. That said, the actual story itself, its plot threads, and machinations, as to exactly how and why this is happening, were certainly a bit flat. The science and reasoning were a bit off as well as the explanation associated with how Halliday and Bruce were jumping across multiverses. More was definitely required to provide readers with a better understanding and purpose. Hopefully, Zdarsky can iron those details out in Batman #136.

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There is just a ton to explore and Zdarsky continues to keep the fireworks moving well. To those who "peaced out with King and Tynion's runs, you need to jump back in now. Chip has brought this book back up to where it's supposed to be.

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Batman #147 is a thrilling chapter in the “Dark Prisons” saga. Zdarsky masterfully builds tension and showcases a desperate Batman. The phenomenal art by Jimenez and Mendona brings the story to life. While some plot threads feel rushed, this issue is a must-read for Batman fans eager to see how the Dark Knight will overcome seemingly insurmountable odds. I highly recommend giving this issue and series a fair shake if you havent done so already.

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Reis and his team provide fans with distinct, stimulating illustrations that are so bold and refreshing. This style is so incredibly polished, smooth, and realistic. Honestly, whats not to love about this issue? Its brilliant, well-paced, and I simply wanted to read it again! I strongly recommend giving this issue of BATMAN/ SUPERMAN a shot. However, its not the best place to jump in. So, maybe you look at grabbing the trade instead? Nevertheless, Yang and Reis are doing some amazing things here. So, if you can get your hands on some back issues, Id totally chase them down! Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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BATMAN/SUPERMAN: WORLD'S FINEST #1 is cluttered with action, special guests, and dialogue that fits the Silver Age motif which well represents these classic heroes. Moreover, Mora's updated renderings of these paradigmatic heroes, alongside Bonvillain's eye-popping colors and Bidihar's explosive lettering, take these cult favorites to another level. BATMAN/SUPERMAN: WORLD'S FINEST #1 has all the makings of a comic that marries the Modern and Silver Age together masterfully giving Parents (and now even Grandparents) something special to connect to with their kids.

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Batman/ Superman: Worlds Finest #18 is a quick read thats super-easy to follow with crisp, bright coloring thats sure to catch your eye. The story is well-written, places the Golden Age feel perfectly, and mixes the two characters together with two of their classic villains in a way that makes sense masterfully. So far, Waids time on Batman/ Superman: Worlds Finest has been a true blessing and this issue helps fortify why fans of all ages need to get in on this series before its too late. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Overall, Batman/Superman: Worlds Finest #25 is a satisfying celebration. It offers a fresh look at classic villains, an exciting team-up, and sets the stage for a possible future threat involving the Joker. Waid crafts a jam-packed adventure that delivers a thrilling team-up story alongside a landmark inaugural meeting. This fast-paced adventure throws plenty of challenges at these two supervillains, showcasing their signature framework that makes Lex and the Joker who they are with unwavering determination. Furthermore, the dialogue crackles with wit and menace, leaving readers wanting more from this diabolical duo. Batman/Superman: Worlds Finest #25 is a must-read for fans of the iconic duo. It delivers an entertaining main story, a landmark team-up origin, and stunning artwork throughout. This oversized anniversary issue is a true celebration of the Worlds Finest.

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Batman/Superman: World's Finest #26 is a fun and engaging read that sets the stage for a potentially universe-shattering storyline that many fans would never have dreamed up before.  Waid's clever writing and Mora's fantastic art make this a must-read for fans of the World's Finest team and continue to showcase just why this series has been one of the best out of DC Comics for almost two years now. Pick up this issue if you're a fan of Batman/Superman team-ups, or if you enjoy stories that blend humor and superhero action.  Plus, this issue is also a good jumping-on point for new readers, as it doesn't require a deep understanding of past continuity.

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Overall, there is a ton to be excited about in this issue and it helps readers see how a strong story can connect with the proper setup in prior issues to guide the narrative to success. Excellent job to Waid and his entire team on another stellar story.

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I said it with my opener and I'll say it again, Batman: City of Madness #1 is the perfect story to kick off this Halloween Season. Ward single-handedly molded the writing and art together in a way that provided this hauntingly authentic thriller with Batman and the Court of Owls at its epicenter.

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BATMAN: ONE BAD DAY THE RIDDLER #1 by King revamps the RIDDLER and puts a frightening spin on the character that fans will hope gets explored further by Tom and Mitch. Fans of the RIDDLER should definitely check this out, as well as King BATMAN haters. Sure, the narration and dialogue were disconnected at points BUT the overall theme and understanding were understandable, clever, and edgy. Continuity aside, as someone whos been extremely hesitant of Kings BATMAN work, I can openly admit that this issue of BATMAN: ONE BAD DAY was a winner and deserves a good read. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Readers that like a BATMAN with more finesse and charm wont find that here. For the reader whos looking for a BATMAN who has 17 backup plans that are practically ludicrous and silly for anyone to plan for, this series isn't for you. Taylor and his team provide fans with one of the most realistic versions I've seen in quite some time. I highly recommend giving BATMAN: THE DETECTIVE a shot to see what you've been missing.

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However, this is the first real-time in recent months that Ive felt like that aspect of the character has been decoupled from the gritty, crime-fighting vigilante weve been missing for quite some time. BATMAN: THE KNIGHT #1 was real, raw, and opens up the table for some new adventures at a key moment in Bruces life thats ultimately been skimmed over. Carmine Di Giandomenico and Ivan Plascencia do a respectable job keeping this reviewer locked into the issue. However, there were certain character designs and shadowing that seemed a bit too sharp and wild at times that made it feel less like a BATMAN book and more like a horror comic, which its certainly not. Nevertheless, Im genuinely excited to see where this goes and I think BATMAN fans will definitely want to check this series out! Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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The essence and creativity of rewriting continuity in a genuine way to make the pieces fit together logically are very impressive by Zdarsky. Readers will be enthralled from start to finish. I highly recommend picking up Batman: The Knight #9, as well as grabbing up as many back issues as you can to get caught up. Its definitely one of the best Batman titles on the market today and is certainly the best Batman book this week! Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Betsy Braddock: Captain America #1 crams appealing characters, history and mythology, and lush, gorgeous art into a highly-enjoyable issue that feels more like a graphic novel. While you'll probably need a break after reading this beautiful and involving story, you'll have met lots of interesting characters and be itching to watch all the X-Men movies over again.

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ARTArtist Juann Cabals art excels in many areas.  His characters expressions convey emotion and I love the way he draws TChalla, Shuri, and Omolola in costume, they look streamlined and intimidating. My favorite aspect of his art is how he draws the Wakandan technology.  The holograms and spheres that Shuri wields pop off the page, they truly look futuristic. I also love Cabals assassins outfits, including the masks they wear with the red squiggly lines and the huge weapons they wield.  They look like they walked right out of Squid Game, and I love the design.

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However, the bleak tone and lack of clear hope might be a turn-off for some readers. Grimdark atmosphere, intense action sequences, strong character development, and intriguing mystery are what hold this issue together well. Yet, its the bleak tone and lack of clear hope for the heroes that might cause some readers to jettison the series.  However, overall, Blood Hunt #2 is a suspenseful and action-packed chapter in a desperate fight for survival against a terrifying enemy. Pick it up if you enjoy dark superhero stories with high stakes and complex character dynamics. If you prefer a more lighthearted or hopeful narrative, you might want to pass on this one.

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Seeing Eternal Warrior's earlier battles with Exarch Faneinstead of hearing about them second-handwould have strengthened his role. Readers could have empathized better with Persephone had Valiant given her more time to grow and mature. This series certainly could have benefitted from more standalone stories and a longer run. Yet this epic story with outstanding art has brought together more heroesand given each a chance to shinethan any other series Valiant has produced post-pandemic. If Book Of Shadows #4 proves the last chapter of Cullen Bunns Shadowman saga, Id say he ended on a high, wouldnt you?

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X-fans looking for an action-packed story with many answers won't find that here this week. Nevertheless, they will find this cleverly witty and authentically charming story that's incredibly captivating from start to finish. It's a pretty busy issue with many moving parts to explore as the series unfolds and I for one am all in!

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If I was to guess, I feel like Duggan's plan is to restore CABLE to his older form down the line. However, he's going to have some fun with him along the way, which flashes throughout as each issue progresses. I sincerely recommend picking this issue up and adding it to your pull list.

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DARK KNIGHTS OF STEEL #2 continues a fascinating story involving a brand new world that Taylor kicks open with tons of elbow room to grow. Thematic subplots and narrative beats paralleling violence historically, as well as today, shine through adopting human concepts that seem to be within our very foundation of society regardless of technological advancements or lack thereof.

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Overall, DC VS. VAMPIRES #5 continues to show just how simple yet dynamically clever this story is. Due to its Elseworld nature, it's a book cluttered with everyone's favorite DC COMICS heroes and villains either being killed or turned into bloodsucking Vampires. What's not to like?

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And if thats not enough, the possible new villain that could follow them through to the new X-Men era afterward is also a clever cliffhanger that this reviewer is interested in teasing out. I highly recommend adding this series to your pull list, especially if you are following along with this event OR just want to know what the heck has happened with the X-Men over these past couple of years! Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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I feel like Ive only caught a glimpse of the characters and story. What I have seen is promising so I intend to stick with it. I would recommend Decorum to anyone looking for bold, creative sci-fi a little outside the status quo of American comics.

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Considering that Im reviewing these books almost a year after publication at least some of these questions probably have answers. But I wont spoil it for myself. Id rather let the story unfold the way its creators intended. All indications are pointing to a rewarding read. I look forward to Decorum #3.

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I dont know what the events of issue #4 of Decorum mean going forward. Im still not sure what the Celestial Mothers or the Church of the Singularity have to do with Imogen and Neha. I do feel like a threshold has been crossed and the events of this issue will have serious repercussions even if those repercussions arent revealed for a long time. Decorum is nothing if not consistently mysterious.

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Fans should be all in on Waids DOCTOR STRANGE. From traversing the cosmos on a magical space journey to becoming the Herald of Galactus, Waids taken the Sorcerer Supreme on a ride more wild than Mr. Toads. Its a series that this reviewer wishes wasnt coming to an end. However, all good things seem to expire at some point. My hope is that fans truly get to see how amazing this run has been before its too late. By the Sons of Satannish, buy this issue and get the trades. Youll be glad you did!

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Adams is helping Wally West fans forget about HEROES IN CRISIS while ushering in a new status quo for the FLASH family that's been missing for quite some time. FLASH #769 is fast, fun, friendly, and full of energy. Lafuente, Peterson, Atiyeh, and Guerrero make this issue bright, vibrant, and powerful. New readers will find these first two installments easy to hop in on while old fans will feel rejuvenated, refreshed, and ready for something finally uplifting for the FLASH family.

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THE FLASH by Adams has this lighthearted vibe that's fun for all ages with an almost Saturday Morning Cartoon feeling from the 80s and 90s.

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THE FLASH #782 offers quick fun and goofy sidebars that make the issue lighthearted and entertaining for all ages.

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So, why is this DC COMIC "event well "beyond DARK CRISIS? Simply put: it sparks conversation and speculation. FLASHPOINT BEYOND #2 provides fans with just enough meat on the bone to keep us coming back for more. Plus, the narrative finds ways to put the reader in the driver's seat alongside Thomas Wayne BATMAN as we both solve this detective story together. Each character involved has interesting motivations which pique curiosity within the reader.

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I can't wait to see where the next issue takes us. Kindlon and Ferrari's Frontiersman #1 is a great example of what a first issue should be. I really like that we're coming in after the prime of the main character. This seems like it will give a great deal of room (storywise) to see why and how the Frontiersman reached this point in his life. Count me in for Frontiersman #2.

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I loved both of these stories and would highly recommend you pick up FUTURE STATE: DARK DETECTIVE. The writing and art were top notch and really portrayed a fresh take on members of the Bat-Family. I also loved the Gotham shown in these two stories. Gotham City has finally progressed to a gritty and dirty tech city where being a vigilante (good or bad) can literally kill you. The Bat-Family has had it easy in Gotham. No one has really questioned them and the other heroes. The Magistrate and the Peacekeepers, however, are sticking to their guns (literally). No citizens are to wear a mask. To tie it all together imagine this, the vigilantes are Dumbledores Army, and the Peacekeepers, are Delores Umbridge and her cronies. The tension and build-up are there, and I am ready for the explosion.

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This was an extraordinary tribute with an astonishing artistic display that demands recognition and needs to be on everyone's list this week. GIANT-SIZE X-MEN: TRIBUTE TO WEIN AND COCKRUM #1 is the same bridge it was 45 years ago but now between comic fans instead of X-teams.

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Gotham City: Year One #4 combines some of the best qualities of a crime noir and mixes them together with a historic, continuity dream that places so much more history in Gotham and with the Waynes. Sure, Gotham City: Year One #4 isnt as powerful as the last issue but this issue still had its decisive moments. Batman fans interested in Gotham and the Waynes need to be reading this series. Film noir buffs should also hop on this train while they still can. I simply couldnt be more excited to see this series come out each month. Its so weird for me to say this but Keep it coming Mr. King! Keep it coming! Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Its time to lock in Ewing and let him work his magic. New fans will enjoy what hes doing and old fans will like the direction the series is taking.

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Readers, even surrounded by a stuffy shindig, Wells finds a way to make the HELLIONS the center of attention. Furthermore, I can't think of another X-MEN title where the characters are growing as much as this eclectic cast of personalities. Readers, Zeb Wells is creating a family out of a bunch of rejects and outcasts. And if he can do that with this crew, I can't wait to see what's next on his agenda!

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However, with the good does come a bit of bad. HELLIONS #16 ends with the focus on Nanny and it just wasnt as exciting or passionate as the rest of the issue. Ultimately, the ending of the issue fell a bit flat compared to the rest of the comic. Plus, the Nanny elements of the team were never really the strongest components. And now, it appears as though the series is heading down that avenue for at least an issue or two coming up. That said, Nanny has always added a unique wrinkle to the team that has made her a strong side character. Still, the lead for an issue or two may be too much.

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This event continues to surprise along with the tie-ins. Simply put HEROES REBORN: HYPERION AND THE IMPERIAL GUARD #1 is no different. As a MARVEL COMICS fan completely submerged in multiple titles, its fascinating to see the intricate nuisance and backstories of characters within the HEROES REBORN universe. So far, the biggest item of frustration is wanting more stories about both Hyperion and the Starjammers. I want to read Starjammers #1 and wish it was a real issue! Readers, I cant begin to tell you the last time I liked an event down to the tie-ins" THE TIE-INS for Petes Peppers! I know it may be a hefty toll on your wallets, but I really enjoyed this tie-in as well and think you should give it a shot. What an excellent job by Cady and his team across the board.

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Waid intentionally places each character deliberately throughout the comic like a chess match in which hes the only one capable of knowing the outcome. Each piece blends so well with the other and every move is planned out in advance showing readers the time and involvement in order to orchestrate this amazing task at hand placing readers in checkmate.

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HOUSE OF X #6 concludes with a wonderful RETURN OF THE JEDI moment that feels reminiscent of fireworks and dancing Ewoks.

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No, you wont laugh out loud but readers will certainly get some good chuckles. More impressively, was the interest this piqued for an ongoing similar to this placing Howard in a multitude of different situations. Fans of Howard the Duck, X-Men, Guardians of the Galaxy, and so much more will love the heck out of this comic. If you were even remotely on the fence, take the risk and pick this up. You can thank me later. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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All this being said, the most confusing part of the entire issue was this name, Jerrica Benton. Is Tony truly fighting Jem from Jem and the Holograms? Is Jem at Marvel Comics now or was that just a snarky retort to make fun of the villain? I need to know Anyway, overall, I think Iron Man fans will enjoy the heck out of this issue and I feel that this creative teams enthusiasm and creativity shine through masterfully. I Am Iron Man #1 is an easy read for any age and any fan of the character at all levels.

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Starks masterfully strings the reader along as he introduces the mysteries and dangers of the ranch, culminating when the women find a message from Gabbys aunt and learn some background for themselves.

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An exhilarating addition to the series, I Hate This Place #3 introduces the newest member of the cast who contrasts nicely with Gabby and Trudy. This issue moves the story forward in an action-packed way that will have your heart pounding.

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If youre hearing about THE IMMORTAL HULK now, youre a little late to the party. Lucky for you, everyones welcome!

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Ewing's ideas are great but Bennett's art continues to elevate this series to one of the best ongoing series at any company right now.

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Regardless of the narrative complications, this issue was still ridiculously entertaining and immensely elevated by Bennetts artistic chops.

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Now, as a single issue, this may not be as action-packed and graphic as were used to seeing. Nevertheless, to all those invested in this series, there has developed so much more than the HULK and I for one, like Lover Boy, am loving every minute of it.

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The epic feeling is back. Williamson furnishes answers, intrigue, and a unique storyline that feels significant. The cast of characters front and center in this week's INFINITE FRONTIER #5 provides a refreshing touch that DC COMICS has been missing for quite some time. Sure, some of the explanations seem a bit forced BUT we finally get legitimate reasons that kind of make sense (kind of). So far, INFINITE FRONTIER continues to keep my attention while providing that classic foundation that literally built the company and drew me to comics in the first place.

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Invincible Iron Man #7 is super exciting. However, not due to what youd expect. Its not due to the action and powerful illustrations that keep readers on the edge of their seats. Its almost this strategic game of chess with epic levels of intensity showcasing just how sinister Feilong and Orchis can be. The thrills in Invincible Iron Man #7 are just after every turn when a new curtain is pulled and the game continues in such an obvious way but only obvious after Duggan laid it out for the readers. The writing is pure genius and the way this book connects to the X-Men makes it just as important to the Marvel Landscape as any other book right now. Id highly recommend picking this issue up HOWEVER it would be very difficult to jump into without catching up on the series to date first. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Jean Grey #1 takes fans on a journey as she wonders what went wrong and how things could have been different. Walking back through history, fans will eventually see the inevitability of certain emotional events that frankly may just be fate's way of saying theyre always meant to be. This issue was wildly entertaining, fast-paced, explosive, dynamic, and extremely well done. This is a must-buy for any X-Men fan and should be on the top of your list this week. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #1 opens with some pretty meta parallels as well as a strong opening narrative that should instantly hook Joker fans from Jump Street. Nevertheless, its the reveal as this inaugural installment ends that will drive fans back to this series for issue two. I, myself, am locked in and cant wait for the next issue of The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing. I highly recommend fans give this comic a fair shake and load up on the speculation as the weeks leading up to issue two unfold. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #2 is mysterious, clever, wild, and inventive all at once. The addition of a certain hero definitely spices up this issue and all while Rosenberg complicates this whos who into something a bit deeper. Readers, Im hooked! This is the concept of Batman: Three Jokers but with a certain unexpected and rather unique wrinkle. Now, I love a good mystery, even if that mystery involves a psychotic villain. And somehow, Rosenberg still finds a way to get the reader to feel for the Joker. The Joker! An insane, sadistic, killer! If thats not top-notch writing I dont know what is. Readers, its still early on into this series meaning you can probably still get your hands on issue one. Head to your local comic shop, or click the link right HERE, and snag both issues of The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing right now. You can thank me later. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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The only real lacking element in this weeks JUSTICE LEAGUE INFINITY #4 was the advancement of the overall premise of the series. However, avid fans will note the timely detour to statically fit well surrounding Dianas 80th Anniversary. Plus, readers will respectfully appreciation the powerful tangent this week. Fans of the original JUSTICE LEAGUE UNLIMITED series who havent jumped on the train yet should do so immediately. This is a fun series with a good, strong look. I highly recommend adding it to your pull list. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Justice League Vs. Godzilla Vs. King Kong #3 breaks continuity in an entertaining and action-packed way thats fun for all readers. Its the perfect What If that provides readers with strong character portrayals and team-ups that are sure to leave fans excited. Couple that with the wild possible cliffhanger with Superman, outstanding illustrations, and dynamic interplay between the different monsters, and fans get a surefire excuse to add this to their pull list. The cliffhanger dangling throughout the issue feels like a red herring. Yet fans need to remember that this is an Elseworlds story and that anything could happen. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Lazarus Planet: Omega #1 was exactly what has been missing since Lazarus Planet: Alpha #1. It literally continues the story exactly from where it left off making every last tie-in almost pointless and inconsequential. Nevertheless, Waid delivers a thrilling story thats well-paced with dynamic action and powerful thematic moments that set up the finale well between father and son. However, its Riccardo Federico and Mike Perkins who give Lazarus Planet: Omega #1 the authentic power the other tie-ins have been missing showcasing just how important great art is to a story. Waids plot was interesting, to say the least. However, without Federico and Perkins at the helm, Lazarus Planet: Omega #1 would just be an average story. Truthfully, fans just need Lazarus Planet: Alpha #1 and Lazarus Planet: Omega #1 and theyll be set. Dont worry about all the other fluff in between.

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This premise continues to be a hit. Is it because it has more freedom as an "Elseworld" story? Maybe. MAESTRO: WAR AND PAX certainly has the flexibility to live outside any constraints happening in the current Marvel Landscape. However, it's also successful because David is thoroughly developing his old FUTURE IMPERFECT story in an entertaining way that's cluttered with action, twist, turns, and meaningful characters to longtime Hulk fans.

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Fans, there is no other Marvel Comic on the market like Gerry Duggans MARAUDERS, which is one of the many reasons as to why this series needs to be on your pull list. Pick this issue up and let me know what you think. Its definitely worth the money!

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This latest chapter in the Dark Web series is a real winner. Characters learn about themselves and each other as they navigate labyrinths and brave nightmarish monsters. If youre not smiling as you read every page of Mary Jane & Black Cat #3, call 9-1-1 immediately. There's something wrong with you!

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This issue provides a solid base from which Kaplan can shape the rest of the story.  Solicitations for future issues indicate the story will become more rounded and balanced, giving us insight into the robots society and what would drive a robot to enter into a fight with a human.  Kaplan has set up a great story that looks to examine a common trope in a new light.  

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Metal Society #2 by Kaplan and Balbi continues their stellar worldbuilding as readers get a look at the robot society and its social dynamics. Rather than sticking to the stereotypical science fiction plots usually present in Human vs Robot storylines, Kaplan turns them on their heads with a refreshing take. The art team of Balbi and Lesko once again delivered art that perfectly matched the tone of each panel. Overall, this is exactly what a second issue should look like and is definitely worth picking up.

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Final ThoughtsMinor Threats #4 delivers a brash and bracing story filled with whimsy and humor. The dark satire, filled with inventive over-the-top plot elements, will keep Mature readers delighted from beginning to end. Readers seeking kinder, gentler, storiesalong with crusading book burners and social reformersshould look elsewhere for their next superhero fix.

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Overall, this issue delivers an enchanting and immersive experience that leaves readers eagerly anticipating what's next in this compelling series.

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Would I want this style or technique every time? Absolutely not. The overall progression of the narrative would go nowhere. However, if the creative team deems specific action sequences as that valuable to the comic, then so be it. Nevertheless, I dont see the need for Taylor and Redondo to have centered in on this specific element for the series for anything other than something unique and different. Ultimately, NIGHTWING #87 was charming and fun and everyone should give it a look especially from a digital angle. Let me know what you think, Merry Christmas, and God Bless!

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Nightwing 2022 Annual #1 delivers with intent. If youd like to see the gnarled machinations of Heartless, this issue is for you. If youd like to see a somewhat retcon of history involving Dick and Shelton that kind of fits, Nightwing 2022 Annual #1 is for you. If youd like to see a unique parallel to Bruce, Alfred, and the Batman with Gerard, Shelton, and Heartless, this comic is totally for you. Readers, this story may not be critical nor does it need an explanation to follow. However, it will genuinely help your understanding of Heartless and to see where hes coming from. You certainly wont feel for the character but youll definitely understand where hes coming from and why he is how he is. I think if youve been following Taylors Nightwing, then Nightwing 2022 Annual #1 is totally for you!

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ONE-STAR SQUADRON #1 has a ton of heart, compassion, realism, and loads of subtle humor.

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Jonathan Hickman continues his influentially intriguing story throughout this issue and leaves this reviewer wanting more. Charles said it best "" we have a plan that's ambitious and long-term"". Readers, Hickman has a plan that's ALSO ambitious and long-term.

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In addition to being the writer, Chip Zdarsky also did all of the art, coloring, and letters for Public Domain #1.  Zdarskys linework emphasizes how character-driven this story is, the characters pop while the background is blurry or lightly detailed in almost every panel.  The art gives the characters an added depth, helping to flesh them out and give them a life of their own.

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This is a perfect extra issue to tie into Jason Aaron's Punisher ongoing. It adds a violently different perspective from the outside world as to what Frank is doing and does so if a rather crafty way. Punisher War Journal: Brother #1 is merely a bonus that every Punisher fan following the series should get this week. The writing is intense coupled with some fantastically graphic art to boot.

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ROGUES #2 by Joshua Williamson is real, raw, and develops each member of the team incredibly well. Moreover, the juxtaposition of Gorilla City and what it represents along with the character development and evolution of the cast is what makes ROGUES #2 so dynamic and encapsulating. There is this darkness that hovers over the issue that just comes across as so relatable and authentic like nothing else DC COMICS is spitting out today.

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ROGUES #3 raises the level of intensity, develops the characters involved, and incorporates some unique story beats that will hook fans almost from the start. By far, this was the best issue in the series and did a fantastic job of seducing readers into reading the final issue. ROGUES #3 is graphic, powerful, and packs one heck of a punch. However, this isn't the issue to jump in on nor does Willaimson make it easy for fans to hop right in, which is ultimately the biggest knock of the comic.

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For someone who doesn't know a ton about the Sentry, Lemire is gradually introducing elements to the character and explaining the inner workings of Bob and his supporting cast. With issues dedicated mostly to the "not so super" Bob, Lemire is making them entertaining, fast-paced, and a ton of fun. Now, with the roof ripped clean off this sucker, I'm excited to see where it goes next.

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Overall, this is a great issue for old and new readers alike. Its filled with just enough character development and action to satisfy, and also supply artwork that complements the story. If you are a former reader who hasnt read Shadowman in a long time, or if youve never read a past issue but have an interest in learning about this character " check out this inaugural tale! I for one am looking forward to what is in store for Shadowman in this new series.

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Wendig's annual adds fantastic lore to the Star Wars universe by building up Tarkin and surprisingly tearing down one of the most feared beings in the galaxy. Wendig shows readers a transfer of power and adds so much more to both these characters. Get this issue!

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 :This issue was well-paced, threw off some dazzling colors and effective fight panels, and ultimately set us up nicely to continue the overall story. It provided excellent context and background into the two sides pulling at Ben's mind, and it seems totally reasonable that seeds of doubt may be creeping in. Admittedly, this reviewer is only a slightly more than casual fan of the Star Wars franchise. However, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited to follow this book and see how it plays out.

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This series at no point dipped below average, with flairs of brilliance. Outside of a face like a potato, and some stagnant color scheming (rarely), there was very little not to like here. The action was portrayed excellently, you got a feel for each character, and Bens internal struggle resonated with us. If youre not a fan of Star Wars, youll like this series. If you ARE a fan of Star Wars, chances are youll love it. The worst offense this series committed was only being four issues. But you know what they say leave em wanting more. This reviewer wants more.

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If you're interested in this comic or any of the others mentioned, simply click on the title/link to snag a copy through Amazon.

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Readers even get to see the Arrow Cave as well as experience some corny goatee jokes. What more could you ask for in a comic? I highly recommend picking up Stargirl: The Lost Children #2, as well as issue one, for something lighthearted yet still important to the overall climate of DC Comics. Add this puppy to your pull list post haste! Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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This issue has excitement, adventure, conspiracy, current continuity within the INFINITE FRONTIER, and intriguing new SUICIDE SQUAD members. From start to finish, Thompson bombards readers with action while Pansica and Ferreira light up each page with insane illustrations that make this issue come to life. Together, this creative team has done a fantastic job igniting an allure in this new frontier that's stimulating and energizing. As of right now, I'm all in on SUICIDE SQUAD and I can't wait to see how Thompson weaves Conner Kent SUPERBOY into this series.

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THE DISPATCHJeff Lemire blends the perfect mix of horror and suspense as he kicks off SWAMP THING: GREEN HELL #1. For fans interested in trying out SWAMP THING for the first time, be forewarned. This story appears to be set in a post-apocalyptic future with some rather dire consequences for whats left of the human race. Moreover, Lemire takes a wildly intriguing look at different aspects surrounding the three Parliaments that certainly piqued this reviewer's interest.

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Howard has truly taken time, zeal, and devotion to develop a well-written story thats never been told and quite frankly is interesting and logical. Hopefully, fans will get some hardcore twists and action soon. In the meantime, Im all in! Excellent job Tini Howard! Everyone should be reading this series.

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With a satisfying conclusion, exciting action sequences, beautiful pulp-inspired art, and great character development for Bruce Wayne/Batman readers will instantly be hooked. However, this series might not offer much novelty for readers familiar with the traditional Batman origin story. Nevertheless, overall, The Bat-Man: First Knight Book Three is a thrilling and visually stunning conclusion to a unique take on a classic hero's beginnings.

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The Good Doctor is out. Yet back at the same time?Despite reading comics for a considerable long time, Im more a recent convert to Doctor Strange. Past versions of the character often had him speaking like a drunken, Shakespearean actor and I just couldnt get interested in the character. Thankfully in recent years, writers like Jason Aaron, Donny Cates, and Mark Waid have made great strides in updating the character. Since the start of the Aaron run, Ive been hooked on the character and read him nonstop since. Based on the first issue of the new limited series/event, it appears thankfully we will be able to add Jed Mackay to that list.

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In The Sacrificers #2, Rick Remender and Max Fiumara delve into Tomorrow's harsh world and its overlords' demands from communities. This issue introduces diverse Sacrificers, reflecting their communities' varying treatment. Remender's signature ambiguity engages readers while expanding the narrative. However, it lacks his usual moments of profound silence. The artwork blends seamlessly with the story, breathing life into characters and enhancing the overall experience. It is genuinely exciting that the first issue was successful and wish the same for the second issue.

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If you love Thor, there is no one better to currently capture his voice than Aaron. His love for the character, Odinson's mythos, and the Asgardian Realms are magnificent.

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This storyline has personality, movement, purpose, inquiry, and vitality.

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Twig #2 continues with the same energetic fun that Skottie Young and Kyle Strahm brought to the first issue. They continue their excellent worldbuilding as they lean into the fantastical. The art and colors (by Jean-Francois Beaulieu) come together to produce one of the most beautiful books on the market. Overall, this is a wonderful chapter in the overall story that they're telling with Twig.

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Readers, its been a long time since weve seen The Maker vs Reed Richards. Im actually shocked its taken this long. Fans of Secret Wars should be pumped for whats to come from this event comic, especially since there has been very little involving the Maker sprinkled throughout comics since Secret Wars. Truthfully, Hickman does a fantastic job grabbing the audience by the back of the neck and ushering them into this next phase. FF fans, Ultimate fans, and Secret Wars fans need to get in on this now. This looks to be something special! Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Cates certainly navigated and expanded Eddie and the VENOM symbiote in a brand new direction with endless possibilities waiting on the horizon. However, it looks like it's going to be Ram V and Al Ewing who truly evolve the dynamic of the symbiotes and begin an incredibly special journey with a father and son that appears to be steeped in time-traversing adventures that we may never forget. Now is the time to hop on board VENOM!

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VENOM #3 re-grounds the character and returns the premise of VENOM back to its roots. Ram V sets up a new villain with a sharp story that builds the identity of the symbiote itself and lays a strong foundation for the future of this run.

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It's still a fun read filled with action, monsters, explosions, and exciting twists and turns. If you pick up Weapon H for something deep and emotional, you grabbed the wrong comic. You'll leave this issue as well as the past issues saying, "that was freakin' awesome!"

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X-FORCE #4 is a well written, entertainingly action-packed thrill ride that elevates Ben Percy to new heights. Percy finds imaginative ways to get so many characters involved while telling a remarkable story thats original and hard to forget. Fans, this is the X-story you need to read. This is the X-Book thats a must for any pull list and with the cliffhangers Percy throws out at readers each issue, he leaves fans with something to talk about from one week to the next. Readers, go get X-FORCE #4 and add this to your pull list. You can thank me later.

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Overall, X-Men '97 #2 is a thrilling and action-packed comic that will leave you wanting more. It's a must-read for any fan of the X-Men: The Animated Series and a great jumping-on point for new readers. Some fans might find the plot a little predictable, especially with the focus on a well-trodden rivalry. However, the frenetic action and the emotional core of the characters should keep most readers engaged. Again, X-Men '97 #2 is a must-read for fans of the original series. It delivers a satisfying dose of nostalgia alongside a thrilling new adventure. If you're looking for a comic that captures the spirit of the 90s X-Men with a modern twist, then this is the one for you.

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By sprinkling in minor details, and layering on psychological aspects of the Brood, Hickman makes readers feel like they're running with the X-Men and fighting off the Brood alongside them. If you love being apart of the story, enjoy space adventures, and love intricate plot twists, this is the story for you.

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There was no action… only discussion. That said, battles and fight sequences dont necessarily make a comic outstanding. Its a strong story itself that drives a reader's fascination with the comic. Well, Hickman delivers this week! Sure, its only the beginning stages of whats on the horizon with the X-MEN. But ultimately, X OF SWORDS introduced dozens of new mutants that weve never seen before and has now brought many of them to Earth. 2021 is going to see this main title unquestionably intermingle with these new mutants as well as battle them throughout the next 12 months. If anything, X-MEN #16 is an intriguing prologue for the events to transpire this next calendar year. Next up, is an election for a new team. I for one am jazzed to see this new team and where the X-MEN will be heading in 2021. Readers, this is the perfect time to hop on board the main title if you havent already. Pick it up and let me know what you think.

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What an outstanding job by Duggan and this entire creative team to continue to bring some clever twists and reveals that will keep fans paying attention to every nook and cranky he offers from every X-Men story to date.

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Readers, X-Men: Days of Future Past Doomsday #1 is the perfect way to go back to the success of the past and build on a story by providing depth with what ultimately amounts to a prequel. Sure, fans wont get every answer they might be searching for. However, they will get some heavy discussion as well as the devastating outcomes of so many mutants and heroes alike. Fans of the original X-Men: Days of Future Past will certainly need to pick this up and add it to their collection. Additionally, fans looking for something different from the ongoing X-Men and are interested in reliving a tale from the past, should definitely check this out. I highly recommend giving X-Men: Days of Future Past Doomsday #1 a shot and adding it to your pull list.

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Despite my disappointment in X-FACTOR and hesitance towards this event, X-MEN: THE TRIAL OF MAGNETO was engaging, explosive, and truly feels like an event. I left this first issue wanting more and cant wait to see whats revealed in this murder mystery next. I highly recommend X-MEN fans to give this event a look. Even those unfamiliar with the current ongoing titles can still hop right in with only the prior knowledge that someone killed the Scarlet Witch. Therefore, I could argue Williams set this story up for everyone. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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AQUAMEN #1 provides readers with nonstop action, unique twists, and story beats that will quickly captivate AQUAMAN fans.

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There is no doubt that this issue is a must-read for die-hard Batman fans who enjoy delving into the character's psychology that changes a bit of the history, lore, and dynamic between the Joker. However, those looking for a fast-paced, action-packed story might want to wait for the next installment to see how the external threats unfold.

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Furthermore, it's interesting to see Felicias inner dialogue while she's traveling through Manhattan and her thoughts on Spider-Man. Some issues that are not plot-heavy can feel like they drag on, but Black Cat #6 was a very enjoyable read. I can see the foundation the creators are setting for the next issues to come for an epic showdown.

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If you have any interest at all in the BLACK KNIGHT, this is a highly illuminating and action-packed issue that will leave you with a touch of enthusiasm for what's to come. There's something for long-time fans as well as new recruits while opening the door for some crazy developments down the road. Spurrier and his team managed to hook me into the series and I truly believe, if given the chance, you may be hooked too. Give it a look, let me know what you think, and God Bless!

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This issue of CABLE is fast and loose while showcasing exactly what the Summers family has to offer. Readers intrigued by supernatural space operas will leave excited for the future storylines that may be confronted by Cable and S.W.O.R.D. Sure, this issue didnt focus on X OF SWORDS too much. Heck, Cable already had the sword he needed. However, being the expert storyteller he is, Duggan used that plot point as an opportunity to saturate readers in his ongoing title while providing an opening to give readers another taste of Kid Cable. If youre not reading CABLE, you need to get on it already!!!

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X-MEN fans will become intimate with Dani Moonstar before this one-shot ends due to the cerebral journey CLAREMONT takes the readers on. Its thorough and, to a degree, unduly packed with commentary, dialogue, and exposition. Nevertheless, this is his style and again lends itself well to comprehension. But, that's CHRIS CLAREMONT. He's more direct and less subtle than current writers, which is refreshing to this reviewer who finds himself currently wondering what's going on frequently in comics needing a summary page to catch up.

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Lunacy. Madness. Rubbish. Utter Nonsense. All of these words describe this issue… But I loved it! Normally, this type of insanity just doesn't work for me. Nevertheless, it did in this DARK NIGHTS: DEATH METAL installment. Readers, it was pure fun as long as you can suspend some disbelief for about 20 minutes. Moreover, this issue is stellar even down to the last page. I mean, they don't call him the Main Man for nothing, do they?! Pick this issue up and let me know what you think.

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These crossover issues are only for fans of X OF SWORDS. Sure, Betsy, Shogo, and Jubilee make an appearance from the main EXCALIBUR run, but ultimately this isn't the focus of the issue. Thus, if you're not into this event, you may want to skip this month's installment. However, I highly recommend giving this a look.

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THE FLASH #784 was fun, vibrant, and added some intriguing developments that will cause fans to ponder as to what the heck is going on in these alternate worlds. Readers won't get any new big answers, however, they will see the gist of these next few issues as the Hunt for Barry Allen continues.

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Ewings fourth installment of GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY was fun, quirky, wonderfully easy to follow, and simply hard to forget.

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Even though Wells' Sinister wasn't as snarky or witty as he's been in the past, HELLIONS #13 was still wildly intriguing and full of surprises that will keep readers waiting for the ax to fall.

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HULK #3 was exciting, raw, and wildly different from IMMORTAL HULK. However, that's not a bad thing. Cates and Ottley are trying something different and focusing more on HULK'S rage and inner relationship with Banner than Ewing or Bennett ever did in IMMORTAL HULK. Readers, HULK #3 has great rhythm, vibrant action, outstanding balance, and powerful illustrations that capture the conflict so well.

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This weeks IMMORTAL HULK was wildly entertaining and full of energy that will keep you excited for whats to come while also feeling like you gained some pertinent information about the story thats currently unfolding.

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This issue was informative, creative, thought-provoking, and very ingenious as to how Ewing managed to incorporate SHE-HULK into the Gamma fold. I think the reception will be high for this book and a series will probably cascade out of the issue from here. Again, I highly recommend picking this issue up. Its totally worth the buy for any and all HULK fans. That said, its not ideal for people who havent been following the IMMORTAL HULK story or even the latest AVENGERS run. Nevertheless, She-Hulk fans will still get tons of enjoyment from this issue.

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Overall, NEW MUTANTS fans will see the love Hickman, Brisson, Muller, and Reis have for these characters more so than this reviewer has noticed in any other relaunch title to date. This team appears to blend together beautifully making a fantastic story that new and old fans will thoroughly appreciate.

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I thoroughly enjoyed Silver Surfer Rebirth #2. I am interested to see how the character at the issue's end fares when he faces Thanos and the Surfer, as well as who might end up having the missing reality gem.

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Overall, this issue, as well as all of Stargirl: The Lost Children, was a fantastic read for parents and kids to read together that carried weight, had ramifications, felt important, and was easy to digest. A book like this is hard to come by. However, leave it to Johns to create a series that the entire family could read while also ushering back into DC Comics a new era with these lost characters. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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THE JOKER is an exciting thrill ride that gets to the real heart, as well as the nasty grime, of humanity.

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Have you ever wanted an adult comic that you could also simultaneously enjoy with your kids? If so, I think Cates may be onto something here.

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The issue is charming, witty, and full of fun with some amazingly vivid and sharp art from Molina and Di Benedetto. This is a stunningly impressive tie into WAR OF THE REALMS that everyone will enjoy.

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Moore's art is phenomenal and the intriguing storyline that Cloonan and Conrad are brewing feels vibrant, sharp, brilliant, and energizing. I highly recommend giving this issue, as well as this run of WONDER WOMAN, a quality glance.

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If youre looking for an X-book thats the most connected to the relaunch, deeply rooted in HOXPOX, and featuring the Dawn of X as the focal point of the narrative, X-FORCE is definitely the book for you. Percy moves the overarching story forward, fills the tale with action, intrigue, and suspense while helping Jonathan Hickman (Head of X) usher in a new foundation for the landscape of mutantkind in the Marvel Universe.

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Fans of Percy's X-FORCE will like the return to an old plot thread while long-time X-FORCE fans will relish the return of a longtime member" if only for a short time. Moreover, Percy continues to be one of (if not thee) best X-MEN related writers currently by flexing his writing chops in such a way that makes a stuffy GALA exciting and intriguing. If you're all in on X-MEN, as well as the HELLFIRE GALA, this issue is for you.

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Overall, X-FORCE ANNUAL #1 was a happy surprise that I think all fans of the series will enjoy. Yet, if you don't have the money to buy both issues of X-FORCE this week, this may be the one to skip only because it is the annual and it's more like an extra story. The plot may come back to surprise you, however, it felt like an addition more than a necessity.

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If you've been on the fence about this series but are a true X-MEN fan that kicked off in the 90s, this X-MEN '92: HOUSE OF XCII is for you!

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X-MEN #11 is an exciting tale that elevates Magneto's importance to the Mutant Landscape while showcasing his leadership abilities, tenacity, and his clever ingenuity with his abilities. This issue felt like something Jonathan Hickman has wanted to write for a long time and was simply looking for an avenue or excuse to justify an entire issue dedicated to the Master of Magnetism.

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As for X-MEN #17 itself, this one-shot contained elements and tones that resembled a more throwback feel. Maybe it was Brett Booths illustrations that have always paralleled the late 90s early 2000s vibe? Maybe it was the uniforms and the key players? Or, maybe it's the X-MEN in space concept that excited this reviewer and gave him flashbacks to the days of yore? Either way, this weeks X-MEN was fun, fast, explosive, interconnected, and well worth the read. Its a quick adventure that Im sure will spiral back around again in the future knowing Hickman. If youre curious or interested in the X-MEN, this is a super easy issue to pick up and read without needing an info dump to juggle the motives and outcome. Give it a look and let me know what you think. Have a great week and God bless!

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THE DISPATCHWith this week bringing forth the concluding issue of INFERNO, one would probably choose to be more excited about that issue than X-MEN #6. Truthfully, I would agree with most people in my excitement for the concluding issue of the Hickman era. Nevertheless, my curiosity was still piqued as I wondered who this Captain Krakoa was and why he was suddenly thrust into the series.

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X-Men #25 is all about Shadowkat. Kitty is off her rocker and its spectacular. Duggan perfectly incorporates why and how Shadowkat is back in a way that hinges on something he personally created for the character back in Marauders. Readers, thats just solid, creative storytelling showcasing just why Duggan is one of the best writers in comics right now. Are we going to get an X-Men team with Juggernaut? Sadly, it doesnt look that way. However, you will get a pretty wicked issue with tons of action and emotion. If youre coming off your high that was Hellfire Gala 2023 #1, this X-Men #25 isnt a bad issue to fall back on.

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A.X.E.: Judgment Day #4 focused my attention on who decides the moral laws. Who decides what is just and unjust? Who is the judge? Even the world of Marvel Comics fights with that dilemma on the reg and theyre a fictional world with superheroes and superpowers. If they struggle, what are we to do? And this question I pose not just rhetorically but also in the context of the issue. Im excited to see how Gillen will manage this new impending judgment. How will the world get through this one? I guess well have to continue to read and find out. But readers, the excitement and speculation are real! Grab A.X.E.: Judgment Day #4 as soon as you can. Other than the massive narration, this issue has it all!

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If youre looking for a well explained, fast-paced, action-packed event with fantastic art, youve come to the right place. This beautifully illustrated issue will leap off the shelf and capture your attention immediately while Giffens storytelling will submerge readers deeper into this universal war story leaving them excited and eager for the next installment. So far, readers will find themselves attracted to a high-quality comic event that feels important to the Marvel landscape. What more could comic readers ask for? Pick this issue up at your LCS or buy the trade if you're reading this review after the fact. Either way, dont miss out on this stunningly amazing event!

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Batman #127 continues Zdarskys creative juxtaposition of a few classic Batman stories and uses them as the backdrop for a new tale that will help fans forget all about the past half-decade of the series. Its fun, exciting, clever, and filled with action. With only a few minor questions that dont completely ruin the narrative, Batman #127 continues to push this series back towards the top at DC Comics. Sure, the story is pretty wild but its the art team thats truly made Batman exciting and fun along with the Zur-En-Arrh persona. If youve been off Batman, you need to get back on right now. If these past couple of issues are any indication, Batman fans are in for a treat! Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Nevertheless, Ill give this storyline a fair shake due to Chips track record that normally lands heads up. Plus, Zdarsky is generally great at starting a storyline with the premise being one angle and completely ripping the ground out from the narrative switching towards another direction quicker than it started. Meaning, this Civil War premise might just fade away anyway. No doubt, Id give Batman #137 a good strong look. Additionally, Jimenezs art was pretty solid like usual. However, there were a few small parts that seemed uncharacteristic. Nevertheless, Id follow this story through to Catwoman #47 and see i where it goes. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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BATMAN: FORTRESS #4 is fun and will certainly keep fans on their toes. Nevertheless, we are four issues in with very few answers and even more questions. Sure, the conversations and cameos help fortify the story well. However, if we don't get any answers soon, I feel readers may take their money elsewhere. Issue five needs to have a huge story beat answered to keep the mojo trucking along or else I could see the series start to implode. All that said, BATMAN: FORTRESS #4 was extremely entertaining and reminiscent of the BATMAN Ive long missed for quite some time. I highly recommend giving this series a shot.

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I was nervous at first about having Black Panther meets Star Wars. However, Coates, Acuna, and Sabino are working so well together. They're giving us "A New Hope" for T'Challa and connecting this character for all ranges of fans.

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CABLE #1 was entertaining and filled with Duggan's subtlety dry humor. Once again, Gerry Duggan creates a story that's easy to interpret, manageable for a new reader to jump in and follow, and straightforward even though some of the character voices appeared off at times and old characters are reimagined.

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CABLE has been blessed with a great writer as well as a lead artist. And from my experience, it's really hard to not like a comic when you have such a dynamic pair like Noto and Duggan. My only hope is that we find out more about the story taking place in "another time" real soon.

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Moreover, the sly elements of the supernatural mixed with the advanced technology angle make for a rather intriguing villain tampering with what appears to be past events. I cant help but leave Captain America #1 excited for whats to come while also trusting Straczynski to keep the character grounded in his roots as well as what makes Steve the one and only Captain America. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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My only wish is that they pumped this out weekly starting in the last week of September. Who wants to be reading about Capwolf & The Howling Commandos come January? A story like this would be a perfect bombardment to help fortify the season well. Id definitely give Capwolf & The Howling Commandos #1 a look if youre looking for something different, action-packed, and love the 1950s monster mash motif. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Capwolf and the Howling Commandos #2 is an action meets horror meets unconventional biopic set during WW2. Granted, I know it's not technically a biopic BUT in essence, it is depending on how you view Captain America. Readers get a fun escape that's exciting, easy on the eyes, and chalked full of action with a story that's straightforward and uncomplicated. Mix that together with some art that amplifies the werewolf masterfully and you have one heck of a comic.

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Brisson formulates a perfect weekly anecdote that will keep fans eager for the next 4 weeks while packing in just enough action, suspense, and interest to maintain readers' curiosity and keep them wanting more.

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If you like crazy, out of this world, Marvel Comics nonsense, this issue is for you. Cates is literally allowed to use every toy in the toy box" and I mean EVERY TOY!

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Cable handles Galactus, Frank takes on the MCU, and Uatu becomes a babysitter all in this week's COSMIC GHOST RIDER #3 by the insanely creative Donny Cates.

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If youre looking for an entertaining, horror-esque, historical-fiction tale cluttered with Hitler and Nazis, DC Horror Presents: Sgt. Rock vs. The Army of the Dead #1 is right up your Allies (I mean alley)! Plus, who knows the undead better than Bruce Campbell? Additionally, this art team shines providing a clean, almost dated coloring that fits well with the tone of the issue. Id highly recommend giving DC Horror Presents: Sgt. Rock vs. The Army of the Dead #1 a try especially considering you need no background knowledge to dive in. Just pick it up and enjoy! Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Waid finds a way to magically entertain his audience in a cleverly refreshing way that portrays a completely different tone than his last series. The issue has elements of wit and charm however sprinkles in a few creepy moments to keep readers on their toes around the mystic arts. This series really is a great place for any fan interested in jumping into the character to take that leap while still moving forward for older fans to continue where they left off.

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Readers should simply pick this up for fun, outstanding storytelling by one of the best in the business, and to get a taste as to what Hickman can do with a DOCTOR STRANGE series. That said, it's not required reading for DAWN OF X or EMPYRE. So, if money is tight, you can go without it. However, I strongly recommend grabbing the trade for an entertaining ride.

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After the deflection which was the entire last arc, EXCALIBUR #10 by Tini Howard quickly lunges the series forward in a quite clever and interesting direction that finally begins to mold the magic realm into the mutant landscape in a way that makes more sense, fits well within the context of the narrative, and is genuinely intriguing for new and old EXCALIBUR fans alike.

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My only true, and biggest real concern is that I feel like weve been floating in this empty story void for months now where Adams hasnt really had the chance to continue his story or add weight to his ideas. Fun and cute can only get you so far. Now, I want to see what Adams can do by building on that same charm hes captured and ushering in a new, powerful era with the entire West family. I have a feeling hes the right guy for the job! Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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To semi-quote one Ferris Bueller, The Flash #799 moves pretty fast. If you dont stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. Its that quick people! Almost from page one, action, gigantic titans, Eternity Palaces, time and space manipulation, and so much more! The subtle humorous exchanges are classic, and the underlining family motifs and relentless action make for an incredibly fun issue. However, there is so much meat left on the bone. The in-depth story Adams could have told and the vibrant storytelling that was cut to squeeze this in was a bit upsetting. Sure, Adams still made it enjoyable. But, well never know what could have been if he was given the proper page count and time to tell the full story. Additionally, I just want to go on record saying that the side adventures we missed from Wally should not be undertaken by anyone other than Adams. He deserves to tell that story. And I hope we get it soon! Great issue! Adams fans should pick this up as well as Wally fans

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FLASHPOINT BEYOND #1 is fast-paced, crammed with follow-up events to the original FLASHPOINT, and cluttered with intensity and anger from an assortment of characters.

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Green Arrow #7 was a nice surprise. Even if youre not a huge fan of the character or havent been reading Green Arrow, Williamson does a phenomenal job taking a pulse of whats been happening throughout DC Comics this past year. Picture this issue like cliff notes. So, if you have been interested in getting back into DC Comics, Id pick this issue up post haste. If youre a Green Arrow fan, Green Arrow #7 was nothing like the prior installments. It has direction, purpose, and sanity. All aspects that were missing from the prior issues. And if this reviewer is correct, I think it will be Mr. Queen who initiates getting the band back together again. And honestly, who doesnt want to see the Justice League back in action? Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Green Lantern #5 moves at Mach 10 and provides an extra piece to the puzzle while still leaving a few tidbits to be desired. Hal's ring appears to be upgraded while Sinestro's motive becomes a bit more clear. Altogether, Adams and his creative team deliver a solid story with just enough pizzazz to keep fans dialed in until the next issue. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Green Lantern #6 is cluttered with action putting this creative team into the driver's seat. From start to finish, fans get a powerful, entertaining issue thats been building since Adams took over. And lets be honest, what Green Lantern fan wouldnt want to see an entire comic centered around Hal and Sinestro fighting? Well, thats exactly what you get with some of the brightest and most crisp constructs Ive seen in quite some time. I have no doubt fans will love this issue and leave with a unique cliffhanger that will still dial them in for next month.

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Now again, this issue of HELLIONS was certainly a bit harder to digest at first. Still, I think youll find that Wells and Segovia manage to stick the landing leaving readers curious for whats to come. I highly recommend grabbing this issue and adding this series to your pull list. HELLIONS #11 may be a difficult jumping-on point for brand new readers.

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Waid, Rodrguez, and Lpez blend this orderly account together making readers feel like they are the Theophilus of the Marvel Universe. For fans jumping into this series expecting a story packed with revelations, the only revelation they will find here is a detailed and historical document that has been fine-tuned, researched, and organized to get new and old readers up to speed for whats to come. With help from Rodrguez and Lpez, this creative team deliberately traps readers within this historical document and makes it an enjoyably fun read while gently informing comic buffs of Marvels glorious past. Pick this issue up, as well as the prior two, and add it to your pull list. Fans will leave the other side smarter and better for it.

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Ewings clever storytelling is on display again in issue 22. Even though fans get an issue focused on explanation and less action, Ewing evolves the story and takes it to an entirely new level with the character development and the subtle cultural nuances connecting his story with our society today. Fans will leave the issue excited for the throw-down to come at the beginning of issue 23.

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Overall, IMMORTAL HULK fans will leave this issue feeling like Al Ewing is back on track. The direction is clear. The villain is apparent. And, the Hulks motives are ironed out well. The supernatural, time-traveling, universe threatening, almost Biblical in nature storytelling has been set aside for now and its so refreshing!

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Overall, this issue was merely a change of pace to catch readers up and provide a jumping-on point for anyone interested in riding the IMMORTAL HULK wave through to the end. As usual, Ewing nails the multiple personalities within the Hulk and provides a vividly entertaining tale that leaves me wanting more each week.

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Ewing certainly takes a back seat this issue for the return of the frighteningly detailed illustrations of Joe Bennett and his art team. To fans that have been reading since the beginning, you'll also agree that some issues are more art heavy and brutal than others leaving some of the plot to be a bit less desirable. Well, IMMORTAL HULK #36 is one of those installments this week.

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IMMORTAL X-MEN #1 is informative and creates the perfect starting point for fans to jump on board. If you've ever been on the fence as to whether or not to get in on the X-MEN action, now is the time. Plus Gillen has made it super easy to follow, summarized most of the events incredibly well, and provided some unique crinkles to boot.

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This reader continues to love this series and feels that JESSICA JONES is a perfect match for Kelly Thompson and Mattia De Iulis. The story attracts readers and makes them feel like their walking right beside Jessica as shes trying to solve this mystery. Plus, the art is so remarkably vivid and vibrant that comic fans will get lost in the issue. Its such a fast read leaving fans wanting more and craving the next installment. From someone whos never dipped his toes into the character of Jessica Jones, I highly recommend giving this series the old college try! If you enjoy mysteries, strong narration, extremely expressive art, and are willing to take a shot on a new character, this story is perfect for you. And, if youre already a JESSICA JONES fan, this is a no-brainer and a must-read! Grab the issue and let me know what you think.

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THE DISPATCHEssentially, what will drive the reader's attention throughout JUSTICE LEAGUE INCARNATE #1 is the array of unfamiliar, yet reminiscent characters that provide that hook immediately into the comic. Moreover, its the way Williamson and Culver manage to juggle this extremely large cast of characters giving an excellent blend of interest where its needed without making any character feel left out. Readers, theres practically something for everybody in this comic.

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Justice Society of America #4 was a strong read filled with some rather dynamic twists, inspiring story beats, and thrilling action. However, with the extra long distance between issue to issue, fans will be better off reviewing the content from issue three before diving into this one.

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The backstory was powerful and the insight was masterful. However, I need more about the main plot before my interest fades.

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This is another stellar issue and frankly, a smashingly outstanding series that I wish was so much longer.

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Now, if you love the HULK and are a long-time fan, this series, as well as MAESTRO, are totally up your alley. However, at this point, Id just grab the trade and prepare for WORLD WAR M. Additionally, if youre new to the MAESTRO and just dropped a line into this issue on a whim, I highly recommend checking out FUTURE IMPERFECT to take a deep dive into where this all began. Readers, grab this trade, let me know what you think, have a great week, and God bless!

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If you're interested in an X-Men title filled with some of your classic favorites that's well-paced, funny, and filled with just enough action and questions as the story continues, this is your X-Book.

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Duggan hand delivers a powerful story in an ingenious way like he's done almost every week and continues to make this a top X-title. If you're an X-MEN fan, this is a must buy and must add to your pull list. If you're not an X-fan, it's still an amazing issue layered with dynamic art and an incredible story with a twist!

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Matthew Rosenberg's creative humor, witty dialogue, and funny situational comedy drive the issue through the maniacal destruction of the evil Emperor Jamie Madrox Prime. Sure, some of the timey-whimey time-travel pieces are a bit confusing but Rosenberg does a fantastic job masking them with action scenes, and over the top, jaw-dropping revelations.

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Readers, there is no going back on who the Punisher is now. His entire history is changed. His motivations are forever changed. The foundation of what made him who he was has changed. And ultimately, I don't know how it gets altered. This is some pretty heavy stuff that Aaron throws at readers. And like it or not, this appears to be the new Punisher.

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Punisher #11 continues this twisted, psychotic retcon of Frank Castle and places another unique caveat on the day of his "origin that's been left out of his backstory to date. It does provide a unique wrinkle that truthfully makes sense given the new information laid out by Aaron. However, I've said it in other reviews and I'll say it again, this retcon changes the character drastically. Not just in the short term but forever. The way fans look at the character and what he stands for are permanently changed. For better or worse that's still to be decided.

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FINAL THOUGHTSIf you're not reading ANY Conan books, you need to start and this issue is a great place to start and dip your toe into the cold Cimmerian waters. Its a different Conan story than many are used to but still has some of the basic, brutal, and barbaric traits that make the Hyborian the same savage gladiator that older fans have grown to love. This issue not only focuses on everyones fun-loving (sarcasm) Cimmerian, but it also has hints of mystery, adventure, and even gambling! Dont hesitate any longer and head to your LCS and start reading some Conan. Why not start with SAVAGE SWORD OF CONAN #7?

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Even though this reviewer wasnt a huge fan of the ending, I can still see the overall issue as creatively original, captivating, and something that has stirred up some great questions to ponder in my own faith journey. To anyone who has followed Mark Russells work in the comic realm, they would acknowledge that there have been some ups and downs. However, this series has helped to solidify his genre of comics and his place within the medium. You could even say that Ahoy Comics and Mark Russell were a match made in heaven. Look no further than their next partnership, BILLIONAIRE, which you can get a sneak peek of this issue, to see the brooding partnership continue to blossom. Guys, pick this comic up if youve been following along to date. If not, this reviewer would highly recommend the trade while keeping your eyes open for SECOND COMING Season Two on the horizon.

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Fans of the INFINITY WARS, as well as the SECRET WARPS tie-ins, will love these annuals. Additionally, if my theory is correct and something more substantial and permanent is emerging from these SECRET WARPS, this reviewer recommends picking these annuals up and adding them to your collection.

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SHAZAM! #2 is not what you'd expect nor is it your normal storyline that fits the character. Yet, somehow this creative team puts forth a wildly entertaining story with terrific illustrations that make this series loads of fun.

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ARTEmanuela Lupacchino's artwork brings the humor to life. Her expressive characters and cartoony exaggerations perfectly capture the chaos of a magically messy house. The visual gags are well-placed, adding to the lighthearted tone of the story.

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THE DISPATCHFollowing the surprise that was SHE-HULK #1, I couldnt help but be excited for issue two, especially after the cliffhanger with Jack of Hearts. Well readers, SHE-HULK #2 shifts the focus from the gamma green bombshell directly towards Jack and catches readers up on his whereabouts since his last encounter. Now, what I absolutely love about this issue is that Jack is not a well-known character or fan favorite to many mainstream MARVEL movie and TV peeps.

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It was the art that made this worth the price of admission. Beautifully drawn and realistic images are my cup of tea, and this issue had it in spades.

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Can a Marvel comic ever capture the magic of George Lucas' original trilogy? As always, readers must make up their minds. Having joined their ranks with Star Wars #26, I find my interest growing with each issue. While our heroes don't have an easy time of it in Star Wars #32, their easily-relatable dilemma and their struggles to return home make this issue as much a triumph as finishing the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs.

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Morrisons intensity and conceptual approach are still prevalent and stronger than ever in this issue. Plus, readers get a wide range that showcases what hes truly capable of. Yet, as strong as Morrison was this issue, its the diverse, dynamic illustrations, artistic styles, and coloring that made this issue so successful and set the tone masterfully. Im still all-in on this series and look forward to seeing what unravels as SUPERMAN AND THE AUTHORITY resumes. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Overall, Tales From Earth-6: A Celebration of Stan Lee #1 is jam-packed with more entertaining stories than not, cluttered with some outstanding artists, legendary writers, and all for a pretty manageable price. Comic fans will definitely get more bang for their buck as the plethora of artists and writers pay tribute to the Godfather of comics and at DC to boot. Sure, a few of the character renditions are a bit too weird. However, many were wildly fascinating and kept this reviewer quite interested from start to finish. I highly recommend giving Tales From Earth-6: A Celebration of Stan Lee #1 a fair shake, especially with some of that extra Christmas cash you got from your parents this holiday season. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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From new teammates to insane fight scenes, TASK FORCE Z #2 continues to level up the crazy. The story beats are a bit far-fetched but original, exciting, and somewhat mysterious.

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The experience and expertise of these distinctive storytellers shine through in each of these classic tales making this issue a must-read to any long-time Thor fan or classic comic enthusiast. Even if youre simply looking for a trip down memory lane involving the history of Thor, this issue would be a great place to start.

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Ultimates Invasion #2 is good but just feels lacking in character motivation, action, and appeal. Couple that with the heavy sci-fi topic and a sense of predictability and Hickman's story just seems to be lacking a bit more pomp and circumstance than it normally has attached to it.

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:Void Rivals #4 impressively continues to build on the intricate storytelling and expert pacing of the series. Robert Kirkman's skillful narrative explores the Zertonians' reactions to Solila's return and offers promising revelations for Darak and Solila's journey. The mix of space politics and humor keeps readers engaged, but occasional detours into setting up the new universe can be distracting. I can positively say this book is one of the best coming out right now.

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Jason Aaron is a masterful storyteller that once again proves the stage isnt too big for him to handle a full scale, company-wide event crossing years of his THOR run. Dautermans art is vigorous, spirited, powerful and shows depth within each scene. This issue is a must read moving forward in the series, as well as the characters of Venom, Thor, and the Avengers. If the issue focused more on the battle at Svartalfheim, this reviewer probably would have given the issue a 9 or higher. That said, it was still a fantastic read!

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Pak is writing an engaging and enjoyable story that's exciting each month. In this issue, Anindito's art was clear, vibrant, and polished. Caramagna and Cowles use their lettering experience to evenly space out the issue and make the movement from panel to panel seem easy, natural, and flawless.

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WILD CARDS: DRAW OF THE CARDS #1 is just enough to pique new readers' interests while providing older fans with just enough of a taste to see where Cornell plans to focus this first series. Even though issue one lacks character depth, I believe that it's assumed most fans are entering this comic with at least some background on the characters and world involved. Nevertheless, I highly recommend brand new fans to this world at least use their Google machine to provide a bit more of a snapshot of some of the characters involved first. It will definitely help provide a bit more excitement as the story quickly unfolds.

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Wild Cards: Drawing of Cards #3 by Paul Cornell provided insight through the eyes of o vital cog and fan favorite to many diehard fans. The only real knock I can give this issue is the drastic change in tempo may have deterred newer fans that were expecting even more of an info dump coupled with even more action like the prior installments of Wild Cards: Drawing of Cards. Yet, longtime fans of the series will gravitate towards this issue simply to see how Cornell and his team do with the portrayal of the Sleeper.

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There are battles" but not gutsy, balls to the wall, savagery. Readers will get some black-ops, covert action with some minor cameo action sequences that will be just enough to wet your whistle. However, what we do get is fun, quick, and intriguing.

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WOLVERINE #17 was a clever, crime enriched, mystery thriller with future twists and turns woven into the foundation of the story. However, to fans invested since Percy's WOLVERINE began, the kinks seem pretty straightforward yet still fun and entertaining.

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PREMISELet me start this review with an extremely mild spoiler and recap from events that cascaded right out of INFERNO #4. Why? Well, it will help to paint a better picture for fans this week. X DEATHS OF WOLVERINE is absolutely nothing like X LIVES OF WOLVERINE. Now, it doesnt mean that they arent in conjunction (because they most certainly are) but X DEATHS OF WOLVERINE and X LIVES OF WOLVERINE are the new HOXPOX for this era.

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Readers get a strong depiction of WOLVERINE throughout the years and witness a wild ride filled with insane action and intriguing speculation cluttering the would-be history of everyone's favorite Canucklehead. Furthermore, fans witness somewhat of an opportunistic exploration for a character that's been so drastically scarred by so much hate and deceit.

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If youve been searching for highly intense action, epic thrills, and over the top, supercharged, graphic displays, look no further than X-FORCE #5. Percy has given X-fans the mayhem that has been missing since HOXPOX. Readers will leave this stimulating issue stunned by Cassaras art and wanting this type of story to continue. This issue proves that Percys X-FORCE is meant for an explicit purpose and readers should jump in prepared for a darker and more aggressive take that has truly been forgotten from Marvel Comics for a long time now. Pick this issue up and let me know what you think!

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Ben Percy continues to make X-FORCE the most pertinent and aggressive X-title on the market. Each issue connects to the overall story well, holds weight within the narrative, and displays purpose, importance, and drive within the story. When you read X-FORCE, you feel like youre not only getting your moneys worth but also leave the issue feeling like the story has substance and value. Percy creates another fascinatingly well-written tale thats easy to read and hard to forget. This series and issue are a must buy to any X-fan and should be on your pull list. Understandably, financial cuts may need to be made with the borage of titles on the market. However, X-FORCE is the one that NEEDS to stay on your list until further notice.

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Nonetheless, just like WOLVERINE #6, if you're an X-FORCE fan that's not really into X OF SWORDS, this title isn't really required. You can take some time off this week if you wish and not miss the current storyline in X-FORCE. That said, I wouldn't recommend it because this issue was fire! Percy and WOLVERINE go together like peanut butter and fluff" or like a Hell Forge and a Muramasa blade!

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Percy continues to lead the charge with one of the best X-MEN titles on the market. Simply put, you must have X-FORCE in your pull list if you want to follow anything X-MEN related.

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X-FORCE #24 is dynamically brilliant, imaginative, and showcases two various strategies of infiltration mixed with two distinct avenues one could lose their mind. Moreover, X-FORCE #24 finally reinvigorates a comic that's been rather stale lately.

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X-MEN #12 was a strong issue to give readers some much-needed background for the X OF SWORDS event. Even though the heavy verbiage and unique wording lent to an introductory montage the likes of LORD OF THE RINGS, the premise of the event became a bit more defined and forthright. Hints of an Apocalyptic romance graced the pages with a foundation built upon secrets, hidden demons, and otherworldly battalions and onslaughts. This reader just wishes more clarity could have been surmised over the massive nature of the material Hickman shared. Either way, X-MEN fans will have a rather difficult time reading this issue and not getting super excited about X OF SWORDS. I know I am! Grab X-MEN #12 and let me know what you think.

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This is certainly an issue that can't be missed if only for its clarifying purposes and historical significance to the overall story.

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My biggest concern within X-Men #18 was the cliffhanging last page involving a Summers (which I cant talk about without spoiling anything) AND the depiction of the X-Terminators as this group of teenage girls, which they arent. But otherwise, X-Men #18 had a purpose in clearing the air and at the end of the day it succeed in that objective. If you have any questions on the review or are ever interested in tackling a comic review of your own, feel free to email me directly at dispatchdcu@gmail.com. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Overall, X-Men #19 was much better than I thought it was going to be. The Brood storyline had just enough power to keep the momentum of the narrative while also simultaneously juggling almost three to four different mini-stories in the process. Duggan is certainly on to something here, however, it may be an extremely difficult place for fans to jump in on this series. Additionally, Duggan continues to make X-Men one of the top, must-read series of the Krakoan Era by mixing and matching some wildly creative stories with new ideas and missions that continue to hit the mark. This may not be the best place to jump in but, if you go back about two to three issues, I think you could hop in there.

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Batman/ Superman: Worlds Finest #16 is a fast read that catches fans up on Newmazo and this A.I. Revolution. The story showcases Batmans cunning leadership abilities as well as Waids in-depth knowledge of the DC Comic Universe. Furthermore, it provides fans with a rather intense story thats packed full of excitement from start to finish. If youre looking for that extra book to fill out your pull list this week, Batman/ Superman: Worlds Finest #16 might be just what the doctor (Ivo) ordered!

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The depth of the story and artistic license of this creative team to prepare a cerebral masterpiece was truly out of this world. Readers can instantly tell the connection between the art and writing as they comb the issue since the author of both was the same.

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Batman City of Madness #3 crafted by the creative mastery of Christian Ward, is a groundbreaking inquiry of Batman's innermost fears and desires. Ward's superb storytelling, coupled with his stunning and surreal artwork, makes this series an unforgettable journey through the psyche of Gotham's Dark Knight. While some readers may find the narrative complexity challenging, the rich thematic exploration and visual spectacle make it a must-read for fans seeking a unique and thought-provoking take on Batman.

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Captain America #3 holds back the action this week in order to promote the villain and set up a solid transition in the story. Every good story has these issues periodically that give a little on the thrills front only to help push the comic forward with setup. So, even though this issue wasnt very balanced this week, Waid and his team still provided a strong story with an extraordinary storyboard that this reviewer hasnt seen too often in comics today. We learn more about the Emissary, some of his abilities, his creation, and understand that Cap and him are connected in some way. Hopefully, next month, we not only get some intense action but more answers that will solidify this story and its overarching purpose and agenda. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Captain America #4 opens with a brilliant look at how Cap assesses new threats and mixes that up with new villains. The action is spot on and the artwork amplifies the opening pages extremely well. As the story moves along, the 1939 side is somewhat interesting however it lacks a certain energy and authenticity that the present-day story overpowers. Dont get me wrong, the entire narrative is truly driving at something outstanding. Its just that this reviewer wishes we got more of the present-day story than the 1939 angle. Plus, Im not seeing as much of a connection between the two stories as I once did. Nevertheless, I still think this series is strong and worth adding to your pull list. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Either way, readers cant deny the sheer high powered warfare and savagery this issue dishes out with a complimentary side of mystery and suspense that locks you in for next month's adventure.

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While I am torn by the deus ex machina employed to make Neha, the least experienced of the Sisterhood of Mans members, the finder of the egg, the plot developments of issue #7 are consequential. The Church of the Singularity threatening the lives of the entire Sisterhood of Man, the entire Sisterhood targeting Neha, these things cant be undone. I look forward to finding out where this will go. Im especially eager to find out what Imogens response to these developments will be.

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There is a ton to work with in this weeks ETERNALS #2. Gillen is simultaneously reintroducing the ETERNALS, providing fanfare with the return of THANOS, and dropping mysterious plot nuggets that furnish new and old readers with some pretty extensive questions. Moreover, Ribi packs that extra punch that helps to raise the level of excitement alongside Gillens intrigue. Together, this creative team continues to elevate my level of interest into an area that never really resonated with me before. I highly recommend giving ETERNALS a fair shake. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God bless.

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Overall, ETERNALS continues to be interesting, situational, and uses basic elements of storytelling to induct newer readers into the fold of these brand new characters. Gillen is the perfect writer for this job and I can't help but love the murder mystery style he's using to usher readers into this series. Now, even though I wish I received a bit more answers or clues as to who's behind this quandary, I'm still all in and can't wait for the next issue. There is so much to work with throughout this untapped series.

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The Flash: One-Minute War Special #1 helps introduce the Fraction and gives fans more of a background as to who they are, what they want, and where they come from. Truthfully, the very first story was by far the best followed by the dinner party freeze frame and the return of a Willaimson villain. Overall, fans will discover that The Flash: One-Minute War Special #1 provides some much-needed pizzazz to an event that seemed to be missing a purpose and point. If you were on the fringe of this event, hopefully, The Flash: One-Minute War Special #1 will rejuvenate you a bit more. Lets just hope Adams rolls the success of this issue into the remaining Flash issues left in this event and possibly piggybacks off some of the flair and excitement these artists gave him and carries them into the series going forward.

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There is a ton in this issue for everyone. I highly recommend giving this overly packed issue a try. It has its moments to shine AND wasn't exactly what I thought it would be. That said, it was still well worth the buy and a solid read for any fan excited for Johnsons SUPERMAN run as well as Warworld, the Fourth World, and so much more.

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Ewing uses GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY #2 to pack a huge punch. This issue is straight-up wild! You'll read it and afterward genuinely feel blown away by the events that transpired. And if nonstop action isn't entirely your thing, Ewing introduces some pretty creepy elements as well surrounding Hephaestus and his Automatons, which seem ripped right from a horror flick.

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Wells continues to find a way to take this band of rejects and makes them highly enjoyable. Zeb Wells continues to show off his expertise and creative juices as characters that should never work together and filled with such baggage somehow seamlessly gel together after only four issues. Moreover, his story is clear, direct, fast, and filled with relentless action. Plus, whether you completely know the backstory for each character or not, Wells still sets up the narrative to be easy for anyone to enjoy. This reviewer is thoroughly excited to see what this team has in store next, especially from Sinister, Pryor, the Legacy Marauders, and even the Quiet Council. Pick up this issue and add HELLIONS to your pull list. It's still not too late to get all four issues and hop on board this crazy train before it leaves the station!

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I absolutely love when a comic gets me to think. I love when a story develops speculation and causes "water cooler" talk. Ewing does a fantastic job on this issue to add some needed tangible substance to the story while providing narrative clues as to the concluding direction of the series.

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Jason Aaron immediately hooks readers and leaves them wanting answers. Plus, the choice of Silvestri on art sashayed an amazingly Conan-like Hulk that resembled a gamma charged, Hyborian born Barbarian which I never thought I'd ever see.

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JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK 2021 ANNUAL #1 is complex, sophisticated, elaborate, and perplexing" but all in a spectacular way. The thought and attention to in-depth story beats and details are absolutely fantastic. There is no doubt Ram V, Dan Watters, and their crew have done their homework. However, I wish I could say this is the perfect jumping-on point for a new reader.

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Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #5 is an explosive and visually stunning comic book that delivers on its promise of an epic crossover. With its jaw-dropping action sequences, interwoven storylines, and captivating character dynamics, this issue is a treat for fans of both the DC Universe and the MonsterVerse. Whether you're a longtime comic book reader or a fan of the blockbuster films, this crossover event is sure to leave you in awe. Strap in for a battle of legendary proportions that is not to be missed!

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KANG THE CONQUEROR #1 not only provides some backstory into this intriguing new villain (new to the MCU that is) but procures a deeper dive into the ethical humanity of a young would-be villain who now witnessed and seen the horror and missteps of his future self.

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KING CONAN #1 is an action-packed opener that almost any new reader could step right into with ease. Jason Aaron throws fans into the deep end cold providing little answers and powerful questions to be answered as the story unfolds. However, it's a storytelling technique he's used before with CONAN and it worked while empowering fans with all the eventual answers. So for now, CONAN fans should hang in there because past practice dictates that Aaron will gradually reveal some of the pressing details in good time.

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Im really impressed with issue #1 of Hell & Gone. Not only am I interested in what happens next, the story has sparked an interest in learning more about both franchises. Though the previous series arent required reading for Hell & Gone to make sense, Im very curious about these characters and their respective worlds.

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Readers, I wanted this X OF SWORDS event to take off! It was cookin before last week. Then, with X OF SWORDS: STASIS #1, as well as X-MEN #14 this week, I came into this issue with this sensation of an event that simply stalled out. So, to see the opening pages present MARAUDERS #14 as a dance party with drinks like some type of pleasure cruise, I was a bit taken back. However, I was genuinely surprised by how much enjoyment I got from this issue. From the character interactions to the further development of Isca and Pogg Ur-Pogg, this story shed some interesting light on both sides of this game and left me fascinated for the road to come. This issue was extremely well written by two class acts in comics that understand the dynamics between the characters and this event. The concept was easy to follow, well prepared, witty, and creatively got the cast of characters involved. Now, lets finally get to the fights shall we?! Enough is enough. I want fireworks! Let the tournament begin!

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"Midlife #1" offers an intimate and poignant portrayal of a protagonist facing a midlife crisis, punctuated by the unexpected twist of superhuman abilities. The issue masterfully balances character exploration with plot development, culminating in a well-executed cliffhanger. While the art may differ from traditional superhero visuals, it effectively captures the excitement and anticipation surrounding Ruben's journey into heroism.

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Overall, Nightwing #105 was pretty entertaining. In terms of the story, nothing vital happens. Nothing too new happens. And, nothing shocking is revealed with any crazy twists or cliffhangers. Therefore, the issue itself doesnt move the needle much in terms of narrative plot beats. However, Nightwing #105 is all about Bruno! Bruno is Uber famous! Bruno provides readers with the first-person shooter vibe that elevates this issue making it a visual masterpiece that breaks the glass in terms of revolutionary graphic design. Just like in Nightwing #87 with Taylor and Redondo, this issue takes on an all-new light with this perspective and artistry. There is no doubt that this will be the comic DC fans will be discussing at the water cooler this week! I highly recommend everyone pick it up even if you havent been following along monthly.

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What Planet of the Apes #2 lacks in action it overcomes in unique plot threads and guiding questions. Sure, this story is moving slowly but the comic itself is incredibly informative helping to place the status quo in 2016. Furthermore, to all the fans wondering how the apes even began to learn some of the items we saw in the movies, look no further than this very issue which is steeped in authentic lore that should drive anyones curiosity. From questions pondering humanity's struggles with slavery down through to the quality of life itself, Walker will definitely cause fans of Planet of the Apes #2 to have some critical conversations about some heavy topics. So far, I highly recommend giving this issue and series a try. Even with the lack of action, I still found Planet of the Apes #2 quite enjoyable. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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PUNISHER #5 was an interesting trip back to Frank's past that revealed a few more violent wrinkles which helped develop the man we all know as the PUNISHER. Yet, this trip down memory lane for Frank has also helped readers discover a bit more character development that fortifies some questions many have had about the character for quite some time. The biggest problem many will have is how Aaron continues to paint the PUNISHER as more psychotic, deranged, and evil than ever before instead of the anti-hero punishing the wicked.

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After five issues of final thoughts, anybody can predict what will be written next. The art and coloring in this series have yet to let us down. The dialogue sounds accurate without being corny or over the top for military jargon. Franks dialogue sounds like Frank. Final thought? This is a great series.

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ROBIN & BATMAN #3 was a tremendously refreshing tale about navigating through the darkness of life.

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Zub and Zircher are at their best in this issue" dare I call them ZZ Top?! Readers will quickly enjoy an entertaining anecdote that steals their attention from page one and locks them in until the very end. The issue is well-paced, easy to follow, and emphasizes the true characteristics of the great, Crom-fearing, Cimmerian. Together, ZZ Top creates a vigorous, natural story that was brilliantly sharp and captivating. Pick this issue up for an exciting tale and while youre at it, add it to your pull list!

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FINAL THOUGHTSOverall, Thomas nails another spectacular issue of everyones favorite Hyborian born Cimmerian. The issue was exceptionally entertaining, easy to follow, fast-paced, and captured this reader's attention from the first knucklehead to spit on Conans face (what an idiot!) to the dark crystals true reveal as the issue concludes. New and old Conan fans alike will appreciate the tone, character motivations, and classic feel of this issue. If youre a Conan the Barbarian fan, youll love this traditional tale from this classic storyteller. If youre new to the character, start with SAVAGE SWORD OF CONAN #10 and lead into this one for a great snapshot of the definitive barbarian. Thank you, Roy Thomas, for a tremendously entertaining two-part story.

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If youve been following along with the Warped world characters to this point, readers should continue with this issue. If you love Moon Knight and Spider-man, youll love what Ewing and Zub do with Arachknight. Readers will get the best qualities of the two superheroes combined as Arachknight steals the show. If you havent been following along with these Warped stories, then pick this issue up anyway for something thats simply entertaining and enjoyable. Let me know what you think!

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Stargirl: The Lost Children #3 lacks the wild punch of an action comic but delivers with some Golden Age feels. It adds an intriguing bite to munch on with the time-displaced storyline and mixes it all up with a lighthearted, entertaining theme that will certainly keep the interests of the classic fans. This series is meant for any long-standing, diehard comic book lover whos a true fan. Its steeped with history and wrapped with some amazing art that pays perfect homage to the past but also connects it to the current artistry found in comics today. I cant recommend Stargirl: The Lost Children #3, as well as this series, enough. The new or average fan may have to do some internet sleuthing to figure out who all these characters are and where they were last seen. But trust me, itll be worth it!

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The interwoven design of SUICIDE SQUAD continues to deliver, however, the premise is certainly beginning to wear thin.

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The Rocketeer: Into the Den of Thieves #1 offers a charming and intimate portrayal of Cliff Secord's post-adventure life while introducing a new Nazi threat. The issue strikes a balance between exploration of Cliffs personal life and plot development, culminating in a well-crafted cliffhanger. The art, though clean and visually appealing, may lack the traditional pulp aesthetic associated with The Rocketeer. Nonetheless, the comic succeeds in generating excitement and anticipation for the protagonist's inevitable return to action.

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New readers to Cates will immediately see his outstanding imagination, his well-written dialogue, his easy to follow storytelling and his overly complex stories that he breaks down into easily digestible and vivid chunks that draw comic fans deeper into the narrative. THOR #1 showcases everything that has made Donny Cates one of the best writers at Marvel for many years now.

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Was this Hickman's best performance? No. But was it still an interesting read worth the price? Definitely. If you like to think and speculate over plot threads and possibilities, this series is totally for you.

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X LIVES OF WOLVERINE #3 delivers some killer moments and is absolutely littered with dynamic action and powerful moments that will keep readers all in. Yet, I couldn't help but take a step back and scratch my head with a few glaring plot holes that would ultimately wrap this story up post haste.

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Ultimately, Ben Percy continues to make X-FORCE fast-paced, action-packed but more importantly doing it all in a way that makes this series feel vital and essential to the overall story unfolding in all X-titles.

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X-FORCE #9 kicks off a new arc on an old premise that is sure to ignite new and old readers alike. Percy opens the issue in a fun, yet disturbing manner that bleeds into more fierce savagery that has elements of an action thriller.

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That said, even though the mutants have been using it for good, humanity is still scared of what they dont understand. And thus, that fear of losing control has pushed groups like Xeno to regain their hold by any means necessary. Percy uses X-FORCE #21 to explore those means while logically placing together the best MAN-THING that connects it all together.

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Sadly, the only real disappointment was a huge portion of the art this week that complicated the reading crammed the pages immensely, and made the X-Force #34 a bit difficult to read at times. The detail is great, however, enlarge the panels and choose some colors that make the comic pop. You can still provide a darker tone without muting the appearance and taking away the depth and texture of the issue. Overall, the story/ plot is going in the right direction and I highly recommend jumping back on this series. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Overall, X-MEN #11 had just enough action to keep this reviewer excited yet not so much that the premise and direction of the narrative were lost into the ether. Duggan provides fans with two wildly different but extremely unique and important plots that utilize a majority of the team members well.

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Overall, X-Men #23 does an outstanding job of making multiple titles and storylines feel important. From Ms. Marvel to Tony Stark and the other X-books, Duggan writes like a team player that's paying attention. He dabbles in all of Marvel Comics and puts all the pieces together nicely.

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Overall, Giffen appears to be severely influenced by the war in todays society and shows comparisons throughout his writing with pivotal and monumental characters. Moreover, readers will leave this issue feeling like the stakes are even higher after the crazy cliffhanger. Dont let the heavy monologuing steer you clear of this issue or event. Pick this up and add it to your pull. If youre reading this review much later than its release, go grab the trade. This critic thinks its going to be an enjoyable ride. Hop in now for this entertainingly clever tale by the talented Keith Giffen.

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Arcade Kings #5 delivers a visually stunning and emotionally charged conclusion to the saga of Ken and Joe's battle against the formidable Victor McMax. The intense and cathartic finale, masterfully illustrated by Dylan Burnett, showcases the artist's undeniable prowess in capturing the essence of action on each page.

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Deep down, I can stand behind this issue, as well as Aaron's first arc, and say the Avengers are going in the right direction. Put this on your pull list and pick this issue up!

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However, I would like to see more reactions from the people who are trapped inside the Breach.  While I do understand that humanity is a resilient species, I do wonder if everyone would be able to adjust to the new status quo as quickly as it seems.  I know I would be dealing with panic attacks personally, and I would like to see something similar reflected in the story.

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DC's dynamic duo is finally back together in this week's BLUE AND GOLD #1. Fans will get a return to the classic characters with a little spice that updates this pairing for modern readers filled with excitement, humor, and intrigue. BOOSTER GOLD fans will see a return to his typical behavior while BLUE BEETLE fans will leave this issue with a revitalization of Ted Kord. BLUE AND GOLD looks like readers are in store for some wild adventures on the horizon.

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If you've been reading this current arc, you need this issue. The art style, as well as the color scheme, makes you feel like you're reading a comic from the 60's and 70's, which is totally by design by this creative team to make it feel like classic Cap.

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Captain America: Cold War: Alpha #1 was fast-paced, explosive, and gets readers all caught up with those who have been out of the Captain America game for quite some time. Upon entry, the story beats appear to be promising to incorporate a rich history of Captain America Lore as well as American History showcasing the Outer Circle as the figure thats always been behind the curtain. It feels like Hail Hydra, meets evil Cap, meets First Avenger except with Bucky replacing Steve and some Dimension Z on the side. Readers should be prepared for an exciting ride that I cant help but recommend. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Zdarsky and Checchetto organically blend their techniques beautifully together again and mesmerize the audience with their hard-hitting and realistic style that inspires engaging questions for the future of the narrative. If youve been appreciating this run to date, youll be captivated by this week's installment and excited for more. Pick this one up and add this series to your pull list. You won't be disappointed.

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It was always meant to be an old-school army comic with a zombie twist showcasing one of the world's most hated men. Entertainment was always the key and you can thank this art team for providing some of the most graphic renderings this side of the Allies. If you have the extra change, I recommend picking up DC Horror Presents: Sgt. Rock vs. The Army of the Dead #6 even if you havent been following along to date. Why? Well, readers get an opener that basically summarized events to this point and wraps a pretty bow around the series with a punishing onslaught of brutality toward Hitler to seal the deal. If thats your cup of tea, Id pick this issue up even if you havent been following along to date.

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This eerie, almost hauntingly exciting story will draw fans in providing new life into DETECTIVE COMICS and possibly the Fear State Event if you were on the fence prior. Nonetheless, the star of the show is once again Mora and his outstanding visual display in which fans can look forward to each and every issue of DETECTIVE COMICS. Give this issue a look! Surprisingly enough, there isnt a ton of background knowledge needed to fight through this weeks tale. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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We should all be excited for the mystical awakening of what's to come on this intergalactic planetary adventure Waid and Saiz have in store for us. There is no doubt this should be on your pull list. So, get your popcorn ready and hop on board now before this series takes off.

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BLINK OF AN EYEIve been waiting for something different from the FLASH for a long time. Somethings been missing since REBIRTH. Sure, there were some solid story arcs from Joshua Williamson, however, his run just seemed to be running in place. And then came HEROES IN CRISIS, which in my opinion helped destroy Wally West and make him into a pariah to quote Barry from this issue. Whether it be Barry or Wally, the FLASH has been the same for a long time and has required a fresh, new take. Well readers, this issue, led by Jeremy Adams and Branson Peterson, appears to be trying to realign whats been missing in this series for years.

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Overall, the One-Minute War wasnt awful. However, it still wasnt my favorite issue or arc of Adams Flash run today. Sadly, Adams time is coming closer and closer to an end. I would love to see him hang in there for a bit longer. Nevertheless, we still get to read Adams on other titles. And as we all know, all good things must come to an end.

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This issue was really fun, oddly entertaining, and remarkably fascinating. Hickman and Reis work well together to add strange elements of intrigue and mystery that managed to draw this reader deeper into a story that I was uniquely curious about before it began. Hickmans imagination really took off in this Giant-Sized issue thanks to Reis artistic style and choice breathing life into a character that felt almost nonexistent since the Head of X took over.

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Readers, Green Lantern #2 is perfect to show fans what Adams can do as well as his lighthearted, tender side of comic writing. Adams isnt heavy-handed nor does he feel a need to stress fans out. His comics are easy to read while still providing an enjoyable story and escape for fans alike. Additionally, hes creating a fantastic jumping-on-point for any new Green Lantern fan interested in checking out the character. I highly recommend grabbing this issue, as well as the last, and jumping in now while its super easy to navigate. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Peter David's natural feel for the character, as well as the history these two share, shows throughout each page. David beautifully recaps Hulks history, evolution, and mental anguish all in one issue while catching new readers up with the character and gives them an amazing jumping on point moving forward.

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The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #11 revitalizes the story and gets readers pumped for the finale. Readers get a better taste of who is who while simultaneously packing this issue full of violence and chaos paralleled by none other than the Clown Prince of Crime.

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Overall, MAESTRO: WORLD WAR M #3 focused more on the heroes and less on MAESTRO which was a bit disappointing. However, the narrative itself was entertaining even in its meta-climate of interpretation. If youve been following MAESTRO now for quite some time, Id highly recommend picking up this series expecting nothing huge to unfold before your eyes. Still, if youre new to MAESTRO, this is most certainly not the place to hop on board. Let me know what you think, have s great week, and God Bless!

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After a slow start, readers will be delighted with the high-paced conclusion that offers a truly inspired plan to take down the mutants. In my opinion, this issue, along with X-MEN #4 will leave readers with a great deal to think about pertaining to our current society, its rules, and its validity. As far as X-books go, Duggan continues to make this series a must-buy for X-Men fans easily placing this book in the top 3 on the shelves today. Pick this issue up and add this series to your pull list if youre an X-fan. It may not be the best jumping-on point for a new reader. However, we are only 5 issues into the series. So, talk to your LCS and get those back issues fast! You wont be disappointed.

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Furthermore, this isn't your Jon Cena PEACEMAKER. Ennis' version isn't goofy or weird. Sure, he's awkward, direct, and silent. But to those looking for something humorous or fun from the character, that's not in this week's PEACEMAKER: DISTURBING THE PEACE #1 nor does it fit Ennis' style. However, there isn't a better pick for a writer to legitimize PEACEMAKER and separate him from the own screen, goofy Cena version than Garth Ennis.

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Conan fans will leave the issue with a great short story that was fun, entertaining, and showed how unstoppable the barbarian truly can be. Pick this comic up and add it to your pull however the issue could be skipped because Finch doesnt tie the story into the series before or after. Next month will be another new writer, Jim Zub, who will be on the book for a while. Hopefully, Meredith Finch gave fans a great taste of whats on the horizon for this savage barbarian from Cimmeria.

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If you're a long-time Conan the Barbarian fan, this is a must-buy for you. If you're new to the Cimmerian, this is a great comic to show you the character's roots, his true attributes, his humble nature, and the allure that surrounds the Hyborian born behemoth. This reviewer strongly recommends picking this issue up if you've ever been a Conan fan and completely submerging yourself within a story created by one of the best to have ever written the character.

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The creative team is building Sideways up to stick around in the DC Universe for a long time. Hop on board now while you still can. SIDEWAYS has an experienced and the series is starting to heat up. You won't be disappointed.

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It was a fast read filled with space explosions, Vader chasing down Han, and the only ship that can do the Kessel Run under 12 parsecs. Overall, it was a fun read that adds something pretty cool to the STAR WARS mythos.

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SUPERMAN AND THE AUTHORITY #3 as a stand-alone issue was exciting, explosive, and extremely entertaining. Morrison's story mixed with Janin and Foreman's outstanding illustrations makes this issue, as well as the series, a must-read. However, I can't help but wonder if one issue is not enough to wrap this story up and point fans in the right direction. If I'm right and this series continues into something more, I hope Morrison sticks on the series as well as Janin and this creative team.

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His purpose, even though it lacked action, was to build on characteristics between Clark and Lex in a way that helps not only cultivated the relationship between the characters but also with the fans too. Sure, the nature of Superman: The Last Days of Lex Luthor #1 was s bit slow-moving, however, I foresee this story gaining traction as the issues progress. I recommend giving this series a shot, especially if youre a huge fan of Superman. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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X-MEN fans, this is a very thorough start to a multi-title event the likes that haven't been seen since MUTANT MASSACRE. It's rich in new and old history alike with shades of ancient Egyptian lore sprinkled in, not to mention 15th-century European mythology and legend. However, readers should be warned of the heavy nature of this inaugural tale. It's cryptic at times and filled with a complexity that may turn off the average fan at first.

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If you're a huge fan of War Machine, U.S. Agent, Mockingbird, or Quake, FORCE WORKS #3 as well as the overall series is totally up your alley. If you've really been digging the IRON MAN 2020 event, this issue and series will be a fun addition to the overall story.

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Fans, especially with times being as tough as they are, a $9.99 price tag is close to three comics instead of this one. Nonetheless, without a doubt, WONDER WOMAN fans need to grab this issue. Furthermore, fans who've been interested in dipping their toe into the character will find this issue extremely informative as well as inviting causing this reviewer to recommend the issue entirely even with the hefty cover price.

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Overall, Action Comics Annual 2021 #1 was a pleasant surprise. It had a compelling main story that may end up taking a back seat to the bookends of this annual with Thao-La and Mr. Byla's interactions. If you were thinking of passing on this annual, I implore you to reconsider. This creative team delivers a great story and incredible art with so many possible implications for the current story arc making Action Comics Annual 2021 #1 a can't miss issue.

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The Amazing Spider-Man #2 is a solid follow-up for Zeb Wells, deepening the mysteries laid out in the first issue and getting Peter into some sticky situations. Wells also humanizes Tombstone by highlighting the relationship with his daughter and how that is being affected by the feud with The Rose. John Romita Jr., Scott Hanna, and Marcio Menyz are a great team of artists that bring their A-game to this series. Definitely a promising issue for any Web-Heads out there.

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The Amazing Spider-Man #3 continues Wells & Romita Jr.'s streak of delivering strong issues. With an in-depth look at what makes Tombstone tick, Wells shows his knack for developing complex characters. The creative team of Romita Jr., Hanna, and Menyz continues to deliver solid and consistent results, though no one will accuse them of being the best team in comics today. Overall, this is a great chapter that helps to build the tension before Legacy Issue #900.

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A lot is packed into Batman '89 #5 and the action sequences are fast-paced while still presenting a thrilling adventure for fans of the Keaton Batman films.

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My feeling is that Batman/ Superman: Worlds Finest #20 was merely foundational to set up the momentum for the remaining issues in the arc. The intrigue is there. And because of that, I think the energy will be revealed next month and beyond.

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THE SCOOPIn Batman Beyond: Neo-Year #1, Bruce Wayne has died (following events that occurred in Batman Urban Legends #7) and its up to Terry McGinnis to carry on his legacy as the Batman of the future and figure out who is behind the chaos in Neo-Gotham.

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Batman Beyond Neo-Year #3 really delivers in terms of action, mystery, and suspense. It shows Terry truly becoming his own man as the new Dark Knight and carrying on the legacy of Batman well. Hopefully, more will be explained in future issues though, such as the identities of the new villains, the disappearance of notable characters such as Dana, Max, and Terry's family, and how Lumos (and potentially others) know of Barbara's past as Batgirl.

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Batman: Beyond the White Knight #2 continues to impress and fans are sure to love it. The characters we think we know are explored in a new way and it leaves the reader guessing as to what will happen next. That is the mark of a good story, and this is definitely good storytelling.

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Together, BATMAN: KILLING TIME #1 appears to be loads of fun. However, the hiccups mentioned earlier about where and how this fits within what King already wrote, as well as some character details had me pumping the breaks a bit. Plus, past practice from King also shows that his story beats oftentimes get lost in the shuffle as his vision unfolds. So, I leave BATMAN: KILLING TIME #1 hesitatingly optimistic and excited for issue two with hopes that more clarity will transpire for the questions I had above and a score that simply can't get enough of this art team.

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The one and only criticism I have is actually the use of some of the other characters. Dr. Nemesis seems almost too perfect a shot and his jokes feel forced. Maybe thats just me not knowing the character but he felt out of place However, Ill see how it progresses down further issues.

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Captain America #30 is a good bookend for Coates-run and leaves things open enough for the next creator duo; Writer Christopher Cantwell and Artist Dale Eaglesham, in the United States of Captain America, to do their own thing. I know some people have criticized Coates' work in Black Panther and Captain America as 'slow' and 'retracted' but I personally don't see it that way. In my opinion, Ta-Nehisi Coates' background as a novelist has served him well to give us stories that are thought-provoking, layered, and clever with attention to the 'souls' of T'Challa and Steve Rogers.

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Is Captain America #9 a must-read? This issue is a solid start to a new arc, packed with suspense and raising interesting questions. However, the introduction of the penguin throws a curveball that might not sit well with everyone. If youre looking for a classic Captain America slugfest, this might not be it. But if youre open to a strange new mission with a healthy dose of mystery, Captain America #9 is worth checking out.

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Sure, I wish Lanzing and Kelly provide a bit more direction and clues before CAPTAIN AMERICA: SENTINEL OF LIBERTY wrapped. However, they still manage to hit some other key bells and whistles while providing the classic CAP feel which should hook fans moving forward. Readers, the potential for an outstanding story is there with all the pieces lined up well. Im excited to see where this goes and I think youll be too. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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StoryWith Captain America: Symbol of Truth #1, Tochi Onyebuchi tells a self-contained story that does a great job of appealing to new readers and old alike. Amid the excitement, Onyebuchi takes a step back to give wider context to the overarching story and direction of the series.  The flashback is well placed and helps build the tension of the issue.  

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Lastly, this reviewer was genuinely surprised by the direction this issue takes, which was rather welcoming. Normally, I feel like I know whats going to happen in a CONAN THE BARBARIAN issue. However, sneaky, tactful relationships were made, and the ending was very shocking.

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Overall, the issue is rock solid" other than the art in Kevin Eastman's story. Eastman's art is certainly an acquired taste, to say the least. Nevertheless, this oversized issue is chalked full of Conan greatness making it a perfect gift this Holiday to any CONAN fan.

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Readers, this is a war comic with Easy Company taking on Nazis, zombies, and Super Soldiers. Theres nothing under the surface here. If thats your cup of tea, then go for it! Its like going to see an action movie. You know what youre going to get before you go. Dont expect a deep, page-turner but prepare to get your popcorn ready with excitement! Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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DC Horror Presents: Sgt. Rock vs. The Army of the Dead #5, like the entire series to date, is just a straightforward, quick, easy read thats loads of fun. Theres nothing too deep and theres nothing difficult to understand. Its actually so easy to follow anyone could hop right in and not skip a beat even in the penultimate issue. Youll need little thought and will find DC Horror Presents: Sgt. Rock vs. The Army of the Dead is a leisurely getaway like a good 80s action flick. However, its comfortable, almost cavalier design does make for a rather predictable comic. That said, this art team builds this story up well with some intense graphics and the perfect wartime atmosphere to boot. It may be too late to hop on board now, however, this would definitely be the perfect trade to balance out this fast-paced design.

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If youre falling in love with this series as it comes to an end, enjoy the ride while you still can. Hopefully, Marvel finds a way to extend this series and keeps this creative team together. It's a fantastically fun and exciting read that this reviewer absolutely recommends. Head out to your shop, give this one a try, and let me know what you think.

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Slott takes an event tie-in and finds a way to progress his story, his characters, and possibly set up a Future Foundation book in the process.

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Readers will discover exactly how a tie-in book should be as THE FLASH #780 balances well between the current story with just enough references to the WAR FOR EARTH-3 while keeping his own story afloat. FLASH fans continue their story while people interested in the WAR FOR EARTH-3 get just a taste to see how the two weave together. Furthermore, as a Johnny Quick fan from way back in FOREVER EVIL, I was happy to see him get some more air time once again, especially after the recreation of Earth-3 following the events of DEATH METAL.

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THE FLASH 2022 ANNUAL #1 is a hard comic to review. Yet I think the best summary is this: do you want to read about THE FLASH or do you want a good story? Because if you want a great story, it's certainly there this week. But it's not really about the FLASH. If you're ok with that, THE FLASH 2022 ANNUAL #1 is totally for you. And, I highly recommend giving it a shot.

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Overall, the purpose of the issue was displayed well, Dauterman's dramatic illustrations captured the cerebral conflict with true imagination, Wilson's color choices easily helped express the mood of the issue, and all while the art team had an opportunity to show off their chops. Together with the premise firmly laid out by Hickman, the first of the five giant-sized issues appears to be a success. This reader can't help but wonder where our mutants go from here because the protocols that have been put in place just don't seem to be working at all. Give it a read and tell me what you think!

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Gotham City: Year One #1 is the exact type of story Tom King should be writing. To anyone looking for that perfect detective, noir mystery that feels like it involves characters you should know, this is right up your alley. Fans will instantly be drawn towards Slam Bradley, find the Wayne's super weird and suspicious, and all while uncovering a new suspenseful thriller in the heart of Gotham's history long for the Batman.

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Green Arrow #12 is a good conclusion to a larger narrative. The action is excellent, and the return of certain characters is heartwarming. However, the rushed resolution and the final page cliffhanger might leave some readers wanting more. For diehard Green Arrow fans who've been following this storyline, this is a must-read. For new readers, it might be best to start with an earlier issue in the arc to get a better understanding of the characters and stakes.

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Green Lantern #4 was loads of fun and the perfect story to share with your kids. The art was crisp, vibrant, detailed, and packed a punch.

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Green Lantern #9 answers a ton of nagging questions in a short amount of time making this installment incredibly informative. Moreover, the premise by Adams was quite clever in how he intertwined some minor history to hammer out the why and provide a solid foundation for Sector 2814. Overall, Green Lantern #9 extended the answers that we needed in this run. However, it did so a bit too quickly and left this reviewer scratching his head in a variety of early parts. Moreover, I think the backup is taking some serious page count away from the meat of this series. I get the process BUT I think we need to move past it and let Adams just do his thing.

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Green Lantern #10 is a solid issue that effectively balances the main storys intrigue with the light-hearted fun of Guys backup adventure. Adams lays the groundwork for a thrilling mystery on Oa, while Maguire injects humor into the issue with his take on Guy Gardner. This is a must-read for Green Lantern fans, particularly those who enjoy the spacefaring adventures of Hal Jordan and the unpredictable antics of Guy Gardner. Pick up Green Lantern #10 if you're a Green Lantern fan or enjoy space opera adventures. If you appreciate offbeat humor and superhero team-ups with a twist, this issue is worth a look.

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The only thing I found as something worth critiquing in this issue was Aaron using Blade as a writer surrogate to espy us with plot points that should have been shown and not told -ideally. Its not a huge flaw and it felt a bit lazy. Jason Aaron finally delivers with the last issue of Heroes Reborn (Heroes Return) after some fumbling with the earlier books and gives us a deserving final issue.

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If youre reading HOUSE OF X #3 and expecting a monumental moment that leaves you breathless, you wont find that this week. However, you will get a sturdy, foundational story filled with facts, evidence, and information without too many shocking twists or reveals. That said, this issue is STILL a must-read if you are an X-Men fan or have simply been following the story to date. Fans should pick this one up knowing that it may not live up to prior issues but it is still far better than many other comics in circulation right now. Pick it up for a nice read but dont expect as much discussion or speculation as in the past.

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Readers, HULK: GRAND DESIGN: MONSTER #1 is more like a project than a comic, which may sound like I'm upset or disappointed. However, it's quite the opposite. This isn't your normal comic. And to any reader looking for a new tale, you most certainly won't find it here. Yet, what you will find is an artistic gem reminiscent of a style and time well missed by this reviewer.

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I AM BATMAN is real, its raw and comes dangerously close to sinking the battleship of the world at large. Yet as authentic as I AM BATMAN and THE NEXT BATMAN: SECOND SON are, I find them in many ways inspiring and encouraging throughout these rather rocky and opinionated waters. I hope that BATMAN fans of all ages give this book, and frankly this character, a chance. There is just so much potential that anyone taking a look should naturally be drawn towards further installments.

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As you scan through the comic, look specifically at how he extenuated the size of characters like Sasquatch and Ironclad. Ironclad is gargantuan compared to even the HULK. Furthermore, watch specifically as the flesh is ripped off the HULKs body by the U-Foes. Or, focus on the fight between Rick and Sasquatch and take notice as to how relentless this new Doc Samson/ Sasquatch is. Furthermore, take heed of the layout of the panels and how Bennett zigzags the reader through the emotional elements of the issue. My point: Bennett continues to provide the energy, the action, the power, and the presence that has dominated this series since issue one. Im excited to see what comics are in his future and I absolutely cant wait to pick them up.

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Hollingsworths colors only further the feeling of unease as he mainly uses dark, cool tones throughout the issue.  When he uses warm or vibrant tones, the panels pop and it adds a sense of excitement and action to already exciting artwork.

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Moreover, Williamson is attempting to do his part in redirecting/ fixing Thomas Wayne from his Tom King BATMAN experience. Sadly, its best if fans just forget that Thomas Wayne had anything to do with that entire run. And, I think Williamson understands that fans werent thrilled with FLASHPOINT BATMANS role in that outcome either. Hence, it looks like Williamsons mission is to acknowledge what happened in Kings BATMAN run and move past it like Jeremy Adams is doing in THE FLASH right now with Wally West.

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It continues to be exciting each month as it presses so many of the facets that make a comic fun to read. Nevertheless, if we don't get any clues soon as to what exactly is going on and why I think readers may start to fold on this series.

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JURASSIC LEAGUE #1 is a fun, quick read that does exactly what you think it would do by creating a kid-friendly dinosaur JUSTICE LEAGUE that parents can share with their children.

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The Jurassic League #2 finally shows the heroes starting to team up and sets the stage for what's to come next. Jokerzard mentions a character named the Dark Embryo, who is most like the Jurassic version of Darkseid. It will be cool to see the big three heroes team up next issue to fight their enemies, and perhaps more will be included as well. What other DC characters should be "dino-fied?

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To those fans snagging this series for the JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK backup, you get much more significance, secrets, and set up for a story thats sure to be a home run hit. Furthermore, the art in both stories is stellar adding its own distinctive outlet to both narratives. Sure, I wish Bendis story was a bit more clear. However, Im holding out hope for more to be revealed soon. And in the meantime, Rams story could be worth the buy alone! Pick this issue up, let me know why you think, and God Bless!

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Justice League Vs. Godzilla Vs. King Kong #1 is straightforward, fun, entertaining, and provides one heck of a Godzilla and King Kong. Even though the plot seems a bit too elementary, it's super easy to follow and allows for anyone to join in. If you have the spare cash, I recommend DC fans give it a shot.

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Justice League Vs. Godzilla Vs. King Kong #2 continues to be that perfect escape comic thats jam-packed and full of action. This amazing story coupled with some dynamic renderings of Godzilla helps place this comic in an extremely fun place for readers of all ages. If youre a Godzilla fan, youll need this installment. If youre a huge Superman fan, this comic could also be for you seeing as though he takes center stage more so than any other.

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Even if you're not familiar with both franchises, the comic's visuals and the easy-to-follow plot make it an enjoyable ride. With its epic action sequences, excellent artwork, satisfying conclusion, and great team-up dynamics readers will no doubt have a blast diving into this installment. Sure, it might be a bit confusing for readers unfamiliar with both franchises.  Yet overall, this issue is a must-read for fans of superhero crossovers and kaiju battles! Pick it up if you've been following the series or are looking for an action-packed comic with a unique premise.

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Sure, I get it. This sounds like the issue is bad. However, its far from terrible. Johns is an outstanding storyteller and is merely fortifying his narrative to give the characters tangibility and depth. Its a very important element of any story. Nonetheless, my desire was to at least gain some type of reveal or wow moment to continue to hook me for the next installment. Readers, Justice Society of America #3 is still a well-written issue complimented masterfully by Mikel Jann and Jerry Ordway making the story easy on the eyes. However, dont enter this story expecting huge reveals or mind-blowingly clever plot threads that will cause you to think like a Johns comic has been prone to do in the past.

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Justice Society of America #9 is a thrilling installment that juggles action, character development, and a looming team-up. Johns' script is sharp, and Jann's art delivers a visually stunning experience. This issue is a must-read for fans of the JSA and anyone who enjoys superhero stories that grapple with complex questions. Moreover, at the center of the issue sparks intriguing conflicts, dynamic and well-illustrated fight scenes, and a surprising cliffhanger hinting at the return of a younger version of a mainstay villain. What more could you ask for?

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KA-ZAR died.  Then he was resurrected by the Savage Land.  With the new lease on life, he is finding that he has a closer connection to the very land that he and his wife, Shanna, have sworn to protect.  While his resurrection has brought him closer to Shanna, it has not done anything to help his relationship with their son, Matthew.  Matthew is the typical teenager that every one of us was at one point.  He knows more than his parents.  And, if they would just listen, everything would work out.

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If you can Believe in Father Christmas as Greg Lake does, youll love this IMMORTAL HULK Christmas Spectacular because thats exactly what this is. Sure, there are symbiotes and Joe takes a stab at fixing the problem. However, this issue has practically nothing to do with KING IN BLACK. So, the fan in me wants to get angry at Marvel for making this a cash grab on the KING IN BLACK name. Nonetheless, if the issue was titled something different and more fitting, would I score it better? My point: grading it solely on it being classified as a Christmas Special for a character and series I adore, its rock solid. Looking at this issue as a KING IN BLACK tie in just doesnt work for me. So, Im going to choose to be positive and grade it like a Holiday Special and therefore recommend you give it a chance. It was fun, entertaining, creative, and worth the buy this Holiday season. Give it a look and let me know what you think.

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Overall, readers will be pleased with this issue. Almost every recent question is answered while Duggan makes the junctures count, has substance, and holds merit to the story, which is rather difficult to do with a group of people that can basically resurrect themselves.

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There is no doubt that this issue is emotionally sentimental and readers will be absolutely touched before the issue wraps up. The thought and time Duggan places into this issue definitely did Kitty right and paid her the respect she deserved. However, pandemics and this weeks conclusion may have taken the wind right out of the sails of what could have been. Ultimately, I think this issue will simply read better in trade and may cause an even more emotional response read together in my humble opinion. Nonetheless, dont let that deter readers from MARAUDERS #11.

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This issue is no doubt the best 2099 comic so far. Thus, if youre invested in these 2099 related issues, snag this one and add it to your pull list. If youre a Conan the Barbarian fan, it doesnt resemble the exact full nature of a Conan comic BUT Gerry Duggan does a pretty good job of hitting the highlights of the character, magnifying some of his most noteworthy qualities, and cleverly ushers Conan into the future (and beyond) in such an ingenious and creative way. Take a chance on the issue

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Dark Horse Comics Masters of the Universe: Masterverse #1 recalls the innocence and wonder of the 1980s comics and movies. By exploring two alternative versions of Eternia, this issue celebrates the qualities of a true hero. A vibrant final page wraps up this issue and excites us with glimpses of future stories.

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NEW FANTASTIC FOUR #1 was incredibly easy to read, comfortable, calm, and felt like a sitcom with so many of my favorites. Its a stress-free comic reliving a time in comic history where stories carried little weight and were created simply to be entertaining and not life-changing. David hits the nail on the head this week and creates a comic I wasnt expecting but couldnt help but love. Give NEW FANTASTIC FOUR #1 a shot but keep an open mind with your expectations. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Nightwing #111 is rather striking in the Nightwing series, showcasing Tom Taylor's exceptional talent for storytelling and emotional connections and relatability to the characters. With its engaging storyline, dynamic characterization, and captivating artwork, this issue is a must-read for fans of Nightwing and newcomers alike. Taylor's understanding of the character shines through, as he delivers a narrative that is both thrilling and emotionally resonant. Nightwing #111 is a testament to the enduring appeal of the character. Don't miss out on this compelling chapter in Nightwing's journey through the dark streets of Gotham City.

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I really enjoyed The Old Guard: Tales Through Time #6. Seeing the creators, Rucka & Fernndez, come back to wrap the series up was entertaining. Vita Ayala and Nicola Scott's story shined a light on the fact that with over 10,000 years of stories, not all of them have to focus on the battles that created the characters. But my absolute favorite part of the book is that it means that we are ready for The Old Guard: Not Fade Away!

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Ordinary Gods #4 completes two-thirds of the first arc of Image's series. Higgins, Clark, and the rest of the team are firing on all cylinders. The book looks beautiful and reveals additional information of subsequent reads. I can't wait to see where this leads and hope that I'm right and I've found a worthy successor to The Wicked + The Divine with Ordinary Gods!

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Original X-Men #1 was pretty wild and crammed a ton into a reasonable-sized package. The story was clever and the way Gage gets fans reinvested into the characters so quickly is commendable. Plus, the villain and who they need to confront was rather creative. Furthermore, the illustrations were incredibly impressive. The designs were perfect and the realism was authentic, vibrant, and powerful. Together, Original X-Men #1 will prove to be a fun adventure that fans will wish lasted a bit longer even into its on ongoing. Sadly, that doesnt seem to be the case.

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If you're looking for something charmingly different to wet your whistle and have a few extra smackeroos to throw down on this one-shot, I highly recommend giving OUTLAWED #1 a shot. If you're an MS. MARVEL, MILES MORALES, or CHAMPIONS fan, this event and issue are totally for you. Simply dive in headfirst and you'll have a blast.

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Yet, as intriguing as this issue was, I left feeling as though Ive seen this trick before. Plus, I wonder where this is all heading. How does this fit into the larger picture of Hickmans vision for this series? How does this affect the other storylines and plot threads involving Nimrod, Moira, Mystique, and so much more? Its as if we continue to get more questions without answering any of the prior inquiries. In the short term, PLANET-SIZE X-MEN #1 has certainly piqued my interest. However, the fireworks factory is looking farther and farther out of reach with INFERNO on the horizon. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God bless!

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This retcon changes the very foundation of Frank Castle and kind of doesn't jive with what we've always known about the character. I hope that Aaron spends some time connecting the character before with his new version to marry the two together in a more believable light. I genuinely love this version. But my continuity-driven brain needs the part of the map that's missing to better connect the pieces. Hopefully, that's what we get as this series comes to a close on these final issues.

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If you're interested in a heist movie/story with the ROGUES at the helm, just come knocking at ROGUES #1's door. It appears to be a mix between a comedy romp and crime caper with your favorite FLASH villains rising up against their down and out life.

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Sheena: Queen of the Jungle #2 continues the mystery of the bio-dome.  It does a great job combining action, sprinkling in a few new clues and surprises, and generally creating an atmosphere of paranoia.  If you even remotely like Sheena, pick this one up.

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I have been reading Spawn since it first began with issue 1 back in 1992. Ive been there for Spawns highs and lows. And Im happy to say that although this isnt the best Spawn issue Ive ever read, its definitely a good issue with a lot going for it. For $2.99 its worth the price of admission for anyone who has read Spawn.

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At times, the Spawn narrative seemed excessive. The Freak story seemed overly violent, not directly related to Spawns actions, and poorly explained. I didn't fully understand the Freak narrative. Yet long after I read it, the two strands in Spawn Unwanted Violence #2 played through my mind as they merged, each building upon and emphasizing the other. Clad in the robes of Black Lives Matter, this issue speaks to the mystery of government. We invest power in others for our protection. Yet we are shocked when they chose legalities over common sense and The Rule Of Law over safeguarding people. If only there were easy answers in the constant battle to reforming, maintaining, and preserving fair government for all. Moody, atmospheric, haunting: Spawn Unwanted Violence #2 will live with you long after you read it.

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Spider-Gwen: Gwenverse #2 is a fun read. Tim Seely has crafted a really intriguing story and I'm excited to read the next issue, especially after the last page reveals of two characters' identities. But what really has me enjoying the series, and this issue particularly, is the art and colors of Jodi Nishijimi and Federico Blee. If you're a fan of Gwen Stacy, time travel shenanigans, or anything Spider-related, I would definitely recommend picking this up!

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Meanwhile, Jodi Nishijimi remains strong as the artist in this book.  Each panel is beautifully drawn and creates the perfect setting for the story as it jumps throughout the timeline.  

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Spider-Gwen: Gwenverse #4 is an action-packed issue that delivers everything readers would want as the series heads into its Finale (pun completely intended).

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Fans will leave this entertainingly wonderful and lighthearted tail eager to enjoy what appears to be a family-friendly book with their spider-loving kids. This reader highly recommends this charming issue by Wells and feels like this could be a perfect gateway series to get those young comic fans hooked on one of the best mediums in the market today. If you enjoy Spider-Man, as well as Marvel Comics, youll enjoy this issue and all the animal renditions that go along with it. If only it came out a day early, it would be a fantastic stocking stuffer for the holidays!

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Zdarsky gives readers an introduction on the curtails of a classic that even the casual Spider-fan can get behind. However, there really isnt too much thats jaw-dropping quite yet. If youre a fan of everyones favorite web-head or love What If concepts, this series is right up your alley. I strongly recommend you give it a look. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God bless!

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Star Wars #31 lets you accompany Luke, Leia, Lando, Chewie, Lobot, and their friend Amilyn Holdo as they meet their Kezarat rescuers and learn the dilemmas they face. Poor in rapid-fire action, this slow-paced story is rich in world-building and character development. There's an undeniable appeal to a series about people who genuinely care about each other, want to see the best in themselves and others, and work together to achieve a common goal. Charles Soule's Star Wars series has quickly become one of my favorites. Perhaps it could become one of yours as well?

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This Darth Vader comic is directly digging into elements from the Rise of Skywalker film. If that doesnt float your boat, then you might want to give it a pass until the story arc concludes. But I recommend it to Darth Vader fans who are willing to see what their favorite Sith Lord faces in this comic.

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Thompson and his creative team are doing a fabulous job setting up all the moving pieces within the series while managing to juggle an incredibly eclectic cast of characters. This hidden gem provides readers with an extensive look around the DC COMICS landscape and makes dedicated fans feel like what they're reading is important. The art is sharp, bright, and chalked full of energy. There really is so much to like about this series.

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Readers discover what Taylor's true mission is with this series after only one issue. SUPERMAN: SON OF KAL-EL #1 is meant as the book to take young, adolescent Jon Kent and transition him to adulthood, as well as the future SUPERMAN.

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The Bat-Man: First Knight Book Two throws a lot at Batman, both physically and mentally. The near-death encounters with the monster men raise doubt in his mind about his ability to protect Gotham. Plus, Jurgens effectively explores this internal struggle, adding depth to this early incarnation of the Dark Knight. While The Bat-Man: First Knight Book Two is an entertaining and suspenseful read, it feels incomplete as a standalone story. The cliffhanger ending leaves many questions unanswered, making this a clear setup for future chapters.

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Tynions one misstep is in the stereotypical family roles of his characters.  To further this sense of unease, Gavin Fullerton and Chris OHalloran partner to deliver a muted reality that captures the sense of everyday life pushed to the extremes.  Overall, The Closet #1 is a must-read for fans of horror comics or those interested in stories steeped in the challenges of everyday life.

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THE DISPATCHIronically enough, if you havent been following along with THE JOKER to date, you can hop right into this issue and not skip a beat. The only items that would be truly beneficial to understand before reading would be knowledge of THE KILLING JOKE. Other than that, you can jump right into this issue. Its almost as if its a standalone issue with the focus on James juggling his life after JOKER, his children, and his childrens sanity.

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Since The Silver Coin is a five issue series with all of the stories revolving around the same silver coin, I wonder if each issue will employ the same trope. Or will the coin function differently in each story? While the writers for The Silver Coin will change from issue to issue, the entire series will be illustrated by Michael Walsh, which is more than enough to keep me interested in the series. The Silver Coin issue #2 is scheduled for release May 12, 2021.

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If youre looking for a story with mind-blowing art, look no further than THOR #2 by the phenomenal Nic Klein. If youre in need of a story that just kicked off that you're interested in sinking your teeth into, this is another great option to explore. And finally, if youre looking for an exciting and intriguing story, there may be no one better than Donny Cates to offer the spice you need to give you that spark of interest to draw you deeper into a narrative. Past practice dictates that his THOR is going to be a wild ride! Give this issue, and series, a shot and let me know what you think.

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THOR #21 has all the makings of a pretty killer story with some amazing reveals that pay homage to THE MIGHTY THOR run by Jason Aaron. Cates creates his normal fast-paced, high-octane adventure that reads extremely well in one sitting and ends with a powerful cliffhanger. Additionally, Nic Kleins rendering of a bruised and beaten THOR is what makes the issue so powerful and is ultimately what heaps on the impossible nature of the $&@$ storm THOR finds himself in. Nevertheless, I simply hope Cates can logically and creatively get THOR out of this in a way that makes sense and doesnt use some type of convoluted warp whistle or FINAL CRISIS wishing machine to escape. But, I can't fault Cates for something that hasnt yet happened nor transpired within this issue. Its just something to think about for the near future.

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Readers who have been enthralled in Bucky, Red Skull, and Captain America lore will have an absolute field day with Thunderbolts #1. The characters introduced mixed with the action and excitement will immediately encapsulate the reader while getting them jazzed for the series. All thanks to this creative team, this Thunderbolts roster just seems to gel perfectly.

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 :This was without question the best issue of this series, by far. The dialogue and narrative were crisp and effective, and all the jokes landed without feeling that cheesy. The writers have a solid grasp on what makes each character themselves, and you could tell whos speaking without needing to see the corresponding word-bubbles. The art is above average with a few panels that I stared at for a moment and appreciated. Im definitely on board for where this arc is headed, and for the first time since its inception, I cant wait to read the next issue.

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To someone who's already read Wild Cards, this is simply a retelling of events in a different medium. But to fans brand new to the novels, this very well could be piquing your interests in the series itself.

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Readers will certainly be entertained by this issue. However, the true excitement doesnt pick up until the last couple of pages with the introduction to Omega Red and his would-be master. Readers merely get to the fireworks factory a bit later as the issue concludes, which is the biggest downfall of the comic this week. Nonetheless, the story isnt hard to follow while piling on the ugly that Wolverine simply cant avoid. Moreover, Percy takes the time for a bit longer setup this issue but honestly, the payoff is certainly worth it. Plus, readers clearly see Logan as an addict of sorts. Somehow, regardless of peace, hes always drawn into a bloodbath. He just cant shake the carnage. Overall, its a solid issue that's just not as exciting as they have been. However, the next issue of WOLVERINE will certainly start with a bang and this fan can't wait. Pick this up and let me know what you think.

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Percy and his team do a fantastic job filling In the gaps after X-FACTOR #4. Our understanding as to the direction of the next couple of issues in the event is laid out beautifully with purpose and direction.

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This was the most fast-paced, high octane issue so far that had the most battles with even more underlying questions waiting to be uncovered.

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The elements of Wolverine that Aaron made sure to highlight were his crotchety demeanor, his temperament, and his fiery rage. The normal short fuse that Wolverine has reared its ugly head as well as his propensity to be alone and downtrodden. However, some of the inner monologuing didnt jive too well with this reviewer. Additionally, Wolverines tone of voice in his conversations just seemed a bit off as well. Again, its the first issue that was centered more on catching up new readers and progressing the narrative of the Weapon X Project in a new direction. The issue definitely did its job. Now, lets see what Aaron can do with the next installment.

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Overall, this was an extremely powerful way to end the event. However, I cant help but wish more of what we got in X OF SWORDS: DESTRUCTION #1 was layered throughout each of the prior 21 issues. Giving this issue alone a grade, it was rock solid and packed with enjoyment. Sure, it had its magical twists that emerged from nowhere BUT the story still flowed well and ended with dominance and authority. Nonetheless, my feelings towards this entire event are certainly a mixed bag.

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X-fans can see the thought and detail Percy has put forth on every page of this weeks installment. From the opening page describing the evolution of humanity to the closing dialogue on the final pages, Percy has calculated a narrative that has become a focal portrayal that appears to be the glue that holds all the X-books together.

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This issue of X-FORCE is simply chalked full of ideas waiting to burst. However, we can't score it on the potential to come. Sure, I'm excited about the future of this title. Nonetheless, this week is purely interesting set-up.

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THE DISPATCHThe opening monologuing just didnt sound like WOLVERINE. Sure, hes just come off a pretty insane excursion that was definitely life-altering, however, the tone seemed more thought-provoking and sophisticated for WOLVERINES taste. Yet, as funky as the opening pages were, the next section got very good REAL fast and I love the intrigue Percy places in X-FORCE from this moment on. For those reading multiple titles, IMMORTAL X-MEN #1 led people to believe that something is afoot with some characters behind the scenes. Maybe Sage is somehow involved in something as well? And Percy decides to quickly add more fuel to that fire while also exposing Beast to the council for the dastardly ideas hes developed since this X-FORCE run began.

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Speaking of colors, Leinil Francis Yu and Gerry Alanguilan art are totally on point. Yu and Alanguilans detailed style and panel progressions completely captivated this reviewer. The issue was incredibly easy to follow with outstandingly dynamic action sequences bringing each page to life. Yu and Alanguilan, mixed with Sunny Gho colors, created an authentically crisp and vivid comic that was brilliantly stimulating for this critic and frankly will mesmerize X-Men and comic fans alike. Together with the Head of X (Hickman), this team will continue to be a force to reckon with as the series unfolds. Readers can count on that!

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Elements of this weeks installment simply didnt sit well with this reader, such as many of the comedic elements sprinkled throughout the story. That said, Hickman sticks to his story, follows his own rules well, and continues with thorough details that reward dedicated readers of all the X-titles.

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Yet, the direction of X-MEN moving forward and the stories that appear on the horizon truly do fascinate me. And we know its only a matter of time before everyone knows about mutant resurrection. The question now is when. Maybe thats the next big event? Either way, I think Duggan is humming now and I haven't genuinely felt this enthusiastic for this X-MEN book in quite some time. Heres also to hoping we get a better mix of characters in the future. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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After 8 issues, Duggan is finally starting to hit his stride and equipping the narrative with a better balance that this reviewer is becoming accustomed to. However, there are just a few aspects and character beats that just didn't jive with the reviewer this week. That said, X-MEN is still in a pretty good place. And given more time, I think Duggan will truly cultivate this series into something substantial.

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Additionally, specific to this issue of X-MEN, Duggan reveals some pretty big stuff that may have been better suited for the main A.X.E.: JUDGMENT DAY event and not so much in a tie-in issue. However, overall, X-MEN #13 continues to show how impressive Duggan is at the helm of the biggest X-title and why it continues to be the X-book everyone should have on their pull list. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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X-Men #30 is a good, solid tie-in to the Fall of the House of X part of the event taking place. It fills in a few gaps behind the scenes involving the underground X-Men led by Synch and Talon. Notos art is rock solid as usual and the story itself isnt too bad. However, the main purpose behind the issue is to set up the cliffhanger involving Synch and Talon. If youve been following Duggans X-Men, as well as the setup between Talon and Synch, you will certainly love this issue. However, I dont think its entirely needed if youre just in for the event itself. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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If you're a FANTASTIC FOUR fan, X-MEN fan, Zdarsky fan, or even a Hickman fan, this event is definitely for you. If you like to read the most important things happening in Marvel Comics to stay up to date and in "the know", this is also the comic for you. Grab issue one and add the series to your pull list. Before this series is all said and done, I think you'll be happy you did.

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Bits and pieces of that were shining through towards the end of X-Men: Before the Fall The Sinister Four #1, however, not as bad as some of the other X-books on the market right now. We need some pep in our step in order to get this show on the road before its too late and this setup is slow-moving. Hopefully, we Fall fast without any dangling plot threads to tug on later. Give fans a good, clean, easy-to-follow, straightforward, story that ENDS! And then, let the next writers start fresh. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Now, if youre into reading comics for an escape, this one isnt for you. Youll see the undertones of reality smacking you in the face. Moreover, X-Men: Before the Fall Mutant First Strike #1 isnt necessary to understand the overall dynamic of the X-books anyway. Meaning, it is skippable. Nevertheless, I wouldnt recommend that especially if only to see how creative Orlando puts his own spin on the culture today. Id give it a good read if I were you. However, you're not going to want to read it for the excitement or action because you'll find very little. Its more for the subtle metaphors that may gravitate your attention this week.

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X-MEN LEGENDS #10 is a story every X-MEN fan from any era can easily digest and find tons of fun. Moreover, it's M. Night Shyamalan-esque ending, along with its heavy conclusion, will certainly cause fans to think a bit deeper about the mutant-human relationship that's plagued the comic landscape for decades.

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If you've been reading comics for a long time, Sterns tale will be a refreshing take that you very well might have been missing in today's narratives. If you're new to comics due to the draw of the movies Marvel has pumped out lately, pick this issue up to get a glimpse of some of the historical components throughout the chronology of this comic landscape. There really is a little bit of something for everyone in this issue, especially the Big reveal with one of Doctor Stranges classic foes. Pick this issue up and let me know what you think.

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Nevertheless, just like Batman #130 this week, Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo #2 has some rather stellar plot threads for readers to pull that make this tale intriguing while garnering a strong sense of mystery and detective storytelling. Whos behind all of this and why are they basically cloning Jokers? And what connection does this all have to do with the Waynes? There is so much meat on the bone making this reviewer excited for the future of this series. Yet, Im reviewing THIS issue which was again overcompensating with action instead of pulling these enigmatic plot threads that could hold the story together on their own. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Batman #145 felt more like a catch-up issue mixed with a quick interlude to get fans back on track. It was entertaining enough but it felt rushed, almost like cliff notes. We get no depth with the story itself hanging out on the surface, which is fine I suppose. However, this wild ride from Zdarsky, as creative as it is, feels like it just hops from one insanity to the next. At what point do readers start to feel connected to the story? Thats what I feel is missing from this run and Batman #145 is the prime example of that. Its entertaining, creative, informative, and even manages to sprinkle in some action. However, it lacks depth, and emotion, and rides on the surface for quick thrills. Hopefully, the character connection arrives soon because thats all this book is missing.

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As for Batman vs. Robin #5, it wasn't necessarily the ending I thought we were going to get. But, I certainly appreciated a writer finally developing Damian Wayne and moving him from a troubled, price of a kid to a young adult.

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BATMAN: FORTRESS #1 by Gary Whitta takes a simplistic concept, molds it into something much larger, dangles multiple loose ends, and hovers speculation over the narrative. The story beats are interesting, the action was enough to keep readers engaged, and the pacing was spot on.

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BATMAN: THE DETECTIVE #5 pushes this series to its limits preparing for it to burst at the seams throughout its concluding installment. The rationale and motivation behind the revealed villain ultimately makes sense and emotionally fit the narrative well. However, one could argue it was a bit of a stretch. That said, Taylor wraps up loose ends and lays the story on the reader's lap, plain as day, ready for its concluding chapter without too many dangling questions.

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Captain America #8 sets the stage for a suspenseful storyline. Straczynski's focus on strategy and the introduction of a mysterious threat create some serious intrigue. While the full scope of the narrative remains to be seen, this issue is a promising start to a new arc for Captain America. Moreover, Captain America #8 is a character-driven story that showcases Steve Rogers' unwavering dedication to protecting the innocent.

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Overall, this might have been the best issue of the run to date. It's definitely taken some time for Ahmed to get his footing with this character and story. Is he there? Not quite but Daredevil #3 proves that he's getting there.

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I havent felt this way about DC Comics in quite a long time. I had high hopes as Future State began but that fizzled out rather quickly. Before that, I just got sick and tired of the Metal storylines. And frankly, the only event book that showed promise in recent years was the Batman: Three Jokers. However, after this week's installment, Im jazzed for whats to come and thoroughly enjoyed the way all the crises fit together with what appears to be an overarching theme that kind of makes sense. Could I be wrong with my theories and speculations? Of course Im wrong more times than Im right. But as I stated in my Flashpoint Beyond #5 Review, you know a story is good when you cant stop thinking about it or theorizing about where its going and how it all connects together. Not only is Flashpoint Beyond doing that, but so is Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths! I highly recommend picking this issue up, grabbing the back issues, and hopping on board while you still can. Let me know what you think,

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That said, the only disappointing aspect of DC Vs. Vampires #12 that seemed to hinder my enjoyment a bit was the disjointed subplots that just didnt seem to connect as well as I thought they would and should have. Is this a must-buy? Well, by this point, if youre buying DC Vs. Vampires #12, its because youve been following along with the series to this point. So, why wouldnt you just buy the last issue anyway to see how it ends? Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Every issue of Waid's run has been a must read that can't be skipped and this issue is no exception. Pick this up and add this series to your pull list. You'll definitely have a fun time with Waid, his creative team, and the Sorcerer Supreme!

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The Flash #797 is a weird story to follow Adams One-Minute War. Its not a follow-up nor does it take place around the event. So, it just seems weird for Adams to focus on Ace and the twins as his last little story arc of the series. Moreover, as I stated above, the time placement mixed with the characters made the plot a bit more confusing than it needed to be. However, the Flash #797 takes Adams back to his roots with this book making it fun and exciting again. The lighthearted nature of the comic mixed with the subtle humor from Adams provides a strong showing for one of (if not the) last arcs of his run. If youre a Flash fan, I recommend giving it a shot! Just remember, the focus of this issue isnt on Barry or Wally but on Ace and the kids instead.

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Other than the initial confusion mixed with the weird retconning as if our heroes already know about Wyn and these two factions, the story itself was quite interesting and filled with some pretty wild action. The mystic, more supernatural reader will really enjoy the heck out of G.O.D.S. #1. Plus, like most Hickman stories, the potential is endless. You can tell he's been dreaming this up for quite some time.

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If youve been following IMMORTAL HULK to date, you will love this issue. If youre interested in hopping into the series, this is a great issue to see what Joe Bennett is truly capable of and thus I would highly recommend snagging it, especially if youve been on the fence. However, this isnt the best issue to explain anything thats happening within the story, where weve been, or where were going. That said, I think its still a fantastic issue for long time Hulk fans, IMMORTAL HULK fans, and anyone interested in the series to simply dip their toe or get a taste of what this series is like.

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However, there just appeared to be a few historic and narrative holes within the current Marvel Continuity that just didnt seem to jive with this reader. They dont completely ruin the issue. Nevertheless, those invested may find them a bit disjointed and disheartening. Yet, even with those minor cavities, I still found the issue incredibly entertaining and wildly enjoyable. Give IMMORTAL HULK: TIME OF MONSTERS #1 a look, let me know what you think, read up on some Gilgamesh, and God Bless!

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Indigo Children #5 manages to redeem itself after the setbacks of the previous issues. The tension-filled journey through the deserts of Kabul and the exploration of Director Rand's past add depth to the story and its antagonists. While the story has significantly improved, the art remains a drawback, not quite matching the book's premise and at times hindering the impact and seriousness of the situation. Despite this, the issue sets up the next arc brilliantly, leaving readers eager for what comes next. With a promising trajectory, Indigo Children seems to be back on track, and I look forward to seeing how it continues to build upon the momentum of this issue in the upcoming chapters.

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INFERNO #3 lays out a massive helping of information that should have been gradually released since HOXPOX began. But alas, it's at least finally given to fans. The biggest problem is how dense, heavy, and quick it's released throughout the issue. Sure, you'll be able to reasonably understand the premise, however, it really weighed down the action and suspense that could have been in this penultimate issue.

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I was shocked how much I enjoyed this issue, especially since I haven't been a huge fan of the KING IN BLACK tie-ins. Sure, the dialogue was heavy with almost two stories hovering over top of one another throughout. Yet, Thorne managed to set the tone well and pull me deep into the story. If you're on the fence with this issue AND are a BLACK PANTHER fan, Id give it a look. There is no doubt it's a KING IN BLACK tie-in. However, Thorne portrays TChalla masterfully and provides an invigorating take on the character that's been missing for quite some time. This KING IN BLACK issue isn't crucial but BLACK PANTHER peeps will love the heck out of it. KING IN BLACK: BLACK PANTHER is creative, busy, and loaded with potential. Give it a look, let me know what you think, and God Bless.

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This is a tie-in worth reading and I highly recommend giving it a shot. Does it largely impact the KING IN BLACK event? No" or at least not yet. However, if executed correctly, this certainly can impact the main event giving this mini-series importance, which in the end is what we all want we buy and invest time and money into a comic and event.

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These two Gods stories were always cursed to be intertwined from day one. However, the true threat reveals itself as the issue concludes" or so Aaron wants us to think. Grab this issue and add this series to your pull to see how Jason Aarons epic ultimately ends. Regardless of how predictable aspects of the issues opened, the story was still a ton of fun and worth every penny!

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After almost an entire year, Kate, her fans, and MARAUDERS readers get their payback. But, was it too long of a wait?

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Sentry #1 isn't what you'd expect but comes to the table incorporating a ton of pieces within the Marvel Landscape right now while coupling those elements with mystery and diversity. Sure, we don't get Bob Reynolds yet. However, I think this story is going to be an imaginative way of bringing back a character that's been gone for a long time according to comic book standards.

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This isn't your typical SHAZAM! title. However, Sheridan shrugs off the normal constraints and begins to shape multiple aspects of the character through some internal conflicts. Sure, Billy's heading on a voyage. However, it appears as though Sheridan's end goal is to strengthen the character and ultimately send him on a journey of maturity.

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The Boy Wonder #1 is a promising debut. Ba's captivating art and introspective narrative breathe new life into Damian Wayne. While the plot feels a tad rushed, and some character dynamics remain underdeveloped, this issue lays a solid foundation for a compelling series. Fans of Damian and the Robin legacy will eagerly await the next chapter to see if this troubled hero can truly embrace the mantle of Robin.

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The Sacrificers #4 continues to impress with its meticulous storytelling and captivating character development. The plot remains intricately woven, with each character playing a vital role in the rich tapestry of themes that underscore the narrative.

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he stakes are high, the issue is fast and furious, and the characters' emotions are fueled by their actions throughout the issue. There is no doubt in my mind that the character of Thor is growing throughout this narrative and he's doing so in such a short amount of time.

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Underheist #3 generally does a great job of capturing the plot provided in the previous issues. This issue does an excellent job of continuing the plot with panels that are both stunning and mind-boggling, and then it follows up with some of the most dramatic events that happened throughout the series. Overall, this issue is generally a blast from start to finish and would be a nice read for anyone looking for a new comic to add to their shelves.

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Even though the Magneto cold open felt a bit out of character, the rest of the issue drove nicely. The story was thrilling and ultimately made sense while leaving some amazing unanswered questions to uncover throughout Percys run. However, I again just forewarn the creative team to shelf a certain angle of trickery for the foreseeable future. Its just too easy of an out that will become stale if overused. Furthermore, this reviewer feels like its been two out of three issues now where some crazy mojo had to happen to connect the dots and make the story flow. Im excited for whats to come and looking forward to WOLVERINE becoming a solo book again. To date, this is a tremendously entertaining and action-packed series that should be on everyones pull list. Grab it and let me know what you think.

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This weeks issue was wildly reminiscent of the classics but decoupled from the heavy disposition commonly coined with the contemporary comics' action, adventure, and graphic flavor. WONDER WOMAN #790 may not be a great jumping-on point but it still continues to be a ripe read for all ages. Nevertheless, to the WONDER WOMAN fan inquiring for a bit more significance, this arc remains more surface level, which is ultimately fine for an issue banking more on entertainment and a classic feel. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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X-MEN #2 is quick, fast-paced, and packed with action. The linework and colors pop off the page causing readers to sink deep within the pages finding themselves practically finished before the issue even began.

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With the focus being almost solely on Jean, incredibly small clues as to the future direction of the series, and little action to speak of, I found this week's installment of X-MEN a little flat. Not bad by any stretch" just less compelling. Don't get me wrong, X-MEN #4 wasn't bad, yet my expectations surrounding the cover and preview were a bit more.

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X-Men #22 is pretty solid but now I feel like the X-writers hands are in too many cookie jars. Will we see all these ideas play out? And will they all fit together? I find it incredibly hard to believe that we can see an in-depth discovery of all of these key components even within this issue of X-Men. That said, my goal is to review THIS issue. And thus, I see the potential for some great stories as well as some extremely clever plot threads that I hope get ironed out. I especially love the laced medicine angle as well as what Forge is willing to offer to the world. However, where do we go from here? Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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ARTX-Men #33 was crafted with art that packs a punch making Cassara's artwork a true highlight of the issue. His action sequences are clear, detailed, and impactful, capturing the desperation and ferocity of the battle. Plus, the use of dynamic angles and close-ups adds to the frenetic energy of the fights. Moreover, Cassara's art style is a perfect fit for this action-oriented issue. He delivers vibrant layouts, detailed character designs, and powerful fight sequences. Additionally, Marte Gracia's colors further enhance the visuals, creating a sense of urgency and chaos that reflects the desperate nature of the situation. Gracia's colors further enhance the visuals, with vigorous blasts of energy and a gritty undertone that reflects the seriousness of the situation at hand.

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Overall, Batman #144 is well crafted and mesmerizing for fans of the Joker as well as the Dark Knight. With its clever storyline, masterful writing, and stunning artwork, Zdarsky has delivered a Batman tale that is as dark and brooding as it is exhilarating forming the foundation for one of his most iconic villains. However, I still felt like the story went nowhere and gave us little direction and answers. Whether you're a seasoned Batman aficionado or a newcomer to the world of Gotham City, this issue is sure to leave you eagerly anticipating what comes next. Nevertheless, prepare to leave with mild confusion as to where this series is going and whats on the horizon.

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Batman/ Superman: Worlds Finest #19 is a vintage trip into the past of two icons within the DC Comic Universe. It retroactively concludes their first meeting in a fun, almost lighthearted way that resembles a nice, classic comic book feel. Sure, everything gets wrapped up rather quickly, easily, and matter-of-fact, but it still conveyed an entertaining nostalgic vibe thanks to the entire creative team.

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CABLE #4, as well as the entire series, continues to be clear, easy to follow, and unique from anything else on the market. However, this issue was a bit flat compared to others within the series. Nonetheless, as average as CABLE #4 was this week, its still an outstanding series overall, a solid read, and an excellent x-title.

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Duggan also uses situational humor pretty well throughout this installment as CABLE rolls through his Rolodex of old friends for assistance. Can I just say; there is just something about Magik that great writers can utilize which makes a story pop even without action or violence. Yet, that leads me to the biggest drawback of the issue. There wasnt much development. Ultimately, the issue could be summarized in one sentence if need be which makes it a hard sell for a fan to buy if money is tight.

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Captain America #2 was very informative and guides the reader in the direction of the series extremely well moving forward. Clarity was the key to this one as well as showing the true character of Steve Rogers even more so than Captain America. Straczynski's focus was to show readers one of Steve's true superpowers that didn't come with the serum and will possibly get him killed. However, all of this came at the expense of a rather uneventful and lackluster issue.

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Overall, Captain America #5 wasn't bad. Yet, Straczynski's run has had more impressive moments thus far.

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This issue isnt the best jumping on point, yet I would still recommend it to any DAREDEVIL or Chip Zdarsky fan. Head to your shops and pick this one up, especially if youve been on board since issue one. If youve heard great things (and Im sure you have), pick this one up as well as the last two issues and you should be all set! I cant wait to see where Kingpin, Cole, and Murdock are all heading in this series moving forward. Awesome job Zdarsky!

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Again, without Putri and this artistic creative team this week leveling up with some fierce action, DARK KNIGHTS OF STEEL #3 would have fallen flat on its face. Taylor merely filled in the gaps and caught up the characters in the story. It was Putri that brought the intensity and savagery that made this issue memorable.

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Hes making DETECTIVE COMICS his own. Please bear with him and give the man some grace as he spends the first six to eight issues laying the foundation. Nevertheless, Ram V's past practice dictates that the story will come together and the payoff will be worth your time. The man can write people. Yet, I can completely understand the difficulty many will have in reviewing THIS issue with the ambiguity, mystery, and darker story beats more reminiscent of a horror comic than a BATMAN title. As someone whos read a ton of Vs work, I can see the world building BUT I can understand why others unfamiliar may look at this single issue confused and want more. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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THE DISPATCHTell me if you heard this one before? Guy goes across the multiverse sniffing out variants of himself. Well, if you've recently seen LOKI on Disney Plus, Jonathan Hickmans AVENGERS and FANTASTIC FOUR runs, as well as the movie by Jet Li called THE ONE, then the premise should sound familiar. So, is that basically whats happening in DEVILS REIGN: SUPERIOR FOUR? Not quite. There is more to it under the surface with even more wrinkles to wet your whistle in order to make this series super interesting. However, it does provide the backdrop for the title with a few creative twists.

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Thank you, Mr. Waid, for a great run!

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Dracula: Blood Hunt #1 is a strong opening chapter that delivers action, intrigue, and complex character dynamics. Lore's writing masterfully sets the stage for a thrilling miniseries, while Carrat's art brings the world of vampires to life in a way that is terrifying, captivating and sure to bring this uneasy alliance to a bloody payoff. If you're a fan of dark fantasy or vampire stories with a unique twist, then this comic is definitely worth sinking your teeth into.

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As disappointed as this reader was in the over-development of Kwannon at the expense of Cable and Laura, the story was still very entertaining, action-packed, and charged with character aggression as well as the writer's passion. Moreover, the art was fantastic and completely takes this series to an entirely new level. Fans, once this series hits its stride and focuses on the future, Apoth, and its connection to Xaviers masterplan, this series will really begin to take off. Just wait for the next issue!

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FINAL THOUGHTSIf youre looking for a fun, quick reader involving old school behemoths, this issue is for you. If youre looking for straight-up action with dynamic art, this issue is for you. If youre looking for a writer who doesnt view his book as more important than the rest, is a team player, and truly loves Marvel Comics, Slott is your guy. Pick this issue up for some high-quality entertainment as well as some ROCKY vibes. Yo Alicia, I did it!

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Nevertheless, a serious, emotional, heartfelt, action-packed, suspenseful moment or story just doesnt jive with his style. And thats why it's been so hit or miss with this story so far. Again, I loved the heck out of The Flash: One-Minute War Special #1 due to the background which is given and the illustrations that complemented the design of the narrative. Now, Im sure Cruz is already all in on the rest of the One-Minute War. So, at this point, it would be too difficult to change. So, my only hope is that Adams and Cruz have found a way to better blend their more serious aspects of The Flash together to drive this story home. Overall, The Flash #792 felt more like Adams and was by far the best issue of this arc to date drawn by Cruz.

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If you love the Fantastic Four or Hickmans Future Foundation, youll jump in perfectly fine. If you recently hopped back into the Fantastic Four and are looking for another family-friendly book, this series is also for you! Pick this winsomely fun first issue up and let me know what you think.

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Green Arrow #5 will definitely keep you interested from start to finish with the crazy, dynamic twists. However, I cant help but wonder where this story is going and why. All we get is Waller. Okay but what does she get out of this and why? If we dont get more soon, I may have to call this series quits.

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If you're looking for a fantastic place to jump back into GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, this is a great time to do just that. Ewing creates just enough excitement to entice new and old readers to hop on board this number one. However, it just didn't seem to grab my attention as a number one should. It may simply be because the story moved too quickly and progressed too fast without any development of the antagonists.

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If youre a VENOM fan looking for a KING IN BLACK story, this wont do it for you. Knull is an oddly misrepresented White Walker who speaks in lyrical rhymes that appear to come from a poorly portrayed David Lynch movie. Nonetheless, if you came to this rodeo for a solid GOTG story centered around Star-Lord with its driving force to right the ship of his character, you will be pleased. Ewing is definitely on to something here and I think the series is on the cusp of doing something really special. Its time to lock in on GOTG!

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My point: Ewings GOTG are supercharged, overpowered, and very well may be the new top dogs in the universe… somehow. Plus, theyre not the only supercharged juggernauts in the universe. Look no further than the new Emperor himself as well as the Alliances Court Wizard for more proof of the unrealistic, dominated ridiculousness that Ewing bestows to his characters.

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The issue was merely set up, redirection, and regrouping before moving forward after the crossover event. That's not necessarily a bad thing but it doesn't make for an overly exciting issue.

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There clearly isn't a ton divulged this issue other than the key players. However, the pacing and character development have my interest piqued for next month. HELLIONS is still a must-read and I highly recommend giving this issue a look.

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HULK #5 has more story and tends to lean in on some narrative beats that really weren't there before providing the depth needed to take this series from surface level to substantial. After the last review of HULK #4, I said I needed more. Well, we're getting something that's for sure. Let's hope it culminates into something worthwhile seeing as the first arc concludes next month.

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Even though the past two issues, as well as this one, seem a bit disjointed, it still appears as though Ewing is getting back on track. Ewing appears to be going back to what has worked and what has made this series so successful early on, which ultimately makes this Hulk fan optimistic as we move ahead. Lets hope he continues this trend throughout the next arc and beyond.

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Overall, fans of Cap, the Invaders, and the Avengers will love this issue, especially those who have been following along from the beginning. That said, this reviewer left with a few questions. What does Charles Xavier have to do with all of this? Is he poking around in Namors head? Could he be the mastermind behind all of this? And, could this all tie together with Hickmans run coming up? Im excited for the future of this series, as well as Marvel in general, and Zdarsky is a huge piece of that. Keep up the great work Chip and company!

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Overall, this story is a mix between Trading Places and Minority Report (in the premise, not the futuristic precog stuff) with a weighted slap of almost every bad characteristic of Tony Stark you can think of wrapped up in one comic. If Duggans point was to make the character be at one of his lowest points, hes certainly succeeded. But, whos behind all of this, and why? For someone to go through all of this, there must be some serious hate involved. As of right now, Im intrigued and think its worth sticking out for a six-issue arc to see how this irons out. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Invincible Iron Man #2 quickly puts more fuel on the fire for Tony, incorporates two new characters into the story, and provides little clues as to who might be behind all of this. However, the pacing is perfect, there is just enough action to keep fans interested, and the mystery is still involved enough to make Invincible Iron Man #2 worth the buy. Nevertheless, readers are going to need some type of clues soon or at least a stellar plot thread quickly to keep fans interested. Yes, the pacing is fine, however, readers will need something tangible soon or they may walk. If you have any questions on the review or are ever interested in tackling a comic review of your own, feel free to email me directly at dispatchdcu@gmail.com. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Moreover, for a writer to channel the inner psyche of the Joker in order to come up with some of this demented stuff has always made me wonder what mindset youd have to be in in order to write this. Why? Well, some of these jokes were pretty dark and powerful. If thats your thing, youll love the heck out of this issue that truly pushes the envelope with some of its satire. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Furthermore, so does M.O.D.O.K., who we havent seen since the beginning of the first series. There is so much more David could have done with A.I.M. and simply so much more to explore. Lets think about this: DOOM and the Pantheon craft this plan only to watch the MAESTRO easily escape. It just felt like pieces of the plot were missing. Moreover, I thought DOCTOR DOOM would have a much larger role in all of this than he has. Sure, there is a showdown on the horizon. But, with only one issue left, how deep can they really go with that fight? Heck, it seems like HERCULES put up more of a fight than the Pantheon. I just question the velocity of the crescendo within the narrative.

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This reviewer recommends picking this story up and adding it to your pull list, especially if youve loved MARVEL ZOMBIES in the past, DCEASED over at DC Comics right now, other zombie tales, or are interested in an ElseWorld-type story where the writer can let loose without any repercussions or continuity issues.

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Namor: Conquered Shores #1 provides a new dystopian future similar to that resembled by the Hulk in Maestro but with a Kevin Costner Waterworld twist. Cantwell spends the majority of this first issue ushering in the lay of the land and catching all fans up on the whereabouts of the current climate within the book. It's that foundation that helps fans quickly become grounded in this new future. However, it does take away the suspense and action that could have been birthed in this first installment of Namor: Conquered Shores. What I see more than anything else is the sheer potential that this series has.

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However, the entertaining humor in the Flash is so much more natural than what Taylor attempted here in Nightwing #98. Overall, if you are already locked in on Nightwing and have this on your pull list, then go snag the copy. Otherwise, you dont need to go out of your way to pick this special issue up. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Overall, SABRETOOTH #2 reintroduces some old characters and paints SABRETOOTH in a unique light while making Xavier and the crew come across as the villains of the story. Its actually quite fascinating. Moreover, I left this issue more excited for the series than the last and find myself curious as to how SABRETOOTH and his crew are going to escape, if they can at all. Sure, there were some small minor missteps but nothing that totally destroys the narrative and is somewhat easy to overlook as you venture through the story. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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If youre a Marvel fan, youll be truly encapsulated by the issue, the premise, and the direction of these weekly warps. If youre an INFINITY WARS fan, this is also right up your alley. If youre interested in something different from your normal Marvel Super Heroes yet surprisingly similar at the same time, this issue is for you. Head to your LCS and pick this up. I know I certainly am!

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Ultimately, for a penultimate installment, one could easily summarize the entire issue by saying, almost everyone is freed for the final showdown. Therefore, if you had to skip this one, youd fall right in line for the finale. Overall, Stargirl: The Lost Children #5 wasnt a bad issue. However, action doesnt always speak louder than words (or in this case story development and plot twists). I certainly wouldnt give up on this Stargirl: The Lost Children by any stretch. Just expect little development and a ton of action in this penultimate issue.

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If you're searching for monumental action and intriguing plot twists, you won't find them in this issue or possibly this series (as of yet). However, if you're looking for a book for young readers or something to share with your children, this could be tons of fun to read TOGETHER.

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The art is powerful, the characters are intriguing, and the interwoven story design throughout other comics is a testament to Thompson, his creative team, and the possibilities within this series. The new characters are fresh, interesting, and add a dynamic tone to the story that I'm excited to see play out.

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Overall, Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #1 was reasonably accurate for a character this age, the narrative never slowed down, the plot was entertaining, and the issue was blended beautifully with an almost perfect artistic style and tone.

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Will it happen or am I providing more conjectures than the author actually is? And thus, I have to use a bit of my own imagination to see where this series might go instead of relying on the storyteller for guidance. And that becomes the problem. As of right now, Im in on issue two mainly due to where I feel the story is going. But I want more guidance from Hill. In the meantime, youve got me for the first arc.

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Ultimate Invasion #3 moves a bit slower than normal in order to unveil a rather creative and inventive wrinkle that fans would never expect. However, thats kind of the problem with the story. This week has two pretty wild reveals, however, none in which were even thought of or built up towards. Its almost as if Hickman gave us a surprise we werent even planning for. Its like your wife surprising you with a bowling ball and bowling lesson but you never mentioned you wanted either of the two. Youre surprised and grateful. Heck, you may even enjoy it. But, it wasnt even on the radar. Mixing that together with the pacing, lack of action, and the series concluding next issue, I cant help but feel a bit perplexed after reading Ultimate Invasion #3. The story itself isnt bad. It just doesnt feel altogether there yet with one issue to go.

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Nevertheless, the saving grace of the issue was undoubtedly the Emma Frost angle along with Tony Stark and the Kingpin's development in this revenge plan. Thats where the truly fascinating story beats apply. Overall, X-Men #26 will most certainly keep your attention enough this month to entice fans to continue. However, readers get tons of setup and very little action. Hopefully, Duggan can find a way to even that aspect of the story out a bit more as this Fall of X continues to unfold. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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X-MEN: HELLFIRE GALA #1 provides a fantastic place to get caught up, brings together a new X-MEN roster thats sure to impress, and all while unloading some dirty laundry in the process. However, its long, drawn-out, and almost entirely action-less. Moreover, if something was to lack action, one would expect more drama to compensate which was sadly also not the case. X-MEN: HELLFIRE GALA #1 was super informative and will certainly get fans' brains cooking with possibilities and ideas for the future. But, thats about all we get this week along with the new team reveal which will probably turn heads. Nevertheless, I highly recommend any comic fan whos wanted to hop on the X-MEN train and never has because of the overwhelming nature of the books, to pick X-MEN: HELLFIRE GALA #1 as the perfect place to hitch a ride.

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As X-MEN LEGENDS #8 takes off, readers searching for a continuation of a nostalgic WOLVERINE team-up story will be pleased. Hama and Tan give readers just enough information to start with that make the narrative easy to jump into while providing just enough late 80s WOLVERINE flare to remind fans of the definitive elements that made WOLVERINE the character he is today. However, the biggest takeaway from this issue of X-MEN LEGENDS was how much I missed that version of Jubilee. Jubilee fans may want to snag this issue and give it a look!

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If I'm left to overthink, I get lost and confused. But, the art was pretty good, and the story is creative and exciting. I genuinely think something big is about to happen. I just need some guidance more than anything.

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Even though the ending may not have been what I wanted or expected, Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo was still a rock-solid story cluttered with creativity and fresh new plot threads. Ultimately, I still feel that its a rock-solid Batman Movie waiting to happen that would certainly be different than what we usually get, however, I just cant shake the disappointment I felt from the final issue. Altogether, Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo was pretty darn good. However, as final issues go, I was expecting something more from a story that was on point since issue one. Nevertheless, I highly recommend Batman fans give this series a look especially if theyre looking for something that borderlines horror and provides a different element of eerie mystery to the character thats perfect for Halloween.

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Sure, the overly comic book science-esque narration and play-by-play weighed down the issue making it almost silly at times. However, the suspense and high-level thrills will keep readers locked in just long enough to overcome the beginning ridiculousness that kicks off Batman #130. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Batman #143 is still a bit confusing but does a very creative job of showcasing a possible reasoning for the Three Jokers that connects well with Captio, Batman, and Zur. Moreover, the future plot thread illustrations and the possibility involving that story have crafted a narrative that appears to be ripe with potential. And with this storyline coming out weekly, we wont have to wait long to see whats next. Nevertheless, we really dont get a ton this week and the illustrations from the most interesting aspect of this storyline are a bit too dull and cartoony. Overall, Batman #143 shows readers that the story is getting a bit better but it still needs something more to truly hook fans and comb through some of the choppy, confusing parts. Luckily, it is weekly and we will certainly be getting more soon.

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Well, for fans who enjoy lighthearted and comedic superhero adventures, this issue is a fun read. The artwork is fantastic, and the banter between the characters is entertaining. However, those looking for a more serious and suspenseful story might find the focus on humor and the lack of a clear threat underwhelming. Sure. Fans ger hilarious dialogue, beautiful and imaginative artwork, and a fun exploration of the fifth dimension. However, Batman/Superman: World's Finest #27 lacks a sense of urgency and the main villain feels underdeveloped. Overall, its a visually stunning and humorous issue, but it might not be for everyone.

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I was definitely much higher on BATMAN: URBAN LEGENDS #11. However, I still thought the last two stories were strong and worth the read. Here comes the problem. In BATMAN: URBAN LEGENDS #11, I was a bit higher on Ram V's portion than in this installment. Nevertheless, knowing what Ram can do, I know the Wight Witch story will come back around.

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Blade as a detective mixed with vampire history, Dracula lore, and an entire nation of vampires has a unique spin thats rather enticing. Nevertheless, Blade: Vampire Nation #1 was a bit dry, lacked intensity, and coupled with some rather dull art. Overall, I think Blade: Vampire Nation #1 will keep your interest enough thanks to its inventive and clever tone. However, be prepared for little action and more information to wet your whistle this week. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Soule has a great "stable" of talent working on this book, and there is no better time to pop in. I know Fresh Start is kicking off, but it's not time to put this book "in the pasture" yet.

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DARK CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS #3 pulls out some big reveals and lands some heavy plot threads clearing up some story beats well. Nevertheless, a few of the explanations, as well as characters in the limelight fall a bit flat.

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Dark Spaces: Dungeon #5 is a generally satisfying conclusion to a mostly enjoyable series. Its a work that provides a compelling mystery story that might intrigue most who pick it up. The artwork stands out and truly captures the intensity of Madocs fight against this mysterious villain. The story in this issue is truly fantastic and a good read for any mystery lover, with a finale twist that may be predictable but is still quite enjoyable. If you are looking for an interesting and compelling mystery to read, this should be on your radar.

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Altogether, Peyer continues to impress by giving readers two takes on a vigilante crime fighter that is near and dear to every comic fan's heart. As much as the character portrayals of the Earth-Alpha counterparts continue to be satirically nostalgic, ironic, quirky, and oftentimes hilarious, the Earth-Omega dynamic duo appears to be growing and maturing into something dark, almost eerie, and unsettling.

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EXCALIBUR is getting better. However, it has some extra baggage that, in my opinion, needs to be left behind. When Howard took the time this issue to focus on the dear Captain, the issue popped! Betsy is the queen… literally! She makes this engine purr. Nonetheless, when Howard continues to showcase the other EXCALIBUR team members, it just seems to come off as disjointed, almost comedic, and uncharacteristic of many of the members. Howard needs to stick with what works and thats Captain Britain and an entire Corps of HER!!! Part ways with the current roster, refocus, and I think this series could be something special. Readers, there is promise here and Im excited to see whats going to happen next for the first time in a long time. Pick this issue up and let me know what you think. Have a great week and God bless!

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So, where does that put this reviewer? Easy. I can give King credit for telling a solid story reminiscent of a classic era. However, I can also juxtaposition that same thematic gem alongside some rock-solid renderings even though the story beats were a bit dull, if not flat. Being two issues in, Im still all in on Gotham City: Year One and I'm willing to provide King a bit of grace this week. Nevertheless, the leash isnt so long anymore and I hope he gives us some fortifying reveals soon or else we may have to call it quits. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Green Arrow #8 continues this new arc well adding a bit of clever twists and mystery into the title while keeping Ollie grounded. The time-traveling was a bit out of character and had its moments, however, this story feels more up to steam for Ollie. Moreover, the hooks are solid, the transitions are easy to follow, and the premise makes sense for the story moving forward.

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Overall, Green Arrow #9 is a must-read for fans of the Emerald Archer and anyone who appreciates expertly crafted storytelling and breathtaking artwork. With its thrilling action, complex characters, and intriguing plot twists, this issue is sure to leave readers hungry for more. Im not quite sold on the cliffhanger nor do I buy Amanda Wallers angle yet. However, we will see how this story progresses given a few more issues. Fans, Joshua Williamson continues to prove why he is one of the premier writers at DC, delivering another solid installment in the ongoing saga of Green Arrow.

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Green Lantern #3 is loads of fun and fits Adams usual storytelling dynamic. Its super quick, incredibly easy to follow, comfortable, colorful, and is welcoming for all ages. However, there was very little substance this week, and it made the issue feel almost a bit lackluster. If this story was in a trade, it would read very well.

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Clem Robins also gives this comic an old-school vibe with simple upper-case block lettering. Spherical dialogue balloons and rectangular narrative boxesmost with a white backgrounddon't distract from the story. Colorful sound effects are infrequent and restrained. Thus, when he exaggerates the sound effects and the dialogue balloons, both enhance the sense of danger.

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I guess what ultimately worries me the most about Invincible Iron Man #3 is that Duggan is supposed to be guiding us through a mystery. A whose done it kind of story. In that sense, we need context clues. So, if this issue focused on Zhong and LMDs, how is this supposed to point us to Feilong? My point is: it shouldnt! Hes a mutant hater trying to take over Mars. What does this have to do with Tony? Therefore, Im more on the fence that Feilong is a red herring. And if not, Ill have some issues with THIS specific issue. Thus, my review hangs more on the balance of the future than the present. Right now, it feels like an average story that kept my interest enough. However, if later we find out something deeper involving these LMDs and Zhong, that very well could escalate my review of this issue immensely. Otherwise, we will have to wait to find out!

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This reviewer has too many questions that he wants answered and if this pacing doesnt speed up, it will take two years before we discover any of these answers. By that point, the direction of DC Comics could change. Does anyone remember Doomsday Clock? Thats exactly what happened there too. Moreover, just like Doomsday Clock, readers can see the potential in Justice Society of America #5 but will get infuriated leaving a comic with more questions than answers along with any reveal not coming for months. I love Johns writing but hes got to stop teasing people. Just wait two years after the direction at DC changes again and get the trade at this point.

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Duggan writes another well written and exceedingly entertaining issue of MARAUDERS thats wonderfully easy to follow and continues to elevate Captain Kate to new heights.

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Rosenberg is dealing with time travel and a character that's been dead for a year. This is hard territory to navigate but he's doing it with humor, style, and crazy-fun storytelling.

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For those rejoining X-Men during Hickmans relaunch, this tale gives X-enthusiasts a taste of the New Mutants while allowing them to take a test drive on the characters in the process. New readers will depart with plenty of questions and hopefully will have their curiosity in these new characters sparked. Older fans of Chris Claremonts NEW MUTANTS run will fall head over heels for this one-shot that probably felt like old times. Either way, this reviewer recommends picking this issue up, especially if you've had a recent resurgence in the mutant landscape of the Marvel Universe.

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SHADOW WAR ALPHA #1 is a pretty good start that quickly pushes the story beats forward and carries so much weight across multiple titles. It was well balanced with action and dialogue while also complimenting the narrative with just enough background information to entice DC COMIC fans to hop on board. Truthfully, Williamson creates a story that almost anyone with any reasonable knowledge of the current DC COMICS landscape could jump right in. However, with the incredibly minor plot holes and character beats, as well as Williamson's recent BATMAN #121 issue not quite sticking the landing, I enter SHADOW WAR cautiously optimistic.

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Storm & The Brotherhood of Mutants #1 was a futuristic, semi-apocalyptic mutant story with some clever twists and fast-paced plot threads that will keep readers on their toes. X-fans will see that this issue has a ton of moving pieces and may get a bit too overwhelming through the first read. I highly recommend giving this issue a couple of looks before you judge it. However, I dont want to reread an issue multiple times to totally understand whats happening either. I want to reread for fun and not for clarity. Nevertheless, the potential is here for quite a fascinating story and a killer opening to this series. However, for anyone who may not like the futuristic, time-bending tales, this might not be your cup of Darjeeling. If you have any questions on the review or are ever interested in tackling a comic review of your own, feel free to email me directly at dispatchdcu@gmail.com. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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If you like Thanos, pick this up. If you are intrigued by relational situations between individuals that should never be together (kind of like Real World with Puck), this is also right up your alley. Either way, Howard leads a talented team exploring some very creative ideas and backstories that comic fans should take notice too. Head to your shop and pick this one up!

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If you love Thor, Asgard, WAR OF THE REALMS, and Jason Aarons run that started way back in 2012, this issue is a must buy to wrap up one of your favorite writers stories. However, if youre buying this issue looking for answers or incredibly outrageous plot twists, you wont find it here. This issue puts a nice bow on an unthinkable 7 year narrative that took Thor Odinson on an incredible hero journey through some highs and lows. However, even though Aarons THOR is done, his story still continues. With only 4 issues of KING THOR to go, this reviewer is pumped to find out how the story ends with future Thor and to see the REAL epic conclusion.

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Even though the focus was about tying up loose ends related to our hero teams, Aaron still managed to make this issue feel large, worldly, exciting, action packed, and apocalyptic while drawing all heroes together for something truly special.

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Overall, this weeks installment of X-FORCE simply wasnt as flashy, tumultuous, or loud as it has been. I found myself interested but not on the edge of my seat like in the past.

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Additionally, I loved the in-depth analysis of the prose pages and log entries, as well as the connection to The Green that Percy elevates throughout the issue. This wasnt the best X-FORCE arc by any stretch but it was still a solid story that held his reviewer's attention. If youre an X-FORCE fan, this is right up your alley. SWAMP THING fans looking for a parallel at Marvel, may also enjoy this issue, as well as this arc. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Readers, this issue just... is. Its not bad by any stretch. However, there is nothing jarring or overly shocking that leaves this reader on the edge for next month. There isnt anything that packs a huge gut punch or simply has a ton of strength behind it. Dont get me wrong; the overall narrative is interesting and sound writing but as a whole, its just an average issue thats setting up a showdown between the X-Men, Fantastic Four, and Doom with Franklin and Valeria in the middle.

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Fans that have been really digging ACTION COMICS and SUPERMAN since FUTURE STATE will be excited to see everything finally begin to blossom with the fruits of what's been growing for months now. Yet, I reiterate, fans who've been distant from SUPERMAN in these past months should at least comb back through SUPERMAN AND THE AUTHORITY before diving into ACTION COMICS #1036. Furthermore, to the diehard Man of Steel fans, you'll be a bit displeased to see him be more of a quiet side character in his own book. Granted, sometimes powerful stories about supporting characters need to be addressed even at the expense of the main character". as long as it's not a reoccurring or continual thing.

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Now, this wasnt Zdarksys Failsafe run thats been humming on all cylinders since he took over the book. Yet, I still found myself entertained by the unique cast of characters and the multiversal mayhem that awaits on the horizon. So for now, Im in hopes that we dont get huge gaps of time between this new story and whats happening back in the Prime Earths Gotham with Failsafe. I would love the full attention here on this new story and not split between the two places. In order to really hook the readers on this new development, I think Zdarsky will need every page to do just that. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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So, should I get it? Well, Blue Beetle: Graduation Day #1 seems like a perfect jumping-on point for new fans interested in diving into the character. Long-time Blue Beetle fans will still find a little something to wet their whistle, however, its more of the overarching concepts and possibilities that will drive these long-time fans to continue. Moreover, Blue Beetle: Graduation Day #1 is also offered entirely in Spanish which is absolutely fantastic! So, I highly recommend giving it a try, especially if youre a Blue Beetle fan or more on the younger side. Otherwise, this is probably a rock-hard pass.

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How do you take 4-5 more issues and condense it down to two, sprinkled around X OF SWORDS and the HELLFIRE GALA (which Im sure took issues away from HIS story)? If my assumption is true, Im sure he did the best with the page count available. Ultimately, fans of CABLE will be pleased with this issue as they finally get the old man back, the band back together, and what appears to be an action-packed send-off! If you're a CABLE fan, you should pick this comic up and see the series through! Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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For Ahmeds first go around with the Hyborian Born Destroyer, this was a great start. Sure, there may have been a few characteristics of Conan, as well as the supporting cast, that needed to be ironed out. However, overall this is a great starting point for readers interested in Conan as well as his interaction with a variety of Marvel Heroes. Pick this issue up, definitely add this series to your pull list, and let me know what you think. My hope is more clarity will come as the series progresses.

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Overall, the high octane action and amazing art by Porter mask the story beat and background that seems to be lacking in this opening installment. Nevertheless, there is certainly enough here to hang on for a couple more issues to see how the series unfolds.

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Overall, the story is interesting, contains elements of mystery, and refreshingly easy to follow. I'm genuinely excited for the next issue of EXCALIBUR and it's been a real long time since I've said that. I highly recommend giving this series another try if you put it down.

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The Flash #795 is by and large much better than the prior two installments of the One-Minute War. There's tension, some drama, suspense, action, and a possible revival of a specific "timepoint that's definitely meaningful to some hardcore DC Comic fans.

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Ewing takes the opportunity to elevate some of the lesser-known characters in his narrative while unleashing a monstrous battle between some of the biggest Gamma giants in comics today. While the issue doesnt progress the series any further, the comic was still a fun read that showcased this extremely talented art team led by the outstanding Joe Bennett. If youve been following along to this point, this reviewer would tell you to continue to pick this issue up. However, the series has felt like it has slowed down a bit too much as of late. Heres to hoping readers get an epic reveal next issue before the series begins to stall out.

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Ultimately the real strength of IMMORTAL X-MEN #4 is the character focus. Gillens take on Emma in this issue is compelling and, like with any good Emma story, I found myself engaged with the character while never quite settling on whether or not I like why she does what she does. And the added bonus of telling the story from Emmas point of view is that we get a far more honest look at her via her own thoughts than we ever get seeing her from an outside viewpoint. The narrative spotlight on Emma is what makes this issue work.

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Trust me; Zdarsky will pick up the pace, the action, and throw some clever twists our way. There is no doubt in his abilities, his preparation, and his willingness to thoroughly work out all the details to his stories in a powerful way. Add this series to your pull and jump in now if you havent yet.

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I was hoping for something brand spanking new after X OF SWORDS.

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THE DISPATCHJoe Kelly is back Spider-Fans with an all-new series that directly follows his NON-STOP SPIDER-MAN run placing one SAVAGE SPIDER-MAN loose on the Isle of the Damned. However, this island doesnt just have a SAVAGE SPIDER-MAN gone wild, it also has Baron Zemo and dozens of Frankensteined, Zombie-like creatures on the hunt.

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The StoryJack Beans, the calculated man, is an extremely interesting and unique character.  Tobin has done a great job at drawing readers in by giving the character solid strengths, such as his mathematical abilities, and personality ticks, such as never being able to tell a lie.  Throughout the issue, readers are introduced to Jacks backstory and motivations, which while hard to believe, are compelling.  Its hard to write this review without giving too much away, but Tobin has done a tremendous job as he sets up a character-driven story and lays the ground with pitfalls for Jack to step into as he follows the most logical course of action to achieve freedom from The Keys.

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The StoryThe Amazing Spider-Man #5 wraps up the first arc of his run of the series.  While Tombstones story has been entertaining, it hasnt supplied any answers to the big questions posed in the first issue.  Readers still dont have any idea of why Peter is on everyones bad side, what he did to get there, or whats going on with Mary Jane. Wells does start to reverse some of these dynamics, with the appearance of Black Cat and how Peter has grown over the last five issues, but its too much of a slow burn.  Too many questions, and not enough answers.

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Batman '89 #6 is a good wrap-up to this series, though it seems like it could have been expanded upon more. For instance, it would've been nice to hear more about Catwoman's psychiatrist, potentially setting the stage for a sequel series. It also seems like the prospect of Barbara becoming Batgirl is slim to none in this universe, but you never know. A spinoff of Catwoman and Barbara working together would be very interesting for sure. It would be cool if DC gave us more of this Batman in the future. Perhaps a future series could show Robin Williams as the Riddler since he was once rumored to play the Riddler opposite Keaton's Batman.

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I'm still interested in this SHADOW WAR. I really am but I was expecting a bit more to iron out the story. Maybe a bigger clue as to which direction the story is heading and why? Sure, I don't expect all the answers immediately but all Williamson did on this issue was explain how the DEATHSTROKE impersonator got in and who definitely didn't do it.

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It does appear as though we learned a few things about the character that were never definitely defined over the years but appear to be now. Moreover, we learn of a mastermind who helped mold the Joker into who he has become. All together with the cliffhanger, as well as the fact that this comic comes out weekly this entire month, Zdarsky should be able to quickly write the ship and get us all to our destination before we hit an iceberg. Nevertheless, since Im reviewing THIS issue, Id have to say this was by far the worst issue of Zdarskys entire run to date.

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With the twists that Murphy is pointing into the story which deviates from what is normally seen in both the DC animated universe and the mainstream DC universe, Batman: Beyond the White Knight #3 keeps readers invested and wanting more, while not quite knowing what to expect.

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Batman: Dark Age #3 is a bold experiment that pushes the boundaries of the Batman mythos. It's not without its flaws, but it's a compelling read for fans who enjoy a bit of subversion with their superheroes. Buy it if you're curious about a fresh take on Batman. If you prefer the classic Batman formula, this might not be for you.

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Batman: Gotham Adventures #1 is a great introduction first issue for anyone that just wants a Batman and/or Bat-family story without all the tie-ins or decompression. Some might find the art as "kiddie". But it's a clean style that shouldn't distract from the story.

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THE DISPATCHIf youre looking for a different side of Bruce Wayne thats not been thoroughly explored by many writers, BATMAN: THE KNIGHT #2 is most certainly for you. This issue by Zdarsky finds a young Bruce Wayne in Paris honing different aspects of his craft. And in this issue of BATMAN: THE KNIGHT, readers will see the first encounter with Henri Ducard as well as his beginning machinations with cat burglars (cough… could… CATWOMAN).

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The only negative that I want to remark on might have been because of the review copy that IDW provided.  I noticed that some of the letterings were a little faded out and more difficult to read than in other places.  I'm going to pick up my copy later this week from my nearby LCS, so I'll know for sure then.

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Overall, this issue is a strong pick for readers who enjoy character development and stories that explore the human cost of heroism. However, those looking for a fast-paced, action-packed adventure might want to wait for the next installment to see how Jaime tackles the new challenges.

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Every new writer/ creative team needs at least an entire arc to see where they are going and what they plan on doing. That said; I'm in for the first arc. I feel like we should be farther along in Coates' story by now.

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What readers will discover is that this entire installment is centered around setup, which is fine. However, the opening-ended ambiguity left a little to be desired. Captain America #7 was certainly striking but its mystery added some unwanted confusion to the story. Nevertheless, the fantasy element in a Captain America story has this reader intrigued. In a Cap comic, this feels new which is why I can give this story a couple more issues before making my final judgment. For now, Im a bit hesitant in this almost dark fairy tale story. Yet, I cant help but have my interest piqued.

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Onyebuchi is a phenomenal storyteller and works his magic as he lays out the mystery for Captain America and Falcon. Captain America: Symbol of Truth #3 sets up the issues to come as the heroes are thrown into the deep end.

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If you like suspenseful, spine-chilling tales, Bunn's COLD SPOT #1 is for you. By the end of the issue, readers are led to believe something unexplainable and supernatural is happening, AND it appears to be connected to Alyssa and Grace.

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Again, I just needed more substance and better explanations to buy all of this. That said, Im so ridiculously happy for DC FUTURE STATE and beyond! I need continuity. I need order. I need writers to work well with one another and research their characters before writing. I need more thought, more planning, and more organization in my comics. I hope that DC FUTURE STATE will lead us all down that path again. I feel like DC REBIRTH started that way… and simply took a turn along with Geoff Johns and veggie trays. I feel like they had plans and as soon as the Mr. Oz stuff happened with multiple Supermen, things just started going downhill fast. But now, we can all move on thanks to Scott Snyder. Is it the best story ever? No. Is it the best event ever? Not even close. But was it entertaining while fixing so many deficiencies? Absolutely!! This issue is worth a read even if its merely to see how things end before this new FUTURE STATE begins. I recommend taking a look even if youve ba

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This free-fo-all coupled with the almost eerie characters involved in the team, make Dark X-Men #1 quite unique in its form and design for this Fall of X Event. Additionally, fans should be prepared for the story to take a bit of time before it picks up. The excitement and action will come along with a few answers left hanging out there since the Hellfire Gala. Readers will just need to be patient as Dark X-Men #1 begins to take shape.

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Couple this weeks tale with some average renderings that just didnt deliver like last month and I feel readers will see an average issue with a few peak moments. If youre already in on DC Vs. Vampires, hang in there and go pick it up. However, if you're looking to hop on board, this issue wouldnt be the one to entice you unless you are a Green Arrow fan! Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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This team is doing the best they can with the cards they're dealt. Good luck. You should all jump in now. After the Wedding, Batman's direction is changing, and Hill is leading us off pretty well.

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As long as Hill is writing this book, I'm reading it. He continues to give us a hard-nosed detective who thinks, strategizes, and plans for missions. Hill gives readers a Batman that thinks before he leaps and doesn't win at the end with magic metals or wishes.

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In the course of one arc, Hill has progressed Batman farther than his predecessors have throughout Rebirth in any Batman comic. The character appears strong again both physically and mentally.

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Furthermore, I get the impression this team, although listed as villains, are being treated more as anti-heroes in this book, which is very intriguing. Based on the ending and a little of the beginning, I sense some potential political undertones. Now, these undertones may cause some readers to be uncomfortable, but as far as this issue is concerned, I thought it was done with good taste. And lastly, fans of villains, particularly Spider-Man villains, will certainly enjoy this comic.

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With only a couple more issues to go, let Waid and Kitson cast a spell on you that this reviewer is sure youll never forget.

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Personally, something big feels like its building In the relationship between Stinger-Omega and Dragonfly. Something definitely feels on the horizon. However, how does that story fit with Earth-Alpha, especially after this issue which was so Earth-Alpha heavy? My hope is that Peyer has a plan in the works and these mini-stories are all building to something substantial. Past practice with the writer, as well as the character, leads me to believe this isnt random stories thrown together and that there is an end game to this narrative. That said, this reviewer needs that carrot or cliffhanger to show up really soon and was actually hoping to see it in this issue. Hopefully, DRAGONFLY AND DRAGONFLYMAN #4 will have that wow moment that this fan is searching for.

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This crossover was exciting, but more explanation needed to be given, and several heroes seemed to be underutilized. Hopefully, this will spawn more Arrowverse comics in the future, especially since most of these shows have since gotten canceled anyway.

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If you want to see the original Fab Five, phenomenal art, as well as tons of X-characters, this series is totally up your alley. If you're searching for direction and answers moving forward with the X-characters, all X-series, and continuity, you won't get them this week.

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Overall, this issue doesnt change my recommendation for the series, its still one of the best titles at DC Comics right now. Nevertheless, everyone has a down issue here and there, especially with Adams wrapping things up right before the One-Minute War. I just wish this story with the Rogues was a bit more and less of a tease since we finally got the band back together. Readers, Adams is still taking the Flash in the right direction so there is no need to worry. However, the Flash #789 steps outside its normal comfort zone towards the end and possibly trips on its own fit a bit as the issue comes to an end.

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This book is great, it really is. This issue gets going straight out of the blocks and it flips from fin friendly shenanigans with friends as life moves on, to a shocking return on the final panel. I honestly dont want to wait a month for the next issue… I want it now. I need to know how Latveria is going to play into it. Additionally, how are the Storm siblings going to be used? How will Gwen juggle school, her dad, band practice, and dimension-hopping shenanigans? Ms. McGuire… Seanan… GIMME! NOW PLZ

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This issue is a prime example of the normal setup and plot of each issue. We get a minor fight scene, outstanding art, and a small new plot thread that sets fans up for the same premise in the next issue. However, we just keep getting appetizer after appetizer. Wheres the main course? I hope we get answers soon as to what the United Planets are actually up to as well as how Hal is capable of harnessing raw willpower to make his own ring. But until then, readers will certainly enjoy the usual stellar art and guidance from Adams that normally drives this series. Nevertheless, Im getting nervous that if we dont get some answers, direction, and more explosive discoveries soon, people may jettison the series altogether.

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Venditti had some odd dialogue pieces here and there, but as a whole, he moved the story towards its climax and gave us some epic Green Lantern battles. Sandoval and his art team were spot on throughout most of the issue and brought their "A" game.

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Dont get me wrong; the issue is entertaining and fun. Nevertheless, the story is absent this week and to those fans that read multiple titles, they'll notice the uncharacteristic portrayal of a few of the assembled cast of characters. If you're solely an IMMORTAL HULK fan, you'll probably have very little to complain about. However, to readers fully invested in multiple Marvel titles, this issue may be a bit disappointing.

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With only three issues of IMMORTAL HULK left, I thought wed discover a bit more about the One Below All, Sam Sterns, and even the Green Door. How does it all work? Who or what exactly is the One Below All? How did Sterns figure out how to control the Green Door? There is just a ton of questions I hope Ewing answers with little page count left. And I, for one, sincerely hope we get those answers. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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DC COMIC fans will still feel that sense of excitement as this new frontier continues to unravel within the pages of INFINITE FRONTIER. Readers will leave the issue with even more questions and very few answers. Will the issue keep you wanting more? Yes" but not only because of excitement" lack of answers and information. Yet, Williamson does a fantastic job keeping the reader on the edge. The new character insights and reveals were thrilling as well as the possibilities on the horizon for the DC COMIC landscape moving forward.

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INJUSTICE VS. MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE #1 written by the terrific Tim Seeley, art brushed by Freddie E. Williams II, colored brightly by Jeremy Colwell, and letters displayed nicely by Wes Abbott throws Eternia and the Injustice DC Universe into a blender and spits out an exciting smoothie that looks like it's going to be a fun time.

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If you are an Injustice fan, He-Man fan, Seeley fan, or simply enjoy excitingly fun storytelling, this series is for you. Readers get Granny Goodness, Skeletor, Bane, Copperhead, and an evil Superman using Brainiac pre-cognitive technology to control and imprison the world.

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Invincible Iron Man #4 solidifies the big bad and sets Tony up for a new showdown that he hasnt seen before. Its actually pretty cool to see him tangle with a different smart, intelligent, billionaire tech giant than the usual suspects. Plus, its also exciting to see the Krakoan connections as well. Nevertheless, even after laughing at a few of the well-timed jokes and watching the hero get his shots in, fans dont learn a whole heck of a lot about Feilongs true devilish intentions. Readers merely get the villain, a small battle, and no real cliffhanger other than one that could be interesting from Jennifer Walters. But even that cliffhanger was subtle. And ultimately, that word summarizes Invincible Iron Man #4 subtle. It wasnt bad nor was it wild and explosive. It was just subtle.

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Invincible Iron Man #5 resumes Duggans current story while continuing to connect the dots to his X-Men run in the process. Readers are provided with a deeper insight into Feilongs plan while Duggan finds a way to mold his stories together across multiple books. Duggan officially levels up Invincible Iron Man #5, makes the villain even more formidable, and makes fans super pumped for what's to come. The stage is getting set fast and I don't think Iron Man fans will want to miss it! Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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James Bond: Himeros #1 rides the nostalgia wave from the recent conclusion of Daniel Craig's turn as 007. Fortunately, Rodney Barnes has a very good grasp on James Bond and makes him spark in the little bit of screen time he has. Antonio Fuso's art is perfect for this book. Dynamite definitely has a book to be excited about with James Bond: Himeros.

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Now is the time to hop back onboard Justice League and finally add this bad boy back to your pull list. Maybe not long term yet but definitely in the short term.

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As long as Tynion takes the time to explain the origin of magic, as well as the Tree of Wonder, and why magic is all out of whack, readers will be mesmerized by this series, and it's potential.

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Overall, Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #6 is a thrilling chapter in this epic crossover event. It leaves readers eager to see how the story will conclude in the final issue. This is a fun and action-packed issue that sets the stage for the showdown while providing a healthy balance of action and story to keep fans hooked until the end. If you're a fan of Godzilla, Kong, or the Justice League, you won't want to miss this issue.

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Readers, this non-action-packed, mellow, suspense-less display was extremely uncharacteristic of what Johns normally puts out. The art was uneventful and the story was way too simple and flat. Any issue that could be summarized in one sentence is normally not worth the buy. And sadly, thats the case this week. If youve been reading along like I have, maybe you get it to be that completionist. Otherwise, maybe you just pass this week, pick up Justice Society of America #7, and not miss a beat. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Justice Society of America #8 was certainly better than the last issue. However, I feel this series seems to be lacking direction and focus with a forced agenda at the helm.

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Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods #1 certainly has loads of potential. On the initial read, the story beats seemed interesting and the perspectives from Hera, as well as Diana, made sense. What happened to the Old Gods and why all the fuss now? However, even with the streamlined plot, Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods #1 still felt a bit too uneven and chaotic at times jumping quickly from one scene to the next which will cause some difficulty for new readers to navigate. Overall, Wilsons Wonder Woman Event opener isnt bad at all. Nevertheless, I highly recommend fans focus less on the recent Lazarus Planet Event and more on Wilsons run before diving into this inaugural issue.

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The characters and settings are distinct and recognizable which helps the readers with continuity between issues.  Paired with this, Leskos colors are unbelievable, communicating the tone and emotion that is evident in Kaplans writing and taking it to new heights.  

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Well, is Nightwing #113 worth picking up? Possibly. This milestone issue is a collector's dream, packed with elements of nostalgia, action, and an unclear direction for Dick Grayson. With a stellar creative team and a focus on Nightwing's legacy, this issue is sure to be a satisfying read for long-time fans and new readers alike. However, as a fan interested in story progression and major plot development, you won't find that here.

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As far as story set-ups go, this issue is pretty standard; a few flashbacks to flesh out Frank's new battle-buddy. However, the art and pacing are great, and the action and gruesomeness are enough to overcome what could have been a very paint-by-numbers issue. Plus, we get set-up going forward as Valery now has a face to take his revenge on. Overall, in a Punisher comic where the Punisher literally only has one speaking line, this was a well-done issue that reads nicely and throws in a few gasps while helping us get to better know this new character.

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The character featured at the end of the previous issue had very little presence in this one, which slightly disappointed me. However, maybe they are saving him for a climactic fight scene down the line? I just wish that Thanos and the Surfer were able to interact a bit more in Silver Surfer: Rebirth #3. Yet at the same time, I think it was a good creative decision to have them juxtaposed, to show how they each handle being tossed into alternate realities. It seems they might be going for a multiversal angle, based on what the Surfer sees at the end of this issue. I wonder if the same thing may happen with Thanos as well. If youre a Silver Surfer or Thanos fan, you should consider checking this issue and series out.

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Silver Surfer Rebirth #5 is an excellent conclusion to this story. It shows us the differing resolves of both Thanos and the Surfer, provides excellent artwork, and even leaves room open for more stories in the future if Marvel gives the Silver Surfer more adventures. Any fans of the Silver Surfer will definitely appreciate this series!

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Star Trek #19 is a fun, enjoyable comic with mostly decent art and an engaging story that will keep you reading more. The story, to be more specific, is just magnetic and the driving force behind this issue, with everything working mostly in its favor. The art, on the other hand, is a clear hit or miss, with some amazing character designs and drawings followed up by boring backgrounds. Despite some issues with the art, this issue is generally quite brilliant, as the story is possibly the best it's ever been, and the art is still generally fine enough to read through and have a fun time. Overall, for any Star Trek fan, this should be your read for the week.

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I was worried that we'd never flesh-out these three random Jedi buddies of Kylo, but the creative team did a great job of doing just that this issue.

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Strange Academy is a fun book.You can easily start midway and have a decent understandingof what is taking place. The overall environment coupled with Youngs epic writing lendsitselfwell to a story about mystical teenagers. This book scratchesthat OG XavierInstituteandHogwartsitch. As soon as you are finished reading this review, go to your LCS, and pick up this issue. You will not be disappointed.

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SUICIDE SQUAD: BLAZE #2 is raw, emotionally charged, gritty, and real. Deeper relationships are formed, unexpected characters are destroyed, and a creature of unexplainable carnage is unstoppably aroused yup aroused. There's subtle humor that doesn't always hit the mark alongside some confusing art at times. However, the story is complex, wickedly entertaining, and loads of fun. I'm still super pumped to see where this goes and think SUICIDE SQUAD: BLAZE #2 is a fantastic story for any comic fan, not just the SUICIDE SQUAD peeps.

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Together with Johnson's sly alterations, this creative team uses its canvas to astound BATMAN fans with some minor imaginative twists that will blow your mind. Sure, when I see these TALES OF THE DARK MULTIVERSE issues I'm normally pretty skeptical before reading. However, I rather quite enjoyed the issue. I simply wish we got a bit more ironed out in the story. There was just so much to work with here that maybe these TALES OF THE DARK MULTIVERSE should be more than one issue to tease out more of the details? Alas, I'd still recommend giving it a try, even if it seemed more like an Else World story than a Dark Multiverse story.

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Overall, it is a good comic and I would recommend it to the general comic audience, although I feel it would cater more specifically to (hardcore) fans of the Titans lore.

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The Authority were such an influence in the early 2000s that it spawned a lot of imitators. Its influence spread to the point that in Action Comics #775 Superman would battle a team called The Elite. A parody of the Authority. The point of that story was to address the question of whether Superman as a character was still relevant in a post Authority comic book world. That Superman story would later be adapted into an animated movie called Superman vs the Elite.

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I would 100% recommend anyone to pick up this comic. Some seeds were planted in the issue that may yield some interesting results.

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JamalIgleis doing career defining art here. It is crisp, clear, and Peyer wisely allowIgleto depict the main fight this issue to be mostly wordless. Besides slight changes to their costumes,Igleuses body language to better set the Dragonfly men apart. Colorist Andy Troy deserves credit for the bright and eye catching colours. Characters and backgrounds stand out.

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THOR #15 is merely a transition issue that sets the groundwork for the next two installments. Readers will find very little action, thrills, twists, or cliffhangers. Yet, they'll leave with some thought-provoking questions and a new outlook on their favorite character. This week's THOR is easy to follow, candid and provides insight into the inner workings of a God. However, as a whole, THOR #15 was missing its normal punch that leaves you excited for the next issue.

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Thor #24 holds something for everyone. Long-time readers will be delighted by the return of iconic talent, while new readers will enjoy immersing themselves in the mythos of Thor. All of the creators have done a wonderful job of making this a memorable anniversary issue but Cates especially has primed us for something special in the upcoming Banner of War crossover with Hulk.

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At the midpoint of the series, Twig #3 is an entertaining story that shows Twig and Splats growth as characters. Youngs worldbuilding continues to be amazing and is only taken further by the outstanding art of Strahm and Beaulieu.

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Noticeable differences in art merge with vibrant color in Unbreakable Red Sonja #3. Despite a few distractions, I found it easy to follow the action, and the cliffhanger ending left me hungry for more. Filled with relatable characters and atmospheric all-ages art, this latest installment in the fable franchise proves worth pulling off comic shelves or convenience store spinner racks.

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Bendis grabs the readers attention immediately and never takes his foot off the gas. Pick this up and give it a try!

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Overall, this is a (very) slight dip from the magic that was last month's issue, but this series is coming into its own nicely. If you're in any way invested in the Thor universe, you owe it to yourself to check it out.

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The backgrounds in many cases lack detail, but since this is a multiverse-hopping adventure, details arent as important to the story as a down-to-earth vigilante type story would require.

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Nevertheless, if you've grown stale to Cates VENOM, you may be thinking about skipping this issue. However, I suggest reading it. Why? Its the perfect issue to summarize what you've missed and to see where Eddie and VENOM are at whether you agree with it or not. As much as I haven't been a huge fan of his run since VENOM ISLAND, I still think this issue is a must-read for the status quo of VENOM moving forward.

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THE DISPATCHIf you dig into VENOM #2 expecting to get answers about Eddie and his mysterious pit stop, you wont find them this week. Ram V turns the focus of the series towards Dylan and his new connection with the VENOM symbiote. Overall, readers dont uncover too much new information. Nonetheless, Ram uses this issue as setup in order to progress the structure of the narrative moving forward while introducing a few new characters to his story. Readers, the premise is pretty straightforward and easy to follow. Plus, its logical and direct by inadvertently answering questions about the aftermath of the KING IN BLACK event.

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Overall, the issue was super packed with talented writers and artists making it a really great read that helped to put a bow on the epic summer event. If your a person that needs a sense of conclusion and have followed the war since day one, this issue will help with that.

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Overall, WAY OF X #3 was deeper and more thought-provoking even with its Christian undertones. Yet, it still lacks substance towards the overall development of the story. I left the issue wondering what readers really garnered from the issue. That said, WAY OF X wasnt bad by any stretch. Still, anyone searching for plot development and direction may come up a bit short.

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After the last two installments of the WAY OF X, it just feels like the series is spinning its wheels. Im struggling to see the end game. Before this series, fans could already see the hypocrisy, the evil, the corruption, and the twisted nature that was all over Krakoa. Heck, depending on your perspective, many would argue that the mutants could very well be the villains of this story. So, unless there is a driving purpose on the horizon, Im struggling to see the true intent and direction of the series.

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Each issue so far has been one battle after another. Sometimes, I like my comics like my wrestling: knock out, drag out fights! I don't need an in-depth story within all my comics. Sometimes, I just want some action, adventure, explosions, and fighting. This comic has it in spades! Weapon H laid waste to Man-Thing like it was nothing and it looks like Hulkverine will be taking on Roxxon next. I guess we'll have to wait until the next issue to find out.

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WOLVERINE #5 certainly had its moments. From a frozen Logan popsicles to Vampire hunting, this comic was definitely fun with Segovias art has a highlight of the issue.

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It wasn't bad by any stretch. Nevertheless, it wasn't what it could have been nor as good as I've seen this creative team do in the past.

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Nonetheless, this weeks installment of X OF SWORDS: STASIS #1 by Jonathan Hickman just didnt move the meter for me this week. Dont get me wrong, this is still a pretty solid event that I think everyone should be reading. And as always, Pepe Larraz and Mahmud Asrar deliver with timely splash pages and jaw-dropping panels! Nevertheless, readers could probably skip this issue and get caught up by a friend at the shop or a well-placed recap page in one of the crossover X-MEN titles. So, should you buy it? Well, if youre a completionist, then yes! However, if money is tight, I think you could skip it albeit still a very fun and intriguing issue.

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X-Force #37 finally reveals who the Peacock Man is and sorry to say, many fans will have no idea who this person is. Couple that with the forced Deadpool silliness and the lack of clarity involving the Beast fallout and Wolverine, I'd have to say the average X-fan may be hopping off this book soon. Nevertheless, I personally enjoyed the reveal and think it's a creative deep dive into some X-Men lore that's certainly quite interesting.

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As excitement arose for this story months ago, I merely wish to forewarn readers fascinated by the narrative to temper their expectations before diving in. The story is still inventive and had so many powerful moments. However, other than the evolution and de-evolution of a relationship, thats about all readers will take away from this issue… and for another TWO MONTHS (May 26th people)! Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless.

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Therefore, amongst the busy nature of the comic, I found myself struggling to find the ultimate purpose of the book after issue one. That being said, I have all the faith in the world in what Duggan can do, especially after seeing what hes done in past X-MEN related ongoings like MARAUDERS and CABLE. Plus, there is no doubt that this comic will be the driving X-title moving forward making this a must add to any X-fans pull list. Id walk cautiously into issue one yet optimistic for the future of the series and team as Duggan wrangles in the focus of the title. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Moreover, X-Men #34 features several fan-favorite X-Men characters, including Kitty, Wolverine, and Synch that will elevate the fan's excitement through the story. Overall, X-Men #34 is a solid comic book that lays the groundwork for an exciting new chapter in the X-Men saga. With its captivating art and intriguing premise, this issue is sure to leave readers wanting more BUT with some underdeveloped characters and so much focus on the impending disaster, some aspects of the issue were a bit underwhelming and disappointing.

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Giffens tale is still imaginative and still feels like a big deal to the Marvel Landscape. Sure, the war element (large idea) to the narrative may have vanished to focus on specific characters (small idea), but there were still many interesting plot threads that are helping this reviewer hold on for one more issue, if not the last two.

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Fans of the DC animated universe will enjoy Batman/Catwoman #11, as it contains multiple homages. There is also a great emotional scene between the elderly Selina Kyle and her daughter, Helena. The finale of this issue may be a bit jarring for some readers, but it may not be everything that it appears to be.

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Thanks to Sandoval, BLACK ADAM #1 ignites with power and explodes out of the gate. However, it's Priest's story that confuses us as readers are quickly introduced to a variety of characters and plot threads without much introduction or explanation.

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Nevertheless, the insight provided to Steves youth was pretty cool. The character and determination of a young Cap showcase just where his true superpower is. Caps willpower and ability to do what is good and justice are completely unparalleled. And that aspect of Captain America #6 was very impressive. Would I buy this issue? Yes, however only if Ive been all in to this point of the run. Realistically, its not the best issue to begin this series. However, this also isnt even close to the best issue of the run so far. Personally, I havent any problem offering up some grace to this creative team to see where this next arc is going before making any drastic calls. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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With Capwolf & The Howling Commandos #3 being the penultimate issue, one would expect our heroes to be placed in a corner with little hope. It's the writing trope of all writing tropes. Nevertheless, with no hope of escape for the Commandos and no hope to change Cap back, I find it difficult to see how this will all wrap in one issue that makes sense even if it's an oversized issue. Nevertheless, readers are more than likely buying this series strictly for entertainment purposes and nothing too deep. And ultimately, that's what you're going to get.

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THE SCOOPAt the end of the last issue, we saw the debut of Red Claw, a Batman the Animated series villain, to the mainstream DC universe. The character first appeared in Catwomans first episode of the show, so it was only fitting they introduce her in a Catwoman story. This version of the character is an assassin for hire, rather than a leader of a global terrorist organization. Catwoman #44 has a Thelma & Louise vibe to it, with an interesting twist. It is fun, but also makes an important point about human nature.

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This isnt Aarons fault (per se). This is comic book writing in general as of late. Its become a never-ending Soap thats honestly becoming infuriating. This was the supposed end of Conans life. More stories could be told about his journey along the way. I personally took Aarons story as snippets along the way with Conans life that culminated in this event. Plus, to be the writer that writes Conans epic finale, would be legend (wait for it) dary. So, where was that? Oh, that was issue eleven for those paying attention at home. Fans, just look at the last page of CONAN THE BARBARIAN #11! Conan looks like a man possessed, infused with the power of Crom himself, and ready to battle what the cover of this issue so eloquently displays… yet we dont get that at all.

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DC Horror Presents Sgt. Rock Vs. The Army of the Dead #2 was certainly fun but it does feel like it's missing substance. For those fans that want a quick, easy-to-read story with little thought and a quick escape, this comic and series are for you, especially around the holiday season.

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When DC Vs. Vampires #10 came to a close, it looked like Batgirls' plan to take down King Dick was established. Nevertheless, we saw almost no connection between the last issue and where they are now. Plus, with only one issue of DC Vs. Vampires to go, how is this creative team going to connect all these moving parts? Readers, its hard to tell three stories at once, give them enough air time, and connect those pieces together at just the right time. However, with one issue left, I think that should have happened by now. So, should you buy it? Well, if youve invested this much time and money to this point, then why the heck not? That said, DC Vs. Vampires #11 wouldnt be the issue to make you want to go back and grab the trade.

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Was EXCALIBUR #15 exciting? Yes! Was the story entertaining? Yes! But, it comes at the cost of the entire event prior deeming those issues almost trivial.

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Now, dont let this issue of THE FLASH change your opinion of this creative team. Adams and his crew are still rockstars and deserve your attention in this series. Theyve made THE FLASH series so much better in so many ways. Plus, its hard to put the breaks on YOUR story in order to fit in tie-ins to an event like DARK CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS. Adams worked with the cards he was dealt while trying to stay true to the characterization hes developed. And he most certainly did that. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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The overall story could easily be summarized in one or two sentences to catch fans up later who truly need to know what happened in this issue for future events, especially if its deemed important.

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The main storyteller in this week's HULK is no doubt Ottley who showcases his talents and expertise splendidly. However, fans jumping on this new series get very little narrative development masked by a melee of massacres. Was this story entertaining? Sure. But it doesn't do much else.

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Truthfully, Immoral X-Men was the series I was the most excited for which could be why Im the harshest of the three. It just didnt perform as the other two series did in the saga to date. Nevertheless, Im not giving up on Sins of Sinister after one semi-down issue. It sticks with events to date and I'm simply hoping the plot starts to take fans somewhere soon. Yet, I said this in my last review and Ill say it again if this story gets wiped away by a Moira clone like it never happened, Im gonna be pissed! Readers need ramifications. Otherwise, it makes the story pointless. Please dont do that to us, Gillen.

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Even though this reviewer was a bit displeased with the answers we received this issue, Im still holding out hope that there may be something larger in play missing from this story… dare I say a Blindspot? My point is: other than the big reveal, Thompson continues to nail the characteristics of Jessica Jones and continues to get me interested in another installment. My guess is that youre in the same boat too! So, lets continue reading the series until the end and both agree to be disappointed in the reveal hoping that something bigger and more sinister is at work! Whos with me?

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Fans get monster melee mixed with some killer art directly related to the monsters. However, even the art struggled at times when it was more involved with solely the DC Characters. If youre a Godzilla or King Kong fan, this series is mainly for you. If youre an Aquaman fan, this issue was more of a tease. Youll have to wait until next week to see how he fairs.

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This is a fun comic for all ages. Looney Tunes fans who like martial arts, the Iron Chef, and stories featuring characters like Porky Pig, Bugs Bunny, Tweety, Sylvester, Daffy Duck, Taz, Wile E. Coyote, and the Road Runner will really enjoy it.

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:This series seems to get better each issue and has found its groove nicely. The art is effective, the colors pop and subdue as needed, and the panel progression conveys action flawlessly. Even the seen-it-a hundred-times cabin interrogation scenes keep your attention and pique your interest in our new blonde friend, as it turns out shes running the show more than people know. This story has been a breath of fresh air for Franks fans. Once again, my only complaint is Franks guyliner. But Im certainly not going to tell him that I happen to like my ankle attached to the rest of me.

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Other than the lack of WATCHMEN, this was a very solid first issue for a crime-mystery narrative that was a bit too cluttered with dialogue. However, the cliffhanger does leave his reviewer a bit intrigued for the next installment. Heck, the cover even fits in beautifully with the premise of the issue. For now, Im in. However, Kings leash is very short for this reviewer. If mysteries and crime dramas are your thing, Id take a chance on RORSCHACH this week. If not, give it another issue or two and maybe hop aboard the train later and snag the back issues or trade at that time.

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If you're looking for a monstrously inventive tale that portrays similar tones of late 19th Century horror fiction, then you've come to the right place. Give this issue a shot but temper your expectations from what you see on the cover, as well as its name.

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Spider-Man #1 is an average start to what appears to be another Spider-Verse story. And at some point, we have to wonder if we need any more Spider-Verse tales. Now, as Spider-Man #1 kicks off, fans of the Spider-Verse, Spider-Man, and all those connected Spider characters will definitely flock to this issue. However, Jessica Drew peeps should enter this issue with severe hesitation and preparation for some disappointment.

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Storm & The Brotherhood of Mutants #2 made more sense than any of the other issue twos and still managed to hold true to the characters still alive at the time. The Star Wars Space Opera that was the foundational aspect of the issue was a bit cheeky, however, I didn't mind it as much as one would suspect. No one can doubt the comparisons. Nevertheless, the plot struggles are still very real, extremely complex, and hard to navigate within the Sins of Sinister event.

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While not my favorite issue of the series, The Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries #11 is still a fun romp, with wacky characters, historical tidbits, and good humor.

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TITANS UNITED #1 leans heavily on the nostalgic and plays hard and fast towards fans loving the TITANS TV Series. However, the story and substance behind the new series seemed lacking and were ultimately uneventful. Yet, this art team truly elevated my score and ignited my interest in at least another issue.

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WONDER WOMAN #787 tries to reconstitute WONDER WOMAN into the fold with Etta and Steve to regain the team dynamic that once was the roots of this series. Readers, that's not a bad thing. Plus, it's done in an easygoing manner that's overly reminiscent of classic villainy without the weighty nature normally associated with the current comics conundrum that is present-day action, adventure, as well as graphic overtones.

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X DEATHS OF WOLVERINE #2 kind of stalls out this week by providing little answers that could be summarized in about two sentences.

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Overall, this weeks X-FORCE isnt as strong as its been in the past. Maybe its because Kid Omega isnt as strong of a main character to take center stage? Maybe it was the lack of clarity on the first read? Maybe the focus away from the X-FORCE team itself is what hindered the issue? Either way you slice the pie, the book just didnt feel the same this week. Yet, the payoff is on the horizon and Percy took us where we need to be to wrap this arc up.

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X-MEN '92: HOUSE OF XCII #4 was interesting enough, easy to understand, and will certainly capture your attention if you're an X-MEN: THE ANIMATED SERIES fan. It's not too wordy, the characters have realistic motivations within the confines of X-MEN: THE ANIMATED SERIES and the nostalgic feeling revived by the art team is ultimately what really places that great, familiar sensation from 30 years ago. And can I tell you, we need Dark Beast in current continuity RIGHT NOW!

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For a long time X-fan finally wanting some Vulcan in their diet, you'll definitely get just that. However, it may come at the cost of a thoroughly explained story for Vulcan, the X-Men book, and Empyre. I left wanting to know more about Vulcan and less about the Empyre event that may need some pruning around the edges. Nevertheless, there were some interesting elements that Hickman slyly introduces that seem to relate Vulcan much more to the Cotati than we may expect.

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X-Men #21 lacks the explosive action and suspense its preceding issues had this week. Readers will find more discussion, some clever ideas, and some counterintuitive characteristics from the X-Men that simply just didn't square the circle well. Overall, the story wasn't bad it just culminated into. nothing.

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As far as Williamson's run goes, this is by far the least exciting issue hindering the scope of the story in order to move the plot forward.

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I was finally digging BATMAN again only to find BATMAN #121 rapidly concluding with open-ended story beats and abrupt narrative flips to explain away plot threads that seemed substantial. Luckily, Jorge Molina and Mikel Jann continue their dynamic expertise making BATMAN #121 something to revere.

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The biggest problem with BLUE AND GOLD #2 is that it looks like Jurgens is still trying to decide what type of comic this is supposed to be.

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Ahmed gives fans many questions to consider as Daredevil #1 opens but it wasn't really enough.

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Nevertheless, if you can decouple that hot takeaway from the ongoing Crisis and treat this issue as a standalone title with nothing to do with the Dark Crisis, it's a fun, quick story that organizes DC Comics' "work desk, puts "labels on some of the "files, places those "papers into nice neat piles, and gets things ready for what's to come. It's almost like an abbreviated, partial summary of the multiverse all in one place with an actual checklist at the very end.

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If you've been reading the series to this point, hang in there and continue to read it through to the end. The issue had its heavy moments but in general, it held this reviewers attention even through the confusing moments.

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Overall, the Flash #800 is worth the buy for any Flash fan. Why? Well, its the 800th issue! Its a collector item from Petes Peppers. However, if I was to grade it solely on stories, three of the five were not that bad. One was confusing and left a bad taste in my mouth for the future of the series while another focused on Barry and that writers run personally missing the mark of a tribute to Wally in the first place. To grade this specific issue fairly, its definitely not all its cracked up to be. Nevertheless, Adams and Waids teams did an outstanding job. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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If the premise of Gotham City: Year One was to change Bruce's family tree, then all I can say is why? And ultimately, that's why this story lands flat. The purpose and intent get lost in what began as a fantastic story which oftentimes appears to be King's M.O.

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In a way, the issue is more like a one shot. If you skip it, you'll be fine. That said; the issue raises some tremendous moral questions and coffee talk with your friends

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Green Arrow #4 felt like it had so much potential with the reintroduction of Parallax as well as the time travel component of the story. However, the easy tropes almost handcuffed the issue and took away from what could have been a pretty epic installment.

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On the surface, Green Arrow #10 appeared to be a pivotal issue that raised the bar for the series. However, after looking under the hood, readers will discover that very little is revealed and the emotional scenes were cut way too short to push the story forward. With a gripping mystery and what was pushed as high-stakes character development dangling on the surface, readers will be a bit disappointed to see a quick wrap-up and less complicated fight scenes between the Arrow Family than what appeared to be set up along the way. Was the issue terrible? Absolutely not. The story just focused on the wrong core components and moved quickly through the aspects of the comic that readers probably wanted the most.

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Anyone whos followed Cates work knows that he has some insanely creative stories. The man is brilliant. However, sometimes taking that potential and putting the story to paper can be much harder than I think the average comic fan realizes. Again, Cates always manages to help himself out by finding some of the best and brightest artists the industry has to compliment his work. And that truly helps. But he needs to add more emotional points and themes while saturating the reader in proper narrative beats that flow and make sense. Readers, lets be real.

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This week's IMMORTAL HULK by Al Ewing was definitely fun and interesting. However, it was heavy in explanation sandwiched between remarkably bone-chilling art by the extremely talented Joe Bennett, who if I haven't mentioned before is a rockstar and should be illustrating more comics, Marvel! Ewing thrusts this comedic element into the narrative with Xemnu that lightens the mood of the story yet slaps readers in the face with this grotesque luncheon later in the issue.

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However, if we discover that this other Joker happens to be something silly, trivial, pointless, or basically just dies in the end, were all gonna be a bit upset for investing all this time into a comic that amounts to frivolity. There is nothing more frustrating than spending over $50 in todo for a series that amounts to absolutely nothing. No needle moment whatsoever. Hopefully, that is not the case here. However, with two issues of The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing left, its beginning to start to look like that. I sincerely hope Im wrong. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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The Jurassic League #3 is sure fun for those who like Elseworlds-type stories, as well as those who are fans of dinosaur movies. There is a lot of biting.

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Justice League #7 will knock your socks off as Scott Snyder concludes his first arc on the series

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Spurrier reintroduces the BLACK KNIGHT in a fast and furious way that takes fans on a quick tour of the character. Now, even though Spurrier finds clever ways of adding in elements of light humor into the story that provides a certain spice to the issue, the story was still a bit too cluttered and disorganized to follow. Additionally, Jess Saiz's page layouts, mixed with heavy narration, were overly jam-packed amplifying the confusion of the issue.

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MAESTRO: WORLD WAR M #5 isn't a bad story within itself. However, it doesn't do justice to the overall premise and story that is MAESTRO and FUTURE IMPERFECT. By the time this issue is said and done, it's almost as if we get a completely different MAESTRO than we see in FUTURE IMPERFECT, which wouldn't be a bad thing except this issue butts right up against that very trade.

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If youre a MARAUDERS fan, you have to buy this issue to stay in the loop. If youre an X-MEN fan interested in jumping onboard MARAUDERS, this isnt the time or the issue. Just have a friend catch you up and wait a bit before diving in. And lastly, if you're a comic fan starving for something new to read, you can take a chance on this issue for sure. Its entertaining, creative, funny, easy to follow, fast-paced, and contains a decent amount of action. However, heavily invested MARAUDERS fans, as well as X-fans may leave craving more answers and substance from a series that's been a Rock Star since day one. Was it the lack of Kitty, the lack of New Releases, or a whirlwind of both making the perfect storm for an average issue from Duggan? The verdict is still out.

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Marvel's Voices: Comunidades #1 lets each Latin character in the Marvel pantheon shine and gives a wonderful look into Latin culture. I found the Ava Ayala (White Tiger) story and the Nina the Conjuror story the gems of the book. Nina the Conjuror seems like a fascinating character that I hope to see again in the future.

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The potential is there. I can see it scratching at the surface and Ayala has some great pieces to work with within this week's NEW MUTANTS tale. However, there was a huge focus on tons of little mutants that meant very little to me.

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Overall, Nightwing #106 isn't an awful issue. Plus, it's hard to regain momentum after stopping dead in our tracks for Knight Terrors. Nevertheless, there simply appears to be very little substance this week as Taylor appears to be reaching for a killer plot thread that just needs more.

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Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker #2 finally picks up and adds some potential depth and story beats that could prove to be rather interesting. The problem is we don't see any of it until the end of this issue.

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If youre looking for something different and new, this could also be your book. However, its definitely not the book for new comic readers.

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Realm of X #1 was nothing like I expected nor was it anything I feel like we needed. With so many questions surrounding this Fall of X since the Hellfire Gala, I cant help but wonder what the purpose of this book is. The medieval style mixed with a ragtag group of mutants and an almost domesticated Magik just doesnt seem very enticing. Its almost as if the title is handcuffing itself. Id much rather see how the mutants react to Orchis than see a few of the mutants save another realm from a familiar foe. Now, if medieval, Norse-style, stories are your jam, then give Realm of X #1 a shot. However, if youre looking for more in this Fall of X, as well as Magik being Magik, you wont find it in this series. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Overall, if Tieri is to continue writing this series, my hope is that his writing style of the Cimmerian will evolve and become more accurate to the stories and characterizations that have developed over the years. That said, the issue was still a ton of fun and wet my whistle as a weekly dose of Conan the Barbarian.

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Star Wars: The High Republic Annual #1 gives a good sampling of the various characters and locations from the High Republic era. There are a few characters here I'd love to see again in longer tales.

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Thompson did divulge some key components to a few of the main characters that I'm sure will ripen into prosperous fruit as SUICIDE SQUAD unfolds. Readers just need to hang in there throughout this tale with optimism for issue five.

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My final thoughts are rather simple for Suicide Squad: Kill Arkham Asylum #1. If you're a fan of the Arkham Games, then pick this series up to see where it goes. However, be forewarned that nothing really transpires this month.

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In conclusion, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate #1 brings a fresh and intriguing perspective to the iconic Turtles franchise. The narrative, although straightforward, serves as a compelling prologue to the game, immersing readers into the Turtles' world and dynamics. The art within the book is undeniably a highlight, elevating the overall experience with its well-crafted character designs and the vibrant coloring by Gigi Duterix. Despite its merits, the book stumbles in its attempts to seamlessly integrate mobile game elements, disrupting the story's flow and impacting reading enjoyment.

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If you read FANTASTIC FOUR, youll love this issue and possibly want Peter David on the title. He did a tremendous job involving the family and weaving their personalities together throughout the issue. However, if youre curious about the Prodigal Sun and are interested in learning more about him, his purpose, and his importance to the Marvel Landscape, you wont get much in this issue other than is power set. This is a nice first issue to get things started but this reviewer left wanting a bit more. For now, this comic fan is still in on the PRODIGAL SUN but I will need more information quickly. Otherwise, Im out.

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Overall, Aaron's story ultimately gives us our familiar Thor we've grown to love. We get to see the band (family) get back together again, AND I'm totally ready to see that family dinner.

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Give me depth especially with the relationship struggles between THOR and Odin. Readers, the ideas and premise are there. I think we just need more. Ultimately, I cant figure out what Cates is trying to say. Whats the theme? Is it about a new Kings burden and struggles? And if so, how can the average folk relate? Is it about the loss of power? And if so, help readers iron out those feelings. No one can argue THOR #20 has voice, style, and potential. But again, the story just needs some teeth as well as cliffhangers and previews that dont self sabotage Kleins artistic talents. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Im only slightly familiar with this time period and the characters within it, but I enjoyed this version of Clint Barton.  Ive always liked Clint, especially back in the West Coast Avengers days, and here, he seems his usual glib and impulsive self.  Its strange seeing him in a robe with the long beard, resembling a combination of Robin Hood meets Gandalf as he races across the Wasteland.  I understand that in this dystopic future setting, no ones going to be sporting gaudy costumes, but I feel the old wizard look doesnt suit him, but everything else about him was on point.

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WOLVERINE #15 provides fans with a quick, mini origin for Solem through the eyes of another new character Blackmore. Yet, I found that it just wasn't as riveting and powerful as I would expect from a ruthless, incarcerated, killer that struck fear into the hearts of even the Four Horsemen. Additionally, the tone and colors were a bit rough and almost muddy in appearance, which was very uncharacteristic of this creative team.

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Overall, X DEATHS OF WOLVERINE spirals back to the overarching premise in comics today. All the toys need to be put back in the toy box exactly where they were found when you're done with them. But by doing so, it takes the wind out of the sails, deflates the story, and makes its purpose meaningless.

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Keep this series on your pull list but go into X-FORCE #12 anticipating more set up and less action than in the past. There is no doubt that the future definitely looks bright for this series" but this issue simply felt more flat than normal.

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Its an entertaining enough, stand-alone story that anyone could pick up and read on the spot without much background information. Ultimately, X-Men Annual #1 2022 serves its purpose, however, nothing is dazzling that would drive anyone to pick this up other than being a hardcore Firestar fan. It certainly had its moments where you could sense more emotion and character development. However, Foxe had to move quickly to cram it all into one issue and wrap up its story. Overall, X-Men Annual #1 2022 wasnt too bad but its just not essential X-Men reading this week.

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To summarize, X-Treme X-Men #2 is simply ghost-tracking, off-panel solutions, and one showdown with a jacked-up bodybuilder. The story lacks character depth and assumes that readers know all the background details before diving in, which isnt always necessarily a bad thing. However, in the premise that is X-Treme X-Men #2, I feel like more context other than issue one would have been helpful. Additionally, with the busy nature of the issue, it felt like the characters were all extremely surface-level. Nevertheless, it was Larroca and GURU-eFX who helped salvage the issue with some incredibly crisp and vibrant art that kept this reviewer entertained enough to the end. Nonetheless, I highly recommend adding much more action to a title thats meant to be X-Treme before you lose readers fast.

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Rosenbergs story definitely left this reviewer excited for Decembers launch of titles related to the ANNIHILATION SCOURGE event. There were many moments

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Batman Vs. Robin #2 does its best to provide some needed background to this series rather quickly but not so effectively. The magical confusion put a damper on the story and added some complexities that weighed down the issue with funky flashbacks and surreal reveals that ultimately still left out one key component. What is Damian's personal motivation for unleashing the Devil Nehza? Is sheer curiosity the only connection? And if so, that seems a bit silly.

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Tom Taylor is a fantastic writer, if not currently one of the best in the market today. He simply didn't take me through the normal rollercoaster of emotions that I expect from a DCEASED title.

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That could be why everyone dove into Flash #798 head-first. The expedited nature of this issue just made the story seem like it was being told directly to you instead of gradually uncovered through character interactions and discovery. Dont get me wrong, I think there is certainly potential to be had in this story. However, the Flash #798 could have easily been separated into two, if not three issues and paced more effectively.

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THE DISPATCHIts been a long time since weve seen Johnny Blaze as the GHOST RIDER and Benjamin Percy dives right in with a cold open that makes fans quickly wonder what the $&@&s going on?! The focus of GHOST RIDER #1 lends itself to a character study about Johnny Blaze and the struggles of being the Spirit of Vengeance. However, under the surface, Percy found himself scratching the veneer towards mental health issues and the emptiness thats so hard to explain deep within those inner quarrels of the soul. How is it that on the outside you have everything but still feel so hollow like you have nothing?

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This Giant-Sized issue is solely for Alan Davis fans who adore the yesteryear X-MEN.

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Sure, its still incredibly early in the story to get all our answers. However, some direction or story nuggets need to be addressed in order to keep fans locked into the story. Truthfully, its not a bad start, however, it could be a bit better. Right now, I think fans are still just riding high on the fumes of a revitalized Green Arrow title. Nevertheless, those fumes can only last so long before fans are going to need something a bit more substantial to sink their teeth into.

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If you like touching moments and feel connected to Betty and Bruce, this issue of IMMORTAL HULK is for you. However, with only two more installments to go, if you wanted more answers to some of the huge dangling plot threads still out there, you won't find them this issue.

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In an issue that really brought me into the story and made me feel like one of the team, I still left disappointed with the lack of action, the simplicity of the plan, and confusing artistic style that periodically pulled me out of the narrative.

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The Gen Z tone dates the issue too much and makes NIGHTWING relatable to the current younger demographic but also takes away from the characteristics that make NIGHTWING who he is. This just feels more like a common tone in Taylor's style right now, which isn't necessarily a bad thing it's just not reflective of the character and more on society and social trends bleeding into the dynamic of the character.

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My point is: that Im seeing a disconnect in Aarons story that needs to be cleared up. Sure, we get action and high-powered sequences from this creative team that will keep your interest. Nevertheless, the guts of this story were left open and havent been closed up properly. Hopefully, there is more to it coming in the next Punisher installment. For now, I leave with too many questions that just arent sitting right.

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Take SECRET X-MEN #1 with a grain of salt. It's busy, confusing, jumpy, but loads of fun. Some aspects of the issue are a bit silly while other story beats appear to be managed off-panel. Yet, Howard's take on the characters is strong and inviting. Her balance and ability to juggle this large cast are ultimately what helped make SECRET X-MEN #1 so incredibly entertaining.

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THOR #12 will make you scream "Dang" but it will also leave you yearning for the comics' identity and character progression.

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Overall, this is a serviceable issue with a heavy dose of Kid Omega if that happens to be your thing. Otherwise, you may want to pick up X-FORCE after this arc.

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I'm certainly not deterred from the story or the series by this one single issue. But, as Hickman's X-MEN goes, this was a bit lackluster and missing that clever charm that these issues seem to normally have.

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Readers, Spurrier is a lot to handle, and X-Men: Before the Fall Sons of X #1 would be extremely difficult to dive into without knowledge of Spurriers style, tones, and of course Legion of X and Sins of Sinister. Therefore, if you venture into this comic looking for something new to wet your whistle, I think youll be mildly confused, to say the least considering I have half a mind to know what I think is going on anyway! Fans of Legion of X will love the heck out of X-Men: Before the Fall Sons of X #1 and should most certainly pick this bad boy up.

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FINAL THOUGHTSBlack Cat Annual #1 is a treat for fans of Black Cat and Spider-Man alike. It handles the pitfalls many annuals face of multiple artists well, with Joey Vazquezs spectacular art leading the way. Jed MacKay weaves an interesting three-pronged heist tale, even though some of the dialogue and action were a little extended. Theres a neat tie-in to the main Black Cat series at the end also, so if youre enjoying that, definitely give this a shot.

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When will the plot develop? What direction is Coates moving going forward? That said, if your cup of tea is battle scenes with tons of action, then this is the issue for you. But, if your cup of tea is story, plot, and character development with answers, you may have to wait until next issue for that.

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To be honest, this issue had its moments, Cates did an excellent job of using his style of humor, creativity, and ingenuity to develop a good foundation for the series moving forward. He gave us a how, a when, a why, and a direction. However, I feel like I've been to this rodeo before.

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The premise of the order is fine, but it's the placement that felt off to me. Would I read a book about the Order of Dragons? Yes, but not in the middle of THIS story. Maybe it's because Soule was hitting too many grand salamis that now his base hits feel like outs? My hope is that bringing Biggie back (Kingpin) will help wrap up this story well.

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Overall, Soule's run has been stellar. So, save the money this week but add DAREDEVIL to your pull list going forward. If you need proof, take a look at my last couple reviews of DAREDEVIL. Soule and Phil Noto are doing amazing things with the character right now.

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Lets Land the PlaneAs someone who doesnt thoroughly read every issue of The Punisher, nor views him a favorite character, Rosenbergs take felt different" but I really liked it. Now, I dont know if that was Rosenbergs intent but I highly enjoyed it. That said, I can also see how diehard Punisher fans may not like this take of the character. For this reader, the issue was exciting and fun. It felt like an action movie on steroids and I was happy to reread it in order to figure out some of the extra details. Secret Agent Frank Castle has a good ring to it! Maybe a direction for the future? We shall see.

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It was a down issue for Aaron and Del Mundo overall. If you love THOR and are in the middle of the story, get it. If you think the summary page next issue can clue you in enough, maybe you skip it...

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Batgirls #1 establishes a new location and mostly sets aside any plot to give Cassandra and Stephanie time to shine. It's not an explosive premiere, but it puts all the pieces in place, and I hope we get to see more of this area of Gotham, along with improved handling of Barbara Gordon, in future issues.

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While Batman/Catwoman #10 may not be the strongest in terms of story for this issue, Clay Mann really makes up for it with his eye-popping artwork that really stands out. I just hope for the final issue, we see more of Batman as well as Phantasm.

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I didnt sign on to read Batman: The Brave and the Bold for Stormwatch or Superman. I signed up for Batman stories. And the only true Batman story was the first one by King that simply wasnt the greatest. I thought wed be getting Batman team-ups but sadly thats not the comic. If you liked Batman: Urban Legends, then you love this style and storytelling. Otherwise, I think this series is probably a hard pass. Im sure King fans will love the opener, however, is that small single story worth the cover price just to get the rest of the stories involved? Probably not. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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If you came to this issue looking for answers, you will not find them this week and may leave a bit disappointed. If youre searching for a fun narrative about Conan fighting some of his most vicious villains, this issue is definitely for you. Readers need to dive into this issue accepting the fact that their questions WILL BE answered about THIS story alone. However, the larger battle with the Crimson Witch feels few and far between. If this reviewer doesnt receive answers to the overarching plot soon, he very well might have to take a break from the series.

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Overall, this first issue was an entertainingly quick read that will get new readers to the heart of the story fast. Its filled with action but not the type of action experienced fans would be looking for in a Conan comic. There isnt a ton of violent, jaw-dropping melee that weve come to experience from the prior creative team but new readers will be engaged enough to come back for round two, especially with the cliffhanger.

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Nevertheless, the series didnt begin that way and wasnt pitched that way out of the gate. If you read a Wonder Woman title, you know what youre going to get. And might I add that the current Wonder Woman ongoing is outstanding! You should check it out. However, Dark Knights of Steel was shipped as an Elseworld Series, set in Medieval times, with an eclectic cast of some of our favorites regardless of gender. It just currently feels odd to have most of the strong characters now all women that remain. Again, women can and should be strong characters. However, reading Dark Knights of Steel #10 felt like the culmination of Taylor forcing it into the narrative instead of it happening organically.

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DCEASED: WAR OF THE UNDEAD GODS #1 is a pretty solid opener based solely on the story beats and plot threads laid out in the initial narrative. It's straightforward, easy to follow, and will take fans on a nice rollercoaster of emotions while checking many of the DCEASED boxes you've grown to love.

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THE DISPATCHThe question I asked myself was while reading was, isnt DOCTOR STRANGE going to die soon? Marvel has been pushing the DEATH OF DOCTOR STRANGE for months now leaving this reviewer to wonder about the relationship to this book right here and now. Are the two connected? Truth be told, youll get absolutely no inkling this week. However, readers will get a rather confusing, over-the-top, deep diatribe from the Sorcerer Supreme as he conjures this new DEFENDERS team together.

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Devils Reign: Villains for Hire #2 does a good job at helping the reader understand the motives and mentality of US Agent, but it doesnt really expand upon the team established in the first issue. I wish we couldve seen more of their interaction amongst themselves. I think I suspect who might be controlling the minds of the masses though. Could it be none other than the pretentious Purple Man? And if so, what beef might he have with the Kingpin?

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That said, even though the path seemed obvious, the issue just didn't have enough excitement, intrigue, or pizzazz to keep me hooked. It was unfortunately rather flat and cluttered with dialogue. EXCALIBUR #16 may be a perfect spot for new readers to hop on board but they're going to have to give this series a ton of time. Overall, if you're invested in EXCALIBUR, you'll tune in this week to see where your favorites are after X OF SWORDS. Otherwise, this may not be the week to give it a try.

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As inaugural issues go, Waid's opener was a bit too quirky and lacked the weight, merit, force, and punch associated with a number one issue. As a Mark Waid fan, I know it will get better.

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Now, I get it...this was meant as a teaser. However, if its sole purpose was to fascinate and lure me into the X OF SWORDS event, it didn't do its job. It merely frustrated.

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The jury is still out on Flash #790 and this One Minute War. There just isnt much to go on a quick rundown of the cast and crew. Mix the lack of background, motive, and character explanations with this new more cartoonish style of art and readers will get a story that just doesnt feel like Adams or look like what weve seen to date. Moreover, it just didnt seem to have the same entertaining, easy-going tone that Im used to experiencing from the Adams Flash run. And hence, the jury is still out on this One Minute War. That said, even though Im not sold on Flash #790, Im still tuning into this One Minute War to see how this thing shakes out. Past practice dictates Adams deserves that.

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All in all, I would pick up this issue SOLELY for the first two stories. You can totally skip Gotham Sirens. Maybe the Sirens will be better in issue three.

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This weeks IMMORTAL HULK isnt chalked full of as much gripping storytelling as prior issues have been BUT Ewing does create a quick read thats easy to follow and ultimately sets up for the monstrous showdown we were all expecting for issue 30.

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Sure, there will always need to be villains. However, the phrase Darkseid is implies that he is above all and has somehow survived what no one else could. He transcends even the creators of the Omniverse, which is just ludicrous. Why couldnt he just come back like everyone else with a new purpose and new direction? Now, it appears he is even bigger than DARK NIGHTS: DEATH METAL itself. And readers, thats just a hard pill to swallow. I'm still all in with high hopes for INFINITE FRONTIER to resemble the amazing nature of issue one more so than issue two. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God bless!

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Invincible Iron Man #16 is a must-read for Iron Man fans looking for an action-packed brawl with some supped-up armor. Nevertheless, that's about all we get this week. If you came to this issue looking for an epic battle between gigantic robots, you've come to the right place. However, Creees art was lacking this week and didnt seem to complement Duggans story very well.

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However, the anger Zdarsky is brewing seems pretty intense, which is fine… if its warranted. As of now, we only know minor details. Still, this level of anger could only be justified with some event or action rather massive. Realistically readers, for SUPERMAN to be this angry, something huge must have transpired. And, after what has been divulging so far, I can only hope there is much more to the story yet to be revealed about past actions that led to the disbandment of the JUSTICE LEAGUE. My current interests are more in the past than in the future which has brought them back together.

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Diana appears to also be a God now and we can assume is no longer a Demo-God. So, is she now closer to being like Thor from Marvel than anyone else? Maybe. But once this story is all said and done, whats the new status quo? Where are we heading? I just dont see the premise of this event nor do I see its benefit. Overall, its an average story that will certainly keep your attention long enough. However, it lacks strong elements that will probably hook readers and get them truly invested in the story.

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MAESTRO: WORLD WAR M #4 was supposed to be the epic showdown between MAESTRO and Giganto. Instead, we see very little of that as well as a depressed Abomination wanting to throw it all away. The key word for the issue would simply be more. It just needed more especially with only one more installment left in the entire MAESTRO saga. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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If youre not an X-fan and have just hopped on board, you will probably enjoy this issue more since you had no background of Sebastian Shaw prior. Furthermore, if youre a completist, then you have no choice but to snag this issue. Otherwise, the entire issue could be summarized by the cover and preview excerpt alone.

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MARAUDERS #13 works...enough. There isn't a ton of action nor is it filled with too many surprises. But, it gets the job done moving the story forward.

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Truly, NIGHTWING #86 is merely for the FEAR STATE fan trying to grab every issue and tie-in. Fans of Taylor's series need not run out to snatch the issue and can simply wait until next month's story to hop back on board.

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Nightwing #102 was just strange and lacked a sense of seriousness. Additionally, it doesn't feel like a Nightwing comic. It's more of a Titans team book right now. And I feel like a Nightwing comic, especially one stationed in Bludhaven, is supposed to be more raw and edgy.

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PUNISHER #4 was probably the weakest issue of the series so far. Extra information not pertinent to the development of the story cluttered a majority of the issue simply to hammer home the point that Frank is indeed the legit Mighty Fist of the Beast.

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Honestly, I'd pick this issue up only because I'm starving for new comics. Otherwise, if you haven't been following along to this point, don't dive in unless you're looking for something new to read.

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New readers may find it hard to wade into the crimson waters of Red Sonja/ Hell Sonja #3. Readers expecting Red Sonja to dominate this issue may want to give it a miss. With Hell Sonja cast in such a passive role for much of the comic, a quick flick throughand the late appearance of their flame-haired Hyborean heroine, may not justify adding it to this weeks reading pile. But take a deeper look at this introspective horror comic. Hell Sonja's trials rival the inciting events that made Red Sonja an unrivaled heroine of any Age. And dont worry: not all the blood spilled in this issue will be Hell Sonjas.

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Give this annual, as well as the ones prior, a try if you're looking for something truly outrageous.

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Nice touches abound in Space Job #1. A few include colorful Star Trek-style uniforms with a NASA-like logo, and names reminiscent of characters on Babylon 5 and Star Trek Enterprise. Fans of The Office may feel well served by Space Job #1, but readers who yearn to boldly go may end up feeling Lost In Space. Hopefully, the next issue will address seeming inconsistencies, water the seeds of mystery planted in Space Job #1, and include a consignment of dilithium crystals to propel the series to warp speed.

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Star Wars #11 concludes the Operation Starlight arc with some callbacks to Rogue One and some strained friendships as we see more of the Rebel Alliances dark side here, especially what theyre willing to do to survive and get an edge over the Galactic Empire.

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As of right now, its hard to drop a series after one issue. However, if newer fans arrived here lost and confused with little information or background knowledge with the character, why would they continue? Diehard fans will find the series inviting and even refreshing since STATICS long-winded gap between comic series. Nevertheless, I cant help but notice the potential here for this series to thrive if done the right way. I hope Ayala can give fans the STATIC theyve been missing while also updating it to gel with the current issues today. Its certainly possible. Heres to being optimistic! Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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I believe I know where Young is aiming but I think he's trying to live in two genres which may drag this comic down fast. He needs to plant himself in a more young audience outlook and stick with that tone or go with the more youthful adult perspective. But between trying to find out where this book fits and the overload of cute character interactions as well as introductions, I found myself swimming against the current of this issue.

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I would pick up this issue solely based on the premise alone. The overall content of this issue ensnares you with the storyline. Again, this is Marvel's answer to Hogwarts, so you already know that magic and adventure is always on the horizon.

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Overall, this issue was flat and the illustrations were too cartoony for my taste. That said, I'm not giving up on this series of PKJs run by any stretch. One issue is way too early to write a creative team off. However, this opening installment wasn't anything like what readers saw from PKJ in FUTURE STATE. And if you're like me and thats what drew you into this issue, I think youll be a bit disappointed. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God bless!

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THE JOKER #13 rapidly hits its climax only to putter out when everything was getting good.

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Jaw-dropping art and sumptuous color accompany a story bursting with intrigue and fury. The thunder of footsteps crashes through this issue, warning the reader of the approaching army. As the forces of evil ascend, The Scorched begins to fracture. More grounding in previous events would have helped add scope and meaning to this all-too-brief story. Full of sound and fury, The Scorched #15 impresses. It struts and crashes. If only it informed.

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Now, I'm still interested in this tale overall and I'm still excited to see where the story leads but if the next issue gives fans another non-ending surrounded by more fluff, I may be hanging up my cleats with Cates' THOR run. I need more substances, direction, and purpose without the pointless narration made to cloak a lack of story and plot.

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Have you ever had a sandwich on super thick, French bread with barely any meat? Well, THOR #16 gives readers an amazing opening and a killer ending which encompasses about 5 total pages. The rest of the story is just thinly sliced deli ham between the hefty bread on the outside. Nothing happens this week nor does the story develop or provide readers with answers or direction.

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They're all solid story beats but sprung on readers without any substance or development. Readers, Kleins artwork is powerful and the concepts from Cates are pure gold. But we just need more development and foreshadowing to make the pieces work.

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Thor: Lightning and Lament #1 by Ralph Macchio is a great starter story for those interested in reading about one of their favorite MCU characters. It's a fun, low-stakes story that provides an entry point into the Thor mythos without the intimidation of an ongoing series. Macchio invites readers to enjoy a classic example of what makes Thor a great hero. Overall, this is a fun issue, but by no means a must-read.

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Vampirella/ Dracula: Unholy #1 is a good start to the Dracula virus quest, with good action and humor peppered throughout an issue that promises more surprises to come.

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Readers, X OF SWORDS is losing steam quickly and I don't even think Doc Browns super logs could even get this train moving at 88 mph. Now, as a stand-alone issue, it wasnt that bad. It was humorous (enough), moved incredibly fast, was easy to follow, and even squeezed in two quick, graphic battles. Nonetheless, the X OF SWORDS event is wearing thin, becoming pointless, and even trivial. Is this tournaments foundation and continued outrageousness turning into Saturnyne wanting to jump Captain Avalons bones? Is that the crux of this entire event? Readers, the weight and validity of this event is slipping away. Lets hope that the last two issues this week change my mind.

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After finding out last month who Xeno was, we get no more details about his background or his purpose, nor do we see any of his sleeper cells. Why? Well, because the ragtag, thrown-together X-Force team of Domino, Omega Red, and Deadpool manage to take down Xeno something that they never could do in the past with Wolverine and an Omega Level mutant but magically were capable of now. Readers, I said it before and Ill say it again, maybe we just need some new blood on this title to spice up the team and the plot.

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Overall, X-MEN #10 wasn't a bad issue by any stretch, however, it just lacked purpose and randomly decided to morph the story into a Rogue and GAMBIT jumping on point leaving this reviewer curious as to how it fits with the story before as well as the story moving forward. Sure, it brings up Gamesworld but that's basically all it does.

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X-Men #14 takes an A.X.E.: Judgment Day tie-in about the judgment of mutants and redirects that focus toward Iceman and his sexuality. Yet regardless of your personal stance on the topic at hand, you have to admit that Duggan does some literary magic showcasing the parallels between the two judgments. Nevertheless, I find myself scratching my head wondering why.

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After the first iteration of X-FACTOR returned to the X-MEN, government liaison Valerie Cooper compiled a new team of mutants to take the reigns. However, when a group of mutants was taken captive at the Latverian Embassy in resistance to DOCTOR DOOM, this new X-FACTOR team sprung into action. Lets dive into X-MEN LEGENDS #6 by Peter David as he fills in the gaps between his run on X-FACTOR #75 and X-FACTOR #76 from 1986.

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The issue was straightforward, obvious, and cluttered with dialogue, small spaces, and dull color tones causing this reviewer to leave the narrative with disappointment. Giffen and his team simply laid out the expected and predictable, other than one minor plot angle which was barely touched on, and the issue simply fell flatter than an open soda can.

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On the surface, Batman/ Superman: Worlds Finest 2024 Annual #1 really only had one story of value toward where this series is heading in hopes of contributing to Waids overarching narrative with Gog. However, even that opening story isnt necessary and could be summarized if they even make it into Batman/ Superman: Worlds Finest #25 to help. The other three stories appear to contribute nothing to this series and come across as mere fluff. The Metamorpho story certainly has potential, however, it doesnt appear to do anything to contribute to THIS series. Mix together the confusing final story with the common tropes and origin story of Bumblebee, and I truly dont know what we get out of this annual. Readers, as much as I love this series, I think Batman/ Superman: Worlds Finest 2024 Annual #1 might be a hard pass simply due to the fact that we get very little to help with this overall story for the cover price.

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BATMAN: THE KNIGHT #5 was somewhat slower with a bit less suspense and thrills than the prior issues in the story to date. The action was more tame, the villainy was toned down, and the story beats seemed insignificant, especially as BATMAN: THE KNIGHT #5 came to a close for what appeared to be for nothing.

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Conan fans will find this weeks surprise release really quick, well-paced, and reasonably entertaining. However, diehard fans may want some more substance, answers, and action to fill their appetite.

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Readers need to know the point and purpose of the series (or at least the vague idea) in the first issue. We get nothing but dream after dream. Whos after Frank and why? Is it Kral and if so who is he? Did the Cosmic Ghost Rider actually do something to the Sakaarans or not? Is someone really using a magical gem to attack his dreams or not? The issue is too vague to affirm anything. I love the Cosmic Ghost Rider. I wanted to like this. And part of me still kind of does. However, I dont know if my desire for the Comic to do well mixed with my appeal for the character is outweighing what is actually on the pages this week.

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Other than the New Years Eve party, this first issue does a good job establishing the storys emotional stakes and characters while steadily building up its world. The next issue is shaping up to be more action-driven, so readers can expect to see more of this poisoned Earth and its mutant terrors.

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With Williamson's established storytelling ability and the promise of a Merlyn confrontation, Green Arrow #11 has the potential to be a pivotal issue in the current run.  Moreover, the inclusion of Waller added another layer of complexity.  However, with the focus on a recap of Merlyn and Olivers history, as well as a minor retelling of events in this series to this point, Green Arrow #11 felt more like a flop than a culmination of pivotal story beats. Nevertheless, the quality of the art by Sean Izaakse continues to be well-received, elevating the emotional impact of the story. Overall, Joshua Williamson's writing style and storytelling was a bit of a hindrance this week.  If you enjoy superhero comics with grand narratives and well-developed characters, this probably isnt for you this week. However, if youve followed this series along until now, Id pick it up to see it through.

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Readers will find this Joe Fixit centered issue of IMMORTAL HULK rather trivial before it concludes simply because we ultimately ended exactly where we should have started the issue" with a U-FOES showdown.

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In terms of important books to read throughout this Fall of X, this one certainly doesn't top the list like X-Men does. However, until Gillen can iron out the direction and purpose of this book, I'd tread lightly. Nevertheless, the characters Gillen appears to be focusing on have the potential to spark an interesting read.

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As a 100th issue goes, I was expecting more, especially from the art team. Sure, the stronger artists were on the more important parts. Nevertheless, the illustrations coupled with the story to begin the issue made Nightwing #100 hard to comb through.

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So, if three issues in Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker doesnt clean up the plot, iron out the character motivations, establish depth and context with the main characters, or get this reviewer to feel any connection to the cast whatsoever, then Im totally out on this follow-up story to the classic Planet Hulk. But for now, Im still in on a short leash. And as single issues go, if I was new to Planet Hulk, Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker #1 wouldnt sell me on the series at all.

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Sins of Sinister: Dominion #1 felt like a kid cleaning up his room quickly for his parents by shoving everything under his bed and into his closet. Fans will be left with too many questions and wondering about the point of this event other than setting up what's to come.

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The art team was refreshing, crisp, and super detailed providing a strong sense of realism that this reviewer loves. Somehow, Cates has a tremendous eye for good artists in all of his books, which is extremely key for a writer who relies heavily on explosive action and epic reveals to tell his story. Would I hop back on board Thor after reading Thor #28? No, not yet anyway. However, I would definitely consider grabbing some back issues of the current Venom run and try to catch up on that tale post haste. That rodeo over there seems to be hitting all the bells and whistles. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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DEADPOOL and Percy are just not jiving with this reviewer. It's almost as if Percy is trying too hard to be comedic, goofy, and sarcastic just because that's DEADPOOL. However, it's happening at times that just don't fit, aren't necessary to the story, and aren't overly funny. Heck, the focus seems to be so much on DEADPOOL that even WOLVERINE'S dialogue felt a bit off at times.

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Ultimately, X-FORCE #25 lacks depth, direction, and placed a powerful story on the back burner.

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Additionally, Cerebrax went down way too easily AND with almost no explanation. If I was to guess, Quentin went all Super Saiyan alongside a virus implanted by Omega Red. But heres the thing thats just a guess as to how X-FORCE took down Cerebrax because it wasnt spelled out clearly enough. Therefore, another problem was with the story's clarity as well as its integral plot points hitting with fans on a more contextual level.

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Being four issues into the main book, nothing eventful or even mind-blowing has happened. It appears that Hickman continues to use this series has a set up leaving the other X-writers to dive deeper into the overall story" and thats not what this Hickman fan was looking forward too, especially after how fantastic HOXPOX was. Ultimately, this reviewer left the issue tired, bored and expecting something more. My hope is that issue five leads to more excitement, energy, action, and some gravitas. But, we will have to wait too see.

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THE DISPATCHThis weeks issue of X-MEN focuses heavily on Polaris and her addition to the team. Those familiar with the character know shes a heavy hitter. However, I think Duggan wanted to take the time to showcase her abilities and give her the presence she truly can common. Nevertheless, as an X-MEN comic, it just didnt do a great job this week balancing out the cast of characters. I, like many others, get excited for the X-MEN because its a team book. Yet this week, Duggan decides to sidestep the atmosphere of the title to give some extra background information on Polaris, her nomination to the team, as well as her acceptance within the dynamic of the X-MEN.

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X-Men #24 just proves that even the writers are getting a bit tired. This Krakoan Era had well intentions AND was milked for everything its worth. However, every storyline and story beat continues to be one setup after another. It feels like a really long run-on sentence. I want to get to the fireworks factory! Now, we have more conflict before the Gala, something sinister with Cable, more behind the scenes with Orchis, and marital problems with Cyclops and Jean. There are simply too many dangling plot threads to keep track of. Dont get me wrong, Duggan is doing his best. But the different thin plot threads and multiple vague and ambiguous story beats are starting to make even the main title less enjoyable. We need something new for the X-Men and we need it now. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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X-MEN UNLIMITED: LATITUDE #1 was fun enough and reasonably entertaining. Yet it's the price that bothers me. $5.99 is expensive in times that are still rough for so many. Granted, some would argue the page count of the issue and say about 50 pages long is substantial and worth the price. True, but I would argue it's more like 30ish after you take out the semi-ridiculous "latitudinal panel layouts that really didn't add much to the story. And thus, making the actual story and substance, not only lacking but feel like we get more when we really don't.

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A.X.E. JUDGMENT DAY #2 continues exactly where issue one left off, provides little growth until the final page reveals, and clutters the comic with heavy dialogue and gaudy page design.

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As someone who loved the SUPERMAN AND THE AUTHORITY series by Morrison, I was expecting something rather similar. However, other than the team and characters involved, that's about all that remained from Morrison's take. In all reality, this was a DARK NIGHTS Multiversal tale with a dangling carrot for the future. If you loved those events and find the Dark Multiverse exciting, this issue of BATMAN/ SUPERMAN AUTHORITY SPECIAL #1 is for you. However, if you came for SUPERMAN AND THE AUTHORITY, you won't really find much of that here.

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BATMAN: KILLING TIME #3 by Tom King finally reveals a few clues as to what this item is that CATWOMAN and Riddler managed to steal. Moreover, the action and intensity level up as the series integrates a new villain that fits BATMAN'S Rogue Gallery in the truest sense. However, it's David Marquez and Alejandro Snchez who continue to illustrate such a vivid and dynamic series which will undoubtedly enthrall the reader causing BATMAN fans to overlook some of the narrative missteps.

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Tamaki created a much more down-to-earth story with a few hints of action that may just be worth the buy to those diehard Two-Face fans.

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Overall, Batman: The Knight started well, focused on some clever background history involving Bruces maturation, and slyly began to weave Ghost-Maker into the makeup of Batman. Nonetheless, along the way, Zdarsky switched up the pacing and ultimately didnt have enough time or space to fit in what we all really wanted to see. Batman: The Knight overall gets a solid 8 to 8.5, however, Batman: The Knight #10 itself comes in much lower. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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DARK CRISIS #2 felt more like cliff notes to an actual story. Williamson gave fans the highlights of the overall plot, which DID seem to make sense. However, he missed the mark on substance and depth.

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Fans get too much off-panel action, need-to-know story elements that readers arent even prevued to, and choppy tones and renderings that frequently threw this reviewer out of the story. Ultimately, it does its main goal. If you want to find out how the heroes will probably free the villains from the darkness, this is how. Otherwise, you could probably just pop back into Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #7 and get the gist just fine without Dark Crisis: The Dark Army #1 or the next one-shot as well.

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Now, I say qualm as well because I think Taylors creativity may have gotten the best of him in DARK KNIGHTS OF STEEL #4. Without spoiling too much, I just feel obligated to explain why I disagree with a decision made by Taylor on this issue. Taylor ultimately introduced Luthor as a corrupt, psychotic, GREEN LANTERN and the true villain of the past and this very issue.

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After being so far removed from a solid Green Arrow comic, I was so looking forward to an action-packed, thrill ride involving a DC classic. However, fans will leave wondering where Green Arrow is, what the point of the story was, and what direction the series is even going in.

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Green Lantern #7 missed the mark in terms of its artistic nature. The dull colors and disproportionate characters looked different in a variety of panels. The illustrations lacked detail and the realism this comic once had that frankly this reviewer loved. The story itself wasnt bad but it was slow-moving and didnt have the punch fans are used to with this series. Plus, the normal, subtle humor and organic plot development that Adams infuses into his stories wasnt present this month either. This very well could be the worst issue in the run so far.

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Ewing has written some truly amazing series and issues in recent Marvel history but I think he missed the mark this time.

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If you're interested in finding out any specific details of this event, you won't find them in this week's installment of HEROES REBORN. However, you will get a rapid-fire, crash course in a superhero named the Blur. If you are interested in speedsters, this issue is for you. Otherwise, you may just want to wait until HEROES REBORN #7 until we hopefully get to the real purpose and meaning of this event.

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As an IMMORTAL HULK fan, I was a bit disappointed with this issue. We don't get the Hulk we've grown to love in these past 40 issues nor do we evolve the story much at all.

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IMMORTAL HULK ends as if readers are supposed to forget about the last 50 issues and the impact they had on the character, which really diminishes the weight of the series.

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IRON FIST: HEART OF THE DRAGON #1 is a mini that's moving way too quickly to cram everything it needs into the story.

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The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #9 sets up a war between the Jokers with Gotham and its Rogues as its backdrop. However, do we get any of the pertinent information that weve been missing or wanting since this series began? No. Will this street war be pretty cool to see? Sure but my first thoughts arent about a street war. I want to know who the real Joker is and why we have two. Also, why do they both think theyre the real Joker? Thats the information readers are craving. This war would be a great side story if we could just get more information about the how and why. Right now, Im hanging on by a thin line to this series and I can tell you, Im not the only one with fewer and fewer people talking about this series less and less as it loses its luster. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Pompous characterization mixed with narrative hand-holding led this reviewer to feel like the story was forced and convoluted simply to get us to DARK CRISIS.

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KING IN BLACK: THUNDERBOLTS #1 is mainly for individuals that are fans of TASKMASTER, STAR, or BATROC THE LEAPER. Yes, its a KING IN BLACK related title but other than it taking place in New York City, as well as having some symbiotes sprinkled in, youd never really see its connection or purpose to the main event.

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Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars: Battleworld #1 had no real plot with no real direction. This story offers nothing new and furnishes no real cliffhanger. Issue two could literally go in any direction with any new character joining the fold for any reason. What's the real point of this comic? Right now, it's sad to say it intends to snag money from the old hats that remember the original and want to relive a comic from their childhood, which is not an awful idea if this creative team planned on adding more purpose and depth to the series.

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Even though Tynion's job within this issue was to show just how far off the reservation Punchline has become, this issue fails to hit the mark with the overdone dialogue, excessive narration, and unneeded conversations that became a grudge.

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If you enjoy the Warped stories as well as the INFINITY WARS event, then you're probably curious enough to see the direction of these Annual Warped issues. On the other hand, this issue is not a good jumping on point and was very confusing even for someone whos read INFINITY WARS and the last Warped Annual issue.

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Thanos #2 left a bad taste in my mouth, especially after the excitement issue one gave this reviewer. Instead of a creative artistry, fans get a story cluttered and jumbled with confused character voices as well as a trivial plot that lacks any real promise and direction. Frankly, Thanos #2 was wordy, and felt like Cantwell was grasping at straws to make this story eventful. From incredibly thin, hard-to-decipher drawings to the Illuminati verbally bickering at each other, this comic is at a loss. My hope is that something can turn this story around quickly. The potential for anything is out there if Cantwell can find his footing like Ive seen him do it in the past. BUT hes going to have to make some drastic changes in order for it to happen. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Ultimately, this week's THOR (and last issue) were a bit of a letdown. Maybe it's because the first arc was so fast-paced, large, and explosive? Or maybe Cates was focusing more on Knull and the KING IN BLACK during these issues and gave us some filler for the time being? Who knows? I just know I've read better from Cates and I left this week's THOR a bit disappointed.

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There was definitely power and pure awesomeness in this installment of THOR that can't be overlooked. Klein's illustrations, for one, were incredible and vibrant. Nevertheless, I can't help but miss the lack of story that's been missing for quite some time in this series. Readers, it's just masked in pomp, circumstance, and banality.

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X-Force #35 takes two promising storylines with both Beast and Sage, wraps them up together, and quickly spits them out the other side. Both story arcs were literally oozing potential after X-Force #34 only to have Percy race through them both to possibly move on to another arc. There was so much more we could have dug into with Beast as a villain. There was so much emotion attached to Sages alcoholism that seems flushed away. However, theyve both been brushed aside for what? Readers need to be prepared for surface-level content mixed with emotionless action thats incredibly flat in this weeks X-Force #35 which is so disappointing considering loads of potential dripping from last month's issue.

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Readers, X-Force #36 feels like we should be having some type of trial for Beast after his actions. Instead, we get Beast back at work, the team giving him the silent treatment, and another raid on another Krakoan threat like any other issue. Sure, there are a few positive stories beats like the egg and Colossus that could amount to something more. However, after we waited FOREVER for this evil Beast thread to evolve only to see it fizzle and put off panel, whats to say these plot threads wont do the same? I cant help but leave X-Force #36 disappointed.

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If you picked this up expecting high octane action, suspense, thrills, and excitement from the wonderful world of Hickman, this issue is not for you. Summertime is about all youll get in this opener. Moreover, patience is most certainly in order as the series takes off and readers will immediately notice a tone switch from the opening launch series to what may appear to be a minor dip in the art quality as well. However, as a long time Jonathan Hickman fan, readers need to hang in there and let his story develop just like HOUSE OF X and POWERS OF X did in a much shorter timeframe.

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X-MEN #15 is not what I expected and was truthfully heavy on the dialogue while also creating small panels where my boy Mahmud Asrar couldnt shine as well as he normally can with such small space to work. When given the canvas, Asrar can be explosive. Look no further than the last page of this issue as proof. However, the over-saturation of text and conversation dulled down the issue and put the breaks on a narrative that should be reaching its epic conclusion. That said, X OF SWORDS has been batting 300 each week (in terms of successful issues). Heres to hoping Chapter 21 and 22 kill it because X-MEN #15s info dump wasnt my cup of Darjeeling. Nonetheless, if you made it this far, youre going to see it through anyway. I know I am.

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For the main event title within the HELLFIRE GALA, one would think the weight, importance, and quality of this issue would be strong, entertaining, and significant. However, as Hickman's X-MEN run comes to a close, he passes the torch with no big splash, no questions answered, and no big appeal.

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AQUAMAN and the FLASH are certainly as connected as night and day. And thus, Lanzing and Kelly do a fantastic job hammering that point across. However, it's done at the expense of some character traits and key plot points about the overarching dilemma our heroes find themselves in.

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After BATMAN: FORTRESS #1, I was really hoping for something good. And as I stated earlier, the potential was definitely cluttering each page. However, Whitta's dialogue and lack of convincing story beats coupled with Robertson's renderings and design made BATMAN: FORTRESS #2 quite unappealing. Readers get no answers, few reveals, and orchestrated conversations meant to add humor that ultimately pushed each character out of their norm and into an irrelevant and inconsistent story.

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BATMAN KINGS OF FEAR is an interesting and unique read while Jones' art is an acquired taste. If you can get move past Jones' style, I would give the series a try.

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This was a good breather issue of Black Cat. It was nice to see the softer side of Felicia; I just wish Jed MacKay would have truly let her have a night off. Dowlings character art leaped off the page, perhaps more so because of the dull backgrounds. That said, the cliffhanger didnt wow me, but I am already invested enough for the eventual Thieves Guild heist to keep reading.

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I genuinely really want to like this series. Conan in Vegas! Conan stealing armored trucks! Conan fighting Black Cat! Conan in car chases! Readers, on paper (I know it's an ironic statement since it's on paper) the issue seems perfect. But, it's missing elements of a strong plot and its focus seems to be all over the place.

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DARK NIGHTS: DEATH METAL #5 was downright silly, totally forced, reasonably entertaining, balls to the wall, ridiculousness that just needs to stop.

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DC VS. VAMPIRES: HUNTERS #1 storms shelves with high expectations considering the lull in DC VS. VAMPIRES issues as of late. Yet, it doesn't quite have all the same pieces and excitement as the main title nor does it provide readers with too much extra background for the featured comic. Couple the above with the necessity of the book and comic fans will find DC VS. VAMPIRES: HUNTERS #1 is suited solely for the diehard fans of the main series or simply those fans excited for some more Damian Wayne.

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This series is now all over the place and has way too many moving parts to keep track of. Readers, this issue was certainly interesting and had me locked in from start to finish. I genuinely was entertained. However, EMPYRE: X-MEN #3 goes to eleven" but not in a good way. The levels of crazy almost made the issue comical when I don't think that was its initial intent.

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The One-Minute War feels flat, with little excitement, and surface-level character connections with everyone other than Wally and his family. This event needs more substance fast before it loses too much steam. Hopefully, the Flash: One-Minute War Special #1 can add some spice, interest, and pizzazz to this event that just feels like its missing the same fun and excitement that Adams has been used to delivering since hes taken over the title.

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The premise feels like it's been done before and the art is just fine but nothing that leaps off the page to grab my attention.

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GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY #6 was more like the packing peanuts than the actual package itself. Ewing reaches for the feels instead of the action, humor, twisted excitement, and zany scheming thats done so well in the prior issues. This weeks installment could easily be skipped and not miss a beat if youre in need of some savings at the local shop.

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Hellboy in Love #5 is a mostly above-average issue with a few problems that bring it down. Even after five complete issues, the romance seems underdeveloped and the story doesnt come to a satisfying conclusion. But, the atmosphere of the comic does help in pulling itself from being just an average comic issue. The writers and the artists understand that the simplicity of the plot allows them to weave an atmosphere that would improve the quality of the comic significantly.

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Pick this up only if you've been collecting it to date. Otherwise, dont bother this week. Its not a great place to jump in and ultimately a new reader will be bored and find it a bit flat and confusing.

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INFINITE FRONTIER'S conclusion is far from a conclusion. Williamson very well might have made things a bit more convoluted than they needed them to be.

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Fans, if Im being honest, The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #1 was wild and interesting. Instantly, Rosenberg hooked me with some powerful plot threads that I wanted to see played out. And ever since, its almost as if none of them have been explored. Whatever happened to a comic gradually revealing hints and clues as to how and why the events in the story are happening? However, that is not the case in this weeks The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #3. The intent was to physically repair the Joker and shock the audience with his psychotic blood bath along the way. And thus overall, readers get little answers (if any), artistic shock value, and far-fetched notions that make The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #3 skippable. You could probably jump from issue two to four and not miss a bit. And if thats the case, what does that say about the current issue? Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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What began with promise and direction pointed towards discovery, creation of a mutant religion, philosophical inner workings of resurrection, life after death, and morality. However, that all washed away quickly and turned into a 3-page showdown with Onslaught as well as the prequel to a new mutant team.

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A.X.E.: Judgment Day #6 felt way too long and ultimately ended with a discussion, a test, and nothing overly clever or boisterous at all. There was no "wow moment. No "big sacrifice readers will totally care about.

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Comic fans, this is merely a bad story masked with some of the best art around and fluffed up with bells and whistles. But, there is no story here. Just a ton of fanfare for BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES and the BAT-CAT relationship groomed so well in King's own BATMAN run.

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If youre looking for a straightforward, action-packed narrative thats fun and direct, this series and issue are for you. If you read comics for a bit more curiosity, thought, and substance under the surface of the narrative, then this issue and series may not be to your liking. As someone driven on a story that breeds discussion and character development, this issue didnt work for me this week and this critic left wanting more. Hopefully, more backstory, discussion, emotion, and development will come as this weekly tale continues to unfold.

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If you came to this issue for a continuation of Mark Waids run, you came to the wrong place. If you were interested in unique stories that were reasonably entertaining, these will do the trick and wet your whistle. However, this annual is certainly not necessary and could easily be skipped.

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Fans, I want to like this series but its just getting harder and harder to follow as well as the lack of explosive and exciting narrative plot threads. Maybe the book needs a solid change-up? Maybe it needs a shake-up or a new creative team like the main X-MEN book? However, for an issue meant to propel and excite readers moving forward, it seemed to have the opposite effect on this reviewer.

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The art was epic, as it always is, but Ewings story just didnt seem to grab this fan's attention. The pacing was fast, which I like, and it wasnt too wordy. However, the stakes didnt seem very high and the issue didnt seem very important to the development of the characters as well as the series. If youve been reading IMMORTAL HULK, I would continue through this issue. However, if you havent been reading to this point, I wouldnt hop in now. However, fans should be excited for the next issue because this reviewer has a feeling it's gonna be nuts!

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WOLVERINE #20 was not "hilarious as it is heart-bruised. Kubert's art was not overly stellar and focused on too many smaller panel progressions and needed more detail than usual. Maybe with time, my opinion will change? But for right now, if this is the new status quo, I think this reviewer may be taking a hard pass until DEADPOOL finds his way off the title.

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A.X.E.: Judgment Day Omega #1 was slow, boring, and doesn't wrap up the bigger loose ends. Sure, it hints at Eros and the public feelings of Eternals but everything else seemed more Eternals driven pushing readers towards an ongoing. I wanted to see more of an aftermath focusing on the big picture which we don't receive. How is the world dealing with this traumatic event that devastated literally EVERYONE and killed millions?

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BATMAN #123 doesn't do much this week other than an attempt to pull on the heartstrings with the final page. Nothing pertinent to the story was uncovered, conversations were overdramatized and out of character, and the art was hard to decipher and edgy. Overall, I feel like SHADOW WAR has turned into a mini crossover event for Williamson-related titles and has almost zero impact on anything else happening at DC COMICS. It's almost as if the story is on its own island. So, if you skip it, you're not missing much which ultimately takes away its importance and weight.

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Batman/ Catwoman: The Gotham War Scorched Earth #1 brings this storyline/ event to a close quite uneventfully. The character voices were off, the illustrations didnt match, the story lacked emotion, and the impact of the shocking conclusion lost its punch with the exceedingly fast-paced panel progressions and conversations from the characters. Sure, there were certainly a few strong curveballs in this issue. However, they werent enough to save the event making Batman/ Catwoman: The Gotham War potentially a forgettable storyline a few months from now.

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As someone who likes Batman, fairy tales, literature, and 60s Batman TV villains, the Batman vs. Bigby! series intrigued me. Personally, though, I was kind of disappointed in the final issue, partially because I expected more of the Bookworm. It would be nice to see more bat-villains that originated in the 60s TV show re-invented in the mainstream comics in a darker manner. This proves it can be done well. The Fables characters seem to mesh nicely with the world of Batman, and Bookworm served as a good antagonist throughout most of the series, though I honestly think they missed a golden opportunity by not having the Justice League villain, the Queen of Fables, make an appearance.

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While Batman: Beyond the White Knight #4 is very exciting, it is left unclear as to how the story will proceed. This is supposed to segue into a spinoff about the Red Hood, but are they leaving the story open-ended, pausing it, or will these events continue in a new title? It seems like the story is just getting started and it would be a shame if it just ended. It's doubtful they are going that route, but hopefully, we'll see more of the Tomorrow Knight soon!

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I went into Batman: Gargoyle of Gotham #1 excited for a new Batman story but left extremely underwhelmed with the story while simultaneously being a bit overwhelmed with the illustrations. The design was a mixture of cartoony meets gory in an effort to shock and amaze. However, I found the style took me out of the story on multiple occasions as well as the subtle story beats that were uncharacteristic of Batman and just didn't jive well with the character.

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BATMAN: KILLING TIME #2 by King and Marquez continues to be a visual gem and draws readers in with its writer's credentials and crisp design. However, after looking under the hood, I can't help but wonder what this comic is truly about? Is it really a heist? And why would CATWOMAN participate? How was the heist done? Who's involved? And what does Ancient Greece really have to do with all of this? All readers will find is confusion and zero answers to any questions.

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Moreover, the Tom King story is simply ok. Its Kings take on a first encounter (or THEE first encounter) of Batman and the Joker thats unrealistic even for the Joker. He paints the Joker as almost horror movie strong as hes shot repeatedly and leaps through a broken window three stories tall to safety. Yet, Batman can jump down that far without getting injured. Plus, the 9-panel grid layout gets a bit tiring after a while. However, King fans will probably adore this story and reach for it like a baby to a pacifier. I, for one, dont think its worth the cover price and think the two unrelated Batman stories are what bro Batman: The Brave and the Bold #2 down the most. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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As a story, this has so far been a fairly straightforward item hunt which is fine. Bill needs a new weapon, and this is how hell get one. It doesnt add a whole lot of news to Bills character. Yet, not every story has to. Sometimes were just happy to have an entertaining ongoing that's fun to read, especially when were talking about Beta Ray Bill who hasnt had a dedicated ongoing or limited series comic since 2005 Stormbreaker: The Saga of Beta Ray Bill six-issue limited series.

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However, the only downside is that in some cases, its hard to tell which Willow version is speaking because the teen Willow and adult Willow look so similar and even dress similarly.  I had to read the issue twice to make sure I knew which character was which.

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Daisy #1 sets up several mysteries that hopefully will be resolved over the next 4 issues.  A dark fantasy world is presented where we only get the barest information for each character, and the ending of the issue pays off whats introduced in the first few pages.  This is slow-burn horror and if you love that particular brand of horror, check this book out.

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Daredevil #35 is the issue before the big finale which also appears to be laying the groundwork for the upcoming "Devils' Reign" event. Issue 35 is likely the best showcase of showing how competent Elektra can be as the Devil of Hell's kitchen. I just wish Matt and the other Marvel heroes didn't show up and almost forget Elektra was even there.

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Daredevil #2 lacks explosion, comes across very flat, and ultimately misses the mark this week. The potential that remained after issue one practically flatlined as readers get more inner monologuing than action this week. The story currently lacks depth, suspense, and any real diagnostic plot threads that appear to make this story pop.

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Daredevil #4 appears to be coming to a grinding stop. The plot threads arent panning out. The pacing is way too slow. The demonic undertones currently dont seem to fit. The Father Matt angle seems almost pointless. And the one saving grace was the re-ignition of Bullseye which came and went faster than you could say his name. My point is that this series, the style, the lack of excitement, and the slow pacing seem incredibly uncharacteristic of Ahmed as a writer and Daredevil as a character. Therefore, if it doesnt turn around after the next issue, I think I may have to call this series quits. Readers need a hook and they need it fast! And if it doesnt happen soon, I think this series may be short-lived.

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Its like when movie companies say that fans wont watch a three-hour movie because its too long. So, they trim it down, cut critical parts, and make a far worse movie. Williamsons story just screams that right now. There appears to be way too much that fans arent seeing which is causing a ton of nonsense thats completely unnecessary if given the appropriate amount of space to share the story. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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DC's Terrors Through Time #1 salvaged about three reasonably entertaining tales that I wouldn't have minded seeing as a full issue instead of a truncated, brief, story. Otherwise, readers will discover that there just wasn't much terror or horror incorporated throughout the issue. Over half of the stories didn't keep my interest and their length was simply too short to lock in my attention.

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Dune: House Harkonnen #7 grapples with the challenge of managing multiple storylines, resulting in a lack of cohesive flow and an overwhelming reading experience. While the comic remains faithful to the characters from the novel by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson, it struggles to maintain a smooth narrative progression.

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There is still so much magical confusion mixed with partial plots and underdeveloped character voices. And frankly, I think the stories have way too many characters for Howard to handle at one time. In order to save this series, we need a new creative team or a new focus centered around Captain Britain. Now, even though EXCALIBUR #22 offers an intriguing setup with Merlyn, Saturnyne, and Captain Britain for the future, I cant help but feel like this series is on thin ice. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God bless!

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The Flash #793 certainly has some promise with an ending that was overly reminiscent of a TV Drama putting our heroes' backs against the wall. However, with a shady brushing over of exactly who the corrections officer was, as well as more out-of-character remarks and reactions from Barry, I find myself struggling to get invested in the comic. A heavy explanation of that lack of desire is coming from this Cruz-led art team. I just continue to spiral back to the importance of finding an artist that complements your story well. And thats not the case here. Sure, The Flash #793 had its moments along with the subtle humor thats made Adams stories so successful. However, I dont know if its enough to overcome the artistic deficiencies this story has run into so far.

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There are just too many holes, unexplained circumstances, convenient reveals, and out-of-character developments that leave this reviewer scratching his head. Plus, Id talk about the art, however, it would be more of the same as what I already said in my prior reviews and Im truthfully tired of repeating myself with something that wont change anyway through this entire war. So, whats the point? If you want to know my thoughts on the art, just look at every review of this event to this point. Readers, the best part of Adams writing has been Wally and hes basically out of the story now. So, mixed with the chaotic, fast-paced action and story in this week's Flash #794, Im just finding it hard to stay invested in this story.

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If you can comb through the confusing elements and backstories, you'll see some potential involving Fury and the possibilities of some pretty cool espionage narratives on the horizon. However, since I'm solely grading THIS issue, it's extremely hard to overlook the crazy narrative beats, heavy dialogue, and confusing story beats for new fans interested in test-driving this narrative on Nick Fury.

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When it is all said and done, if you are not necessarily craving a new Wonder Woman, I would skip this issue. Diana has had way better stories and Nubia may not be your cup of tea. But if you are willing to read about a different version of Wonder Woman, go to you LCS asap and pick up this comic!

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Godzilla: War for Humanity #1 delves into the complex perceptions surrounding Godzilla, depicting him both as a symbol of hope and a potential menace. The issue struggles with the common Godzilla media pitfall of limited screen time for the titular creature, leading to a somewhat forced inclusion later on. The art by Jake Smith is detailed and visually pleasing, yet some readers may find its style at odds with the seriousness of the subject matter. In summary, the comic brings a fresh perspective to the Kaiju genre but could benefit from more even-handed storytelling and an art style that aligns with its tone.

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A number one issue is the best time to bring in new readers, and this issue does not help in that avenue at all.

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If youve been reading GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY so far, you got to pick this up to see what happened. However,I just don't feel as excited for the series moving forward as he was when the series began.

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Every aspect of the art was outstanding. But, I think you could skip this issue and not miss a beat.

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I know the series is ending, but this felt like a wasted issue.

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Looking at just this issue, I was extremely disappointed. Venditti had an opportunity to wrap everything up within his 50 issue run, but he doesn't. Extra characters were dangled throughout the issue, as well as the entire arc, for pomp and circumstance.

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Truthfully, more is needed to keep this event alive. An event that began with excitement and intrigue has turned dull and mild. Readers need more than one-shot bio pieces with one-page cliffhangers. If you're curious about the SQUADRON SUPREME or Doctor Spectrum, this issue is for you. Otherwise, you can pass and really not miss a beat in the entire story to this point. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God bless!

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Honestly, Heroes Reborn #7's main story feels more like a filler than a story that stands on its own merits. It does its job as a penultimate set-up but has so little to give as a story that It could've been done in ten pages or less. And please Aaron, eviscerate Blur in the next issue. I just can't stand another word from that braggart. Furthermore, the "back-up" seems to hold most of the meat in the overall story. Ultimately, readers get set up for the next Heroes Reborn issue.

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In the end, its Sasquatch who breaks away and offers the Alpha Flight a way out. Nevertheless, the price is steep. So, before all the necessary killing is done, another classic hero suffers a gruesome end at the hands of Americas Squadron Supreme.

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Many will love this issue for its intricate display and stylistic approach that was meant to incorporate a sense of emotion into the issue. However, this reviewer left the issue a bit unsatisfied after craving answers and conclusions for months now and not receiving any.

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Immortal X-Men #14 doesnt move the Fall of X forward much at all. It does provide one big answer at the very end of the issue. However, that doesnt make it worth the buy since one could merely summarize that reveal in a sentence spoiling the very need for this issue at all. Charles, Shaw, and the recap make up 85 to 90 percent of Immortal X-Men #14 and provide no further foundation to the Fall of X making this installment rather skippable. Additionally, the biblical symbolism at this issue's closure was also done in poor taste. Sure, Ive seen far worse comics than this. Nevertheless, the story beats revealed for the cover price simply dont match up well at all. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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A writer needs to drop some breadcrumbs along the way to continue to hook the reader. And what fans will find this week is just a story anchored in nonsense, trivial jokes, and unnecessary action just to provide the story with a bit more substance.

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If anything, JUSTICE LEAGUE: ROAD TO DARK CRISIS #1 actually fizzled my flame for DARK CRISIS and made me pump the breaks instead of building up my excitement.

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Anything goes people! Anything at all without purpose or direction. With almost every DC Comic following suit, I wonder if this event was merely to provide a break for many of the writers at the company. Whatever the case, this reviewer will be excited to get these ongoings back to their original happenings. As of right now, Id steer clear of Knight Terrors: Batman #2 as well the entire Knight Terrors Event.

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Ultimately, these oversized Lazarus Planet issues are just launching points for future storylines with the characters involved. So, if youre not an Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Wonder Woman, or Shazam fan, Id skip Lazarus Planet: We Once Were Gods #1. And even if you ARE a fan, the stories are so small and their purpose so obvious, it could be spelled out on a summary page or within the actual pages of the future series itself. If this trend continues with these Lazarus Planet issues, Im out! I want an actual story and not these mini vignettes that dont amount to much other than setup and advertisements for the future.

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The connecting story featuring Legion and Blindfold ties the issue together and helps to fill in the lore surrounding The Altar.  And while this additional worldbuilding is appreciated, for a first issue, Spurrier doesnt help introduce new readers to the world of Legion of X.  This issue feels as though it is picking up in the middle of a pre-established story despite being a #1 issue.

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MARAUDERS #12 really isnt necessary to the overall story and is mainly a catch-up issue centered around a tattoo. Lately, MARAUDERS has been missing more than Kitty and it needs to find its place post hast! Lets see Captain Kate back in action while she finds a way to stick it to that ill-tempered Sea Bass Sebastian Shaw! Lets get to the good stuff weve all been waiting for already! Guys, keep this on your pull list but if you have to save a few bucks, you can totally skip MARAUDERS #12 this week.

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As for Moon Knight #6, the story meanders once the opening battle ends and limps along to a weak conclusion, as various characters in Marc Spectors circle pat themselves on the back for helping him, then spend time boosting his confidence. The one good sequence in the issue comes in the middle, where Spector has a conversation with Dr. Badr.  I like Dr. Badr and Id like to see more of him in the future, he and Marc Spector seem to antagonize each other but also have a grudging respect.

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If you loved last weeks NEW MUTANTS #3, youll love this issue. Its so much more clear, has more action, and gives reasons and meaning to the narrative at hand. However, this arc feels like an interlude that could truly be skipped and picked back up as soon as this arc is over.

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Ultimately, I think the idea is to break into the Moiras and reboot this puppy. And if thats the case, Im sorry to say Im going to be very disappointed if fans get this Season 9 of Dallas dream event where we just rewrite all this Sinister nonsense by killing a Moira clone (yes I know that dates me tremendously to make that reference). But anyway, if all of this gets wiped away, what was the point or premise of the event? Moreover, whats the point of Nightcrawlers #1? I really wanted to like this but the hyphenated dialogue, conservational confusion, and cultist vibes mixed with unexplained plot threads and a frigid cold open left this reviewer with more questions and concerns than purposeful plot threads and promise. The jury is still out for this reviewer. Ill gladly give it another issue but at this point, Im aiming low.

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In all reality, the parts of the issue I loved the most were the flashbacks before the non-stop action. Those scenes had the most clarity and simply made the most sense. Sometimes, too much of a good thing can be bad for you like cheese fries or colonoscopies. I think that may be the case with this concept steeped inside NON-STOP SPIDER-MAN this week. Kelly and Bachalos concept seems intriguing at first. Yet, the issue is cluttered, confusing, and lacks a driving plot or any real character development. Truthfully, I thought Id get a bit more within this issue. That said, Im not out on the series just yet. One single issue is hard to stake your claim on the entire series. So, Im in for NON-STOP SPIDER-MAN #2… for now. Nevertheless, the leash is much smaller than it was before. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God bless!

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Readers, there was nothing to Planet of the Apes #3. So much so, that it's entirely skippable. Someone could summarize this entire comic into a sentence or two.

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Honestly, this would be the worst issue to jump in on in this series. So, please do not start here if youve heard the hype train and want to join in. However, if you have been following along, you really have no choice but to buy this issue and hang in there until next week. Lets cross our fingers and hope for unequivocal explanations next week from the master storyteller I know Jonathan Hickman can be.

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Punisher #12 lacks the same action, suspense, and creative narrative twists that fortified this series to this point.

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Robyn and Mystere basically have the same costume design with different colors.  Pulling inspiration from Voodoo and the classic tale of Robin Hood, the costume designs could have been really interesting and unique However, we have midriff, sports bras with cleavage, and skin-tight leggings. There is nothing wrong with having costumes like this, but these are overdone and they could have been a lot more visually interesting with the subject matter at hand. The art in this issue was fairly run-of-the-mill in comparison to other comics. There could have been some exploration of different costume designs and rendering styles that could have made a visual impact on the comic. 

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I said it last issue and Ill say it again, this type of book may simply have too many moving pieces for Ewing to handle.

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The weakness is in its effort to set up the follow-up story. Its already been reported that Marvel has more plans for Sabretooth, and the building blocks for that story are evident throughout this issue. While LaValle doesnt linger on them too much, it does create a cliffhanger feel that leaves the final pages feeling underwhelming.

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In terms of art, Silver Surfer: Rebirth #4 is stellar, but in terms of story, there is room for improvement. There is more that could be done with this series and hopefully, the final issue will wrap it up well.

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As for Spider-Man: Spiders Shadow #2, it flows fine. I do feel like they might be dragging out the story to fit a trade. Nevertheless, this length can work if the point is to slowly show Peter succumb to his alien costume. Then, that could be interesting. However, that will depend on how subsequent issues handle the story.

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The comic certainly delivers on telling a story about Jedi Master Sskeer and tries to show off Star Wars newest High Republic villains the Nihil with teases for the Drengir. However, they dont come across as big galactic threats yet, just random foes for the Jedi to deal with. I would only recommend this comic if youre interested in the new High Republic era and want to see a glimpse of what the new villains are like.

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As someone who thought wed see Conner find his place amongst another group of clones similar to him, its weird to see the direction Porter has taken this comic so quickly. Its shocking to see the about-face one can make after being only two issues into Superboy: The Man of Tomorrow. Readers, I was all in after issue one. And now, with the wicked tonal switch, I think I might be done with the comic. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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While this Taskmaster book continues to try to be funny, its better at telling a fun action comic book. It does a fine job showing some of Taskmasters planning and ingenuity, just wish we saw more of his professionalism.

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The Mad Titan is back as Thanos #1 kicks off with a rather dull introduction focusing in on this brand-new character foreign to the masses. What makes this opener even more flat, is the fact that we get nothing suspenseful or thrilling surrounding this new character.

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If you've been following THOR for the last few years, there are a lot of connections here that will keep you interested, especially the Jane story. The 2nd story is so disconnected and thin that it might take a while for fans to find the new VALKYRIE interesting as her own character.

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If you've been following WAR OF THE REALMS since it began, then the completist in me says that you need this issue. If you've been following Aaron and the God of Thunder for years now, then again this issue is a must for you. However, if months of the WAR OF THE REALMS has taken its toll on you and you're ready to move on, don't buy the issue.

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The art was ok, and the story didn't move the needle or have a great hook moving forward. The dialogue between the characters was average, and Abnett didn't progress the story forward at all. Not to mention, parts of the art just came off weird and out of place.

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It feels like Cates is trying to paint this picture of a down-and-out hero that overcomes all obstacles, yet, its never him that overcomes. Its always someone or something else. Readers, Im at a loss. I know what Cates is trying to do and how hes trying to make me feel. However, its so forced down my throat I find myself struggling to accept the narrative. And ultimately, this entire issue of VENOM can be summarized in one sentence and skipped right over. Was this issue merely filler to get us to 200 on the button? It seems that way. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God bless.

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WOLVERINE #14 opens up a brand new arc that's cluttered with setup and disposition to get the ball rolling. However, the new character introduced by Percy as well as the story itself certainly has the potential for success.

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Overall, the issue, and frankly the arc, seemed too rushed and fell a bit flat. It just didn't have the same excitement as the Vampire/ Omega Red arc or the Maverick issues.

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What the heck was the dang point of X-Force #42? It was the epitome of a Saturday Morning Cartoon adventure that amounted to absolutely nothing. A possible future romp that merely exposed the lack of continuity amongst the ongoing X-Men titles simply to showcase a cool amalgam of Beast and Nimrod. The story itself oozed with potential solely to be quickly torn down by an otherwise silly moment that later ushers our X-Force team back to the present. Truthfully, X-Force #42 proves that new blood needs to be on this title. The plots potential was trumped by its goofy culmination and inadequate storytelling. Readers, X-Force #42 is skippable and doesnt affect the overall plot at all nor does it impact the other X-books. When you read a comic, you want to feel like the money you spend is worth it and this just isnt anymore.

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The DARK CRISIS begins exactly where JUSTICE LEAGUE: ROAD TO DARK CRISIS #1 left off with absolutely no direction, clue, or guidance as to the purpose of this event. Truthfully, all we know STILL is that the JUSTICE LEAGUE is dead which is the same thing we learned in JUSTICE LEAGUE #75. Williamson spends most of DARK CRISIS #1 forming a team and poking fun at the team he makes in a very meta-perspective. I literally left DARK CRISIS #1 wondering if this was some kind of joke.

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Jon Kent didnt need to prove himself to the readers or his dad. And frankly, hes not Superman nor will he ever be. But, he CAN be an outstanding hero of his own. The same goes for Jace Fox as Batman and Yara as Wonder Woman/ Wonder Girl. Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #6 felt like someone passive-aggressively telling me what I should like and why. And because I simply cant shake that feeling, on top of the other items mentioned earlier, Im going to go with a strong pass on Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #6 this week. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Readers, if you're searching for a solid explanation as to how this event wraps, you won't find it this week. And truthfully, the big positive is that Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths finally ends a half-year event that seemed to drag longer than a 162-game MLB season.

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Readers, Knull is barely in the issue nor is any of the symbiotes that are taking over the world. The most amazing facets of the story surrounding our heroes being taken over are merely touched on, as well as some of their sacrifices. Why? Readers wont mind a fast-paced story as long as you dont leave out the best parts. Instead, the purpose of the issue is to place Eddie Brock at the center of the Marvel landscape and make him the most important linchpin to the 616 Universe. And fans, thats just a hard pill to swallow. Cates is forcing Eddie to be something hes not… something thats never really been apart of the character before. It feels like a square peg in a round hole. Maybe if the lead up in VENOM concentrated more on boosting Eddie instead of taking him on a magical mystery tour to islands and alternate realities, we could buy that. But right now, I cant. I absolutely loved KING IN BLACK #1 … but what happened?

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The story was jumpy and confusing at times with some of the representations being almost out of character. For an issue centered around CAPS mental gymnastics, Lore made the issue feel more surface level. Overall, as someone searching for a strong CAPTAIN AMERICA story, I simply got more Falcon and Bucky than I anticipated as well as the entry-level course of what makes Steve Rogers CAPTAIN AMERICA. If your new to CAP and love KING IN BLACK, this issue is for you. Otherwise, Id pass this week. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Knight Terrors: Nightwing #1 is the product of its surroundings. If you've been following along with the entire event so far, you've probably realized that each tie-in is basically the same. How many nightmares can we read before they all run into one another?

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If I was to use two words to describe WHAT IF" MILES MORALES #1, it would be forced and awkward. Bizarre dialogue and even more strange parallels to MILES MORALES characters brought this issue down.

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The comedy is stale, WOLVERINE seems a bit out of character, and even the item in the briefcase comes across as a bit too outrageous. It's almost as if Percy is creating a tale that would make teenagers chuckle in delight at the expense of the diehard WOLVERINE fan.

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Everything is too neat and tidy. Everything lacks depth. The story is all surface level and it feels like we're being told the story instead of being apart of it.

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X-Men: Before the Fall The Heralds of Apocalypse #1 is a hot mess. Super deep attempts at philosophical nonsense open this bad boy which later leads into a battle between Genesis and Apocalypse that amounts to nothing. Sure, Ewing provides a little background on Genesis and how it wasn't necessarily the mask that caused her to do what she did. Nevertheless, if you can comb through the thick swamp of trivial dialogue to even figure out any of the conversations delivered in X-Men: Before the Fall The Heralds of Apocalypse #1, more power to you.

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Some of the pieces aren't adding up. That said, this tie in wasn't supposed to fill in those gaps but it did a good job giving the background as to why the Vulture is somehow running the inmates, developed more suspicion centered around both Kraven and Arcade, and explained why we ended the last issue with multiple Vermin up in here! However, when it's all said and done, I just need more Spidey in a Spider-man comic. Still no fireworks for me but maybe a Bang Snap or two.

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BATMAN ANNUAL: 2022 #1 showed a re-formation of a BATMAN INC. that lacks strength, intelligence, and direction. It promotes two, if not three, brand new characters that were just created that are somehow better than BATMAN INC. in almost every way, which undermines the history of these characters and makes BATMAN INC. almost like throwaway extras to merely sucker readers into a Ghost-Maker comic.

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This issue, as well as the narrative to date, appears to be underdeveloped, lacking direction, poorly paced, and incomplete.

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Overall, this issue tries to wrap up the EMPYRE event and introduces new components to the FANTASTIC FOUR story moving forward. There were a few hallmark moments involving Ben and Alicia, as well as the resurgence of a missing key player to the Marvel Landscape. However, was it really needed in its own issue? No. Frankly, the biggest positives of this issue are the redirection of the series ahead and the end to an event that was mediocre and flat at best.

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In so many words, Wells was connecting mutant hate and murder of the Right with the Religious Right. When Susan screams out, The Day of the Lord is Here, what other insinuation could there be? And its these ideas in media and pop culture that give Christianity the cringe and disgust thats just not there to anyone who actually takes a deep dive and inspects it for themselves. Sure, the Right is an extremist mutant group but there is nor should there ever be a connection between massacring mutants and Christianity.

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To me, this last issue simply felt like a big joke from Rosenberg and made me feel like I wasted my time with this entire series. Is that Rosenberg's fault or was it a DC Editorial switch to follow the Batman book? Honestly, we'll never know. But something sure felt different in this issue compared to the rest.

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Speed Force race cars, new ancient artifacts, and a broken Bat all in this week's JUSTICE LEAGUE #6 as Scott Snyder makes the plot even deeper and Jorge Jimenez' spectacular art holds the issue together.

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That said, Williamson does an excellent job allowing fans to jump into Knight Terrors: Batman #1 without having to read any of the other Knight Terrors stories. Yet, he doesnt really provide much purpose or direction along the way. So, if youre a Zdarsky Batman fan looking for any type of continuation of HIS story you wont find it. Knight Terrors: Batman #1 is mainly for the fan interested in the event to see whats happening with Batman. Therefore, if youre looking to save some money this summer, take a month off (if not two) and come back when Zdarsky restarts his story again. But I wouldn't recommend this comic and dont know where I stand on the overall event quite yet. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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This series began well out of the gate and became a must-read. Then, the series started to fizzle in the last two issues. Now, this series needs to be back on every FF fans pull list going forward.

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With one installment of Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker to go, I wouldn't bother at this point. I'm reading the last issue simply because I've read and reviewed them all to date. This series is nothing like what I expected nor is it anything like a Hulk story. If you were expecting something like Maestro, you won't find that here. If you were on the fence after issue three, I'd say "No to Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker #4 and cut your losses while you still can.

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Space Usagi: Yokai Hunter #1 offers a visually stunning experience, thanks to Stan Sakai's masterful artwork and Emi Fujii's exceptional coloring, which maintains the classic Usagi Yojimbo aesthetic. However, the storytelling may leave fans wanting more, as it predominantly focuses on the original Usagi Miyamoto and lacks the depth and impact one might expect from the Space Usagi universe. While it's always a pleasure to revisit the world of Usagi Yojimbo, this one-shot might not be the spacefaring adventure fans were hoping for. Nevertheless, for those who cherish Stan Sakai's artistic prowess and the enduring appeal of Usagi Yojimbo, it still holds some value as a nostalgic trip into this beloved universe.

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Guys, nothing happened this issue. What surfaced as Howard's direction prior appears to have faded away. Gamora and Thanos' relationship hasn't matured any further and the compassion the Mad Titan once had for his adopted daughter doesn't exist anymore. The issue was inconsistent and Thanos' behavior was too erratic. With one issue left in the series, this reviewer was expecting more development within the narrative.

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This issue will keep you interested enough. However, its a bit of a let down after two back to back killer issues. Sure, its hard to hit home run after home run but we dont need to cork our own bats to get the win. Instead of grabbing from the tool shed that already exists, Cates seemingly creates a new character, or at least irrelevant character, to grace us all with some epic power. Will it be long term? Lets hope not. Is it probably all for $&@$ and giggles? Probably. But this reader hates to be mislead nor does he like the carpet ripped out from under him for an idea that was never referenced or indicated prior. If the events of this issue amount to nothing, then all that remains from this issue is a long talk with a horse man. Is that a good issue? I really dont think so. Lets see if THOR #8 actually builds on this story or if THOR #7 was just a humorous stunt to fill an issue. Currently, Im giving this issue a hard pass.

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Now, the obvious overarching theme since Cates has taken over THOR has been (in not the best terms) Odinson working on his Daddy issues while learning how to become King. However, Id argue that these 23 issues could easily have been condensed down to 12 which would have made the stories more powerful and legitimately contain more significance. Nevertheless, fans will read this issue, like the prior 6, as if its a blur in under 5 minutes max. I hate to say it fans but I think weve had a large enough sample size to see where this story is going. Granted, Im excited about BANNER OF HULKS mainly because Im a huge HULK fan. Nevertheless, if the story appears to be stagnant after that, I may be on my merry way with Cates THOR. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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While Warlock: Rebirth #4 aims to evoke the nostalgic feel of comics from the late 80s or early 90s, it falls short in fully developing its characters and their complexities. The supporting cast is underutilized, leaving readers longing for a deeper exploration of their potential. Nevertheless, the art stands out as a highlight, with a seamless collaboration among the three artists who skillfully convey the impact of each punch and successfully emulate the style of Marvel comics from the past. Although the issue has its merits, it ultimately falls shy of delivering a fully satisfying and well-rounded narrative.

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Fans get a weird concoction of action and mystical nonsense that ultimately masks the lack of story wrapped in a cocoon of confusion.

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If you like ridiculousness and violent action without a story, HULK #6 is your comic. However, if you're looking for something extensive from everyone's favorite Jade Giant, you may have to look elsewhere. I hope you're all ready for the mega-epic showdown of Cates books with BANNER OF HULKS on the horizon because I'm not.

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The story was quick and filled with tons of action. If readers enjoy RAMBO, they will love this issue. From start to finish, Frank does his best John Rambo impression, fashions a homemade bow and arrow, and sets up death traps for the Hydra agents coming to the island making the overall issue simply fun to read.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles vs. Street Fighter #2 presents an intriguing crossover concept that merges two beloved franchises within the context of a mysterious tournament. The collaboration between the Colorist and Illustrator brings an original and immersive visual style to the story, lending credibility to the coexistence of both worlds. However, the plot's simplicity and lack of character depth detract from the overall enjoyment, leaving the narrative feeling somewhat lackluster. There is hope that future issues will delve deeper into character personalities and interactions, elevating the overall crossover experience.

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As Drew Craig's debut work in the industry, there is room for growth and I believe he does have the potential to grow into a much more competent writer and artist.

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Additionally, the smaller panels were extremely difficult to decipher any character detail or definition. Plus, later on in her Marvel Girl costume, Jeans drawn with more of a square jaw while both Quentin and Jean appear to be sharing a moment of snarky conversation on page 12 that doesnt fit the conversation. Ultimately, the art was dull, muted, unfriendly, rough, and unwelcoming. Brown certainly has a style all his own. However, I dont know if it fits X-FORCE or any current X-MEN title at all.

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DC Vs. Vampire #10's fatal flaw has to be the artistic renderings and illustrations this week mixed with forced humor that doesn't hit the mark. The incredibly dark reds, messy images, and sharp line work makes for a difficult read. Additionally, the (what was supposed to be) epic reveal from Babs wasn't very epic, came out of nowhere and felt like something that could have been done many issues ago.

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Overall, Absolute Carnage: Captain Marvel #1 is an average tie-in comic. The story is okay. The art is average at best. For every fun Bad kitty bit of dialogue, theres an off-putting FOMO. If youre collecting everything Absolute Carnage, go ahead and pick it up. For the rest looking for absolute must tie-ins, save your five bucks.

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Batman/Catwoman #12 was great at highlighting Bruce and Selinas relationship, but wasnt the best in terms of story. The previous issues plot twist with Andrea Beaumont is addressed briefly here and given closure, but seems to be done in a very haphazard way. Andrea seemed to serve as more of a foil for Selina, than actually having real significance in the story, which fans of the Batman Mask of the Phantasm animated movie may find disappointing. Overall, the art was much better in this series than the writing.

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That seems like the bigger story than breaking into the Fortress. Ultimately, the emphasis is in the wrong spot and the characters dont jive with their normal machinations. Hopefully, Whitta can re-authenticate BATMAN: FORTRESS somehow. Nevertheless, I think the biggest help in that area would be a new art team to start at least by having the characters appear more like what we are used to. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Black Widow #8 gives us a few thrills and new pieces for the puzzle that is Apogee's final plan. Yet, it doesn't really clear the picture much. One could almost skip this issue except for the last few pages which are the ones that really matter for the story going forward. This week's Black Widow is okay, readers get some progress, and the art fits the tone of the book. However, it was difficult to regain my attention and focus after the word salad at the beginning of the issue.

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I'd like to give Children of the Atom #5 a better score because I really like the thought behind this team. However, it just wasn't a very energetic issue. Nevertheless, COTA (Children Of The Atom) are a group of teens who adore their mutant heroes and strive to emulate them. Yet, this issue didn't feel much teen energy. It was rather a tired old mule. Not even Gimmick being invited to the Hellfire Gala seemed to raise many emotions on her peers. And, the fight scenes with the adult mutants against the U-Men felt forced.

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Children of the Plague suffers from being a One-Shot. Robert Love's tale is entertaining in places, but much of the information needs to be fleshed out more. I would love to see where this goes in additional stories. Plus, Dark Horse seems to be the company that is most interested in allowing universes to develop (Mignola & Lemire). Without that, I feel like there is so much that got left on the cutting room floor.

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If youre looking for another Conan the Barbarian story, you may want to look elsewhere. Sure, hes in it but there isnt anything that Jim Zub does that makes him seem like Conan.

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Dark Crisis: War Zone #1 is entirely skippable. And what's worse is that I don't know what new or pertinent information is gained by this comic towards the event. Furthermore, it's also not what was entirely advertised.

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I want to like these Holiday Specials. However, I think they might be better suited with one, big story instead that fits the theme than a variety sampler. If youre standing in your LCS, just skim the Superman and Booster Gold stories. Youll be done in 10 minutes max. And in all seriousness, Conrad should have done an entire issue of his story. Depending on how he worked it out, he could have gotten some serious awards for that.

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Overall, the Flash portion of this series seemed like a big downgrade compared to the previous issues. This was probably due to the fact that they tried too hard to avoid continuity errors by not having it set in present-day, but ended up making it worse. Earth-Prime #5 did have some intriguing moments to set up for the big crossover, but this issue could have some readers questioning their expectations for the crossover.

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Overall, I would skip this issue. There weren't too many "wow" moments or even action for that matter.

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Green Arrow #6 made all the prior issues pointless and made me hop off this series. I know we can do better and I especially know Williamson can do better because we've all seen him do it before.

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The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #6 is a filler issue. Readers will get no advancement to the story and no big cliffhangers to really hold on to with excitement for the next installment.

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The comic does deserve a fair shake to see if the story can develop. Still, as of right now, I'd say you should pass on JUSTICE LEAGUE: INCARNATE.

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I would be lying if I said the story wasnt interesting. It certainly had my attention. However, as comics go, it was missing logical sequences as well as a chain of events that fit. Cates practically made Eddie Brock a Messiah. And might I add, there are many characters I can think of that fit those credentials more than him. Heck, this VENOM is so dang powerful he can literally stand in the sun! Really?!?! It can burn away the God of the Symbiotes but not a guy wearing something that very God created… I'm sorry, but the story just felt like it was skipping key essential components.

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This Thunderbolts team is Marvels version of the Suicide Squad. It provides a few quick laughs and does have cool art and some action but thats about it. Its a slight detour for readers while they wait for the King in Black main series.

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We dont know the characters nor do we really know the rules. And even after this event is over, what does it lead towards? What was its purpose? Where was the setup for the event? Readers, I want to like this event but it just seems out of place and without direction. After two issues of Knight Terrors and almost every single tie-in issue, Im still royally confused. Its hard to pay money for something where you dont see purpose or feel connected to the characters. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Ultimately readers, if you havent jump into this event yet, dont bother. And if you already took the plunge into Nightmare on DC Street, you still have time to save the rest of your money before its too late. From missing plot threads, muddied viewpoints, emotionless character connections, and convoluted menageries, Knight Terrors #3 show fans almost every storytelling faux pas making this event harder and harder to get into. I think its time to cut and run people. Just bide your time until September at this point. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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This weeks tale wasnt exciting, gripping, or even unduly entertaining. Sure, the character voices were accurate but nothing encapsulated my attention. Nothing in the story was overly involved. Again, the issue wasnt confusing or hard to follow. Heck, the comic wasnt even that wordy. There just wasnt much of a story to follow.

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This book is enjoyable. I wont lie and say the narrator made it unreadable, he didnt. I was smiling and chuckling for most of the books. The artwork is beautiful, it is, its retro-futuristic with just enough rejected Star Wars concept art to keep it interesting and together with the overall energy of the cast and the dialogue it works, even if the narrator and the cheap cliff-hanger did grate the nerves a little.

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There is certainly a ton of emotional build-up in these pages, however, its too much and too spread out for anyone to grab a hold of and feel for the characters involved. Moreover, readers know very little about Cosmar, whos become a focus of the series, and we continue to learn less and less about the actual NEW MUTANTS as the series continues. I hate to say it, but this series is slowly working its way to being at the bottom of my stack each week it comes out. Where is the team Jonathan Hickman put together and why cant we refocus on them? Thanks for the read and feel free to let me know what you think. Have a great week and God bless!

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I've hung in there for three issues and frankly, I wouldn't recommend picking up Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker #3 nor would I recommend jumping into the series. This isn't the recent Maestro comics from Peter David. I'm sure that was the attempt with Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker but sadly it isn't even close.

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FINAL THOUGHTSThough the set-up and main arc of the issue (Frank hunts criminal overlord) is certainly not a new concept, the book landed two or three jokes that legitimately got me to chuckle out loud. The art isn't flashy but gets the job done, though I expected something a little ‘grittier' for a MAX series. At times the dialogue seems a little too wordy and bland, and while I won't be raving about this title, the reputation of Garth Ennis and the intrigue of who this new character could be will have me coming back for the next few issues. For a $3.99 price point, especially if you're a Punisher fan, this is a good enough first issue. It's worth noting that I enjoyed it much more on the second read through.

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Comic Fans, if you came looking for something fun to read that will bombard you with action and killing, this issue is totally for you. However, if you're looking for a sturdy plot, character progression, and well-written dialogue, this may not be the title for you this week.

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Some may find the Resurrection of Magneto #1 intriguing, however, I dont think it will be people who simply want a fun, action-packed, exciting, escape from reality for 30 minutes. I know this is hard to say after one issue, but Im out. It was too hard to understand, too hard to follow, and way over the top in order to bring Magneto back. And for what purpose? We dont know. Hopefully, Ewing can bring this ship back down to earth as the series continues. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God bless!

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I want to love this book. But I dont. I want to dislike it too… but I dont. At worst, Im apathetic toward this issue after reading. Sure, the writing and the artwork are fine, bordering great, but the content itself… meh. Or at least it was for me. Thats ok, not every issue is going to blow my socks off eh?

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Ultimately, the plot was unsubstantial and lacked strength.

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Spawn #352 showcases some of the best art currently available in the industry alongside a lackluster story. The story is generally quite dull, with not enough intrigue for it to leap off the page like the art. Simply put, the artwork here represents what all artists should keep in mind. There is true detail and personality on every page. If you're looking to add another issue in the Spawn universe to your collection, this is it for the art alone.

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Storm #1 is cluttered with forced dialogue, 90s character tropes, and surface-level entertainment. The story itself is almost nonexistent while it felt like a summary/ bio-pic of who the character is until the final five pages when a new character was introduced. If you came looking for the current era Storm, you came to the wrong book. If you love the character, I dont even know if youd like the issue. The story is flat and the characterizations were so overdone that they almost appeared comical for the time period. There was very little plot to further the story and the art was lacking, to say the least. Id stay clear of this series unless youre a diehard Storm fan or collector in love with the mutant weather goddess. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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This issue felt confusing and ultimately was nothing that this reviewer anticipated. Instead of a Thanos story or even a story about Gamora, it turned into a tale about bad parenting, unresolved issues, and forced plot threads to wrap up the issue that didnt make sense with the anecdote to date. Finally, this entire series felt like it didnt know what direction it was going to take until the last 5 pages, which were forced, complicated, and extremely disappointing to any person who grew up in a broken home or with a parent that didn't seem to care. If you've been buying the issue to date, grab it to complete your story. Otherwise, just pass on it this week.

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This story wrapped up way too suddenly and unexpectedly. The pinnacle battle was practically nonexistent and I'm sorry to say that nothing artistically stood out other than heavy ink work and a large floating Punisher skull in the Rkkva. There is no doubt that I have seen better work from this creative team and can only wonder if this issue was truly meant to be or solely forced to tie up loose ends of a series.

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What you will find are silly, slapstick moments mixed with attempts at emotional instants, fanfare, and panel layouts that were confusing to read. The best word to describe this issue, and frankly this arc, would be unnecessary. I do not recommend picking up WOLVERINE #23 and hope WOLVERINE can get back to its original roots when Percy began this series. We shall see next month. I, for one, have high hopes that Percy can get back on track.

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Williams was tasked with resurrecting the X-Factor team but provided very little substance and no real reason for anyone being together that had meaning or significance. I understand what the team was doing this issue but their motives for joining were purely for $&@$ and giggles. David Baldeon and Israel Silvas art was weirdly unique and reminded me of X-Men anime in a way, which I really wasnt a huge fan of. The faces and people were stretched and elongated at times, which along with the heavy dialogue, made this an extremely difficult read for a number one thats supposed to draw new readers into the comic. X-fans, I really wanted to like this but it came across hokey, contrived, and honestly a bit ridiculous. That said, its hard to judge a series on one issue so Id like to read an entire arc before I decide to give this series a hard pass. Nonetheless, if you're looking to save money on comics, this would be a series to wait on the trade while the jury is still out.

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Fans, the only thing X-MEN '92: HOUSE OF XCII has going for it anymore is its dynamic art style that amazingly parallels the ANIMATED SERIES. If you're into that, I guess give it a buy. However, if you want a story and continuity within both universes that make sense and is less a retelling or book report, this isn't the series for you.

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Readers, zero happens that you didn't expect to transpire. There really is no twist or curtain reveal. And as far a feuds go that encompass forcibly taking your son away, it ends rather quietly and easily. The series just" was there. Was this solely a series involving two flashy names to draw in fans? It seems that way.

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Other than an extremely poetic moment, and some incredibly expressive lettering by Clayton Cowles, I found myself wondering what this series is really all about as well as its purpose. If you liked Williams X-FACTOR, then I'm sure you'll love this considering it's the same thing but with a few more characters. Otherwise, talk to a friend to figure out what happened on the last page and you'll be right as rain.

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Dreamer searches for Doctor Fates helmet, Jon Kent gets his new comic pushed, Mercys tech is upgraded, and Power Girl gains telepathy. Readers, the cast of characters doesnt really entice nor does the dynamic of Lazarus Planet: Assault on Krypton #1 have anything to do with Krypton or an assault. The Superman cover is disingenuous, the volcano cover is deceptive, and the main cover involving Jon Kent is equally as misleading. Ultimately, fans get a title about related Kryptonian-ish individuals during the Lazarus Planet event. There is really no need to buy this issue nor is it required reading for Lazarus Planet. And frankly, it makes me concerned for the rest of the Lazarus Planet titles.

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Readers will not get the NEW MUTANTS they were expecting. They will get an out of place, slow-moving, boring tale about lesser-known new mutants with very little action and very little development to the overall narrative of the series.

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If you're searching for a Conan the Barbarian title, this isn't it " yet anyway. If you're excited to see Moon Knight or even a Moon Knight/ Conan the Barbarian team-up, so far this isn't the series for you. The issue focuses more on a new character named James Allison and confusingly hops from character to character abruptly without taking the time to plant a firm foundation within the narrative of the story.

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If youre looking for an X-Book to dive into, this reviewer would not choose this one unless you are advanced in the area of Captain Britain, Otherworld, and Excalibur... and even then I have my doubts. There is a possibility that even those submerged with the Excalibur lore may still be disappointed with this inaugural issue.

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Ghostbusters: Back in Town #2 is a below-average issue with generally decent art and a mostly horrible narrative. The art generally is above average, with nice ghost designs but nothing else, with it feeling more phoned in as each panel goes on. The story is below average and is usually horribly written, with most of the time the characters going down generic plots and the plot itself covering some of the most basic elements and tropes in comics, in turn, making it seem like no thought was put into the story.

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Additionally, we don't know necessarily how and why Waller is involved nor do we know how and why Ollie jumps to where he does. There are simply too many moving pieces without specific answers to make Green Arrow #3 a viable story. Whos the antagonist? Well we dont know. What are we trying to stop from happening? Well we dont know. Why exactly are we jumping through time? Well we dont know. Readers, you need direction in a story and we simply dont have it. Three issues in come on. I hate to say it, but if this story doesnt turn around quickly, this Green Arrow rival will be short-lived. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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Nightwing #103 reads like a hokey episode of Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends from the early 80s. Theres little to no purpose and the motives for Nightwing (or the Titans for that matter) make little to no sense. The importance of Olivia is just as baffling as the plot and premise of this story. Furthermore, the jokes are borderline cringy simply because theyre not only out of touch but also because I dont necessarily know if Taylor intended them to be jokes. Readers, if youre interested in the Titans in Hell but cluttered with silly jokes, little action, and a purpose that has yet to be revealed, the. I guess Nightwing #103 is for you. Moreover, what I find to be even more interesting is that this type of story is very uncharacteristic of Tom Taylor. It almost felt like someone else was writing it.

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Kevin Shinicks first relay with THE FLASH wasn't exactly what I expected. After desiring something different for so long, I wonder if this creative team might not have been the best move for something long term. Now, I understand this was only one issue AND I understand we dont know if this team is going to be on for an extended period of time. However, this issue felt like the perfect tale for a kid's story or even an animated series on Saturday morning. It lacked the depth and maturity that I feel THE FLASH ongoing should possess, which was only advanced by the artistic choice and heavy, almost marker outlines, from Clayton Henry and Marcelo Maiolo giving it a more cartoonish feel. Look, this is one issue. I get it. But as an opener to a potential ongoing series, this is not what I was looking for.

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The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive #1 is a hard pass this week. From a jumbled plot and bad characterization to a messy display and rendering of the characters that looked nothing like the Movie or comic, there was very little to salvage from this issue. The story beats didnt jive with the Justice League Movie and the almost anime artistic choice in style made the issue come across as less serious and fragmented in nature. Plus, without knowing if the Flash Movie is actually coming out in June, it leaves the question as to whether or not The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive #1 truly ties into the Movie. Heck, who knows if well ever see that Movie after the incidents with Ezra Miller? For right now, if you need a Flash fix this week, Id just reread an old Flash comic. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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This series is 6 issues long but somehow it feels like it's completed after this issue. I'm not sure if I'm missing something or if this is an unexpected curveball Thompson is throwing in at the end to wrap things up in a much more promising way. But, the series felt done" a series that began with a sense of purpose and direction that just didn't seem to be there by its conclusion.

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Readers will leave this issue expecting more from the NEW MUTANTS team. There are clearly too many key players for Brisson to maneuver and too many inconsistencies within the narrative that make this series a bit too lackluster and almost treading water. Brissons NEW MUTANTS truly isnt awful by any stretch. However, its culminations and cliffhangers simply get wiped away with ease and ultimately help make this series, which may have too many moving pieces for Brisson to handle, flatline comparatively to the other X-books. As of right now, this series is a hard pass unless Hickman jumps on board or a new writer takes a stab at it.

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Readers, this issue is unequivocally better than the last. However, with the utterly confusing plot that appears to be jumping from issue to issue, as well as the poor portrayal and indiscernible character voices between the two female leads, this story continues to leave this reviewer at a loss each and every issue. If youre searching for an X-Book, this isnt the one to dive into or get your feet wet.

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ROGUES' GALLERY #1 only succeeds in one area: the art.

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Star Wars: The High Republic: Adventures #5 is a generally fine issue that explodes with mostly nice art followed up with a lackluster story. The story is below average and dull, with absolutely nothing outstanding to convey. The art bursts with energy despite its many shortcomings. Overall, Star Wars: The High Republic: Adventures #5 is a generally below-average comic that anyone could enjoy. If you see it for half price, I recommend picking it up.

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This angle from Brocks perspective is interesting but it feels more like Bunn is just here to play with the toys in the toy box for a bit without messing anything up. If thats the case, and Bunns hands are tied as to what he can write, you cant blame him for the pacing as well as what hes allowed to do. However, that stinks for fans that really wanted to see what Bunn was capable of doing with Venom if he was allowed to really let loose. Maybe hell get his chance next issue? Readers can only hope.

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If you came to this issue looking for action, you really don't find any. If you came to this issue jazzed to see Ironheart, you certainly won't find that here. If you came here looking for something fun and exciting to read, that's simply not inside this week. Heck, if you're looking to get caught up on IRON MAN 2020, that really doesn't happen this week either. The best this reviewer can say that transpires in this installment of IRONHEART 2020 #1 is that Ayala and Lore catch readers up on the status quo of Riri Williams and connect a few of the dots circulating since OUTLAWED #1.

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If youre not a fan of Jason Aarons Avengers run or the Phoenix Tournament, then expect more of the same but with great art. Things are progressing slowly as the tournament continues with more matchups with the stakes being reserved for a select few fighters. I dont recommend buying this issue unless youre already on board with the tournament, because this is not a good jumping-on point for new readers.

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qHonestly, this comic sets itself up as a fun, high-octane adventure for the Avengers to face a new threat that requires everyone, even the Hulk, to get their own mech suits. But we rarely see them here at all. I recommend readers wait till the next issue before getting Avengers Mech Strike #1 if they want to see more of the Avengers Mechs in action.

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The characters have no teeth, the dynamic is flat, the comedic tones don't work, the characters act very little like how they should, the plot threads read like an escape room, and the art lacks depth and texture.

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As this series approaches its end, the only clarity that remains is that not only are our main characters getting bamboozled but so are the readers. This issue seems overly convoluted and the purpose seems lost with only one issue to go. The strength of the storyline seems to be lacking cohesion and depth simply making this a lackluster tale. At this point with one issue left, there is no reason to hop on board CONAN SERPENT WAR. If youre searching for Conan or even Moon Knight stories, merely dive into some back issues to get that craving you desire. As of right now, this reviewer would not recommend the issue or series moving forward.

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Well, KING IN BLACK: MARAUDERS is neither a KING IN BLACK tie-in nor a MARAUDERS issue. It's something entirely different altogether that genuinely makes me question if Duggan actually wrote this issue.

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The stories are too quick, the narration and dialogue are forced, and a majority of the illustrations are mild at best all centered around characters very few people enjoy. Heck, the best story and art combo was probably the one about the Question. Truthfully, I'd stay clear of any of these tie-ins as they are actually making me less and less interested in the actual Lazarus Planet story entirely.

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This is just so disappointing for a book that has been so amazing in the past.

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Ambiguity became the plot device coupled with silly solutions and pointless story beats that were either never answered or deemed insignificant as Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker comes to a close. Truly, the main purpose of this series was to draw people in with the name, and attempt to find the same success the recent Maestro runs did in hopes to extend the brand. Sadly, that was not the case and Im afraid only did damage to the original Planet Hulk. I would not recommend this issue or this series. Feel free to check out the rest of my Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker reviews HERE to see just why every step of the way.

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Red Sonja by Mirka Andolfo #4 continues the story of Sonja and Sitha, adding another threat level with Xamul and mixing in some surprises (particularly with the reveal of the "old man"). It's a play on "Lone Wolf and Cub" that offers up lots of action but hopefully will add more depth to Sitha's personality and the villain Shezem by the time the story concludes.

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If youre a BIG Cosmic Ghost Rider fan, then I suppose youll enjoy this issue as well as this entire series. But frankly, thats the only reason I can see anyone being interested in this issue or series. With it being the last issue AND it now digital-only, Its not worth your time or money to buy it. If you have a huge desire to read a series filled with pure nonsense that literally changes nothing about the main character from start to finish, go pick it up. Otherwise, this should be a hard pass for new readers and possibly die-hard Cosmic Ghost Rider fans.

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Rivers of London: Deadly Ever After #1 may do well for established readers, but falls flat for those new to the world of Rivers of London. Celeste Bronfman tells an alright story, but the execution left something to be desired. Beroy, Cabeza, and Llorach make a good team for the art of this book and provide a nice backdrop to the story.

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The overall plot and dialogue has been comedic from issue #1 and has progressed to the point of being just plain silly by issue #3. Which, in this writer's opinion is very strange and disappointing due to the fact that the original 4 issue series was straight forward and serious. This feels more like a Quantum & Woody book. The artwork by Nathan Stockman is ok and actually compliments the comedic tone of the book. Once again, its a very different type of artwork than the original series artwork by Lewis Larosa & Clayton Henry.

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You could skip this issue and go into the series if you wanted and not miss a beat.

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The art provides that noir feel. But as sometimes happens in these type of stories, some characters are hard to tell apart. Due to similar outfits. It tells the story fine but does not stand out.

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Readers, I dont think Batman: Fortress is ever getting to the fireworks factory. Where is the action? Where is the covert mission to break into the Fortress? Where is this amazing team youre getting together Batman? Instead, we get unnecessary romance, Batman placing his moral code to the side, Green Lantern rodent jokes, and another uncharacteristic conversation between Lex and Batman that dribbles over from prior issues. Whitta is really dragging this puppy out. Readers get no intensity, no action, and a plot thats stalled out. At what point do you throw in the towel? Well, for this reviewer, its right now. Ive more than lost interest in this series. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!

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If you love mind-blowingly freaky, possibly hallucinogenic, out of this world storytelling with back words dialogue, made-up names, incomprehensibly futuristic beings, and a cliffhanger that really made no sense to what you just read, this issue is entirely for you. The issue is way too deep and too heavy for this reviewer to understand its purpose, intent, and its significance to the overall narrative.

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Knight Terrors #4 is rough. Plot points are practically silly. Explanations are nonexistent. The art is messy. The event is trivial. The motivational outcome of this event doesnt exist. Explanations of abilities, powers, and how they were developed are missing. And within the pages itself, Williamson plays this entire event off as if its just slapped together (whether thats his intent or not).

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Knight Terrors: Nights End #1 concludes by merely advancing a future style for a future event that right now means. nothing. As for the entire Knight Terrors Event, its a hard pass. You could completely skip this event without any repercussions making the actual event even less important to the landscape of DC Comics.

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Coates really needs something exciting to happen soon or else the readers will start to bail. His message that everyone is important, regardless of where they come from, is commendable. However, it just didn't hit the mark with this fan. Maybe it did with you? To me, this issue didnt move the story forward and focused on elements of the story that didnt appear significant at all. Coates has had 10 issues now with Cap and all we know is that Ross is dead, there is a new Hydra, and Caps in prison for a crime he didnt commit. The only thing of value that occurred in this issue was a prison fight and a monologue about bad people. As a Captain America fan, I hope we get something dynamic real soon.

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Again, what was the point of this series? Absolutely nothing was accomplished and the status quo is basically back to normal as the series ends. All that was gained from this series was a means to get heroes together who normally would never meet.

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This reviewer hates to say it, but if you had to cut an X-book to save money, this may be the one...and this is coming from someone who finds EXCALIBUR a struggle right now. I pride myself on honest reviews and it truly pains me to say that, especially with the respect and admiration I have for Hill and this creative team. With the writer heading to television, it just seems like this book is lost in the shuffle right now. Hopefully, Hill can find a way to pull this story together as it closes and better depict the main characters before its too late.

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Jujutsu Kaisen Vol. 22 fails to live up to previous volumes with generally poor writing and paneling. This volume's art sometimes falls short of previous volumes due to its poor quality or its complete absence, with dialogue filling in for it. One of my biggest gripes about this volume is the dialogue, which becomes extremely overused and boring as it goes on. There are still some threads holding parts of this work together, such as some of the writing for the fight scenes and how they play out. Despite that, generally, this feels like one of the worst volumes in the series, with the worst parts of this series on full display. Despite my issues with this volume, I believe there is much potential for what is to come in this series and what it can offer going forward.

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While the concept of Hellboy in a giant robot may seem redundant, the book showcases exceptional art that enhances the overall experience. The plot's lack of depth leaves much to be desired, but with more issues to come, there's hope for improved storytelling. However, the series falls short of establishing new characters within its limited length, which could hinder reader engagement. Despite its shortcomings, the atmospheric elements and exceptional artwork are redeeming qualities that keep the readers engaged.

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Gosh, for a series that began with such promise, these last two issues simply fell apart and really disappointed this fan. Sure, there was a landing but it just didn't stick.

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The plot is not capturing my attention and this reviewer sees too many plot holes with unanswered questions. Spencer is giving answers to questions that no one appears to be interested in and doesnt take the time to explain what is actually happening within the story itself. This Spider-fan leaves the issue more confused than when he started and totally uninterested in the ending of the arc. When this arc began, it felt like it had purpose and direction. Now, this reviewer couldnt tell you either.

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Look, we can hammer home character motivations within the story until the robot cows come home. But, it won't change the fact that this mini had nothing to do with IRON MAN 2020 and barely showed Riri has Ironheart within two issues. Ayala and Lore oversaturated this issue with conversations and dialogue, gave readers little to no action, and basically created a comic about" nothing. Honestly, the entire series was like the SEINFELD of Comics this week, except without the humor or aspects that make a comic an entertaining escape.

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There didnt really seem to be much to this issue. Even though it elicited a few chuckles on my end, the banter between Doom and Kang and the vagrants they come across (and subsequently dispose of) are cookie-cutter. The last few pages seem to be all that matter and have any real ramifications.

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I am so disappointed! I was so excited about this run that I saw it on the list of books and screamed. Remember how disappointed you were when you watched The Last Airbender movie for the first time? Yeah, thats me with this book. The artwork is nice but the protagonist is a whiny brat. Heres to hoping it picks up.

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Reviews for the Week of...



