Hulk #22

Event\Storyline: World War Hulks Writer: Jeph Loeb Artist: Ed McGuinness Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 12, 2010 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 6
5.7Critic Rating
5.8User Rating

WORLD WAR HULKS BEGINS! The FALL is over. Long wage the WAR. Red Hulk and Banner have failed, and their worst nightmares have come to kill them. Will they die fighting M.O.D.O.K. and his army of Hulks, or die by the hands of the Hulked-Out Heroes? Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness begin the end in this first chapter of WORLD WAR HULKS. Rated T

  • 6.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen May 12, 2010

    But if smashing is what you came for, smashing is what you will happily receive. As stupid as the Hulked-Out Heroes concept is, at least it offers plenty targets for Red Hulk to clobber. The fact that Red Hulk is the only intelligent Hulk in the room helps keep the extended brawl from degenerating into a series of punches and poorly worded retorts. Scratch that - Red Hulk manages one line that rivals Iron Man's "Oh, the humanity" from issue #2 in sheer lameness. For the most part, I would recommend to ignore the words in this book and admire the punches. Ed McGuinness is in particularly fine form this month. The colors of Morry Hollowell and Chris Sotomayor lend an extra dose of energy that hasn't been seen in past issues. With all the new Hulks running around, this is certainly a visually diverse issue and a real feast for the eyes at times. Just not for the brain. Hulk has its merits, but those interested in emotional conflict and characterization had best turn their attention to Gre Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Vine - inferiorego May 12, 2010

    When it comes down to it, the last 6 pages are what you really want to read, and not just because it's a GIANT reveal many of you have been waiting for, but because they are just that good. The rest of this issue is pretty, but it is nothing more than filler for me. Don't get me wrong, the fight scenes are cool, but I wanted a little something more. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Joe Lopez May 15, 2010

    What's Good: Right after delivery, some parents give their newborn sons a sports t-shirt or a teddy bear or rattle. Ed McGuinness' parents must have given baby McG an issue of the Incredible Hulk on that momentous day because the artist was obviously meant to draw this title. McGuinness' larger-than-life pencils fit not only the Hulk title itself, but the World War Hulks story in particular. In a blockbuster tale where the likes of the Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, Thor and Wolverine all turn into Hulks, you must be able to bring a certain amount of weight to the proceedings, and McG does this in spades. I'd even make the safe assumption that if any other artist was given the task of bringing this issue to life, they would fail. (Well, okay, maybe not Arthur Adams!) The rest of the art team also deserves some kudos, from inker Farmer to the colorists Hollowell and Sotomayor. Hulk is basically a silly cartoon, complete with (unfortunately) silly cartoon logic but also silly cartoon visual Read Full Review

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