Curb Stomp #1
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Curb Stomp #1

Writer: Ryan Ferrier Artist: Devaki Neogi Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: February 25, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 23 User Reviews: 3
7.8Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

Three gangs. Five girls. No way out. Machete Betty leads a small gang of women under the selfappointed task of protecting their home of Old Beach, one of three boroughs surrounding a rich metropolitan city. When Betty takes the life of a rival gang member in an act of self-defense, she sets off a chain reaction of retaliation, gang warfare, and unlikely allies. It's up to the The Fever-Machete Betty, Derby Girl, Bloody Mary, Daisy Chain, and Violet Volt-to defend their turf at all costs.

  • 9.3
    Geek Sushi - Peter Rodriguez Feb 26, 2015

    Curb Stomp #1 has a very punk rock feel to it, not just because of the Black Flag cover band scene, but because of the characters and the attitude as well. Ferrier has taken these girls that remind me a bit of The Lizzies, and placed them in an immensely compelling setting that happens to be in a graphic novel. With the work displayed by this creative team in this first issue, the series now shows incredible promise and potential to be BOOM! Studios next big ongoing! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Pop Culture Uncovered - Ray W Feb 26, 2015

    This was a great read and featured some strong ladies with varying personalities. The writing was good giving some depth to each character of the group. The art from Devaki Neogi is really good giving us a good visualization of the various characters and times they are in. The colors from Neil Lalonde is really good. I really enjoyed this first issue and looking forward to the next issue of the series. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Rhymes With Geek - Nikki Sherman Dec 31, 1969

    If you're looking for a new series to read that's filled with life and heart, look no further.Curb Stomp#1 is original and exciting, the characters (despite their"scary actions) are easy to like and have plenty of room to grow. Where Curb Stomp could easily fall into an exploitative trap, this series is treading fresh territory in a respectful way.This new series from BOOM! provides something worthy for readers to enjoy, and I'm more than invested in seeing this series through to the end. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Jessica Boyd Feb 25, 2015

    Beyond the action, the electrifying characterizations and the sense of protecting community there is a subplot of gentrification and corrupt politics. The threads are laid out in the middle of the story and provide the true reasoning behind the ensuing gang war. These are all elements that the protagonists are completely unaware of and it is unclear at this point how deeply this story will go. However, it is clear that Ferrier and Neogi have bigger designs in mind than turf war and coming to grips with the consequences of ones choices. Ferrier is known for over the top stories with series such as Tiger Lawyer and D4VE, which sees physical print for the first time this week as well. If anything, this feels like a subtle introduction to massive twists and turnsahead. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - mahargen Feb 24, 2015

    Matthew can be found on Twitter as @mahargen, where he spends most of his time moaning about the way punk rock used to be, even though it may or may not have been dead before he was even born. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comix I Read - Boris Roberto Aguilar Feb 25, 2015

    I really enjoyed CURB STOMP. This comic book may not be for everyone but it is for a lot of us. There is one scene that may be too much for people. The overall tone of this series may also be tough but I think that this was really well done and handled with class. The overall story feels like an exploitation movie from the 70's.I was hooked right away and found myself reacting to each and every page. I would recommend folks to give this book a try. The story is deep and there are tons of real life parallels that can drawn. From the sense of community due to the powers that be being completely out of touch, to the poloiticians being the most currupt people, CURB STOMP does a great job of telling a story with really pretty art. This four part series is going to be added to my pull list. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geeks Unleashed - Chris Romero Feb 27, 2015

    Ferrier's first chapter accomplishes a whole lot within less than thirty pages including just enough characterization and purpose. Now that's a talented writer at the helm. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Geeked Out Nation - Jess Camacho Feb 25, 2015

    “Curb Stomp” #1 is not something to pass at your local comic shop this week. I can't remember a single BOOM! Studios book that even remotely resembled this book. If there's going to be a book that makes this creative team “famous” then this is the one. “Curb Stomp” is exciting and ass kicking in every sense. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Coming Up Comics - David Melton Feb 24, 2015

    Along with D4ve, Ferrier is creating interesting stories and finding great artists to bring his visions to life. This is the reason I read comics. I would write more but I'm going back for another reading. Do yourself the favor and pick this up on Wednesday. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Tres Dean Feb 26, 2015

    As a whole though, Curb Stomp is a wholly unique read and absolutely worth your money this week. Check it out. This is gonna be one to watch in the future. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Crusaders - Martin Ferretti Feb 25, 2015

    If you're looking for a book without superheroes and with deeply interesting, and layered characters, look no further than Curb Stomp #1. I expect this book to be one of the sleeper hits of 2015. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Draven Katayama (loudlysilent) Feb 26, 2015

    This is timely social commentary, smart storytelling, and a solid cast of lead characters. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Feb 25, 2015

    CURB STOMP was a delightful surprise. That doesn't quite sound right considering how savage the act is. Ryan Ferrier has introduced us to an interesting little corner of the world where gang violence and turf wars are a way of life. There's obviously an intriguing angle with a gang consisting of five ass-kicking women. Each has their own look, feel, and really cool name. The art does go along with establish the mood and vibe of the book. There were some moments the art and color felt off a little but not enough to fully distract you from enjoying the issue. CURB STOMP has me hooked. I found myself cringing at times and on the edge of my seat and the events escalated towards the end. There aren't really many books like CURB STOMP on the shelves and I'd recommend you check it out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson Mar 11, 2015

    Curb Stomp comes off like an exploitation film, but empowers the women featured within it. This is a gang that's tough as nails and backed up with a lot of heart. It's the kind of comic that you want to read while blasting punk rock music. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Kelly Richards Feb 24, 2015

    Though parallels have been drawn between this and '70s cult classic The Warriors, the only real similarity between the two is that they both are about gangs. Curb Stomp bypasses camp for something far more realistic and should it stay on course it looks to be one of the more interesting series of 2015. Although the violence may prove too much for some readers and the title may be a little off putting it is not unfair to say that with a unique take on gang dynamics, turf warfare, and an emphasis on the issues associated with gender, equality and social class, Ferrier and Neogi are creating another platform for which to hold discussion about representation and diversity within the comic's community in the most badass way I can think of. Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    BGCP - Robin Callaghan Feb 24, 2015

    Curb Stomp #1 is a well crafted story that sets up this miniseries with fast pace, easy dialogue, and an art style that complements the overall tone well. Read Full Review

  • 7.6
    Buccaneer Book Reviews - Cap'n Aldous B. Adder Mar 3, 2015

    It's a gang story not unlike the cult-favourite "The Warriors" movie and has the same kind of tension, grit and violence in it. It's a brutal tale and despite its female-heavy cast, doesn't feel forced or unbalanced. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    ComicWow!TV - Bhavna Bakshi Mar 9, 2015

                This is a new take on the concept of gang violence, and an exceptional take on the concept of feminine power. It’s worth the read solely for the plot, and even more so when you take the writing and art into consideration. So sit back, relax, and read an awesome book about men versus women: street style. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Spencer Fawcett Mar 3, 2015

    The other caveat to this romp is Machete Betty who doesnt even attempt to be a consistent character. Like a light switch, Machete Betty will change her life perspectives from flight to fight within a couple of panels with no inbetween. I can buy that shes unpredictable and can swap behaviors at a moments notice but her outbursts and outlook dont feel organic. She feels like the groups own personal Deus Ex Machina. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Steven E. Paugh Feb 25, 2015

    Despite some of these shortcomings, however, I've got a lot of time for what's being put forward in this Boom miniseries. If nothing else, it's made me want to bite down and brace for what's next. I'm not sure what more you could ask for in something called Curb Stomp. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    All-Comic - Ian Stephen Feb 23, 2015

    This was a pretty good start for Curb Stomp and its creative team. Being a series from relatively unknown creators, this first issue was a fun surprise. Curb Stomp is not for everyone, but it's a pretty straightforward story. With Curb Stomp being only four issue long, it's just sheer entertainment to sit back and enjoy a good old-fashioned gang war. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jennifer Cheng Mar 2, 2015

    "Curb Stomp" #1 relies too much on the all-female-gang factor to make its premise interesting, but the debut issue is still a fun read, particularly for its punk rock energy. Read Full Review

  • 5.4
    Word Of The Nerd - Travis Greschner Feb 27, 2015

    Curb Stomp #1 may have had just enough to keep me reading the other issues, but overall I cannot say it is anything above okay. I would have to say the best parts of this comic are the diverse and energetic characters and the nostalgia of one of my favorite cult classic movies. It may be something worth checking out, but don't get too attached because it's only a 4 part mini-series. Then again, with it being so short, it may not be worth the time" that's where you decide. At most, Curb Stomp #1 gets a two and a half stars out of five. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Slayer666 Mar 2, 2015

    Really like the premise. Just don't know if it's executed very well. Maybe it's the dialog, not sure, it's just something. It's good though and has a lot of potential. Very fitting art too. It's unfortunate that it's only a limited series.

  • 8.0
    supercoolyeah Mar 4, 2015

    Another book with promise. The Old Beach gang of female misfits is an interesting story of women gang members doing anything to protect their families, city and themselves from the crime and drug that has filtered into the city.

    I love the concept of a mainstream hood gang. It's a refreshing twist from seeing mostly guys in these kind of stories. Plus it exploits the fact that women can be just as vicious and cunning as any man can, if not more.

    The dialogue can be a little rough at time and the art can be a little crisper. I mean it's pretty hard at times to distinguish Machete Betty from Daisy Chain at times. But I'm totally looking forward to the next installment, you cross-fit, hormone induced peeps! lol

  • 8.0
    Aegis May 27, 2015

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