Fight Club 2 #2

Writer: Chuck Palahniuk Artist: Cameron Stewart Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: June 24, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 16 User Reviews: 8
7.7Critic Rating
8.9User Rating

For the past decade Tyler Durden’s been sneaking out of Sebastian’s subconscious. Sebastian has a nice wife and a nice kid. He has a nice home in the suburbs. Nice-enough neighbors. Now all that’s going up like so much potassium permanganate.

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Nick Philpott Jun 24, 2015

    Where the original Fight Club tried to pose Tyler Durden as a kind of anti-hero (he's the clear antagonist in the book, but he's constantly talking about using violence for redemption, on a personal and society-wide scale), this book is jumping right in with him as a class-A douchenozzle. Even the people who kind of like him (coughcoughMarlacough) come off as people who know they're making a horrible decision. This is no longer the story of a lost man searching for redemption in all the wrong places; this is a man who's committed to cleaning up the messes he's responsible for, even if he doesn't remember doing them. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    We The Nerdy - Kierra Prince Jun 26, 2015

    Fight Club 2 is still definitely a series that wants to sucker punch you into oblivion and leave you spitting up blood on the sidewalk, but it's also interested in picking you up and patching up those wounds that never healed. Don't miss it. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Hulking Reviewer - Dave Gogel Jun 23, 2015

    SUMMARYFight Club 2 #2 starts to get the ball rolling nicely, and the action and story pick up considerably in the second half of the book. I enjoyed learning more about Sebastian/Tyler, and was pleased that it wasn't done in a way that ruined anything. Tyler's terrorist activities seem to have taken a darker turn over the years, I wonder if that will be touched upon. The return to Paper Street should be interesting; I can't wait for issue #3. #InTylerWeTrust Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Danny Wall Jun 26, 2015

    It's a tease of a story, maybe, as it tells its tale in a deliberate pace and level of artistry that will make you read, reread, and consider. It's definitely an intriguing comic that weaves both words and pictures and plays with non-linear storytelling and juxtaposition. Whether or not it will be a rewarding or satisfying read is still unclear at this point, but for now, I'll settle with intriguing. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Richard Gray Jun 23, 2015

    Reading Palahniuk's Fight Club 2 in a serialized format is a curious approach, with those king hits of his that we've grown used to reeling from now given a comfortable distance from their consequences. While the temptation might be to trade wait and see how this all turns out in the end, the series provides a rare opportunity to see how Palahniuk's mind unpacks something as complex as the dual narratives running here. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicBuzz - Gary Murphy Jun 24, 2015

    Regardless, I'm enjoying Fight Club 2 and seeing Palahniuk's unique sensibilities brought to life in the comic medium is something that I never thought I would experience. This is no pretender to the throne, this is Fight Club. Welcome back. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - John McCubbin Jun 24, 2015

    Fight Club 2 continues to be an amazing continuation to the original story, as though the slower pace of this second issue leads to some dull moments, the overall character depth is phenomenal. It also manages to deliver some fantastic revelations that set-up the third issue nicely. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comix I Read - Tyler Omichinski Jun 27, 2015

    It is still full of rage and sorrow and pain, just as it should be. I hope that my fears of this not living up to its potential are without cause, and that the references to previous work will ultimately prove to be clever references instead of a joyless attempt to cash in on rebellious sentiments. I don't think we're there, but I remain vigilant. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Fortress of Solitude - Sergio Pereira Jun 20, 2015

    As expected, the story has evolved into a darker and more cynical beast " both in terms of storyline and art. The intentional facade of #1 is peeled away, revealing the ugliness that always lay beneath. These are screwed-up people with screwed-up lives and we're allowed to pity them, but also laugh at the sheer madness of it all. It's wicked satire at its finest " even if it doesn't quite pack the impactful punch of the original. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jun 25, 2015

    This issue makes excellent use of the format, from the opening page modeled after in-flight safety cards to the constant juxtaposition of Sebastian and Marla's points of view to the recurring visual motifs like prescription pills blocking captions and word balloons. The book is very cleverly designed, but the story is still coming together. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Buccaneer Book Reviews - Cap'n Aldous B. Adder Jun 25, 2015

    Decent read, shades of something that could get good. Nostalgic-senses starting gingerly to find ground both new and familiar to grab hold of " but only time and future issues will tell if this sequel was truly worth making. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    AIPT - Tyler Sewell Jun 23, 2015

    Overall it's still an entertaining issue, but I see holes within the series looming in the distance. Palahniuk went into this against with a ridiculously high bar and it's time we lower it to a realistic level. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jim Johnson Jun 24, 2015

    Despite some recycling of story ideas and a blatant reuse of the iconic "I want you to hit me as hard as you can" line, Palahniuk, Stewart and Stewart compile a strong and fascinating chapter to this "Fight Club" sequel. It's a sequel that few would have thought achievable after the conclusion to Palahniuk's original story, but the writer has found new elements to explore that few had even realized existed. Read Full Review

  • 6.8
    Multiversity Comics - Stephenson Ardern-Sodje Jun 29, 2015

    A book for hopeless Romantics and aspiring Nihilists everywhere. Maybe just not until it's collected. Read Full Review

  • 6.2
    Entertainment Fuse - Jim Bush Jul 7, 2015

    There are some encouraging signs in Fight Club 2 #2 that this series is not just revisiting past triumphs with nostalgia. While the series still has a problem with the concepts and characters feeling a bit dated, its at least starting to emerge with a real story. If Palahniuk and Stewart can continue to offer a different type of comic storytelling while also freshening up the central elements of Fight Club, then this series can turn into something more than just a reunion tour. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Nerdophiles - Kylee Sills Jun 28, 2015

    Thankfully, the FBI agents have already been indoctrinated into the world of Tyler Durden with their acid kisses, affording Marla and Sebastian the opportunity to figure out just what's going on. She admits to tampering with his meds to see Tyler and he realizes that he was the one to kidnap their son, having burned another body in his place. There's blatant fan-pandering with the line, "I want you to hit me as hard as you can" and numerous parallels to the original Fight Club, I'm still waiting to see if this is a re-hash of the previous installment (the line, Paper Street, the Space Monkeys hanging out on the porch) or if something new comes of it. Read Full Review

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