Tomb Raider #12

Writer: Rhianna Pratchett, Gail Simone Artist: Nicols Daniel Selma Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: January 28, 2015 Cover Price: $3.5 Critic Reviews: 5
7.6Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

As Lara's journey continues she finds herself in a deadly showdown against a sinister killer. If Lara can't finish what she started she'll lose more than her life, as the final chapter of this pulse-pounding arc comes to a close!

  • 9.0
    Shadowhawk's Shade - AJ Feb 2, 2015

    Right away, I'll say that this issue is a good step-up from the previous issue. It has a better pacing for one, and it also really spends some time with its characters and truly fleshes out the story. With two writers working on the issue, it can all easily turn out to be not good, but Rhianna and Gail definitely know what they are doing here and though the execution has suffered a bit of late, the overall experience has been very positive. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Jan 28, 2015

    While a piece or two left me uncertain about the issue, the book as a whole here is definitely a lot of fun. Sam has some great stuff early on in getting Lara to really understand why this play is important to Jonah and people in general, which gets her to look at things in a new light. Lara's mad dash to get to Cruz is definitely a lot of fun and Cruz himself has some really interesting moments that paints the picture of a fanatic well, one who Truly Believes when you get down to it in a world changing way. This arc comes to a close here as a new one kicks off next issue, but there's a sense of a lot of things unresolved here overall. Besides, it would be too much to ask for a one-shot release of Lara in a play, right? Ah well… Read Full Review

  • 7.6
    Graphic Policy - Edward Wendt Jan 28, 2015

    In the end, this trick of genre-mixing is all that this series has had going for it. Each time another one of the amazing covers comes out, it leads the reader to think that the series is finally getting on track, but each time it leads to Lara being depicted in a manner which is far from what has come before. It is all the more surprising that the creative team behind this series is really talented and has been known for some really groundbreaking work in the medium. For the time being fans of the character are left with glimpses like there are here and left waiting for the return of the character that they love. Read Full Review

  • 6.8
    Hulking Reviewer - Kareem Ali Jan 30, 2015

    Tom Raider #12 had some interesting moments as the conclusion of the story arc but overall felt like a filler issue. Trinity started as an intriguing organization but the combination of Mr. Cruz's incompetence as well as the fact that no one still knows for sure whether Kaz took something made it feel almost comical. Thankfully the story arc is over, and I believe there will be better adventures ahead for Lara. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Daniel Coleman Jan 28, 2015

    This was a good end to a fun arc. Lara is evolving into the bad-ass we know she can be. Hopefully the next arc will see her being more proactive instead of reactive. Also it would be nice to show her using her brain rather than just her fists (or feet). It makes sense for her to try to go back to a normal life after the island, but she's got to be realizing she can't now, right? Read Full Review

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