Gotham Academy: Endgame #1
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Gotham Academy: Endgame #1

Event\Storyline: Endgame Writer: Becky Cloonan, Brenden Fletcher, Clio Chiang, Joy Ang, Vera Brosgol Artist: Jeff Stokely, Clio Chaing, Vera Brosgol Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 25, 2015 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 14 User Reviews: 16
7.8Critic Rating
8.6User Rating

Gotham City has been overrun by craziness, and the power is out at Gotham Academy! But don't worry. The kids are safely locked up, huddled around candles and flashlights and telling the Gotham City version of ghost stories: Joker stories! Meanwhile, a mysterious figure connected to the Academy's past is patrolling the grounds with a crossbow, but who is it?

  • 9.5
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Apr 2, 2015

    Gotham Academy: Endgame #1 is a great issue, telling a fun story with our favorite characters from the series and even building off ideas introduced in Endgame. The stories told are pretty creepy and memorable, the writing is strong throughout, and the artwork in the book looks very good. It's something you should consider checking out, even if you are not reading Endgame. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Oscar Maltby Apr 6, 2015

    Gotham Academy: Endgame #1 is a nice little "Endgame" palate cleanser, a break from the unrelenting grisliness of this Bat-crossover. It's a a quality book in it's own right: a good example of a tie-in done right. It's incredibly rare to see an anthology title from one of the big two in 2015, and it's a fitting testament to DC's refreshing new initiative that it found a home at Gotham Academy. Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    IGN - Tres Dean Apr 2, 2015

    Seeing tie-in issues like this is a real treat and you'd be remiss to not check out Gotham Academy's this week. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    The Latest Pull - Joel Bowers Apr 3, 2015

    This was a very smart executed Endgame tie in as it was not like a filler tale with Batman coming to save the day or something. They got creative with this book and let it become something great and it's own stand alone tale without needing to read the other Endgames. This does contribute to the suspicious origin to the Joker if you know how to connect the dots. Gotham Academy proves again that it is an adorable tale of awesomeness even if they stray away from the main story. This is definitely one of the best books in DC's line up even if it may not seem like your cup of tea, you should try the tea. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    Graphic Policy - Edward Wendt Apr 1, 2015

    There is perhaps a bit of a disconnect between this standalone issue and the rest of the series, but it doesn't really matter. While this does not advance the main plot of Gotham Academy in any way, it is also nice as it helps to develop the characters in a more complex way, even if they did not need much more development as opposed to a lot of other comic characters. This issue also ties the characters together with Gotham once again, though also really doesn't at the same time. It is this balance where the series finds its success and it finds it here too, even if it is relatively unimportant to the overall narrative of the series. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Kabooooom - Tiffany Belieu Mar 31, 2015

    Overall, Gotham Academy: Endgame #1 is a good read for both fans of the series who want a side dish or those looking for a story that's more tightly tied into the main Batman universe. Even if you haven't been reading the regular run of Gotham Academy, I recommend picking this one up for its fun take on Joker myths and the fantastic art of Stokely, Chiang, Ang and Brosgol. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Infinite Comix - Jeremy Eloi Apr 3, 2015

    This is a good issue of Gotham Academy even outside it's connection to "Endgame". Those who are reading Batman hoping for an important connection with this issue will be disappointed. Readers hoping to see a continuation of the main narrative will also be disappointed. Fortunately, neither of these reasons are what makes this issue so good, so they aren't really problems.Score: 8/10 Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Max Eber Apr 5, 2015

    For an Endgame issue this one is nice. I like one and done stories and would love to see them more from DC. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Apr 2, 2015

    As much of a fan of Gotham Academy as I am, this is largely a filler issue of sorts. Which is fine, because it does do some fun stuff here with the characters in telling tall tales about the Joker. With it taking place amid a larger storyline, it allows it to be connected to those events without it impacting the main, ongoing storyline. And that's a big plus for me, because as interesting as Endgame may be, I don't want it throwing off the dynamic of this fledgling book. The trio of Pomeline, Maps and Olive tell some cute tales here and their reactions are solid, and the book is great for introducing readers to some very appealing styles and writer/artists that I hope we see more of in other books. Their styles don't fit Gotham Academy proper, but in telling spooky tales, they're spot on. It's a solid diversion and something that I hope we see in a glossier way come Halloween either in the main book or in a special of its own. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Dark Knight News - Michael Devaney May 19, 2015

    Without giving too much away, it's sufficient to say that these Joker stories are intended to give you the jitters, not to make you laugh. Ha. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Batman Universe - TBU Contributor Apr 2, 2015

    Headmaster Hammer is a stone cold boss.Maps reaction to all of these stories is just perfect.Love the use of multiple artists in this issue. We never get to see this kind of art in a Batman story, so its fun to see it here.  Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Apr 2, 2015

    If there had to be a "Batman" tie-in within "Gotham Academy," this was definitely the way to handle it. These are characters who had no logical reason to tangle with the Jokerized citizens of Gotham, and having them on lockdown provided an interesting opportunity for Clooney and Fletcher. What could have been another ho-hum ghost story comic turned into something much more interesting. Add in some good art, and the end result is a comic I'd definitely recommend. This is the proverbial making lemonade out of lemons, and Cloonan, Fletcher, Jeff Stokely, Chang, Ang and Brosgol should be proud of the end result. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Major Spoilers - Ashley Victoria Robinson Apr 9, 2015

    Gotham Academy Endgame #1 is not as good as the rest of the books in the main series. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Batman-News - Joshua McDonald Apr 2, 2015

    Overall: While this issue is enjoyable and a nice aside to Gotham Academy, it does take away from the intensity of Endgame while also serving as the worst delivery from this title. It's not bad, but the fact that it arguably fell short in two major areas left me feeling a little hollow. Read Full Review

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