Gotham By Midnight #1
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Gotham By Midnight #1

Writer: Ray Fawkes Artist: Ben Templesmith Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 26, 2014 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 30 User Reviews: 22
8.5Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

Strange doings are afoot in Gotham City! Look out, though Jim Corrigan is on the case in this new series by writer Ray Fawkes (CONSTANTINE, BATMAN ETERNAL) and artist Ben Templesmith (30 Days of Night, Ten Grand)!

  • 10
    Comics: The Gathering - King Nov 26, 2014

    In any case, this might be the best $3 (or whatever your non-American form of currency AKA "not real money" is) you spend all week. Get it while it's hot, and all that. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Jordan Glazer Dec 2, 2014

    Batman books these days are a dime a dozen, if DC cancels one you can more then expect that another three will be just around the corner. So it takes a lot to get me really excited about a new book being added to the Batman universe, but Gotham By Midnight manages to do so in spades. It has a great writer who is well versed in things he is writing about and a artist that almost seems born to draw a book like this. Do not miss the chance to pick up this wonderfully different and unique addition to the Dark Knight's universe. Read Full Review

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Robert Reed Nov 27, 2014

    Gotham by Midnight #1 is one of the better comic debuts over the past few months. Fawkes and Templesmith make a great team and really bring out the supernatural underbelly of one of DC's most storied cities. Some of the characters are on the shallow side, but the book makes up for it in spades with its atmosphere and focus on its apparent leads. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Big Comic Page - Chris Bennett Nov 26, 2014

    This is one for fans of the creative team " or fans of the horror genre as a whole " rather than someone looking for another Bat-Fix. Gotham by Midnight isn't one to miss and I think it's safe to say I've buckled in for the long run. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Nov 26, 2014

    Even though there's a a small problem with characters coming off a bit flat and it may be too soon to call it, this is my pick of the week. GOTHAM BY MIDNIGHT surpasses the high expectations many fans have for it. This is some of Fawkes' best work at DC and putting him together with Ben Templesmith is a genius move. While it's not a super-hero book and it's very different from the norm, this is a must buy for the week. Fawkes and Templesmith explore the characters of Gotham in a new way and it's superb. The more and more I read this, the more and more I love it. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Dec 12, 2014

    This is the supernatural horror book DC has been looking for. Gotham has gone supernatural and it's a dream come true for horror fans. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Loukas Nov 29, 2014

    The dark story unfolds, a tale out of time and tradition, or rather of a very different time and very different tradition. The adventures of destroying angels and benevolent bat demons are a new and welcome delight in the Gotham, a city that encompasses many different universes. But the medieval world was well-acquainted with the concept of cities that embodied eternity. Perhaps it is time for our world to learn from their wisdom. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Nov 26, 2014

    "Gotham by Midnight" #1 is another strong new series for the Batman family of titles, and it's great to see the line continue to reinvent itself so well. The Corrigan-and-Batwing storyline in "Batman Eternal" was a lot of fun, and getting something along that same vein as an ongoing series is a real treat. Fans of moody, dark comics will eat this book up. Highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Nov 30, 2014

    DC's Batman line of books continues to get stronger. Although there are a couple of Bat titles that don't always hit the mark, it is great to see DC taking different approaches to the character and the deep, dark world of Gotham City. Fawkes and Templesmith are taking the reader on a journey of Gotham that isn't seen very often, and the way they've chosen to do so with a brand new group of characters means we'll be able to see different perspectives and different takes in the familiar Gotham City setting we've been reading about for years! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Nov 26, 2014

    When this series was originally announced I was really excited, but after waiting months for it to come out I have to say that my excitement waned a bit and man was I a sucker for opening this issue with a "Meh" attitude.  Gotham By Midnight immediately smacked me in the face and told me to concentrate as it took me on a supernatural story that left me begging for more by the end.  Also I usually find myself going in for more of a DC house style of art when reading comics, but like the story this art smacked me in the face and yelled "check me out".  This is the first new comic from DC in awhile that I would definitely recommend people to check out............ So go check it out all ready, you won't be disappointed. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Nov 30, 2014

    I had no idea what to really expect with Gotham by Midnight as I really picked it up on a whim because it was a new series and had some decent buzz from what I could casually see. What I got was a book that's obviously familiar in a sense with what it's doing, but it's beautifully and smoothly executed in a way that it feels like a book that's been worked at and polished for years. There's an ease about this that leaves you want to really dig into it and get to know these characters more. The situations they find themselves in will obviously be the main thing that goes on, but the potential for so much more with the cast, the setting and the precinct itself has me excited and hopeful that the book runs for quite awhile. Very, very recommended. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    We The Nerdy - Josh McCullough Dec 1, 2014

    My favourite part of the issue though was the art by Ben Templesmith; recently DC have been far less strict on sticking to their house style, and when I see art like this I am eternally grateful for that. Templesmiths art is incredibly freaky and twisted in all the best ways. Its the perfect sort of style for this book and is full of creepy imagery which compliments the writing perfectly. It makes the book stand out from all the other Batman books out there and from all other DC books in general. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    IGN - Tres Dean Nov 27, 2014

    Gotham By Midnight is a creepy, crazy take on what happens in Batman's city after the sun goes down. Don't miss it. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Inter-Comics Podcast - Richard Brady Nov 30, 2014

    This was a fantastic debut issue that promises to be start of quite a thrilling first arc. Is this the best title to come out of the new wave of DC books? Im going to go all out and say yes. Not to take anything away from Gotham Academy and Arkham Manor, but Gotham by Midnight feels like it has so much more to offer and so much more to give. It was an absolute pleasure to read. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Rhymes With Geek - Walt Keegan Nov 28, 2014

    Overall this was a good start to a series that is right at home in the insane world of Gotham City. Fawkes does a great job getting the team introduced to the reader and Templesmith's art sets the spectral analyzer off the charts. Gotham By Midnight definitely should be on your pull list this week. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Batman Universe - Corbin Pool Nov 27, 2014

    Corrigan takes the clothes the girls came home in to identify the mud. He has Sister Justine come and sit with the girls while he and Rook head to Slaughter Swamp (the birthplace of Solomon Grundy). Where they come across a schoolhouse in the swamp, with a creepy nun-lady and a room full of kids, as the girls back at the house freak the freak out. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Jessica Boyd Nov 26, 2014

    This is the book where superhero comics not only step into the pool of the horror genre, but slowly work their way down into the deep end. However, they do not have to drag you along from behind or drown you in it. Instead you're entranced and walking along with Fawkes and Templesmith… all the way down into the dark water, surrounded by the black flowers, ready for the hell about to be unleashed. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Geeked Out Nation - Jess Camacho Nov 26, 2014

    “Gotham By Midnight” #1 is off to a strong start and it'd be tough to see anyone not get hooked right away. This series gives new life to a city that's been in comics for 75 years. Fawkes and Templesmith have hit gold here and this is not a series to be missed. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Batman-News - Elena Carrillo Nov 28, 2014

    The team of Fawkes and Templesmith give us something savory and exciting: a shadowy Gotham world populated with quirky after-hours caretakers. Despite this being a maiden voyage, it manages to push through a lot of introductions and exposition while getting a compelling story to roll. I'm betting that exciting things are up ahead for this series, so you'll definitely want to get on board while the engine is warming–before this peels off and leaves you in its eldritch wake. Read Full Review

  • 8.4 - Chase Magnett Dec 1, 2014

    That doesn't make Gotham by Midnight a bad comic. It's well written and well drawn, a fine addition to DC Comics publishing line. There's nothing truly exciting about this debut though. Both Templesmith and Fawkes have done far more interesting work before; this is not representative of them pushing themselves to achieve anything beyond a decent comic book. Gotham by Midnight is an exciting, moody read by two great creators and there's nothing wrong with that. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Nov 29, 2014

    Gotham By Midnight could be a book set in any city and still provide the same punch. The addition of Batman was unnecessary but I suspect this comic will stand on its own soon enough. If you like detective stories into the supernatural realm then this is the book for you. If you love creepy artwork then you get your money's worth with this presentation. I definitely recommend checking this comic book out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Nov 26, 2014

    This is an efficacious start for this book. Fawkes puts all the major players in place. The hook is efficient and easy to understand. Templesmith's color work provides a few excellent moments that help improve a story that's similar to ones we've seen before. A supernatural police procedural is nothing new, but Fawkes and Templesmith are able to put their own little twists on it. Mark Doyle's continued reinvention of the Batman line is a bright spot in the DC publishing line and other editors would be smart to take note. Superheroes are incredibly flexible characters that can allow for almost limitless permutations of their concept. Gotham By Midnight is a good example of that now and it looks to only be getting better moving forward. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Dec 9, 2014

    Can't say I was a big fan of the issue, although the two-page ad for Multiversity by Grant Morrison might just bump it up a point! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Forrest C. Helvie Dec 1, 2014

    Ben Templesmith's moody and gothic style is incredibly well-suited to the world of Batman and Gotham, and this book provides him with an excellent vehicle for demonstrating his aptitude for creating the right kind of atmosphere for the supernatural side of Gotham City. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Nov 26, 2014

    This is a good first issue as it captures the tone of the series with an interesting mystery to boot. The characters are a bit thin, but at least it's clear how Batman fits in all of this. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Doom Rocket - Jarrod Jones Dec 1, 2014

    It's fitting that Ray Fawkes chooses to implement the introduction of Gotham By Midnight through the well-worn trope of the outsider skeptic; his Sgt. Rook is an appropriate avatar for the reader, and this X-Files/Gotham Central hybrid still has more to prove to readers already overwhelmed with Gotham-based comics. If this book is going to succeed, it needs to take a page from Gotham Central " easily its closest spiritual successor " and remember to keep Batman tucked away in the shadows where he belongs. Gotham is already scary enough without him. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Zac Thompson Nov 26, 2014

    There is a terrible amount of exposition. Even by first issue standards. The pacing is out of wack because of it and it all doesnt really amount to much either. Were introduced to the myste Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    DC Collectors - Wayland Smith Dec 4, 2014

    I liked the idea behind this title when I first heard about it. I just really didn't care for the execution here. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    All-Comic - Erik Gonzalez Nov 28, 2014

    Personally, I was not a huge fan of this comic, but the interesting concept was executed well enough to merit the purchase of the next few issues, at the very least. There will be other readers who love this genre, Batman/Gotham City, or Corrigan that will absolutely love this debut. This is a bold direction for DC and worth checking out. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ryan Ford Dec 2, 2014

    Now on the counter side of the coin, artist Ben Templesmith" Here's his caveat: 30 Days of Night was awesome. That being said, I would have enjoyed GBM#1 far more had the color palate been more film noir and less like if Bill Plympton tried drawing Calvin and Hobbes on LSD. The subtext of the writing was overshadowed by the images coming across a little too cartoonish just when the stakes were reaching their peak. Premature animation, if you will. In any case, there are enough easter eggs and deeper connections to the greater universe for me to come back for at least one more entry. GBM #1 serves its purpose in establishing the series, yet it won't raise the dead. Read Full Review

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