Scooby Apocalypse #35

Writer: Keith Giffen, Heath Corson Artist: Pat Olliffe, Tom Palmer Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 13, 2019 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 1
6.8Critic Rating
5.5User Rating

With the mall in ruins and the forces of the Nanite King advancing on them, it looks like the end for the Scooby Gang! But an unlikely ally appears to give them hope. Will the resurrected Fred Jones be the savior humanity needs? Plus, Atom Ant heads to Gotham City to face his most difficult trial yet: an evening with Batman!

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Carl Bryan Mar 19, 2019

    The twist at the end makes me want the next issue immediately. You have to buy into this new version of Scooby. Each week I keep remarking that it is new, but given that I have grown up with Scooby and the Gang as a formula mystery and the old “i would have gotten away with it if not for you kids and your pesky mutt”, I'm still in the honeymoon phase of this reimagination of these characters! Given the strong writing and a bit of fluff provided by Atom Ant “shorts” that have been peppering the comic, there is something for everyone! Again, I just wish Daphne had her old Fred! Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Russ Burlingame Mar 13, 2019

    A mythology- and dialogue-heavy issue that gives us plenty of insight into the characters, while Patrick Oliffe and Tom Palmer's art us as consistently excellent as ever. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Mar 17, 2019

    It's the setup for a big finale, and the art and story are more than up to the task. I'm sad to see it end, but looking forward to the wrap-up. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Mar 13, 2019

    The biggest problem this series has is that it seems to go around in circles. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Mar 13, 2019

    With one issue left, we see the pieces come together to end the series. Unfortunately, the art is not helping the issue. Some of the panels look good while the rest look like it was rushed and could have improved the story. The artwork can help make the reader, feel what the writer wants them to feel. The dialogue in this issue is actually pretty good! The scene with Daisy confronting Cliffy had great dialogue but would have probably moved me if the art was a bit better! Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Bin - Philip Schweier Mar 13, 2019

    The art in this issue is weaker than before, in my opinion. It has a sketchy quality, especially on some of the larger panels that depict scale and vistas (shattered shopping malls, crowded scenes, etc). As the series winds down, I cant blamethe art team for cutting corners, especially when their quality of work hasbeen so consistent (until now). Perhaps theyre tired, and see light at the endof the tunnel. Thats okay, but I hope the final issue is a grand slam blowout. Read Full Review

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