Superman: Secret Origin #2

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Gary Frank, Jon Sibal Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 28, 2009 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 11
8.9Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

Geoff Johns and Gary Frank's exploration of the origin of the greatest Super Hero of all time continues! In this second issue, readers will witness young Clark Kent's initial journey into the late 30th century as Superboy and see how meeting the Legion of Super-Heroes shapes the Superman he will one day become! Plus, more on the beginnings of the young Lex Luthor!

  • 10
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Oct 29, 2009

    Gary Frank continues to supply absolutely incredible art here. I love his retro-Legion! Nothing but goodness here. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comix 411 - David Torres Oct 29, 2009

    When I read old comics from the 40s and 50s, I get a sense of old fashion Americana. I feel that same way when I read Geoff Johns' Superman. It's good old fashion American storytelling. The next issue will feature Metropolis. The next issue's cover features Clark Kent and the Daily Planet staff, so we are going to be jumping a head a bit. That's disappointing because I would prefer more Superboy than Superman. Is it out of the question to have Geoff Johns return to Superman's days in Smallville? I would love it. See you soon! Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Book Bin - Andy Frisk Oct 30, 2009

    Gary Frank continues his great stint as penciller on this series, with Brad Anderson handling the colors. All of Franks panels are great renderings of small town life, future sci-fi adventure, and colorful costumed heroes. He continues to draw the young Clark Kent/Superboy with a visage that is highly reminiscent of Christopher Reeve, which is a great tribute to the greatest actor to ever play the character. At times though, some of the other male characters in the book also resemble Christopher Reeve. The prime example of this is the cover image of Superman, Brainiac 5, Saturn Girl, Lightening Lad, and Cosmic Boy. Cosmic Boys head is almost interchangeable with Superboys. They look strikingly similar. This is a minor complaint though. The art of the series thus far is fantastic. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Mania - Chris Smits Nov 3, 2009

    Well, the Geoff Johns Bandwagon just keeps on rolling through. His love for the characters is wonderfully obvious by how well he writes them on the page; blending legitimately touching personal moments with the excitement that you probably felt towards Superman when you were a kid; this is the good stuff. By it's very nature, the story of Superman is a reminder of why so many people have fallen in love with comic books and superheroes in the first place. He's the high water mark as far as capes go and the team of Johns and Frank are giving it such heartfelt care that there's no other grade to give this than an A. This is hearkening back to a time when heroes could still be "cool" without having to be all dark and edgy to prove it and (even though cynics don't like that sort of thing) this is a great reminder of how engaging a comic book can be. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Oct 31, 2009

    I'm enjoying this series, and that's good, because right now it's the only Superman comic that's generating any interest from me. And considering it's yet another trip to the "origin" well, that's impressive. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Oct 30, 2009

    A lot of people have asked why another retelling of Superman's origin is necessary and, in truth, it isn't. These stories have been told countless times before, but the superior craftsmanship of Geoff Johns and Gary Frank bring them to life in a whole new way that manages to capture the magic and wonder of Superman's earliest adventures and bring them to life in a beautiful new way. It may not be necessary for you to explore the first team up between Clark Kent and the Legion of Superheroes again, but this issue is so much fun that you'll be glad that you did. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Joe Lopez Oct 29, 2009

    While some might think the last thing we need is yet another re-telling of Superman's origin (and I was inclined to agree judging from the first issue), there does seem to be room for just such a thing. If Johns and Frank can continue to mine the rich emotional content, then Superman: Secret Origin just might turn out to be worth it. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Oct 31, 2009

    While there are elements in the plot and script that don't sit well with me, another aspect of this title that keeps me coming back is the crisp, emotive artwork of Gary Frank. Despite the high level of detail in his linework, he nevertheless manages to capture the simpler, campy appeal of the Silver Age Legion of Super-Heroes. Most importantly, he conveys Superboy's youth incredibly well. Mind you, that's not the case with the girl heroes. While the male Legionnaires look as youthful as the teenage Clark Kent, the girls look far more grown up. Furthermore, as is the case with the writer's Lex dialogue, Frank gets a bit over the top when it comes to Luthor's evil sneers and grimaces. He might as well have drawn him wearing an "I (Heart) Villainy" T-shirt. Read Full Review

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