My Little Pony Micro Series #7

Writer: Ted Anderson Artist: Ben Bates Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: August 21, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2
7.8Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

On a hike through the woods the Cutie Mark Crusaders come across a creature unlike anything they've ever seen! When their new friend shows off an incredible ability, the Crusaders see an opportunity to earn their Cutie Marks! But their new friend is hiding an important secret that is sure to have a big impact on our tiny trio!

  • 8.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Daniel Alvarez Aug 20, 2013

    Daniel's first episode from the show was ‘The Show Stoppers,' so he'll always have a soft spot for the Crusaders. You can follow him on Twitter:@Destroyer_199 Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    AIPT - Patrick Ross Aug 21, 2013

    The artwork was also pretty good. The characters looked great with strong facial expressions, some nice panel layouts and some rather eye-catching images at times. I, however, think the coloring was not that particularly great. The colors are definitely right for every character and location, but it felt rather light. It wasn't bright or colorful enough like the previous issues, so it doesn't give you the exact same look or feel as the previous issues did. 7.5 The characters are definitely good.The new creature is pretty interesting.rThe moral is strong and different.It's not very funny.The coloring is rather weak and dull. Read Full Review

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