Victorie City #1
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Victorie City #1

Writer: Keith Carmack Artist: Vincent Nappi Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: January 27, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 1
7.0Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

An all-new four-issue series in the vein of Se7en, writer Keith Carmack and artist Vincent Nappi mix thriller, mystery, and noir elements with a touch of horror in Victorie City. A young woman has gone missing, unidentifiable bodies are piling up at the morgue, and a lone wolf detective is about to stumble across an evil that no one in Victorie City is prepared for. Can the good in Detective Ness overcome a killer whose vicious acts grow to supernatural proportions?

  • 9.0
    ComicWow!TV - AD Boorman Jan 26, 2016

    It is a polished, well-constructed story that starts smoothly and picks up its pace through the last panel.  Best of all, it leaves readers wanting the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Jan 26, 2016

    A good crime noir with fantastically moody art style that imbues a strong atmosphere of the weird. It doesn't quite feel unique enough just yet, but it's worth keeping an eye on when issue #2 releases. Fans of Seven and Training Day should check this out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Project-Nerd - Sarah Dec 31, 2015

    Victorie Cityis created and written byKeith Carmack and illustrated by Vincent Nappi Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Comicsverse - Dennis Mui Jan 29, 2016

    The first issue of VICTORIE CITY is what I like to see in a first issue. The characters are well developed, the story is under way, and the problems are in place. I expect to see Ness and our serial killer really come head to head in the next issue, as well as more development on the missing young woman. There are only four issues in the series, and I'm already wishing for a longer run. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Slackjaw Punks - Iron Squid Jan 27, 2016

    Victoire city is your typical good cop trying to be straight in a corrupt city. It's a pretty basic story, but still keeps you interested enough to want to continue reading it, luckily I like crime thriller dramas so this is right up my alley to read. Keith Carmack writes the story and like I said it's basic but interesting"oh and this is also his first book! What really sticks out is Vincent Nappis' art, I'm a sucker for this type of sketchy very dark art style! If you want a good crime drama thriller, I'd recommend this book, even if the story is basic. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    BGCP - Jim Taylor Jan 28, 2016

    A major lack of originality mars what is otherwise a deeply atmospheric noir thriller. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Big Comic Page - Craig Neilson-Adams Jan 5, 2016

    Minor niggles aside, this is still a solid first issue, although itll be interesting to see how the story plays out over the rest of the four-part series to hopefully avoid it falling into the realms of clich. Carmacks sheer passion for the project gives me a lot of hope, however, and the intriguing and captivating nature of the mysterious serial killer is going to make picking up the second issue an absolute necessity for me. Dark, grimy andpossessing a truly unique visual style, Victorie City has the potential to be something truly special. Count me in for the rest of the series, anyway. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Outright Geekery - Aubrey Douglas Jan 29, 2016

    Overall, I would say that this is an interesting book. It wasn't exactly something that I would be interested in following for long, but I did enjoy reading it. If you are a fan of detective novels, I would give this a try and see if it is up your alley. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Infinite Comix - Russell Troxel Jan 31, 2016

    Readers couldn't be blamed for mistaking the style in this issue as early sketch ideas because everything resembles unpolished pencil drawings with color reserved for speech bubbles and blood. It's not a bad style, but it takes some getting used to. Once readers do, it perfectly fits the tone of the comic. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Bounding Into Comics - John F. Trent Jan 27, 2016

    Victorie City #1 is an interesting noir tale set in a dark and corrupt city. Keith Carmack and Vincent Nappi do a good job of characterizing their villain and hero, as well as setting the tone and building the world of Victorie City. The book struggles towards the end with an apparent random sequence between the villain and Detective Ness. Vincent Nappi's harsh and rough art style does a great job of capturing the tone but it can also make it a tad difficult to identify characters and follow the action. The lettering in the book was very distracting with odd shaped word bubbles and actual letters that appeared to be done in the style of elementary school kids on a chalkboard in an attempt to amplify the creepy tone. It just ends up being a distraction. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Doom Rocket - Scott Southard Feb 1, 2016

    Victorie City is the comic book equivalent of someone calling themselves sick, twisted, and demented. Not only does it ring false, it makes you pity whoever is making these claims about themselves. If nothing else, Victorie City is consistent. Every aspect of the book falls in line with the ethos of trying too hard to prove a point no one thought was very interesting in the first place. Read Full Review

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