Happy #1
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Happy #1

Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: Darick Robertson Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: September 26, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 31 User Reviews: 4
7.8Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

Meet NICK SAX - a corrupt, intoxicated ex-cop turned hit-man, adrift in a stinking twilight world of casual murder, soulless sex, eczema and betrayal. With a hit gone wrong, a bullet in his side, the cops and the mob on his tail, and a monstrous child killer in a Santa suit on the loose, Nick and his world will be changed forever this Christmas. By a tiny blue horse called Happy...

  • 10
    Read Comic Books - Roderick Ruth Sep 27, 2012

    Fans of Garth Ennis and The Boys, will immediately feel right at home with this series. Darick Robertson does some of his best work in this issue and is able to seamlessly illustrate Morrison's deranged story with the greatest of ease. Close ups and panels are gracefully done and visually resonate with every page turn. Grant Morrison's imagination runs rampantly fervent without any editorial boundaries in this first issue. If this is any inclination for what to expect in future issues for this 4 part series, then put me in a straitjacket and sign me up. I'm whole heatedly on board for this raspy, kick-in-the-balls Christmas story. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Modern Age Comics - Alexander Moser Sep 27, 2012

    Happyis a dark story, filled with half a dozen f-bombs per page, sex and violence. This is not a book for children. On the other hand, anyone looking to get into a great new independent book surely will not be disappointed. Count me in for issue #2. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Oct 1, 2012

    I'm not kidding, however, when I say Happy could be the crown jewel of your comic book reading experience this year. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Grant McLaughlin Sep 28, 2012

    The book closes on Happy yelling at Nick to "Pay attention to the talking horse!", and I would give you the same advice. It's still too early to completely understand what's happening in Morrison and Robertson's Happy, but it's definitely looking to be something worthwhile. Like the best Morrison books, it has its fair share of action-packed scenes, but there's a lot more to Happy than mindless violence, which I'm thankful for. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geek Smash - Sam Johnson Oct 6, 2012

    In Happy, Morrison brings flashes of his trademark weirdness to an otherwise dark mob world, and it looks like it's gonna be fun" Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    iFanboy - Chris Arrant Sep 25, 2012

    Will Happy be placed in the hallowed pantheon of Morrison classics? Will Nick Sax be as memorable a character as King Mob, Damien Wayne, Xorn or his other creations in comics? All of that is too soon to tell. But what I can tell you right now that this is a great comic whether you're a Morrison fan or not. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Behind The Panels - Richard Gray Sep 28, 2012

    Just as Harvest did a great job of building a tangibly sticky world before pulling the rug out from under us, so too does Morrison in this fully realised creation that is sure to keep us on our toes in the coming months. We really have no choice but to listen to the horse. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicosity - Matt Santori Sep 25, 2012

    As this is just part one of four for Morrisons newest (and first of a new string of, I hear) creator-owned series, its difficult to judge on its own merits without knowing for sure where it leads. As pay-off for the writers work usually comes in cumulative reading, this issue is very much just a set-up for what is to come. That said, you couldnt find a more beautiful take on a more dreadful set of scenarios than this first issue of Happy! If this were the last tale told of a dark-and-gritty bygone age, youd certainly feel like it was paid its due, respectfully and in spades. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    J.DubComics - J.DubComics Oct 16, 2012

    As a comic book fan I am not used to reading about blue horses named Happy. It isn't really my genre ( is it anybodies? ) However, I liked every panel he was in ( I am also assuming it is a "he" ), mainly due to Nick wondering if he is real or if he has just lost his mind. I am looking forward to their interactions in the next three issues, which shows that Morrison has done a really great job at selling this. It could have been horrible, but it's not. Plus the c-word was used quite a lot. What's not to like? Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Sep 26, 2012

    Happy #1 is a great looking book that teeters on the brink of typical Morrison madness. If you like your violence graphic and your donkeys blue with wings and horns, then Happy is the book for you. It's hard to tell where exactly it is going, which probably exactly what Morrison and Robertson want. Still, where ever it is headed, it looks to be one hell of a trip. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Blue Raven Comics - Michelle Felizarte Sep 27, 2012

    So, did Happy meet its high expectations? In a word: yes. It definitely has me intrigued and furrowing my brows, wondering where this story goes. And I just can't help loving the bizarre addition of a blue unicorn. I give this issue an 8.5/10. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Multiversity Comics - Michelle White Sep 27, 2012

    All things considered, “Happy!” may not be for everyone: it's abrasive and it's cold, going for shocks and jolts as well as a slower-burning sense of unease. That said, it's doing interesting things with the abrasive coldness, setting up a neat duplicity between what it seems to be about and what it could, potentially, be about. And knowing Morrison, there's a dense and multi-layered fable brewing here that's definitely worth seeing through. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Scott Cederlund Oct 1, 2012

    It's too early to tell if Happy is invading Nick's world or is Nick invading Happy's. Maybe it's even too early to tell which world is real and which one is imaginary because with Morrison's work you can never tell. With Darick Robertson grounding this story in a recognizable if vulgar world, Morrison can use his magic words to distract us with cursing and cuteness. He draws us into the story even if it's only to figure out whether the cursing or the cuteness is the true heart and soul of Happy #1. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comicville - Alan Smodic Oct 2, 2012

    At $2.99, you get seasoned comic veterans Morrison and Robertson producing a truly original piece of work. Simply put, you shouldn't miss out on this series and given the fact that it's planned as a four-issue miniseries, the pace likely won't slow down. I know I'm on board. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Addicts - Anubhav Dasgupta Oct 3, 2012

    You'd think that so many years of writing, creating and mind-f***ing would have dried Grant Morrison's brain, right? You'd be thinking wrong. This guy hasn't left the playing field yet and he's still got a lot of winning hits left. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jennifer Cheng Sep 28, 2012

    If "Happy!" #1 is an example of what readers will be getting more of as Grant Morrison makes an exit from DC, that's good news for this year and onwards. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Crave Online - Andy Hunsaker Sep 28, 2012

    The art from Darick Robertson is pretty solid as well, which makes the contrast between gritty, violent realism and Disney-fied Happy more fun. It's possible this whole concept will cross the line between clever and "clever," but for right now, Happy! #1 is a goofy blend of overblown crime drama with overblown cutesy fun. No telling where Morrison is going to take this one. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Bloody Disgusting - MelissaGrey Sep 28, 2012

    The level of perfectly-paced badassery in Happy! is more than enough to overshadow the books flaws and with a epically deranged setup such as this one, we cant wait to see what Nick Sax and the disturbingly cheerful Happy get up to next month. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Sep 26, 2012

    HAPPY is setting out to be something different and it succeeds in that. Morrison and Robertson hit the ground running and are not holding back in their storytelling. Even with a title like "Happy," the opening pages are as far from that emotion as you can get. We get a close look at the grittiness, violence and mature situations that are often associated with stories involving the mafia. Getting past the opening will bring you to a different type of story once you see who or what Happy actually is. It's hard to exactly pinpoint what we'll get in the rest of this series but there's no denying the interest that has been captured based on Happy's design. If you're looking for a comic that isn't going to hold back, Morrison and Robertson want to make you happy. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Sep 26, 2012

    A very nice issue".especially if you've been itching to see Morrison doing something a little more visceral. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    CHUD - Jeb Delia Nov 3, 2012

    I'm honestly not sure what to think about Happy at this stage. It has indeed become more interesting and I anticipate more deviation and playing with the genre in the two issues that remain. I can't say I necessarily like it, but as with so much of Morrison's work seeing it as a whole makes all the difference in appreciating and/or enjoying it. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Flip Geeks - Mikael Francisco Sep 27, 2012

    I suggest you go pick it up now – come on, let's read something that ISN'T about Batman or Spider-Man for a change. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Nick Hanover Sep 28, 2012

    But who knows, we're only one issue in. He could end up tumbling down some psychedelic rabbit hole next issue, and I'll be eating my words. As of now, though? A bit too boring for me. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Sep 28, 2012

    Happy is a noir, loose cannon, grim cop story with a bit of revenge as part of the plot. I really don't know if there are more, blue, talking horse-like elements on the way but the noir piece is pretty well done. This is a good set-up issue for what looks to be a violent, but quirky series. I recommend checking this out. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Zach Woolf Sep 24, 2012

    Having writers and artist creating entirely original stories that they can do whatever they please with is an exciting thing. Happy #1 sets the stage perfectly for what should be a bloody, foul-mouthed tale with a nice twist coming from the soon to be departed writer of Action Comics. If you are looking for a slightly different read come Wednesday try Happy out. At $2.99 an issue for a series with only four installments it's worth adding to your pull list. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics: The Gathering - lucstclair Sep 25, 2012

    I find with Grant Morrison, its give or take. I’m definitely a fan of some his work and I’m on board for this crazy ride of a series. As for Darick Robertson, his illustrations only enhances my appreciation for comic books. Read Full Review

  • 6.9
    Entertainment Fuse - Nicole D'Andria Sep 23, 2012

    Now, would this issue stand out if not for Happy the horse? Probably not. Without the bright burst of colors and other creative monsters thrown into the mix, this issue would be your standard action comic with an excess of cursing. The action scenes were entertaining, but that little blue horse will be the main reason I'm coming back for more. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Oct 27, 2012

    I always find demented stories with a Christmas setting interesting. Not because I don’t believe that bad shit stops happening during this time of year, but because I’m more fascinated by people that want there to be bad shit happening. The back drop of this story could be any time, but Morrison has chosen Christmas day. The story is an interesting return to independent comics for Morrison, but hopefully he’ll get all the needless swearing out of his system and focus on good story telling. Also I'm pretty sure that Santa Claus in the beginning has the little girl that Happy wants Nick to find... just guessing here. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Sep 30, 2012

    Given Robertson's involvement with the project and the hyper-violence that helps to define this property make comparisons to The Boys unavoidable. The first issue of that super-hero satire (and in every subsequent issue) was made palatable by one key character: Wee Hughie. He's a regular guy drawn into an ugly world by a tragic circumstance. His abhorrence was the reader's, and it helped the reader's transition into horrible circumstances while allowing him/her to keep one foot planted in reason. Nick Sax's world of mobsters, serial killers and hard-boiled cops doesn't offer that, and the dark and harsh elements overwhelm the wonder and fantasy that turns up in the concluding cliffhanger scene. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Newsarama - Vanessa Gabriel Sep 25, 2012

    With such a solid creative team, you think I would have enjoyed Happy #1 more. But I didn't. You have to be in to this sort of thing. I don't mean you have to be into Morrison. You have to have a taste for violence, filth and psychopathology, and make sure you have an open mind on the tail end of that. Then perhaps it is enjoyable. Maybe Morrison's intention is not enjoyment. If that's the case, then he wins. Out of some masochistic desire, here I am wondering what happens next. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Crux - Nick Verissimo Sep 26, 2012

    To me this book is a complete and utter pass.  Not since I read Brilliant #1 have I read a creator-owned book that left me so unfulfilled from one of my favourite writers. I guess sometimes Morrison just needs to write something crazy, but if no-one can rein him in, then I suppose this is the result.  Im still a Morrison fan, but I have no problem admitting that I wont be following along with the rest of this story. Read Full Review

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