Cells at Work! Code Black

Cells at Work! Code Black

Publisher: Kodansha Release: Sep 2019 - Aug 2022 Volumes: 8 Critic Reviews: 1
7.0 Avg. Critic Rating
N/A Avg. User Rating

In this new spinoff of the hit manga, a newbie Red Blood Cell is one of 37 trillion working to keep this body running. But something’s wrong! Stress hormones keep yelling at him to go faster. The blood vessels are crusted over with cholesterol. Ulcers, fatty liver, trouble (ahem) downstairs… It’s hard for a cell to keep working when every day is a CODE BLACK! THE CONTENT OF ADULTS There are trillions of cells in the human body, and they all have to work hard to keep that body alive. But what if that body isn’t taking great care of itself? What if that body smokes too much? Or drinks too much? What if that body forgets to use protectio more

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