Amazing Spider-Man #9

Event\Storyline: Spider-Verse Writer: Dan Slott Artist: Olivier Coipel, Giuseppe Camuncoli Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 5, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 32 User Reviews: 24
8.3Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

•  Superstar artist OLIVIER COIPEL (THOR, SIEGE, HOUSE OF M) joins DAN SLOTT to bring you the biggest spider-event ever!
•  When a force of evil threatens spider-characters throughout the multiverse, EVERY SPIDER-MAN EVER is needed to save the day!
Rated T

  • 10
    Comic Crusaders - Matt Deery Nov 5, 2014

    ASM 9 really is the a great opening shot for this series the main story is awesome and kicks things off in real style and has the potential to become another instant classic like Spider-Island, the backup story also provides some much needed information about the villains of the piece are and just what their motivations are and why they are hunting the spiders that niggles about placement aside make this an awesome book to behold that any fan of the Spider-Man franchise will be happy with. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Spectrum - Gabe Bustamantez Nov 9, 2014

    Dan Slott loves Spider-Man it is taking all of his Spider-Geek knowledge to hold down this much story. I highly recommend Amazing Spider-Man #9 is the perfect jumping on point for anyone that is at all curious about Spider-Verse and may have missed the Edge of Spider-Verse issues, or any other tie-in issues because this issue has everything you need to catch up. It provides the drama and the suspense to feel invested in the a story where Spider-Man after Spider-Man is murdered, this is the first, of hopefully many, big pay off issues in the Spider-Verse storyline. All the hints and teases start to take form in this story, which is basically a Spider-Man version of a "getting the team together" story. So, check this issue out and get ready for some big adventure with high end art. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Danny Wall Nov 8, 2014

    The Bottom Line: The slow burn of the Spider-Verse sub-plot finally blooms into full-plot here, and it's handled superbly. There's less action than I'd like, especially for an over-sized issue, but the key feature here is not plot but characters– and nearly all of our starring characters are allowed some change to interact, if not to have the spotlight. Beautiful art, engaging characters, high-stakes plot, definitive tone, and even overarching themes? This is an example of events done right. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    The Latest Pull - Ted L Nov 6, 2014

    This starting issue of “Spider-Verse” leaves me wondering when I can get more, and am happy to know that a new issue is out in only two weeks. This is a MUST PULL for any Spider fans, and possibly for anybody who wants to see some crazy action between universes and some intense villainy. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Comicosity - John Ernenputsch Nov 5, 2014

    Amazing Spider-Man #9really does feel like the beginning of something special that will celebrate the character of Spider-Man in the biggest, most explosive way possible. When you start thinking about the implications that the dimension hopping story may have on the greater Marvel Universe with Secret Wars coming up, and the scale Slott and company are aiming for becomes even more mind boggling. You can tell that this story is a labor of love from a group of creators that truly love Peter Parker, and Spider-Man in all of his (and her) variations. Believe the hype, Spider-Verse is going to be one wild ride. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Nov 5, 2014

    This is a fantastic issue that clearly explains all the players and stakes at play but also delivers good character moments and plenty of spider-ific art to go with it. Some might say it's a bit overloaded, but it's never boring. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Word Of The Nerd - Sean Ian Mills Nov 7, 2014

    Spider-Verse is off to a great start, based almost solely on the strength of the gathering of Spiders. Slott not only nails Peter Parker's down-to-Earth humor and humanity, but even when it's spread across several different characters, it's still so charming. Teamed with the ever fantastic Olivier Coipel, it really looks like Slott has given Spider-Verse his all, and I'm looking forward to seeing just where they take us. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge, III Nov 5, 2014

    After a long summer peppered with all sorts of mega-events and crossovers, Amazing Spider-Man #9 blasted away all the fatigue I had felt when it came to comic blockbusters. All it took was a big, insane story that was well-told and well-rendered on the page. Who would have thought, huh? Bits aside, Dan Slott, Olivier Coipel and Justin Ponsor (as well as the art team who handled this issue's fantastic backup story) make the most out of this opening issue, translating the character work that made the lead in one-shots so compelling for a wider audience and never letting themselves get caught up in the usual trappings of event comic storytelling. Even though it has been touted as this huge, universe shaking event, Amazing Spider-Man #9 just feels like a slightly bigger chapter in Spider-Man's life instead of an overwrought and undercooked blockbuster, and that's exactly how it should stay. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Stash My Comics - Josh Flynn Nov 10, 2014

    It's no surprise Slott does an excellent job of kicking off the event. He's mastered Spider-Man. The issue is equal parts fun and action"just what a Spider-Man book should be. Olivier Coipel and Justin Ponsor's art and colors add to the tone, alternating between whimsy and darkness. Their combined efforts make for an intriguing first chapter of the "Spider-Verse" saga, an event that could be the next defining moment in a comic run that is among the all-time very best in comics history. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Kalem Lalonde Nov 10, 2014

    After a few (in my opinion) ephemeral issues, Amazing Spider-Man has kicked into gear with the start of this event. My prognosis is that Spider-Verse will not fall into Marvel’s common trend of lackluster events. Slott has isolated all the Spider-Men to their own corner of the Marvel multiverse, allowing him to focus on our compelling heroes. The event if off to a fantastic start and given that this issue is mostly set-up, it’ll only go upwards from here. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Nov 6, 2014

    Right now, there's a lot of set-up and not too much action, but it's all done so well that your spider-senses will be tingling for the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Nov 6, 2014

    After weeks of memorable build-up, Spider-Verse hits the ground running. This event loses none of the appeal of Slott's ongoing Spider-Man work, managing to balance humor and drama and make the most of a concept that brings all the Spider-Men together for one grand adventure. And with Coipel making Peter Parker and his world look better than ever, there's a lot to love in Marvel's latest event storyline. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Nerds On The Rocks - Jonathan Schultz Nov 6, 2014

    Solid story paired with AMAZING artwork, though the pacing does feel a little inconsistent at times. Definitely looking forward to see where this little event is goes. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Superior Spider-Talk - Dan Gvozden Nov 5, 2014

    Amazing Spider-Man #9 is a great beginning to the "Spider-Verse" storyline that begins to put Peter back into the driver's seat. Now that the introductions of both the heroes and villains are out of the way, let the war begin! Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    We The Nerdy - Josh McCullough Nov 7, 2014

    Oliver Coipel tackles art duties for the majority of this issues and brings his usual incredibly high calibre of art. Its a much different style than were used to on the book, though one that suits the epic nature of this story. When the different Spider-Men start showing up things just look incredible; each version of Spidey looks visually distinct and interesting. No two Spider-Men in the same panel look alike, and each makes me want to learn more about that character. Camuncoli returns to Spider-Verse for the back-up story and his art looks just as great as it did during all the previous stuff, as Ive previously stated, his harsher style suits the nature of the story. There is also one particular section of this back-up story which I wont spoil, but will have fans pouring over for ages looking for easter eggs. It was definitely the highlight of the issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Good Kind Of Geek - Nikki Yuan Nov 8, 2014

    Overall, a great issue that starts the Spider-Verse event strong. I can't wait to see what's in store next, and this might be the first event I'm interested in all the tie-ins too. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Hyper Geeky - ClumsyG Nov 6, 2014

    The Spider-Verse is the real deal, and if future issues can keep up the urgency and deliver some great moments within the title, readers who're limited to just The Amazing Spider-Man won't feel left out. So far, Slott and crew have given us a great issue that's crammed with characters and their histories, and the multiverse of the Spiders feels so heavy it could branch out from the Marvel Universe for its own set of titles. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Chase Magnett Nov 7, 2014

    Amazing Spider-Man #9 is a slow start to a still promising event. Slott has shown before that he has a great grasp of how to make overstuffed superhero stories function, and Coipel and Camuncoli are more than ready to put their best work on display. Assuming the series only gains momentum from here, there is a lot to look forward to in Spider-Verse. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Nov 7, 2014

    The entire premise of this story is one that has a massive meta tongue-in-cheek moment: Look how many alternate Spider-Man stories we've done! Clearly the death toll is not final, and I'm afraid that some of my favorites (Spider-Ham, Spider-Gwen, and even Ultimate Jessica Drew) might buy the farm in this crossover, enough so that I might have to keep reading the entire thing. Amazing Spider-Man #9 finally brings all the players together and kicks off Spider-Verse in style with a well-drawn, engaging issue featuring characters I never thought we'd see again, much less care abou. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Nov 5, 2014

    Spider-Verse is here! Dan Slott has already shown that this is not going to be a walk in the park for Spider-Man or the other versions. Dan Slott is cooking up quite the story and Olivier Coipel's art is amazing in the extended first part of the issue. We also get a back-up with art by Giuseppe Camuncoli. That gives a total of thirty-four pages for just a dollar more than the regular price. If you're a Spider-Man fan, you owe it to yourself to check out what all the excitement is about. Even if you don't like Spider-Man that much, chances are you'll find a version within that you do. Spider-Verse is definitely going to shake things up for Spider-Man's world. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Therapy - Kevin Finnigan Nov 6, 2014

    The first part of Spider-Verse is a lot of fun, and shows a lot of promise for the event. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Therapy - Kevin Finnigan Nov 6, 2014

    The first part of Spider-Verse is a lot of fun, and shows a lot of promise for the event. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Nov 10, 2014

    "Spider-Verse" is off to a good start. We'll have to wait and see what Slott does with the idea that Peter Parker is the greatest Spider-Man in the multiverse. That's an intriguing title considering that we know that he isn't even the strongest member of all the Spiders currently assembled. Slott is doing a good job of keeping all the mysteries at play fresh in our minds. Olivier Coipel is a great fit for this event. His involvement is the shot in the arm that this title needed to remind everyone that this isn't your average Spider-Man story. I think it's easy to get caught up in the fact that there are so many different versions of Spider-Man featured in this book but it's important to remember that there's a larger story underneath it all. Slott's always writing for the long game and so far this one should be keeping everyone guessing. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Nov 10, 2014

    The overall strength in this issue lies in the fact that it is a crossover event with a purpose that has real stakes involved for the protagonists. The ending makes for a fascinating turn which should bring about some craziness in the weeks and months ahead. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Herald - Bill Zeiders Nov 6, 2014

    If you're a fan of Spider-Man at all, you should read this comic. This whole thing could turn sour at any moment, but, at least for one issue, I'm certainly entertained. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Nerds Unchained - Jeremy Radick Nov 6, 2014

    Even with my reservations, the cliffhanger we're left on is pretty thrilling, and I have no doubt that Slott and company are going to kick things into high gear pretty quickly. I'm very excited to see an army of Spider-people face off against this threat, and they've certainly done their job in communicating just how huge a threat Peter's up against. This issue might have felt familiar, but I can't wait to see where we go from here. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    Comics Recap - Sarah Wu Nov 15, 2014

    It begins to feel like a flash mob when Jessica Drew, Anya Corazon, Miguel O'Hara, Billy Braddock, and Mayday Parker all show up on the same city block. It's the first moment when this issue is actually funny. It only gets crazier from there " more Spider-People from other dimensions gather at a massive meet and greet in one Earth's Central Park. I'm not a fan of the Morlun premise of this whole Spider-Verse event, but it is fun to see these different Spider-characters interact. I just wish they could meet under different, Morlun-free circumstances. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    Comics Recap - Sarah Wu Nov 7, 2014

    It begins to feel like a flash mob when Jessica Drew, Anya Corazon, Miguel O'Hara, Billy Braddock, and Mayday Parker all show up on the same city block. It's the first moment when this issue is actually funny. It only gets crazier from there — more Spider-People from other dimensions gather at a massive meet and greet in one Earth's Central Park. I'm not a fan of the Morlun premise of this whole Spider-Verse event, but it is fun to see these different Spider-characters interact. I just wish they could meet under different, Morlun-free circumstances. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Matt Little Nov 5, 2014

    The checklist in the back of the book shows several titles that are designed to feed in to this crossover specifically and I'm hopeful that this is structured well enough that reading only "Amazing" will allow readers a full enough view of the action to remain satisfied. Slott has pulled crazier stunts with Parker and stuck the landing, so let's see where this leads. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comix I Read - Boris Roberto Aguilar Nov 6, 2014

    This story starts off with a bang. the Spider-Family is introduced and we should be seeing every Spider-Man possible in this arc. This could lead to a facinating story. This could also lead to a over exposure of characters. I am sure that Dan Slott will do a great job of balancing the Spider-Family and their appearances in this arc. I am really excited to continue reading this arc. The art is what really makes this issue stand out and as mentioned before, worth the cover price alone. I would recommend anyone to read this book as its a good jumping on point.  Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Luke Miller Nov 11, 2014

    But overall, I enjoyed the issue. I'm intrigued. This was a perfectly serviceable issue for to kick off an event, and I'd recommend picking it up if you are at all interested in Spider-Man. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Kliq Nation - Timdogg Nov 4, 2014

    Amazing Spider-Man #9kicks ofSpider-Verseby assembling our heroes and villains. The ending even takes us to one of the most popular Spiders to be introduced in recent memory. We have to assume there will be more twists and turns to come as the story progresses. And not every Spider will make it out ofSpider-Versealive. Read Full Review

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