Avengers / Invaders #3

Writer: Alex Ross, Jim Krueger Artist: Steve Sadowski Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 2, 2008 Critic Reviews: 4
6.4Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Jul 5, 2008

    Finally, we come to Cap and Bucky. I confess that I don't particularly have any feeling for Bucky. I always saw him as a generic sidekick shaped from a mold of a mold of a sidekick based on Robin. Cap needed a sidekick. This is the best we could do. Krueger and Ross grant Bucky resonance, if not his appeal, by displaying Cap's absolute faith in him. They also give him the last scene, and it's a doozie. "Call me Tony" gets his comeuppance through physics and his unfamiliarity with a symbol of justice. How poetic. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - J. Montes Jul 7, 2008

    As a stand alone issue, I enjoyed what I read, but I do agree with Kyle in that there's just too many characters and too little happening. This is the same problem that's plaguing Kreuger and Ross' Project Superpowers title (but on a much worse degree). Their next project really needs to be scaled down. Enough with the huge casts of characters and just work on telling a story, guys. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Jul 1, 2008

    The lack of jeopardy and ultimately inconsequential nature of this story wouldn't normally be a problem, but at this point, I think it's asking a lot for readers to invest in 12 issues of a book that doesn't feel like it's even managing to do anything particularly interesting with its core concept. Read Full Review

  • 5.8
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jul 2, 2008

    Given Alex Ross' involvement, I was hoping this series could at least impress on a visual level. Sadly, Ross doesn't appear to contribute much beyond cover images. Steve Sadowski's work is decent enough, even if he shows a far better handle on human characters than superhuman ones. Mostly, I just can't help but hold this book up to The Twelve, which aims for a similar look and tone. Unfortunately for Avengers/Invaders, it fails to measure up in any area. I'd tell potential readers to just hold out and trade-wait this series, but it's actually going to be more expensive to go that route. Instead, I'd recommend ignoring Avengers/Invaders altogether. Several current ongoing books are telling the same basic story, and they all seem to be doing it better. Read Full Review

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