King In Black: Captain America #1

Event\Storyline: King in Black Writer: Danny Lore Artist: Mirko Colak Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 3, 2021 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 13
6.1Critic Rating
6.7User Rating

Captain America is in a brutal battle to win the streets of Manhattan back from Knull's forces, aided by the Winter Soldier and the Falcon...but there's a darkness inside Steve that he's struggling to shake. Can his closest friends help him through, or will he succumb to the shadows? Danny Lore (IRONHEART 2020) and Mirko Colak (DEADPOOL, PUNISHER) join forces for a twisted and terrifying story at the heart of the war against Knull!

Rated T+

  • 8.0
    BGCP - Daniel Boyd Mar 4, 2021

    Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed taking a look at Captain America: King in Black for review. The battles that ensued in the issue, both physically and internally were fascinating to see unfold and the artwork complimented Danny Lore's well told story exquisitely. This is a series that I will definitely be keeping up-to-date on going forward. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Logan Moore Mar 3, 2021

    It sheds a lot of light on some of the self-doubt that one of Marvel's most iconic heroes carries with him. I'm not sure if this is a throughline that will continue in subsequent issues, but I enjoyed this first installment a lot because of how different it was compared to what I was expecting. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    But Why Tho? - Max Funkey Mar 2, 2021

    It did everything that a tie-in issue should do. It reinforced the themes and personalities of my favorite hero and his longtime companions. It had a clear and meaningful character arc, and it gave us some good-looking fight scenes. Read Full Review

  • 6.9
    Weird Science Marvel Comics - Dispatchdcu Mar 2, 2021

    The story was jumpy and confusing at times with some of the representations being almost out of character. For an issue centered around CAPS mental gymnastics, Lore made the issue feel more surface level. Overall, as someone searching for a strong CAPTAIN AMERICA story, I simply got more Falcon and Bucky than I anticipated as well as the entry-level course of what makes Steve Rogers CAPTAIN AMERICA. If your new to CAP and love KING IN BLACK, this issue is for you. Otherwise, Id pass this week. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless! Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson Mar 21, 2021

    In the scheme of things, King in Black: Captain America doesn't do a lot to move the story of Steve Rogers or the war with Knull forward. It's more of a character study, providing a new and interesting look at Steve Rogers in the face of such adversity. On the surface, Captain America is this square-jawed symbol of power and respect, but he's got doubts and insecurities just like any of us. The symbiotes brought all that to the surface, forcing him to question what he's doing. That's the hook for this. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Multiversity Comics - Rebis Mar 8, 2021

    "King in Black: Captain America" has an interesting Steve that is in line with what we are seeing from the Coates run but ultimately doesn't add anything new. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Nick Devonald Mar 3, 2021

    A tie-in that unfortunately suffers from being not essential reading to either King in Black or Captain America fans, this is one for die hards only. The story is entertaining in its own right. It’s an interesting concept of exploring the lasting damage of Knulls hold over Captain America, but ultimately feels like it doesn’t live up to the potential by being resolved in a one shot. It's there to flesh out King in Black and tells a self contained story which leaves it feeling a bit lacking when compared to some of the other tie-ins out there. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    COMICON - Richard Bruton Mar 26, 2021

    A truly terrible entry in the Captain America mythos, dull, ponderous, completely boring, and guilty of over-telling a paper-thin story.The score of two? Well, the art's not awful. Read Full Review

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