Spectacular Spider-Man #17

Writer: Paul Jenkins Artist: Humberto Ramos, Wayne Faucher Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 4
4.0Critic Rating
5.6User Rating

AVENGERS DISASSEMBLED TIE-IN! Spidey's life is thrown into turmoil as he begins to undergo a shocking transformation -- one that may well leave the web-slinger scarred forever! What is the cause of this strange mutation -- and how does it connect to the troubles plaguing the Avengers?

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jul 28, 2004

    Humberto Ramos has an interesting style that lends itself well to the action scenes, as this issue's shots of Spider-Man moving through the city are well presented, with a nice sense of imagination as the character twists and turns through the air. There's also a nice moody sequence in the latter half of the issue where the villain's back-story is revealed, and the surprise factor of the last page reveal is well done. However, the talking heads scenes are quite distracting as the lantern jaws and bug eyes are visually jarring, and the uproarious laughter panel had me going back to read the conversation again, to see if I had missed side-splitting moment of comedy. Read Full Review

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