Thor #64

Writer: Dan Jurgens Artist: Paco Medina Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

SPIRAL PART 5 With the Pope prepared to denounce Lord Thor and his Thorists, Loki makes moves behind the scenes to further incite violence and discord. Fear of Thor continues to increase and catastrophe awaits all...

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jun 11, 2003

    This is probably the strongest issue when it comes to addressing the idea of Thor's actions running up against the established religion of the world, as the conversation that Thor has with a Vatican official made for a pretty even handed debate, and neither side walks away looking like the bad guy, as both sides are allowed to express valid points. Now it's also clear that none of the arguments that were made, managed to make a dent in the opinions that these two entered the conversation with, but the discussion itself was well presented. As for the situation in the small fishing village, there's a couple of clich plot devices that kept me from fully embracing the material, and I feel the art tipped the big surprise a little too early, by having Loki adopt the same appearance for both of his identities, but overall the basic idea was nicely delivered, and the final scene of the young couple in hospital makes for a powerful closing moment that clearly tells us the situation has gone co Read Full Review

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