X-Factor #211

Writer: Peter David Artist: Emanuela Lupacchino Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 17, 2010 Critic Reviews: 2
7.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

It's a battle royale in the streets of Vegas, as Madrox and Longshot discover that sometimes the only thing worse than a plan that doesn't work is a plan that works all too well.

  • 8.0
    A Comic Book Blog - Victor Kutsenok Nov 24, 2010

    So let's talk opinions. I get my wish. Its all Vegas this issue. Action on every page. Nice large splash pages of action with limited verbal exchange between characters. The problem with this is that I want verbal exchanges. Peter David is a master of verbal exchanges. Its what sets this book apart from the rest of the X books. You always expect a laugh. I didn't get any here. At least the story is progressing nicely. Thor's appearance was no surprise as this is Hela we're dealing with. And the art was awesome, even with the limited amount of it that we saw. That's the best Hela I have seen in a long time. (Can we get to see her face every once in a while? That Galactus shaped helmet has to be tough to wear all the time. Her neck must be aching.) I hope next issue returns to the witty banter and blatant sarcasm we all have come to know and love. That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Nov 23, 2010

    Meh. I'm enjoying the Rictor/Wolfsbane story WAY more than this one, so I was a bit saddened to see that the Vegas/Pip/Hela story dominated this issue. The action was pretty good, the art was fine and there were a few funny scenes(as you'd expect from a Peter David written comic), but I just don't care about Pip nor Hela. I could expand upon that and say I just don't care about Asgardians period! Here's hoping the next issue ends the Vegas portion of the story, or better yet focuses back on the Rictor/Wolfsbane stuff. Read Full Review

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