Buffy the Vampire Slayer Vol. 3: From Beneath You

Writer: Jodie Bellaire Artist: David Lopez Publisher: Boom! Studios Trade Paperback: June 17, 2020, $14.99 Issues: 4, Issue Reviews: 37
7.4Critic Rating
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? Drusilla has opened the Hellmouth! With no time to waste, Buffy must do what any good Slayer would do -namely, run directly into the heart of the problem.  ? But where does that leave the rest of Sunnydale? As the town reels from the demonic effects of the Hellmouth opening, Xander, Willow, Robin, and Kendra, the newly arrived Slayer, must find a way to battle demons both inside and out, without Buffy to help them. Could this be the end of the Scooby Gang? ?

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