Steven Universe and the Crystal Gems #3

Writer: Josceline Fenton Artist: Chrystin Garland Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: May 25, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2
7.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

When Amethyst and Steven show proof of the glass ghost to Pearl, she recalls that Rose was the one who first told her the story.

  • 10
    Outright Geekery - Christopher Hitchcock Jun 2, 2016

    This has been a fantastic mini-series that fan of Steven Universe should not miss. The art continues to be excellent, perfectly capturing the show's style and charm. Also Lars is also attacked by the Glass Ghost and any story that has Lars getting hurt gets a ten out of ten from me. Because Lars is the worst and he deserves every horrible thing that happens to him. No really, Lars is the worst. I know we're suppose to hate Yellow Diamond right now, but really Lars is the real villain of Steven Universe and Sadie deserves better. Lars is a jerk. Wait, what was I talking about? Oh right, this series is awesome and you should buy it. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Bastards - Justin Wood May 25, 2016

    While I appreciate a lot of Boom's all-ages lines for being some of the better licensed comics from the major publishers, ‘Steven Universe and the Crystal Gems' highlights a lot of the reasons I tend to stay away from the miniseries companions to their ongoing titles; asking readers to fork over more money each month for content that often doesn't provide more bang for the buck or stories that benefit or require what should be a highlight format. The miniseries format should be where the property can take some risks aesthetically or narratively, but having worked in a comic shop, I've seen titles like the ‘Adventure Time' minis consolidated into one shapeless stack of unsold issues, treated like comic shelf clutter. This comic isn't bad, but with so many titles fighting for shelf space out there, I can't say I blame comic shop owners when these books get lost in the shuffle. Read Full Review

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