Mirrors Edge: Exordium #6

Writer: Christofer Emgard Artist: Daniele Di Nicuolo Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: February 10, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2
7.2Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Faith's skills are pushed to their limit as a questionable job pits her against a desperate fellow runner. Faced with an impossible choice, the woman who leaps without looking will finally have to decide where she lands. This breathless conclusion to the prequel saga leads directly into Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst, February's highly anticipated game!

o The final issue leads directly into the events of the new Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst game!

o Scripted by the writer of the upcoming game!

  • 9.5
    Outright Geekery - Rahmaan Adedoyin Feb 8, 2016

    By Issue #6 Faith is left with a hard choice to make. Having been turned away by Noah and under a strict time limit by Dogen, Faith has no other option but to fend for her self and basically break the runners' code. By issues end there are more questions, answers, and hints to another story arc. Expect big things from Mirrors Edge in 2016! Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Feb 10, 2016

    Mirror's Edge: Exordium has had its moments, especially early on with some of its visuals, as it has an interesting world to present and a lot that it can say about corporatism, social aspects and more. But it doesn't really want to get into that since it's all about setting up Faith for the game and her true story there. What we get here is a decent enough setup but it doesn't actually make me like her or root for her, and in a lot of ways I don't even understand her because of the terrible choice she made that put her in this position. The book isn't bad overall but it's just drawn out and lacked the kind of tighter focus it needed. It really needed to exist on its own and not serve primarily as a primer for Faith of the game, but that was all it was going to be about and it didn't stretch enough from there to be more. Which is unfortunate as it had the potential. Read Full Review

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