Rebels #3

Writer: Brian Wood Artist: Andrea Mutti Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: June 10, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5
7.0Critic Rating
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Join the fight for freedom!
Following the events on Lake Champlain, Seth’s long walk home is juxtaposed with a similar trial from his youth, when an unforeseen accident pitted a young Seth against both the harsh elements and his father’s harsher expectations.

  • 9.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Jun 10, 2015

    While Rebels may not make a lot of forward motion in the cause of the revolution itself, what we do get is some strong material showing the formative years for Seth and more of the complicated relationship with his father and his family in general. There's a great starkness to it that's played out well here and it's thoroughly engaging to read and watch it unfold. Playing that against what we get in the present as he returns home, first giving us some great time with Mercy that explores her situation, it all adds up to a really engaging work that deals with the mundane side of existence at the time and the opening salvos of the larger war that's beginning to capture more attention – and complicating relationships between those that feel they have a stake in it and those that just want to mind their own business. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Brady Steele Jun 10, 2015

    I'll admit I was not overwhelmed with the first issue of Rebels. I've never been a big fan of American history since I'm not from there. Wood and Mutti are doing a very good job of making me interested in how America came to be. I should know better to doubt Wood's storytelling by now. I am happy to be wrong about this book and look forward to see how this intimate yet epic story unfolds. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Booked - Ian Yarington Jun 13, 2015

    I understand that not everyone is into historical fiction but if there is one book out right now that can capture the imagination of the reader through historical fiction, it's this book. I think one of the things that makes this book so interesting is the fact that it is historical, it makes the reader think about more than super powers and other typical comic book things. There is nothing wrong with super powers and supernatural things but the break from the norm and the content of this book is refreshing and I'm keeping it on my pull list until it runs its course. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Jun 10, 2015

    I hit that wall with this issue. I don't have any interesting in going forward with this series because it's now shown me what it can be when it's not presenting big action or historical moments and it's pretty dull. From the beginning this series has had to fight to keep my attention because of the genre it's in and while the first two issues managed to bring me back, this third missed the mark in keeping me. That and we kind of already know how it turns out. If I was invested in Seth and Mercy's relationship more I might want to see how it turns out in the end, but given what we learn in this issue" I don't really care. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Nerdophiles - Sam Wildman Jun 15, 2015

    Despite some good moments, I feel like this book would have worked better as an actual book. Don't get me wrong – I love the trend towards historical comics in general. But Rebels has been slow and rather disjointed as a narrative. Things that would have been interesting – like Seth evading the Scottish Rangers – were left out in favor of a random flashback and an impromptu meeting with Ethan Allen. Interesting tidbits? Yes. But I'd be way more interested if I was being told this in the written word and not as a graphic novel. I do like Rebels and Seth's moving down south to join the bigger fight may bode well for future issues. We'll have to wait and see. Read Full Review

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