Deathstroke #1
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Deathstroke #1

Writer: Kyle Higgins Artist: Joe Bennett Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 14, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 12 User Reviews: 3
6.8Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

"Friends die, family disappoints, but a legacy... That lives forever."Slade Wilson is the best mercenary in the DCU, and he's been doing this a long time. Some might say too long. But they'll learn: Never turn your back on Deathstroke the Terminator. He won't quit, no matter how high the stakes. Kyle Higgins (BATMAN: GATES OF GOTHAM) and Joe Bennett (TEEN TITANS) team up to bring you the finest in mayhem and gore.

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Roman Colombo Sep 18, 2011

    I'm hoping Higgins and Bennett can keep this up. Seeing a story from a villain's perspective is always a bit refreshing. I was also happy to see nomajor DC characters in this. Superman doesn't show up, Batman is nowhere to be found. It's all Deathstroke's show and no one else's. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Sep 17, 2011

    With the start of this series, Deathstroke is hugely accessible even with all the history he has because it doesn't try to work any of it into it beyond the basic idea of him being an assassin that has been increasingly sidelined. With that realization coming to mind, he's intent on getting things back on track. We get to see what he's all about here, how skilled he is and it's all done with sharp looking artwork, a solid amount of dialogue and exposition and a flow to it that is highly engaging. It's a book done with a sense of the real world around it, just heightened a few notches, making it the kind that you can get into easily and then to see it expand as it goes along. Deathstroke is a character that can mingle in the underside of the world but also mix it up with the biggest of superheroes and villains. Coming off the Flashpoint miniseries, I wasn't sure what to expect, but it hooked me quick and left me wanting more the moment it was over. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Sep 19, 2011

    I found Higgins story intriguing because he creates an enviorment where there are people actually dumb enough to doubt Slade Wilson. It's the ultimate slap in the face. I compare it to watching someone poking an alligator with a stick and you can't wait to see how the gator is going to strike. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    cxPulp - Adam Chapman Sep 15, 2011

    This is a pretty enjoyable issue, fast-paced and entertaining, however it does suffer a bit from the fact that the issue DOES read more like a one-shot than the beginning of an ongoing book. But for now, Higgins and Bennett have delivered an engaging and enjoyable issue, which is well worth the read. Recommended! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Sep 14, 2011

    No worries about Deathstroke going soft. Kyle Higgins delivers a mean, cold-hearted, brutal killing machine. This isn't the Deathstroke that got defeated over and over by a bunch of kids. He goes on a mission and will do whatever it takes to complete. There is some introduction to his character for new readers. It's described how badass of a character he is but his full origin or motives remain unknown to the newer reader. It's clear that he's a killer for hire. Whether or not we'll see any semblance of a human side to Slade remains to be seen. If you're looking for plenty of hardcore action and violence, this title featuring a villain will satisfy and sick and twisted need (almost) you might have. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Nuts - Jef Mendoza Sep 23, 2011

    Joe Bennett on pencils and Art Thibert on inks draw this issue pretty well. He uses good shadowing and expressions. Death on people's faces look like death. There are a few simple panels but the set pieces look grande. The colors by Jason Write are good as well using an almost pastel look. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Crave Online - Blair Marnell Sep 16, 2011

    However, this is the first relaunch title other than Action Comics or Batgirl that has me looking forward to the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Bin - Dan Horn Sep 16, 2011

    The action in Deathstroke #1 is fast-paced and dynamic, though this issue is surprisingly light on violence. Bennett and Thibert's artwork also seems too polished and neat to communicate the repugnance of this vicious character. Slade does do something pretty cold-blooded, which I can't spoil for you here, which definitely changed my perception of where Higgins is going with this title, and the briefcase mystery absolutely has me hooked. It's a cheap episodic cliffhanger, but it's effective. I'm in this series for the long haul, I think. Deathstroke may not be what I was expecting, but that certainly isn't a bad thing, per se. Only time will tell whether this series is going to be simply OK or maybe more than that. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    IGN - Erik Norris Sep 14, 2011

    Deathstroke #1 brings the badass, sure, but it doesn't provide much else to really sell this series to anyone. The book ends with an intriguing tease that could be enough to bring people back for issue #2. But I fear Deathstroke #1 is just too superficial for its own good. I'm not saying I want to read about Slade Wilson analyzing poetry and taking women on dates through the park, but I definitely want more than what was offered here. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    PopMatters - Shawn O'Rourke Sep 19, 2011

    The powerful-men-try-to-manipulate-the-super-assassin-only-to-discover-that-he-is-coming-to-kill-them-all story works in limited doses to grab fans, but it may not keep them. Hopefully the creative team will either break the series into tightly knit and focused arcs (like Brubaker and Philips' Criminal, or will find innovative takes on the action badass story (like Ennis and Dillon on Punisher) to keep us intrigued. Only time will tell but judging by the first issue it seems that the creators know what they're doing. We've taken the bait, now let's hope they set the hook! Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Major Spoilers - Jimmy Sep 16, 2011

    As much as I wanted to like Deathstroke, this series is really not aimed at me. If you've come this far in the review then you can probably make an informed decision whether or not you'll enjoy this book based on my description, but for my part I can only give Deathstroke two out of five stars. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Sep 15, 2011

    On the final page of the story, featuring a full splash image of the aftermath of the title character's murderous tendencies, across the top is emblazoned "DC Comics Proudly Presents Deathstroke." The publisher shouldn't be so proud of this effort. Read Full Review

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