Power Girl #2

Writer: Justin Gray Artist: Amanda Conner Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 17, 2009 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 2
7.3Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

As the Ultra-Humanite holds Manhattan and Power Girl hostage, he tells the parts of his origin that have never before been revealed. And what Power Girl learns chills her to the boneContinuing the new series from the fan-favorite writing team of Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray (JONAH HEX, TERRA) and artist Amanda Conner (JSA CLASSIFIED, TERRA)!

  • 8.4
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jun 20, 2009

    This issue leaves us anxiously awaiting the next chapter. Would it be wrong to suggest the title "Return of the Power Girl?" Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Bin - Andy Frisk Jul 19, 2009

    Overall, this series is looking to build on its witty, fun, yet strangely disturbing beginning. Thematically, its interesting, as theres more going on here than just a super hottie with a triple D bust line and a low cut, high ridding costume flying around and smashing things. This book would sell without the interesting theme anyway, but Power Girl's looks wouldnt keep the book selling over time (well, at least not a considerable amount of time). The costume works, so dont mess with it, and so does the storytelling so far, so hopefully there will be no messing with it either. Power Girl's looks will draw readers in, but theyll stay for the story. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Jun 20, 2009

    September Eleventh could not and cannot happen in the DCU. Quite frankly, Al Qeda's plot to destroy the Twin Towers would never have gotten off the ground in the DCU. That is because Batman exists. Basil Rathbone's Sherlock Holmes frequently thwarted Nazi Germany's potential wins against the free world. It's insulting to think Batman would not have succeeded in doing the same. Although inconceivable, even if Batman overlooked the stirrings of lunatics, Superman would have simply stopped the planes. Take Superman out of the picture, and you've got Wonder Woman. Preoccupy Wonder Woman, and Supergirl will take over. If not her, then Power Girl. Then, Green Lantern. If Booster Gold were the sole hero on the planet at the time of September Eleventh, then you have a convincing argument, but such abandonment is statistically unlikely. September Eleventh could not have happened in the DCU, and mentioning that tragedy took me right out of the story. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge May 6, 2011

    Power Girl started off fairly strong with the first issue but it excises a lot of what made it work in the second. The focus for half of it on the fight isn't bad, but it's not engaging through its layouts and backgrounds to give it the impact it needs. The supporting cast has a mild appearance and the JSA drop by for a double page spread just to show they're fighting out there in New York City as well, but it's all token appearances just to pay lip service to their presence. Kara's personality makes a few minor moments of this fun as we see her through the dialogue in the fight or her internal monologue, but that's lacking the kind of better than average writing we saw previously. Power Girl goes for the predictable here and while it's not bad, the opening issue offered up a lot more. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Jun 23, 2009

    "Power Girl" #2 is one beautiful book, but other than that, I'm a little worried. Good art can certainly boost the overall feel of the book, but the story here seems almost like an afterthought. Hopefully next month will get the title rolling again. This is a book I want to see succeed, but something needs to happen soon in order for that to take place. Read Full Review

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