Superman / Batman #49

Writer: Michael Green Artist: Shane Davis Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 18, 2008 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4
6.6Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

In "The Search for Kryptonite" part 6 of 6, The Man of Steel must confront an old friend who's harboring Kryptonite and threatening to set off "Kryptonite dirty bombs" around the world. Now, the World's Finest has to race to prevent detonation before Earth is made uninhabitable for all Kryptonians!

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Jun 23, 2008

    Superman/Batman #49 was a fantastic finale to what was an entertaining story arc. Green and Johnson have done a hell of a job on this title. Superman/Batman almost fell victim to The Revolution's dreaded axe before Green and Johnson arrived onto the scene. If you dig the big red S and the big bad bat then you will certainly get a kick out of Superman/Batman. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Ben Berger Jun 26, 2008

    This comic has a lot of action in it, and I was able to get into what was going on right away. This is a credit to both the writing and the art teams. The book's concluding scenes really tie everything together and speak volumes for the characters. I was able to pick this up, get right into it, and enjoy it without reading the rest of the series. I think that's as high of a selling point as anything. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Timothy Callahan Jun 21, 2008

    Readers looking for a classic superhero romp, with a bit of an emotional underpinning, could do a lot worse than this recent "Superman/Batman" arc. It's not outside of continuity, but it's also not caught up in the whims of the "Countdown/Final Crisis" mentality. It's plot-heavy, slickly drawn superheroics, and sometimes that's enough. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jun 18, 2008

    Rich and the podcast guys hit the nail on the head perfectly last week. With Trinity off to a successful start there's literally no reason for this book to exist. Were it not for some spiffy artwork, Superman/Batman would be a serious contender for DC's worst ongoing book. Read Full Review

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