Mighty Mouse #1

Writer: Sholly Fisch Artist: Igor Lima Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: June 7, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4
7.7Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

You're the world's greatest hero, exiled to another dimension with no way back.  Trapped in an alien world, where not even the laws of physics work the way they should.  The only person who even believes you exist is a young kid whom no one will listen to.  Yet, you're the shining light that this drab, cynical world needs to restore its color and life.  Oh - and you're a cartoon mouse.  Here comes Mighty Mouse to save the day, in his most unexpected adventure yet... right here, in the real world!

  • 9.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Jun 11, 2017

    I was more than pleasantly surprised with this first issue and can't wait to see what Fisch and Lima have in story for this series. I think the Alex Ross cover nails the story that's inside of this book which is an added bonus to a really great premiere. Well done Dynamite"you've "Saved the Day" for me with Might Mouse number one! Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Nerds On The Rocks - Earl Rufus Jun 7, 2017

    Mighty Mouse #1 is a highly relatable story to anyone who has been pushed around or bullied and found comfort in superhero stories, old cartoons, or escapist fiction in general with a predictable, yet status quo demolishing twist. Sholly Fisch, Igor Lima, and Pete Pantazis switch modes from bright cartoon idealism to harsh reality with ease and grace, and its worth checking out even if you have no idea of Mighty Mouses place in the pop culture pantheon like yours truly. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    ComicWow!TV - Huck Talwar Jun 12, 2017

    Mighty Mouse #1 is an awesome comic book that has a lot to do with modern day issues. It's a heartwarming story that I'm sure has a lot of fun to come, so keep reading! Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Jonathan Edwards Jun 7, 2017

    For a book with an Alex Ross cover, Mighty Mouse #1 is surprisingly average. It's execution is overtly straightforward, and it does little to actually get you invested in the story or characters. But, what's really discouraging is that there doesn't appear to be much of an attempt to use or reinvent the character in any meaningful way. You could swap in any cartoon hero, and it wouldn't change a thing. It's fully possible the plot will pick up in the next one, and as it stands, it's not really bad. But for now, I'm finding it hard to recommend to anyone except, I guess, any of the Mighty Mouse super fans (like Joey) that probably do exist. Read Full Review

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