Street Fighter X G.I. JOE #4

Writer: Aubrey Sitterson Artist: Emilio Laiso Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: May 25, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 2
7.5Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

The World Warrior Tournament enters the finals, and M. Bison will stop at nothing to be the last one standing! Can the Street Fighters and G.I. JOE stop the Shadaloo dictator before he takes the top spot?

  • 9.0
    ComicWow!TV - AD Boorman May 24, 2016

    Many times, storytellers in the medium of sequential art have managed to transcend the source material. Although there are far too many examples to list, Transformers Beast Wars: Code of Hero is the obvious example. Will Sitterson rise to that level?  Probably not.  Unfortunately, he was limited by a stock plot and six issues in which to develop it.  Still, this is a prime example of what talented storytellers can produce. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Flickering Myth - Gary Collinson May 25, 2016

    If you've been enjoyingStreet Fighter X G.I. Joeso far, then you're not going to be disappointed with issue #4. And if you haven't been enjoying it (but you've stuck with it), then I'm afraid this issue probably isn't going to do much to alteryour opinion. Read Full Review

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