Hawkeye #6

Writer: Fabian Nicieza Artist: Stefano Raffaele Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 2
7.0Critic Rating
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The secret of the Unity stands revealed as Clint throws down against 99 archers out to protect a secret that could change the world- a secret that Hawkeye must possess!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Loretta Ramirez Mar 31, 2004

    The story concludes in a light-hearted manner. Hawkeye says good-bye to his Myrtle Beach hot-tub friends (warning them to lay off the KFC); and Belinda Mathius, the storys villainess, is appropriately punished for her fanaticism. And in this end, Fabian Nicieza and Stefano Raffaele have successfully delivered a fresh and fun story-arc, at the heart of which is a fabulously spirited archer. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Apr 7, 2004

    The object that everyone was trying for in this arc is a bit disappointing in its ability to convince me that people would've gone to such lengths to get a hold of it, so this entire arc suffers as a result of this rather flat revelation. Still the big action scene in this issue was a lot of fun as it offers up a great showcase for all the various trick arrows that Hawkeye employs, and the issue does a pretty far job of showing us Clint's uncanny aim as he delivers a couple impossible shots. The opening pages of this issue also offer up an eye-opening moment as we join Clint in the aftermath of his brother's death, and in his grief we see he makes an unexpected discovery that serves to restore his faith in his older brother. I also rather enjoyed the scene where Clint suddenly realizes that the arrow that did get through was poisoned, as the shot where he hit the ground has a harrowing feel to it. I also had to smile at the scene where Hawkeye is detailing the effects of the arrow he Read Full Review

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