Nextwave: Agents Of HATE Complete Collection
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Nextwave: Agents Of HATE Complete Collection

Writer: Warren Ellis Artist: Stuart Immonen Publisher: Marvel Comics Trade Paperback: August 26, 2015, $34.99 Issues: 12, Issue Reviews: 93
8.1Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

RRRAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!!! Action! Excitement! Explosions! The Highest Anti-Terrorism Effort, or H.A.T.E. (a subsidiary of the Beyond Corporation©) put NEXTWAVE together to fight Bizarre Weapons of Mass Destruction. When NEXTWAVE discovers that H.A.T.E. and Beyond© are terrorist cells themselves, and that the BWMDs were intended to kill them, they are less than pleased. In fact, they are rather angry. So they make things explode. Lots of things. Starring Monica Rambeau (formerly Captain Marvel and Photon), Aaron Stack (Machine Man), Tabitha Smith (X-Force's Meltdown), monster-hunter Elsa Bloodstone and The Captain! If you like anything, you will more

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