Alfonso Arana's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Entertainment Fuse Reviews: 8
8.5Avg. Review Rating

If you haven't started to read this series yet, I highly recommend you start from issue one to get the gist of what is going on in this story, but once you make it to this issue, you won't regret it. To anyone else that has been following the series, this one is a must have. Not only did it continue to wow me with how solid and consistent this series has been as a whole, but it also gave me one of the biggest "WTF" moments I have witnessed as a comic book fan. Pick this one up today.

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So you did it, Johns. With one swift, incredible issue, you have managed to turn me into an Aquaman believer. Through some comedic moments, pretty intense action, and raw drama, you have hooked me into the world of Aquaman. If Johns continues at the rate this issue went, I wouldn't be surprised if this ended up being one of the best releases from The New 52. For all of you Aquaman fans-- rejoice! This issue will not disappoint you! And as for any Aquaman doubters out there, I say pick this issue up without hesitation. You won't regret it. Hell, Geoff Johns might just make a believer out of you too.

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As much as I loved this issue, I will remind you that this comic may not be for everybody. But as I also said, if you can stomach this kind of violence, you will most certainly be in for a treat. I may be saying my praises too early, but if Justin Jordan continues the comic at this pace, I could see it being one of the best mini-series to be released this year, and that's saying quite a bit.

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This series has delivered on all ends thus far, and I can't wait until the next issue. If it's anything like the first two, I can easily see this being one of the best sci-fi/fantasy epics to graze the comic book realm in a very long time.

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As Isaid earlier, this issue definitely isn't as jaw-dropping as the debut was, butthat doesn't change the fact that Aquaman #2 is still an excellent read foranybody who enjoyed Aquaman #1, or superhero comics in general. Withsolid writing by Geoff Johns, and beautiful artwork by Ivan Reis and Joe Prado,this isn't an issue to miss. Ladies and gentlemen, it appears that Aquaman ishere to stay.

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Allin all, Brubaker and Phillips end Criminal: The Last of The Innocenton a solid note as they complete one of (if not) their best Criminalarcs to date. If you haven't read any, start from #1 and read this.You won't regret it. And if you were a fan of the series, I don'tknow why you bothered reading this review. You should already know:Go pick this one up today.

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With another solid issue in the Severed series, it's clear that Snyder and Tuft mean business. The chilling cliffhanger at the end of #3 left me both terrified and wanting so much more. If you are patient enough to give Severed a chance, thenI highly encourage you to do so.From this issue, it's clear that things are going to start getting a little crazy--even crazier than before--and I simply can't wait to see what happens next.

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Although I wasn't a fan of this issue at all, I will say this: the ending was done extremely well. Theconclusion gave me hope that there is still a chance to get to see more of what I came here to see: a comic that revolves around Superman and his thoughts and feelings. If George Perez can manage to calm down with his script and let the artist tell some of the story, then Superman can definitely become a series worth checking out. But as for now, I wouldn't recommend it.

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