Andru's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: GWW Reviews: 2
7.0Avg. Review Rating

Flash (2016) #4

Aug 10, 2016

This is a great book, although I do not like to rely too heavily on investigation. I like to know what has already happened in the first few pages and I still felt a little lost and that is why I had to seek out issue 3. Overall I give the book a 7.5 based on the fact that it used a new concept that I had not heard of, "The Speed Force Storm" and a two new villains I haven't preciously encountered, "Black Hole" and "Godspeed", and a few new character such as Det. Heart, Dr. Meena Dwahan, and Dr. Joseph Carver. I am looking forward to issue 5 to see whether or not they catch Godspeed and how the Flash continues to deal with so many speedsters.

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Green Arrow (2016) #4

Aug 4, 2016

Lastly, I want to read comic books that make me want to read the next issue in that series immediately and make the next two to four weeks feel like forever waiting for said issue. There should be a hook somewhere within the 21 pages of the book I am reading that tells me, "this is awesome!" I did not get that with this issue. As much of a DC apologist as I am I was hoping for more of a cliffhanger at the denouement. A little more action, a few more lines, and less whining about not being in the Justice League. (They will call, keep your chin up brother.) I will read the next issue, but I am not as excited as I was in the past for the next issue while I was reading the Mark Waid run of the Flash in the early 90s.

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