bluefoxzero's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: The Comicbook Dispatch Reviews: 2
7.4Avg. Review Rating

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) Annual #1

Aug 9, 2021

As for the backup story, Jed Mackay handles these 5-pages extremely well. Additionally, I think it's safe to believe Mackay would do a phenomenal job writing Nick Fury and other super-spies in action if given the future opportunity. I was initially a bit skeptical in thinking there could be enough story with only five pages but theres an interesting anecdote in the making here. I might get the rest of the Infinite Destinies books just to get the other parts of Infinite Fury. This is truly what a backup story is supposed to do people.

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Savage Avengers (2019) #23

Aug 9, 2021

THE PREMISE AND STORYConan and his allies have all been mystically tainted by their recent battles with theevil sorcerer Kulan Gath in the City of Sickles. Yet, the cannibal wizard Kulan Gath is no closer to being vanquished.. Savage Avengers #23 opens with Dr. Strange exorcising the poison from the Savage Avengers, gained during the battle against Gath at the City of Sickles. Afterwards, Strange heads to a meeting with an old acquaintance of his.

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