BrandonReid's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Nerd Church Radio Reviews: 2
6.5Avg. Review Rating

Batman (2016) #20

Apr 5, 2017

 There wereaspects of this issue that I really enjoyed like the art was really well doneonce again, the fight between Bane and Batman was good for the most part and ofcourse, Bane. He's so badass in these issues. Then there's the confusingnarration by Bruce's dead mother. I feel like I missed something with thataspect. Maybe it will be explained next issue. But all in all I was kind of disappointed.As awesome as the headbutt was, is that really all it would take to take Banedown? Is it because Bane just fought his way through Arkham and is drained?Maybe. But still. A little more would have been nice. 

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Green Arrow (2016) #20

Apr 5, 2017

Loved this story arc. It's great to have Arsenal back withGreen Arrow and I really enjoyed his intense backstory. I thought the backstories were well written and everything was wrapped up in a nice littlepackage. The art was fantastic as well. The first panel where Vertigo isdrugging Roy and it goes all trippy, loved it. The art style was change or theway it was coloured just in that panel was great. 

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