browncoat1993's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Marvel Disassembled Reviews: 7
7.7Avg. Review Rating

Captain America: Living Legend #1

Oct 3, 2013

Adi Granov's art is both a blessing and a curse forCaptain America Living Legend#1. As primarily a cover artist, his work isn't particularly “sequential” in this comic. His figures are well-rendered, but seem static and posed. With the exception of one pivotal scene, they don't have varied expressions. However, Granov excels at the depiction of the tech in this book. The Russians' rocket mission is a slice of Silver Age nostalgia captured in a beautiful painted style. Granov also draws one of the best Captain America action scenes in recent memory. Cap's shield almost pops out of the page before splitting a German tank in half. This scene shows his shield and grace and is one of the highlights of an ultimately forgettable book.

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Ultimate Comics: Ultimates #30

Sep 12, 2013

As a conclusion to the “Disassembled”,Ultimates#30 is unsatisfying. The plot is predictable, and the art does a poor job fleshing out the action scenes and showing the impact the result of the fight between the Ultimates, Kang, and Reed Richards has on the Ultimate Universe. However, the ending pages of the comics and the humor that Fialkov sprinkles in keepUltimates#30 from being a complete bomb.

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Ultimate Comics: X-Men #31

Sep 18, 2013

Even though “World War X” is the biggest arc in his run onUltimate X-Men, Brian Wood squarely puts the focus on the characters and political themes that he is developing, not on balls-to-the-wall action. Each character has clear motivation, including the arc's villain Jean Grey. Martinez and Lucas' art help make the characters' feelings a visual reality while moving the story along at slow, yet steady pace. Chris Sotomayor's colors add mood and atmosphere to the story. For example, he uses dark reds and blacks to add tension to the scenes that involve Jean Grey and Jimmy Hudson.Ultimate X-Men#31 is an excellent chapter in what is one of the most unique and ground breaking recent X-Men runs.

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Ultimate Comics: X-Men #32

Oct 10, 2013

Ultimate Comics X-Men#32 has one flaw. A character makes her first appearance for seemingly no reason, except to move the plot. In Wood's defense, she does more than just act as a glorifieddeus ex machina, but this part of the comic seemed like a fast forward button to get to the last issue. The events is set up are intriguing, but the execution is lacking.However,Ultimate Comics X-Men#32 is another fine example of Brian Wood's character-driven, political take on the X-Men in the Ultimate Universe and has Martinez's best art of his short run on the book.

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Ultimate Comics: X-Men #33

Oct 30, 2013

In my reviews ofUltimate X-Men,I have said many good things about Alvaro Martinez's art, but he takes it to the next level in his last issue on the title. The fight between Jean Grey and Kitty Pryde is a true battle royale. Martinez has a great handle on Kitty's power set and finally remembered she can float on air. He also shows Jean's progressive relapse into her Phoenix persona. Chris Sotomayor's colors continue to add depth to Wood's script and Martinez's pencils. He captures Jean's rage by using dark oranges and reds and uses bright colors in the epilogue. All in all,Ultimate Comics X-Men#33 is a great ending to the best run on theUltimate X-Mentitle and provides some glimpses of hope after an extremely dark time for mutants in the Ultimate Universe.

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Uncanny Avengers #12

Sep 25, 2013

What keepsUncanny Avengers#12 from being a perfect comic is its slow pacing. There is some movement in the future timeline, but in the present, Scarlet Witch has barely moved on from her big decision at the issue inUncanny Avengers#11. The conclusion of the Apocalypse Twins storyline seems closer than last issue, but it is still a long way away. Despite these things,Uncanny Avengers#12 is a wonderfully drawn comic with interesting ideas and insights about Marvel's most popular (and broken) characters

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Uncanny Avengers #13

Oct 25, 2013

Along with its ideas and insights into major Marvel characters, Uncanny Avengers #13 is a visual delight. Daniel Acuna uses water colors to capture ideological conflicts through art. The Avengers Unity Squad wears the bright colors of superheroes while the Horsemen wear muted versions of their old costumes. Though it is not photorealistic, Acuna's art has a kind of energy that flows from panel to panel. His fight scenes are fluid and well-composed.

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