Chris Delloiacono's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Critical Blast Reviews: 2
8.0Avg. Review Rating

James Bond #1

Nov 2, 2015

In Norse mythology, the name VARGR means wolf. I assume that's a hint as to where Mr. Ellis is going, but I can't be sure. As cool as that tidbit is, it's a pretty lame title for a James Bond, well, anything. It's a similar mistake to the somewhat pedestrian opening, this is James Bond, you need to go bigger. I get that Warren Ellis has mixed literary elements in his story, but his chief structure veers more to the film side, thus his storytelling should too. Thankfully, Ellis clearly has a handle on the characters and structure, and that's the most important aspect of all. Still, I'm hoping he goes even bigger as the story progresses! In any event, I'm anxious to see the rest of this series, and hopefully more new 007 product from Dynamite. Come on guys, I want a Dr. No origin story!

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Shaft #1

Dec 4, 2014

Bilquis Evely brings the world to vivid life. She adds so much detail to this seedy, sordid tale. Her characters express a range of emotions and never appear static. Couple that with the colors of Daniela Miwa and the late '60s explodes off the page. Shaft's world isn't easy or pretty. Yet, all the ugliness is just so beautiful to look at. Artistically you can't ask for more! This comic is a bad mother....

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