Dave Pecci's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: GWW Reviews: 15
8.1Avg. Review Rating

Scooby Apocalypse #3

Jul 20, 2016

I look forward to reading more of DC and Warner Brothers team up comics including this one. I hope for this comic book especially that the true essence of Scooby Doo is retained and classic villains are brought back with a modern touch.

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Scooby Apocalypse #4

Aug 17, 2016

Great artwork, nice variant covers, lack of action, nothing new and exciting. Classic character making an appearance makes up for lack of a slow filler issue.

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Action Comics (2016) #957

Jun 8, 2016

Overall, I think this new Superman saga will grow on me. I wish the first new Superman Action comic didn't start off with Lex Luthor. I feel Lex has been featured in too many Superman movies and comics as of late.This is a rebirth, but it doesn't have to be a re-hash. I want to see writers push creativity to the limits and show us something new in every Rebirth issue. I feel this comic does a little of this, but could do more.

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Aquaman (2016) #1

Jun 22, 2016

If you are heading to the beach and want a great comic to read in the sun, then this issue will get you pumped up for another entertaining story Aquaman story arc.

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Green Arrow (2016) #14

Jan 7, 2017

The Green Arrow story arc right now is great, and there is plenty of action and great artwork to make the scenes come to life.

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Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: Pink #1

Jun 5, 2016

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Pink #1feels a little short, all though it transitions into the panels for some great pacing. I feel the end of the issue could have given us more content. Instead at the end of the comewe get advertisements and a preview of Lumberjanes Gotham Academy. I loved the comic's illustrations and loved the Power Ranger cameos and the way Kimberley is portrayed. However, without revealing too much, I feel the twist isn't that shocking or unique. Pink #1 offers us a great glimpse to the lives of one of our favorite Rangers but if you aren't a fan of the series you may find it lacking.

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Detective Comics (2016) #938

Aug 10, 2016

This issue shows the Batmen, that is the the soldiers wearing Batsuit-like armor, brutally murdering terrorists. Batman is disgusted that his image and technology is being used for selfish gain and tries to escape. Unfortunately Batman is captured again! Batman is nearly executeduntil his new trainees come to therescue and all hell breaks lose. Plenty of fast pacedaction scenes are fill in the next panels and Batwomen finally confronts Colonel Kane about his agenda. The aftermath of the conversation is so good, that you will just have to read this issue and find out what happens next!

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Justice League: Rebirth #1

Jul 6, 2016

I especiallyliked how this issue connects in with the other rebirth comics. The Lanterns are forced to leave the Red Lantern crisis. However, I think this could also be a little confusing to new readers. Readers are left wondering what the events were before the alien attack. I am guessing these questions will be answered in flashbacks like how the issue flash backed tothe current Justice League members debate whetherto trust the new Superman. You will have to read the issue to find out if the members do decide to trust the new Superman. If you really like the Justice League or want toread a comic where the artist and writer are the same, then pick up Justice League Rebirth Issue 1.

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Superman: Rebirth #1

Jun 1, 2016

I hope to see New 52Superman come back, but I think having the older, original Superman take over isa nice twist. I think in coming issues we will really learn what Rebirth actually means and what it means for the mantle of Superman. Superman: Rebirth does has its flaws as itsuffers from a lack of new content as a lot of this issue is a rehash of previous events. I felt maybe five pages of flashbacks to Flashpoint was a bit much and current fans of Superman deserved a little more of a look into the future. More characters showing up would have been a nice additional teaser in the comic.That being said for the most part Superman: Rebirth #1 does its job extremely well, setting up the story with intense emotions and reminding us all what the S stands for.

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Cyborg: Rebirth #1

Sep 7, 2016

If you want to know more about Cyborg and his new nemesis and see the metallic man hold onto what little humanity he has left make sure to pick up this issue!

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Batman Beyond: Rebirth #1

Sep 28, 2016

Batman Beyond Rebirth #1 brings in the usual cast of Batman Beyond and sets up a mystery and action filled series! Be sure to pick it up as soon as you can!

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Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2016) #3

May 16, 2016

Overall, this issue is touching and has more tremendous artwork from Hendry Prasetya. The cover is eye catching and makes this comic an instant collectible and the variant covers aren't to shabby either. A little bit of action and tons of heart-felt moments are a welcomed change in the power rangers series. My only cynical opinion is I think the issue needs to give more time to other characters like Zordon and Zach, which have not given a fair share of panel time yet. I am looking forward to, hopefully longer and more heartfelt, action packed issues!

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Red Hood and the Outlaws: Rebirth #1

Jul 27, 2016

If you are looking for a good Summer read or want to learn who the Red Hood is and what he has become, thenRed Hood and the Outlaws: Rebirth #1is a must read DC Comic.

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Joyride #2

May 29, 2016

Joyride so far has done a great job at getting people to care for and understand what it's like for Uma and Dewydd to finally be able to make their own decisions and mature into their own adults. Lanzing and Kelly really want you to get a sense of what real freedom feels like. I am starting to feel Catrin will eventually want to become a new person with the kids too. To and Kniivila give us beautiful and fun artwork withinan engaging and relateable story. I would say anytime the plot contains kids escaping an authoritarian-ruled Earth, its a must read for all sci fi fans, because lets be honest, what sci-fi kid hasn't had this fantasy. Joyrideis one of Boom's Studios top comics right now and you will regret not reading this stellar comic.

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Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death #5

May 23, 2016

Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death #5 like its previous issues is full of amazing artwork whilekeepingGotham's darker undertone and theme. Clay Mann really brings every he can out of each panel and page, they are simply beautiful. Amy Chu keeps the storyfast pace and easy to followup with. The lighter tone of thisissue is a nice break from following Poison Ivy to following her three daughters she calls sporelings. In this issue, the Chudoes a great job portraying Ivy as a caring, mom with three rambunctious teenage daughters. Lastly on a personal note I appreciate that Chuend the issu by foreshadow who is behind this all but it doesn't feel like a cliffhanger, I don't like cliffhangers, so thank you!

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