Dave's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Book Herald Reviews: 8
7.8Avg. Review Rating

Avengers: Rage Of Ultron OGN #1

Apr 3, 2015

Rage of Ultron is a fresh reminder that he's one of the most talented writers in the game, and with Jerome Opena giving the book his personal sense of style of dystopia, it's a worthwhile read all around. Recommending Ultron stories for new readers before Age of Ultron (movie style) hits theaters hasn't been easy. Rage of Ultron changes that. Submit or perish.

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Thanos: A God Up There Listening #1

Aug 31, 2014

All in all, a fun cosmic throwdown, and an essential bit of continuity if you're interested in Thane following the events of Infinity.

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Thanos: Infinity: The Infinity Relativity #1

Jun 16, 2015

At this point, if you're invested in the Thanos Infinity Saga, Relativity is a must buy.

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Thanos: Infinity: The Infinity Revelation #1

Aug 13, 2014

A quick note for newer fans of Thanos. It's not entirely necessary, but I believe you will be able to enjoy Infinity Revelation more with a passing familiarity to Infinity Gauntlet and modern Marvel Cosmic. Starlin does a great job of seamlessly integrating his book with a long history, but you'll definitely get the most out of Infinity Revelation if the history is known to you.

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Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #1

Oct 19, 2014

All in all, Doctor Who: The 12th Doctor #1 is a fun read, and honestly feels like some much desired bonus footage of the eighth season. There's always the implication that there are so many more adventures we never see, and this comic does a nice job of elucidating one of those.

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Ninjak (2015) #1

Mar 24, 2015

Ninjak is off to a fast start! The James Bond-like spy atmosphere and hard hitting action you'd expect of him is here and we get the introduction of a new villain in the mysterious and violent Roku. I expect her to stick around for a while.

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Avengers: Endless Wartime #1

Oct 6, 2013

The first of Marvel's original graphic novels offers seemingly boundless potential, but frequently falls short. This is a fun, brisk read for Marvel fans who like the Avengers bantering in a room. It won't deliver much else.

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S.H.I.E.L.D. (2014) #1

Jan 6, 2015

Waid's story largely works, but the art and coloring in this issue is extremely uneven. It's frequently difficult to tell Agents apart, and there were several panels were I was pretty sure Coulson was talking but couldn't really tell for sure with the art. Likewise, SHIELD #1 from Carlos Pacheco feels very "house" Marvel style, which isn't surprising but perpetually disappointing when playing in the helicarrier that Steranko built.

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