Dennis Dudley's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Book Revolution, Geekality, Comic Book Syndicate Reviews: 16
6.6Avg. Review Rating

I recommend this book, as well as this series in general, to all the Popeye fans and readers alike. If you grew reading Popeye in the funnies or watch the originals on television, then you know what to expect. I am sure, also, that new and funny situations will come in the future for this revamp.

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Now the narrative and dialogueitself by Swiercynski is a plus, but I felt the artwork could have been a little more detailed as far the structure and composition is concerned to bring out the book more visually, but overall, the book is still a good read. Check it out to experience the showdown between Boxer and Godzilla going head to head, along with the other monsters.

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Dive into the book to solve these questions and more on the big battle between man and monster.

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Now I admit that when this particular series by IDWtriggered off, I was a bit skeptical about how the upcoming events in this book would portrayitself. As time as well as issues progressed, my mind state about it changed during each issue. Imean, the action that corresponds with the writing provided by Swierczynski, has been on myplus side of things since. He really put the infamous monster as well as the others in a differentspectrum beside the other adaptations connected to Godzilla from the past.

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I do feel that Hit-Girl does in a way bring new flare to the superhero genre. Granted, I agree with the violence being a bit too much as well as the obscene language. The issue as a whole is solid work as far as story-lines and structure goes. The art by Romita is one of those styles that I dig and it sucks you in visually to the story. Basically I'm saying if you want to know what goes down in Hit-Girls world, at least for the sake of it, its worth a read. Again, as a whole, Its solid and worth the time to check out.

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What is going on at “The beneath” with The Exile? I recommend, even if youre not a fan, to dive into this book. It is one of those adventures I wish I grew up reading as a kid.

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Wagner did a great job with the written part, as I knew he would, in making a fine plot towardthe story. The artwork from Snyder also came out smooth visually as well. So if you're a Zorrofan, this book is a good read. Very well written, great pencils and nice character additions to theZorro family. Find out what happens as he investigates the case in the issue.

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The creative team behind this series did a good job as far as bringing the story to life. The written part is well scripted, set up in a way where the story wouldn't bore the reader, which is good. The artwork by Patterson is a great contribution towards the issue as well as the colors executed by Nunes. I recommended this issue towards medieval fans as well as the general alike. This is a fine addition towards the genre.

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Shane did a great job on the written part as far as bring out a different style to the storyline as well as Chris contributing a more cartoony image towards the artwork.

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Now some of the original comics of the franchise had excellentstorylines and plots, but this particular series here is the cherry on top, so to speak. Mixing thecharacters from the '09 blockbuster hit along with stories from the original series was definitelya plus for the sci fi genre.

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If you can relate and have seen the episode, great, because the premise of this issue correlateswith that episode, or does it? You see, granted, that the original episode was amusing, tosay the least, this issue just ups the ante. It starts off with the awesome Captain Kirk and theEnterprise Crew on the planet surface of Iota Germinorum IV, battling mutant monsters andsuch, with our hairy friends surrounding them. After a bomb is deactivated, the crew is beamedback aboard by the talented Mr. Scott, only for him to also beam up (you guess it!) a Tribbleas well as beaming some down to Starfleet! Now the hairy fellows are replicating everywhere!What will the Enterprise crew do to solve the catastrophe? Will Scotty be reprimanded from hisposition? Dive in and find out the conclusion of this situation at hand.

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It was good to see Sally become one ofthe main characters in this issue because she (again in my opinion) brought a little more spunktoward the story and I felt that she was a great addition to the Rocketeer roster in general.

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A great read and I recommend a look-see to all lovers ofVoltron.

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The action and suspense involved is intense and will keep youglued to the story from start to finish. Check it out as well as a surprising turn leading up to theconclusion.

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The book itself is notreally my type of sci-fi fantasy in a sense, but it is a good read, so its worth the time. Dive in tofind out how the situation goes for Carter and his allies on the pursuit for Dejah.

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In short, (withoutspoiling too much) the book continues to parallel more of the things occurring in Tontos life, along with a Native American folklore, which provides extra alliance with the story as well. The action involved is a little intense, but nothing too graphic or gory in a sense that it where appreciate the framework of the story. Overall, I recommend this book to all Lone Ranger fans and the alike, as well as non-supporters too. The book is truly a must-have purchase towards your comic collection.

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