Ethan Petrie's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Rhymes With Geek Reviews: 2
6.8Avg. Review Rating

Mega Man #33

Jan 14, 2014

Overall this current incarnation of the Mega Man series is still going strong and is definitely a fan pleaser even if it was not a great ‘jumping on' point issue for new fans. For anyone curious about Mega Man I strongly recommend you pick up the trades and catch up on this fun comic. Final Score 7/10

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Legends of Red Sonja #2

Dec 5, 2013

As a whole this book was a good read and easy to pick up. There are a few things that don't line up though; one story was talking her up as lazy and the other talked about how ruthless she was as a fighter. It's hard to get a clear picture of the character from just one issue. Ultimately this book is a hard one to judge if you are a new reader, although it's not a bad book by any means. The art is nice and the three stories are written well " it's just hard to form an attachment to Red Sonja without the character being the main narrator of the issue. Overall they are not bad stories this issue just feels disconnected from the larger storyline and as a result a bit out of place. If youre a fan of Red Sonja then pick this up!

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