Eve's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: The Rainbow Hub Reviews: 28
7.4Avg. Review Rating

A-Force #3

Aug 16, 2015

Overall, A-Force #3 is a powerhouse of an issue, winding up its fist to sock the reader in the gut and then keep pushing. The writing is tight, with instances of serious meaning and lighthearted joy alike. The art is once again gorgeous, but really delivers in its clarity and variation in panel structure and use of open space. I have my reservations about the decision to kill Medusa, but I can only hope that future issues prove these reservations wrong.

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A-Force #4

Sep 13, 2015

A-Force #4 leaves me torn. On one hand, its plot reveal is incredibly predictable and offered us a glimpse of a potentially fascinating antagonist before ripping her away from us. On the other hand, it has some of the best art I've seen so far, and does include genuine moments between its characters that allow development and growth. It's limited by the scope of the event in which it's set, and it's disappointing how unsurprising its "big surprise" turned out to be. I'm still interested in where its story goes from here, but there's a lot of potential that issue #4 fails to live up to.

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A-Force #5

Oct 18, 2015

A-Force #5 is a satisfying ending to one of the best Secret Wars mini-comics Marvel has published, with powerful emotional beats ranging from fear to triumph to defeat to victory to grief to hope, and it serves as an emotionally satisfying conclusion to a story I'm excited to see more of when it relaunches in December. It's a great send-off for Bennett, who will not be with the comic when it returns, but Wilson and Bennett have proved to be a fantastic and versatile writing team with this book. I never did get to see the A-Force ladies going off to dethrone Doom like I wanted, but seeing so many beloved and often forgotten heroines in issue #5's incredibly well-crafted and realized battle against the zombies was absolutely worth it.

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All-New Hawkeye #4

Jul 26, 2015

If you haven't been reading All-New Hawkeye, it's still not too late to jump on board, as this is one series I have a feeling we won't want to miss.

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All-New Hawkeye #5

Sep 20, 2015

All-New Hawkeye #5 feels like the story took an abrupt turn onto an unfamiliar road, with Clint's extremely out-of-character actions in the present and the sudden time shift (or is it?) to older Clint and Kate. It raises a huge host of questions, both in terms of character continuity, decision-making logic, and even questions about who a character actually is and why they're even there in the first place. I can't help but wonder if this really was where Lemire and Prez intended to take the series (especially since Prez told the Hub in April that Lemire was working on a twelve-issue arc for All-New Hawkeye, and this series is being cut off after 5 issues).I've enjoyed the comic up until this issue, but all this narrative confusion leaves me frustrated with the comic rather than excited about what's to come.

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Black Widow (2014) #20

Aug 2, 2015

It's been an honor and a privilege to read Nathan Edmondson and Phil Noto's Black Widow. This book has been an incredible journey, and I can only hope to see more work from this remarkably talented creative team in the future.

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Captain Marvel And The Carol Corps #2

Jul 19, 2015

All the different pieces of the puzzle culminate in a well-crafted second issue that keeps the reader hooked and waiting for more, as we wait alongside the Squad to find out the truth about just what lies beyond the sky.

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Captain Marvel And The Carol Corps #3

Aug 30, 2015

Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps #3 was written by Kelly Sue DeConnick and Kelly Thompson, with art by David Lpez, colors by Lee Loughridge, and lettering by VC's Joe Caramagna.

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Captain Marvel And The Carol Corps #4

Sep 27, 2015

As I've said before and will say again: Carol makes us all want to be better. Better people, better friends, better leaders, better heroes. May we all be Captains in her wake.

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Hawkeye (2012) #22

Jul 19, 2015

Hawkeye #22 is a conclusion that fits in perfectly with the rest of Fraction and Aja's story, while still allowing the reader to imagine where it moves forward from here. It's simultaneously serious, humorous, heartfelt, action-packed, and tranquil, all paired with the artistic team's near-cinematic grasp of how to show a story instead of merely telling it.

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Ms. Marvel (2014) #17

Aug 9, 2015

Overall, Ms. Marvel #17 is a fun, enjoyable issue with the team-up of our dreams. It balances its tone between its typical quirky humor, sober reality, and the heroic maturation of its protagonist. Though it's sadly not in happier circumstances, it is a joy to finally see Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel join forces in the pages of Kamala's book, and I'm certainly looking forward to the Ladies Marvel laying down the law and rescuing Aamir when issue #18 arrives.

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Ms. Marvel (2014) #18

Sep 13, 2015

Ms. Marvel #18 is the penultimate issue of the current volume, leading up to a culmination of the incredible amount of love, time, and effort that's been devoted to this book. While I have a feeling that issues #17, #18, and #19 will eventually be best read together to fully appreciate the incredible depth of this story, issue #18 is a comic that everyone should read. It's honest, heartfelt, and poignant, but still manages to be true to life and bring a smile to our faces while we read. If issue #18 wasn't good enough, there's still one more issue left to go, and I have no doubt that Wilson, Alphona, and Herring will hit yet another home run with their closing issue of what's become an iconic series.

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Ms. Marvel (2014) #19

Oct 18, 2015

At the end of the day, Ms. Marvel is everything. It's a story about a girl who is given a gift and uses it to protect others, and it's also a story about a teenage Pakistani-American Muslim girl trying to navigate the world she finds herself living in. Ms. Marvel is a hero everybody needs, a hero where everything she does is out of love and compassion, whose friends and family and values are important to her, who fights to protect everyone and to be the biggest, best person and hero that she can be. She tells a story we all need and want to hear, and I hope you'll all be waiting with me until we hear her voice again.

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Ms. Marvel (2015) #1

Nov 22, 2015

Ms. Marvel #1is, as it has always been, a story about Kamala Khan, the people around her, and how she grows into herself as a person and a hero, with an added sprinkling of whimsy and romance on the side. It all culminates in a near-perfect recipe for a comic, and I'm excited to see how this recipe turns out.

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Ms. Marvel (2015) #2

Dec 27, 2015

Wilson takes what could have been a bad start for a new volume with the awkwardSecret Wars time-skip and turns it into a strength, letting the characters speak for themselves to fill us in as to what we've missed. Paired with a main character who, as always, is a person first and a superhero second, a host of interesting and relatable problems reflective of our own world, and a new, bigger, more threatening villain, Ms. Marvel #2 delivers yet another engaging and enjoyable read that leaves us wanting more as we turn the last page.

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New Avengers (2015) #1

Oct 19, 2015

Sadly, we can't dismiss the art from the story, and good grief, the art drags the story down. If I could rate these two aspects separately, I'd give the writing for The New Avengersa 9 and the art an absolute 0, but as it stands the art is enough to make my overall enjoyment of the book suffer. It's a great team and a great concept that I do desperately want to read more of, but if it keeps looking like this I don't know if I'll want to keep looking at it.

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New Avengers (2015) #2

Nov 8, 2015

Granted, this is not a formula that works for everyone, and it's likely not something that grabs new readers and compels them to keep reading. Again, I'm definitely a niche reader, but The New Avengersdoes feel like a bit of a niche book, and it might not hurt to allow the book some breathing room to fully carve out that niche for itself and its audience.

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New Avengers (2015) #3

Nov 22, 2015

This was an incredibly fun issue to read, despite my continued aversion to the art, and Ewing's writing pays off so much more when given the chanceto be dedicated to a few characters at a time. Billy and Teddy's excellent adventure in space will continue in New Avengers #4, and I can't wait to see what Teddy does as the new Space King Arthur. (It's a tough job, but hey, someone has to wield the magical space sword.)

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New Avengers (2015) #4

Dec 28, 2015

New Avengers #4 is a fun continuation of the King Arthur in Space storyline begun in the previous issue, and lays much more serious plot seeds for further exploration down the road. This smaller arc that allows a few characters more time as the focus seems to be working for this varied cast of characters, and hopefully we'll get the chance for a spotlight on different team members in future issues. The art is still a frustrating eyesore, which makes it difficult to recommend this book to anyone who isn't a devoted fan of the characters that make up the New Avengers team.

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Secret Wars (2015) #5

Aug 16, 2015

The vast majority of the issue is spent watching Doctor Doom experience things, have long conversations to clumsily shove in background information that would have been much more helpful before Secret Wars ever began, and order people to obey him without question. In the grand scheme of things, nothing happens.

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Secret Wars (2015) #6

Oct 11, 2015

With that in mind, why are you bothering to waste your time on Secret Wars anymore? Marvel themselves has told you all that it doesn't matter. It looks like this time, at least, we can take them at their word.

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Spider-Woman (2014) #9

Jul 26, 2015

While issue #9 of Spider-Woman may not be tied in with the greater events of the Marvel universe or even be some sort of high-stakes dramatic adventure, it's certainly an enjoyable, tongue-in-cheek read that glances at the reader and winks as if to say, "Who says you can't have some fun before the end of the world?"

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Spider-Woman (2014) #10

Aug 30, 2015

Despite the slightly rushed feeling, this final issue carries over the wacky, enjoyable camp of the B-movie story from issue #9 while preserving Jessica's new status quo that started with issue #5 and will hopefully continue into her new series. Though I have my own personal reservations about the new direction (mainly centering around the idea that Jessica Drew is a character who says things like "That is a baby. Now get it away from me"), I have a great deal of faith in how Hopeless and Rodrguez have brought her character through the past six issues and hope this new direction is preserved as they move forward.

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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #8

Aug 16, 2015

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl returns in October as her solo series relaunches. Squirrel Girl will also be a New Avenger alongside some Young Avengers favorites, Sunspot, and many more in the post-Secret Wars launch. We can only keep our fingers crossed that the entire creative team comes back to deliver yet another hilarious and heartfelt series that will once again be truly unbeatable.

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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (2015) #2

Nov 29, 2015

The second installment in The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl's second volume is a delightful romp through the oft-overused trope of superhero time travel, and it still comes off as a fresh and engaging take on an old favorite plotline. The juxtaposition of Nancy in the present and Doreen in the past helps the story unfold naturally, without giving too much away at once. Doctor Doom's appearance at the close of the issuesuggests we're in for aDoreen vs. Doom face-off very soon " or even one with Nancy vs. Doom " which I absolutely can't wait to see.

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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (2015) #3

Dec 27, 2015

It may not be my absolute favorite issue to date, but even a not-quite-favorite issue of The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl is a thoroughly enjoyable read. Time travel is always a fun concept to play around with for creative teams that are unafraid of potential time travel shenanigans, and I can think of no better place for said shenanigans than a book like this. With North's clever writing, Henderson's energetic and expressive art, and Renzi's bright colors, The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #3 continues the streak of being one heck of a fun comic.

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Ultimate End #4

Aug 9, 2015

Sadly, my love for a single panel is nowhere near enough to redeem the wide variety of problems found in Ultimate END. This is one comic that I will indeed be glad to see ultimately end.

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Ultimate End #5

Dec 24, 2015

Ultimate End ultimately wasted our time from beginning to end, and completely failed in its original purpose as a send-off to the Ultimate universe. I'm disappointed to see something so terrible come from creators who normally produce solid, enjoyable work, but this entire thing is a complete mess that only serves to raise a middle finger to the Ultimates universe before setting its crumbling remainson fire.

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