James Charlton's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Bastards Reviews: 19
6.3Avg. Review Rating

Bloodshot: Reborn #15

Jul 13, 2016

I confess to not starting this comic from the very beginning but this issue was fun and intriguing enough to make me go back and catch up. I've really missed following the extremely bloody and at times downright trippy exploits of Bloodshot as he shoots and revives his way through the battlefield that is his life in Project Rising Spirit. I'm rooting for him but our enigmatic hero's going to need all the help he can get.

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Cryptocracy #1

Jun 29, 2016

Is this book perfect? Absolutely not, it's positively eye-roll worthy at times. I read the first couple of pages and wanted to hate it, but like a fine wine it improved with time. I don't know if this trend will continue in the future and I've certainly read stronger first issues, but is it OK for me to just want to see more of the huge talking bear and pop guzzling alien? I think so but you'll have to decide for yourselves.

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Cryptocracy #2

Jul 27, 2016

My final complaint is that all those fantastic pop culture references and outlandish character designs from the first issue seem to have taken a backseat this time around. Those were some of the strongest elements! I implore you Mr. Jensen, please bring them back. You can have fun and tell your conspiracy tale, I promise. Saying that, I would like to compliment him on his excellent writing shown in the Journal of Farrel Fain on the final few pages. This was exceptionally well written and added an extra dimension to the story, shame it was relegated to end of the book. I'm struggling to find reasons to recommend this story, if you enjoy the genre then go for it, there's still a mystery to unfold here but is it one you can necessarily be bothered to stick around for?

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Detective Comics (2016) #936

Jul 13, 2016

The tantalising question of this issue is, who's pulling the strings of the Batmen? Could it be someone close to them? A nice little twist towards the end reveals the answer and delivers a juicy nugget of personal betrayal and disbelief. The story doesn't end here then, which is a limited success for this overall mediocre issue. Otherwise, I don't know if I'd have many other reasons to keep picking it up every month. If you're a fan of the series then you might really enjoy this issue, but for me it's a little more style over substance.

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Detective Comics (2016) #937

Jul 27, 2016

Finally, I am still in love with the art in this book. Martinez and Fernndez are a match made in heaven to me. The shading and textures are superb and help add depth to the story as it unfolds, even little details are not overlooked like the grizzly stubble on Batman's face after his time in captivity. Patrizio's colours help finish things off nicely too, at times they are quite bright and in your face, but only to serve as a contrast to the moodier, darkened backdrops. Finish this all off with the improved storytelling from Tynion and we've got ourselves a pretty decent book here folks. Fans of the series are certain to continue with it but I don't think it's necessarily strong enough on it's own to warrant your precious gold coins. Damn it though if I'm not intrigued about where this book might be heading, particularly with the League of Shadows lurking.

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Deus Ex: Children's Crusade #5

Jun 29, 2016

I would save your money on this issue and put it towards a sweet augmentation of your own some day instead, it might be a better investment"

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Faith #1

Jul 21, 2016

This book is fun. There's almost a little something for everyone. If superhero books aren't your thing, well, this isn't a typical superhero book so you might still want to check it out anyway. I went into Faith expecting to dislike it, but I didn't at all, quite the opposite in fact. It's not as strong as some other Valiant titles, but despite its attempt at levity, it doesn't compromise on action and flow. Things are easy to follow and there's enough going on to hold your interest, which is good because I was worried at the beginning that we could just have page after page of inner monologue and story preamble. Faith is something a little bit different and a refreshing change from some of the overly-gritty work out there so get your geek on and give it a go.

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Flash (2016) #3

Jul 27, 2016

If you're a fan of The Flash, you'll probably keep reading these new Rebirth titles regardless of their faults but there are others in the new lineup more deserving of your money. This is a story that could go somewhere but it's got a lot to show me yet.

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Indoctrination #1

Jun 29, 2016

Even if political books are not your cup of tea, I urge you to check this one out, you'll be glad you did. I know I am.

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Indoctrination #2

Jul 27, 2016

Like its title, this book warps your perspective, as you fall inevitably along the paths of our protagonists, you can't escape it. There's more in store for them, for us, but perhaps we're powerless to stop it…

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Penny Dreadful #2

Jun 29, 2016

The imagery in this book is powerful and the tension palpable as you flick from one gore soaked page to the next. Demons might await around every corner but that won't stop me from picking up the next installment…

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Prometheus: Life and Death #2

Jul 13, 2016

Things plunder along at a fairly obvious, unsurprising pace: soldiers get attacked by aliens, onlookers come to their rescue, etc etc etc…Sure the action panels are quite good but they were all flash and no substance. I don't feel any closer to these characters and don't particularly care what happens to them. In fact I'm more interested in what the Engineer is doing! Perhaps that's the draw of the comic, oh and there's a nice little reveal on the last page too that might make some fans excited. Unfortunately though I don't think any of this makes the comic worthy of your time. I echo the message of my fellow Comic Bastard reviewer and suggest you leave this one and pick up one of the many other fine examples of comic sci-fi instead.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws: Rebirth #1

Jul 27, 2016

As for the plot, well not a lot has been revealed by Scott Lobdell, yet. This is just the set-up, the stage upon which Jason Todd's story will be told, and what a stage it is. This is certainly one to check out, even if you're not a fan of Red Hood, or you are but hated the New 52 work, do yourself a huge favour and pick this one up.

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Rick and Morty: Lil' Poopy Superstar #1

Jul 13, 2016

Overall, this wasn't the best first outing for a new spin-off series. It was all a little dumbed down and cartoonish, perhaps this was the point but the TV show always had a bit more maturity to it. It was satirical and even thought provoking at times, despite all its obvious, wacky craziness. This first issue of Lil' Poopy Superstar doesn't quite live up to the show's successes, but it's still a world I enjoy to be a part of and the end of the comic made me at least a little curious to see what happens next. But only a little curious. If you were to pass on this series I don't think you'd hugely regret it, particularly with the much more excellent Rick and Morty comic series already in production. Go check that one out instead.

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Robyn Hood: I Love NY #1

Jul 6, 2016

Naturally, Robyn's latest resurgence in vigilantism attracts the attention of New York's criminal underworld and this is probably the one success of the book as it actually leaves you wanting more. Sure the origin is unoriginal and uninspired, the plot's been done to death a million times before but actually…I want to read issue two, perhaps for no other reason than creative curiosity. Have I lost the plot? Feel free to pick up a copy for yourself and set me straight but you might have a better time if you stick with one of the other established Robin Hood alternatives instead.

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Super F*ckers: Forever #1

Aug 17, 2016

Do not read this book if you want a cerebral storyline, richly laden with conspiracy, intrigue and Game of Thrones like battles. And don't hold out on future issues being like that either, they won't be. However, if you want a bit of a giggle with some gratuitous language in a book that dares to be provocative then give Superf*ckers Forever a look. If I may offer a suggestion though, read it in a secluded place! This is not one to be flicking through on the bus people. You have been warned.

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Supergirl: Rebirth #1

Aug 17, 2016

There are a few saving graces, however. I enjoyed the art from Lupacchino. She's experienced at drawing Supergirl and I think this experience shows. Nothing blows you away but it's pretty consistent throughout. The final page is nicely done and compliments the development in the story. In fact, it was this last page that helped save the issue for me and actually made me want to pick up Supergirl #1 in three weeks time. I think fans of the character will enjoy it. Of course, there might be a time in the near future that I decide this book isn't worth reading, but as our titular hero proclaims in her first issue:

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The Bounty #1

Jul 6, 2016

Having missed out on the bulk of Rat Queens, I for one am grateful for this new work from Wiebe. I think I owe it to myself to see this one through to the end and I think you all do too. Give Bounty a look and collect your reward.

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Weird Detective #2

Jul 21, 2016

This is a very grown-up book. The writing is a step above many others out there, including a number of Dark Horse's own stories. For those fans of H.P Lovecraft's twisted monster horror tales, Weird Detective will be an absolute must for you. Looking back there were even a few moments that reminded of Dick Tracy, those fantastic crime noir stories with all their bright neon suits and murder mystery thrills. The final result is one hell of a good read and I'm sure the best is yet to come.

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