Jay Bamberhil's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Geeked Out Nation Reviews: 17
8.2Avg. Review Rating

Black Science #7

Jul 30, 2014

Black Science looked like it was going to be a sci-fi, anthology type book in the vein of the old "Lost in Space" series. Instead, it has been so much more than I had imagined. It still feels like we have barely scratched the surface, and it's pretty clear the creative team has a plethora of ideas waiting in the wings. This is one of the most imaginative comics being published and issue #7 might just be the best issue of its short run. With this issue, I feel like I know the characters better and am invested in their survival. I can't wait to see what happens next, although I'm done trying to guess what I think. It's better just to hop on board and enjoy the ride.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #32

Jun 18, 2014

Overall, this was a transition issue, but there were details that made the storytelling compelling. I am interested in what happens next and in learning more about new alien races. The Psions were interesting in the past and Jordan has me on board to learn about the New 52 version.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #33

Jul 17, 2014

Overall, I think this is the best single issue of Jordan's run. The interplay between Kyle and Carol is believable and fun. I'm glad that the Psions have kept their driving need for knowledge in this incarnation, even if a lot of the rest has changed. The art had some really amazing pages, as well. I highly recommend this series, and this issue, to anyone.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #34

Aug 21, 2014

Since Justin Jordan took over Green Lantern: New Guardians, he has done a masterful job of creating a series that fits perfectly within the Green Lantern universe while writing a book that is very distinct and unique, making this book a "must buy." Issue #34 just didn't live up to the previous issues in his run. Its ending felt abrupt and even the inclusion of the Mother Box, while making some sense contextually, felt a little forced as we move into the crossover with the New Gods in the Green Lantern event "Godhead". There has been enough promise in this series to have hope that great things continue, but the ending to this arc was ultimately dissatisfying.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians Annual #2

May 1, 2014

If you have been enjoying New Guardians, this issue will be no different. There was plot advancement both in terms on this storyline and in terms of the overall direction of the book. Despite some flaws, it was worth my time and money.

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Justice League (2011) #31

Jun 25, 2014

Johns' Justice League has been consistently very good throughout his run and it seems like he is setting the pieces up again to continue strong. Doug Mahnke's pencils fit in nicely and blended well to what we had been getting from Reis. There were many pieces to the puzzle this month, but I continue to be on board for the ride.

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Justice League (2011) #32

Aug 2, 2014

Overall, even though I wasn't thrilled with this portrayal of the Doom Patrol, it was a good issue. The dialogue was good (especially the small bits we did get of the Justice League). Doug Mahnke's pencils were strong. I just wish that I was more confident that this will be a Doom Patrol that I can get behind. I like this well enough to keep reading and find out.

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Superman (2011) #30

Apr 24, 2014

The highlight of the book was the art.Ed Benes' pencils were very strong and I did find myself spend a lot of time looking at the panels. The cover, by Andy Kubert, is strange in that nothing remotely close to the picture happens in the book. I wouldn't recommend this issue in general, and it makes me look even more forward to Geoff Johns coming onboard.Overall this issue felt as though it had different writers (even though Lobdell is the only writer) because it was a hodgepodge of so many different stories and styles.

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Superman (2011) #31

May 30, 2014

All in all, it was an issue that started strong and got weaker as it went. It does help the Infected arc to move along some, which is good. The unpopular subplot with Lois was part of the book, but seemed more like a reminder than actual story. I'd recommend this story to the diehards, but the casual reader will probably want to skip it.

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Superman (2011) #32

Jun 25, 2014

It's been about 2 hours since I bought the issue, and I already can't wait until issue #33. This was a great first step into even higher heights for the Last Son of Krypton!

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Superman (2011) #33

Jul 24, 2014

This new direction for Superman is definitely more streamlined and that is welcomed. After issue 33, I like Ulysses even more than I did in #32. I can't wait to see the direction they take him because I honestly have no idea where this is going to end up. I am definitely still on board for more and can't wait for the next issue.

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Superman: Doomed #1

May 14, 2014

I bought this book because I read the Superman books and didn't want to miss a chapter. I wasn't expected much, but was blown away. This was an amazing start to what I hope is a great crossover. There was so much depth and detail, I can't wait to read more. I highly recommend this book.

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Uncanny Avengers #19

Apr 24, 2014

This issue stayed true to the previous 18 issues. The run is remarkably consistent. It's amazing Remender can keep basically the same story going for this long without it feeling tired. I am looking forward to seeing what happens once the team is sent back and what it will mean for the future of the book. As long as you can keep track of the characters and storyline, this is a really decent issue of a great book.

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Uncanny Avengers #20

May 30, 2014

This book is worth reading, especially if you have read the first two parts of the arc, but I am hoping Remender begins to bring it all back into a more cohesive package for the ending.

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Uncanny Avengers #21

Jun 25, 2014

Of course, it's not over (thank God). There are still many things to play out and questions to be answered (like what happens to Planet X next? What about Havok and Wasp's child? What will they do about Kang?) But for this one issue, those questions don't matter. Sit back and enjoy the ride because it doesn't get much better.

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Uncanny Avengers #22

Jul 31, 2014

Overall it's been a worthwhile series and the finale to the first 22 issues was gratifying. The thing I think I appreciated the most were the great character moments that happened in this midst of so much action. Great writers know how to make the real story happen during the action, but not necessarily be the action, and Remender accomplished just that in this issue.

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Uncanny Avengers Annual #1

May 1, 2014

All in all, it was a decent, but not great book. If this was the way that Uncanny Avengers was always written, I would take it out of my pulls. But, it's an annual, which are allowed to have a different style and be more light. I think many people will love this book, even though I didn't.

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