Jeremy Justice's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Outright Geekery Reviews: 6
8.2Avg. Review Rating

The writing is damned near infuriating . Staccato, it stammers, stutters and sometimes makes no sense whatsoever. The dialogue is as jilted as a Tommy Wiseau movie and oft times impossible to follow. You could almost believe that the books written content was the victim of a oor translation from Japanese manga"but it's not..I checked.

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For me this formula works because it reverse engineers popular fantasy tropes and by simply putting females in these traditionally male roles, turns them on there heads. The art is done with tongue firmly planted in cheek and serves the writing well . The cartoonish character designs is reminiscent of cult classic Elf Quest and allows you to enjoy the subject matter without seeming skanky. The writing was fairly clever and propelled the story with a swift, untangled pace.

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One issue in a run is not really predictive of its course but the foundation is here for a really good …maybe great return for Conan.

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The art is lovely and terrible. Well drawn but with faces that seem twisted and drawn in, like their souls. And the writing, blended with the art intrepidly, helps capture that banjo in the distance vibe. This chicken fried saga in the vein of Walking Tall is definitely worth checking out.

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All in all, a solid read. Great art, great color and great writing . But hey, what else would you expect from the team that put this together.

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It's hard not to feel a little nostalgic reading this. It definitely reminds one of old school comic strips, cartoons and Golden Key / Dell comicbooks. The art is lovely and nicely restored. The writing is clever and seems topical despite its age. They literally don't make 'em like this anymore.

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