Joel Crabtree's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comics Bulletin Reviews: 9
7.8Avg. Review Rating

Cyclops #1

Apr 7, 2011

EDITOR'S NOTE: Ray Tate also reviewed Cyclops. Read his thoughts, too!

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Jimmy Olsen #1

Apr 3, 2011

Jimmy Olsen is funny and self-contained--the way all one-shots should be. However, there's something more to the story than meets the eye. It is surprisingly cerebral as it dives into the thought process and all of Jimmy's little idiosyncrasies--which, for many readers, will be like looking into a mirror. In the way that High Fidelity resonated with music geeks (or geeks in general), fanboys might have the same experience with Jimmy Olsen.

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Captain America: The Fighting Avenger #1

Apr 21, 2011

While die-hard fans will get a kick out of The Fighting Avenger, the comic is easily accessible for casual readers, a fan-base that Marvel will look to tap into with this summer's release of Joe Johnston's Captain America: The First Avenger. It's an enjoyable comic that you could pack up and take to the beach -- a near-perfect read to kick off the pseudo-summer season.

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Ruse #1

Mar 19, 2011

Overall, reading the introduction to the relaunch feels a bit like watching Michael Jordan return wearing No. 45. It's a great first issue for the series to return with, and it's clear that Waid is going to fall right back into the rhythm. More than anything, though, I'm excited to see what the writer has in store for Ruse's future under Marvel. If Ruse #1 is any indication, we can expect great things.

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Ruse #2

May 5, 2011

There is a form to Waid's writing that has started to take shape: an intense opening scene; lots of mysteries, investigation and great dialogue to help move the story along; and a cliffhanger that will always keep readers coming back. That's not to say it's a bad thing, by any means. It works, and it makes for an incredibly enjoyable read.

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Hellraiser #1

Mar 29, 2011

Some readers -- even some die-hard horror fans -- will never be interested in Hellraiser or Clive Barker's twisted vision. For those who can stomach it -- or even appreciate it -- Hellraiser #1 is a worthy reintroduction to the series.

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The Lone Ranger: The Death of Zorro #1

Mar 19, 2011

Anyone who naturally finds themselves drawn to the legends of Zorro or The Lone Ranger will be enraptured by this crossover. Those of us who are lukewarm on these 19th century heroes, however, might only find a few sparks of brilliant storytelling in an otherwise played-out universe.

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Kung Fu Panda #1

May 12, 2011

Despite the disappointment in the Kung Fu Panda #1, I still cant wait for Kung Fu Panda 2 to hit theaters May 26.

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The Mighty Thor #1

May 1, 2011

Thankfully Coipel and Mark Morales create massive, colorful splashes that are definitely worth checking out. The way Morales fills the pages with tones that allude to impending doom from Galactus (reds, purples, blues etc.) is certainly something to behold. However, the writing on this issue leaves a lot to be desired.

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