Kaleb Hebert's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Bastards Reviews: 16
7.0Avg. Review Rating

Cyborg: Rebirth #1

Sep 7, 2016

You would be doing yourself an injustice by not picking up this Rebirth issue of Cyborg. Hell, I had the free preview copy, and I still went out purchased this comic for my collection. Hopefully, this series does not lose traction as it progresses into future issues and future story arcs. With a top-tier creative team and an outstanding first story line, one can expect Cyborg to become even more popular even amongst those that aren't familiar or previous fans of his pre-rebirth arcs. Do yourself a favor and check this issue out. Keep up the good work Semper Jr. and Pelletier.

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Deathstroke (2016) #1

Aug 24, 2016

As the same from the last issue, the art has been excellent. Fantastic character details and the environments are clean, and you can clearly tell where the character is. The movement of characters is captured very well, especially in the half-naked fight scene. Overall this was a good read, might be worth the three dollar price tag, but honestly could probably go down to two dollars. If you are a fan of Slade Wilson as Deathstroke, then definitely pick this issue up. I think the creative team behind this series is doing Slade justice and giving the readers a well-paced, action-packed comic series that can compete with being some of the better writing out of the other DC Rebirth titles

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Earth 2: Society Annual #1

Aug 31, 2016

All in all, this is a great first issue. Sets a good storyline for future issues to follow. If you are not a fan of the idea of having someone other than Bruce Wayne in the Bat suit, then I'd stay away from this series. If you can see past that then there is no reason you cannot enjoy this alternate storyline where Dick Grayson is taking on the responsibilities of the Batman. Last note, $4.99 seems a bit steep for this series. Maybe a price tag of $2.99 would attract more customers, but $4.99 would keep me from picking the issue up.

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Evil Ernie: Godeater #1

Aug 3, 2016

The art was a blurry textured style. There were many layers to the art but the blurriness seemed to take away the moment from some panels. There are a few parts where stopping to really look at the art had to happen just to try to grasp what it was that was being drawn. I understand that the story is dark but blurry art took a lot out of the flow of the story for me. Besides those few moments I was overall impressed with the artwork that Colton Worley did for this issue. He captured a demonic like style and each character really shined with detail. I particularly like the art for Ernie, you can see ribs, the coloring of his body, the way he glows, he just screams demon in every way possible. The art flowed very well with the dialogue as well, when it was meant to be evil the characters looked and spoke in an evil manner. You could really sense the emotion in each scene.

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Evil Ernie: Godeater #2

Sep 7, 2016

Overall, this is a fantastic series definitely worth reading. The $4.99 price is a bit glutinous, especially for a comic that is only 28 pages cover to cover. If you don't mind the price tag and are looking for a great series to start, pick up this issue along with the first issue because it seems like there is a lot of great things to come from the creators of this comic series.

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Evil Ernie: Godeater #3

Oct 5, 2016

Overall this is a fantastic series definitely worth reading. It is nice to read a comic that really is different from everything else out there at the moment. If blurred images gives you a headache then maybe stay clear of this series. The $4.99 price is still a bit much, but if the creative team gives the reader what they want then I don't see a problem with paying a few extra dollars for quality work. If you don't mind the price tag and are looking for a great series to start, pick up this issue along with the first two issues because it seems like there is a lot of great things to come from the creators of this comic series.

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Generation Zero #1

Aug 24, 2016

On top of a fantastic, creative story, the art was done by Francis Portela, stands on its own as being incredible. A wide range of bright colors used to show detailed environments and also capture the raw emotion in the character's faces. Same as the writing, there is nothing major wrong anywhere in this issue. If this duo of Francis and Fred keep up the level of work they put into this issue, there is no reason this can't be one of the top standout comics of August. I look forward to reading more issues of Generation Zero, and I highly suggest everyone else gets on board with this series.

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Generation Zero #2

Sep 28, 2016

Overall, this is one of the best comics I have read for the week and possibly even during the last month. This is a series that will be perfect for really anyone's collection. It is actually upsetting that this only comes out once every month. Although it is only a once per month issue, Lente gives the reader enough to think over during that time in terms of what will he throw at the readers next. It will truly be interesting to see if this creative team can maintain this standard they have set. If you are on the fence about whether you want to pick this issue up allow me to give you a boost of confidence, you will not be disappointed, especially if you have already bought the first issue. Everyone watch out because this is the future of Valiant Comics and that is truly exciting.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #2

Aug 17, 2016

The artwork was solid like the first issue. A lot of vivid colors and textures. The fights were displayed very well with excellent detail. I am not surprised that the art is solid, the entire first was excellent. To me, it is what really gives this issue the interest that would keep a reader interested. The dialogue was dry while the art was exquisite. I am looking forward to seeing what the artists do in the next few issues. If the dialogue matched the art this would be a good contender every other week for one of the better DC issues. Without the consistency in writing, this Harley Quinn series just falls short of being a good read. All in all, I would recommend reading this issue, but I don't think it is quite worth the $2.99 selling price.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #3

Sep 7, 2016

Looking into the future is something I don't do, but if I had to guess as to what is coming with this series, more dry humor, more incredible art, and an overall lack of enthusiasm. Save yourself the heartache and money and just read a spoiler for this issue, unless you in fact are enjoying the series. In that case, enjoy.

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Jackboot & Ironheel #1

Aug 17, 2016

I absolutely recommend buying this issue and even pre-ordering the future issues. This series will definitely be joining my collection.

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Lone Ranger / Green Hornet #2

Aug 10, 2016

If you are a fan of the Lone Ranger than maybe this is for you, but I personally do not enjoy the writing style of Michael Uslan. His story telling is bland at best in this series. Giovanni Timpano is really the reason I am giving this issue a score better than 1. I enjoy the darker style in most of the panels, giving the reader a sense of mystery. There are even pages with no dialogue where it is just action scenes. As great as the action scenes are drawn, they just don't seem vital to the story in any way. Sorry about being rather harsh, I just want people to be informed before picking this issue up what they are getting into.

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Sons of Anarchy: Redwood Original #1

Aug 10, 2016

The few reasons I am not giving this issue a 5 out of 5 is because of the lack of character development. New readers might get lost as to who the characters are and why they are important. The other is that the art wasn't quite top notch, again the dark eyes just took away some of the raw emotion that could have been there. Nit-pickiness aside, definitely give this series a shot whether completely new to the Son's or a well knowledgeable fan of the show.

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The Great Divide #2

Oct 5, 2016

Markiewicz does a great job bringing out the gruesomeness of death throughout the pages. He also creates a setting that is vivid and quite scenic. The creative team has truly created something original that leaves the reader wanting more. It would be an injustice to not let yourself enjoy something as riveting and gritty as this story. It is hard to say how this story can get any better, but there is no doubt that Fisher and Markiewicz will give every attempt at giving the reader a heart-pounding adventure that we have thirsted for.

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Witchfinder: City of the Dead #1

Sep 1, 2016

Overall, not a bad first issue, but this is likely to be a series I will not be continuing. It just lacks a lot of creativity and is far too similar to Sherlock Holmes. If you are looking for a detective story, then give this a shot. The price tag is not going to break the bank, so if you are curious check out the first issue and if you do not like it, then you are only out a couple of dollars.

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Witchfinder: City of the Dead #2

Sep 28, 2016

The art that Stenbeck gives is dark, gritty, and gives the reader a little ominous feeling. Stenbeck creates scenes that are fitting to the dialogue and is quite detailed. This is by no means a home run in terms of artwork or dialogue, but considering how the first issue started, this is a big step in the right direction. It is a bit shady whether or not this would pull new readers into it but if you are willing to spend the money and invest the time in this story arc, then it could be something that really takes off and turns out to be great in the future. This is a somewhat unique spin-off on a familiar Sherlock Holmes type story. It will be interesting to see where Mignola and Roberson decide to set themselves apart and create something truly original, but up till this point, there are too many similarities to many other stories that create a barrier when trying to read through the issue.

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