Michael Adams's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Word Of The Nerd Reviews: 5
7.8Avg. Review Rating

I truly wanted to enjoy this book. Various friends have tried to get me to start reading Valiant books over the years. I thought this would be the perfect place to start. The attention to detail with the artwork helped elevate this book from what it could have been. Instead of writing it off completely, I may come back for a second month to see how that artwork progresses. In the meantime, I am left with a book full of characters I just don't care for, in a story I just don't care for, in a universe I was really hoping to like.

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Overall I enjoyed this book, and I look forward to the next issue. With the Titans growing up and listening to those around them, I feel like real change is upon us. I have seen a lot of talking head issues of comics, Bendis is famous for them, and they can be a total bore. When placed in the right hands, they can still hold your attention. You can actually feel for the characters. This issue was a great breather for the audience after the last arc, even if it wasn't for the Titans themselves.

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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #23 is a textbook example of how a single issue comic should be written. Higgins clearly has a larger story in mind but has written it for someone who is new to the party. We get to see why the Rangers are special together and apart. We get to see why the monsters Rita creates can be memorable. There are new characters introduced that I would love to get to know more about. We get to see why the Power Rangers matter.

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Overall, I was very pleased with this issue. Drawing from real-life issues that are happening today, Seeley wove an engaging story. One fraught with the ideology of immigration and what we should do about it. All the while, I am impressed with how far Cruz has grown. When I last saw her, she was still trying to figure out her powers, scared of her own shadow. Now she is ring-slinging with the best of them.

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Doomsday Clock #3 is a great issue in what is turning out to be a fantastic series. I just hope Johns and Frank are able to stick the landing in the end.

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