Paden Wyatt's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comics Bulletin Reviews: 7
7.9Avg. Review Rating

Batgirl (2011) #2

Oct 17, 2011

Many of the superheroes in the DC Universe are hard to identify with. Unless you're a billionaire mastermind orphan, an alien from a lost race or a woman born of the gods, things don't always hit home. Yet, Barbara Gordon feels like someone that you've known your whole life, who managed to keep this tiny little secret from you. She's insecure, quirky and enough of a badass to fight crime. She sounds like a character that fell out of a Joss Whedon production. She makes mistakes and her humanity shines through, unlike many other current heroes in DC Universe.

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Blue Beetle (2011) #2

Oct 27, 2011

One difficulty in launching the New 52 reboot is trying to bring in and engage a broad new branch of readers with intriguing stories and easy-to-follow histories. Another difficulty is trying to safely retcon everything without pandering to new readers or cheapening the characters for veteran readers. The sophomore issue of Blue Beetle manages to have a decent storyline, but has a few problems along the way.

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Invincible #83

Oct 8, 2011

With the release of Invincible #83 comes a return to some old street level villains and character relationship interactions we havent seen in long time. This issue, which is in stark contrast to many of the previous issues, features relatively little Invincible and many of the side characters including a couple Guardians of the Globe.

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Jim Henson's Tale of Sand #1

Dec 28, 2011

Tale of Sand Reviewer:Paden WyattReview Rating:Imagine youre dreaming, dreaming vividly. Think of cultures clashing, and animals and townsfolk cheering. Jazz music is lively on a hot desert day, and you realize you're at a party. Surprisingly, this party is celebrating you. Its a going away party, and you're leaving. Oh, you didnt know that? Here are some supplies. It is time to go. An adventure is waiting.

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The Walking Dead #89

Oct 8, 2011

The Walking Dead #89 opens with a potentially unstable Nicholas discussing with Spencer and Olivia why Rick and the gang needs to be taken down for the safety of the community. It's been since before "No Way Out" an issue this human-on-human kind of intensity has come along. As readers of The Walking Dead know Kirkman has illustrated before that no character is safe. That's why this volatile issue is especially hard to read when it kicks off with Glenn stumbling into said discussion on the first two pages.

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #2

Oct 6, 2011

Following the cliffhanger of the first issue, Miles begins to sprint home and begrudgingly, not to mention accidentally explores his new powers. In #2 of Ultimate Comics Spiderman, transparency doesn't only refer to the opacity of our newly found wall crawler.

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #3

Oct 14, 2011

And so, Ganke is seemingly used as a surrogate for the audience. And surrogate he shall be, he's excited for his friend, has delusions of grandeur for the uses of his power and demonstrates his superhero story knowledge to coach Miles on what to do.

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