Patrick Rahall's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: On Comics Ground Reviews: 8
7.8Avg. Review Rating

The storytelling seemed a bit rushed, with several pages of the book centering on a story about Squatt and Baboo traveling inter-dimensionally and causing trouble by killing innocent Zords (as they are the size of Zords themselves) based on how they look. In my opinion, this should have been scaled back a bit to focus more on the monsters created by Finster, including a wizard named Boarlock and a creature named Karmadillo- an armadillo who knows Kung Fu. I would much rather know why these creatures are fighting with Finster against the Rangers than see the Squatt and Baboo story.

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I thought this had some good political satire with the visual representation of how conspiracy theories and misinformation comes about by people becoming influenced by whoever is shouting the loudest. I really enjoy Kyle Higgins' writing style and this has been a really fun storyline. I'm excited to see how this plays out.

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I love seeing what artists and writers do with the powers of the Green Lantern rings; we see Jessica Cruz conjure up a fish and slapping Bolphunga across the face with it. Because the Lantern rings are limited only by the wearers imagination, the same holds true to the people behind the comic. I really enjoy seeing what they come up with as offensive and defensive weapons.

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I really dont think Finster is withholding information about his creations from the Rangers because I think he purposefully released them into the world without knowing where they were going so that there was no way that the information could be dragged out of him. Given what we know about Finsters character, this seems like a logical, rational conclusion.

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The Proemthea addition to the storyline seems interesting and Im sure it will be a source of fun and exciting things in the future, similar to Qs inventions in James Bond. I look forward to seeing where this goes and Im equally intrigued to find out how Zordon came back so easilyif that even is Zordon.

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I enjoyed seeing Spider-Man attempt stand-up comedy (and fail miserably) despite the fact that hes consistently been one of the funniest characters for the past five and a half decades or so. The art was excellent and the character interaction was great. The title of the issue was a great pun on the Tinkerers exo suit, and Im a sucker for puns, especially when they come from Spider-Man.

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We learn a little bit more about the current Rangers government liaison Grace. As we found out in the last issue, Grace was the Red Ranger chosen for the mission on the moon to battle Psycho Green who you may also remember from previous issues. Where does her loyalty truly lie? Who is she, really? The last panel provides some cryptic clues.

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Some good action and humor. He does get to see some pretty substantial feats by not only Spider-Man but also Teresa, who actually uses a web-shooter in order to save Mason. Its very interesting to see the setups for the next issue; I cant wait for the Jameson interview with Spider-Man.

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