PorkChop Edwards's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: You Don't Read Comics Reviews: 12
8.4Avg. Review Rating

Armstrong and the Vault of Spirits #1

Feb 25, 2018

A dialogue-heavy story with little action, its still an interesting read. Humor blended with seriousness, and a slight jab or two at religion gives this book an awkward feeling, but not necessarily bad. With this being the first issue, it will be amusing to see how the rest of this story pans out.

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Iceman (2017) #9

Feb 13, 2018

Overall, the story and the way its delivered is well done. Easy to follow, and very fluid. If you can get past the perpetual squinting of most characters, this issue will make an enjoyable read.

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Ninja-K (2017) #4

Feb 25, 2018

Strong storytelling with a somewhat weak storyline, and illustrations that brings it all to life, Ninja-K #4 makes it easy to tell what has happened in previous issues leading up to this point. If youre looking for something easy to catch up on or start, it may be worth picking up. If youre looking for an engrossing story to hold your attention, this one may not be for you.

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Old Man Hawkeye #1

Feb 13, 2018

Unexpected characters, action, and a rather pissed off Hawkeye make this one book you should put on your pull list.

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Old Man Hawkeye #2

Mar 7, 2018

With solid storytelling and artwork to back it up, this series is still on a roll. It will be quite entertaining to see how some of the plot devices carry through on to other chapters of this title. So far, its a bit more than a slow burn, but not quite catching the neighborhood on fire. Certainly something to keep up with, though. It makes for a great read, regardless.

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Punisher: The Platoon #5

Feb 13, 2018

Firefights, yelling, cursing, and blood splatter grace the panels within this book. Then again, with Punisher in the title, would you expect less?

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Rogue & Gambit (2018) #1

Feb 15, 2018

With this issue ending on quite the cliffhanger, it will be interesting to see where the series goes. If the second issue keeps up the momentum from this one, fans of either or both characters will be chomping at the bit to see how the pair works their way out of the situations theyre put in.

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Rumble (2017) #3

Feb 15, 2018

This is a series that shouldnt be slept on. If youve picked up an issue, and put it back on the rack, do yourself a favor: go back and get it. Get all of the issues. Keep up with it. The consistency of writing and art, and how well both are done, will keep you coming back for more.

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Rumble (2017) #4

Apr 4, 2018

While seeming like a fairly short issue, going back and reading it again reveals that a whole lot goes on in a short amount of time; it doesnt feel rushed, however. The trio of Arcudi, Rubin, and Stewart remain true and on point in this fourth issue of Soul Without Pity. With this being the next to last issue of this series, seeing how they wrap it up should hold avid readers attention.

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Spider-Man / Deadpool #26

Feb 13, 2018

Solid storytelling and an old school flair on the artwork make this one worth picking up.

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Tales of Suspense (2017) #101

Feb 26, 2018

A fun little adventure with spies, explosions, and witty one-liners will keep the reader entertained. The art, although slightly erratic, captures the vibe of what the story is telling. If youve been following this series, the ending will make you want the next issue, post-haste.

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Tales of Suspense (2017) #102

Mar 20, 2018

With Barton and Barnes closing in on answers, the story is getting more intense. With a WTF?! ending, issue #103 will be one to look forward to if the writing, art, and color keep up with this consistency.

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